View Full Version : Curse/Voodoo Doll

09-07-2013, 10:50 PM
Going to take offers on this thing, while I love the hell out of it there has been some other things catching my attention that I'm interested in purchasing, so I need to get rid of some things.

a pin-covered burlap doll

You see a pin-covered burlap doll. It has beady black button eyes and a roughly-stitched red yarn frown. Its flimsy limbs have been stuffed with cotton. Sharp bone pins have been stabbed into its tiny body.

For those that don't know, it's a 3x per day attuning/cursing doll. It doe have a level spread in which you can use it up to, I think it's around 10 levels from yourself to which you can attune to others. It won't work on older people.

You can STAB the doll in many locations, and the person will feel it as well as the entire room seeing them grimace in pain and clutching the body part.

Aside from STAB, you can also PINCH the doll as well.

STAB and PINCH will work even if you are not in the same room, and it even works cross realms, so long as you attuned to the person and the curse is still active. The person who is cursed, will also have the curse spell listed in spell durations, which will tell how long he's attuned to the doll for.

>wave doll at fud
Your doll shakes for a moment and then falls silent.


You must specify which body part of the burlap doll that you wish to stab. Acceptable locations are: head, neck, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, right hand, left hand, chest, abdomen, back, right eye, or left eye.

You stab the doll's left eye with one of its accompanying pins, pushing it deep into the stuffing!
Fudwick grimaces as he quickly grabs at his left eye!

>pinch doll
You grab at the fabric of your doll and squeeze it tightly between your fingers. The doll glows bright red for a moment, then fades.
Fudwick flinches as if something just pinched him!

>You flinch as you feel a painful pinch out of nowhere!

>You suddenly feel a sharp stabbing pain in your left eye!

There is also a message when it has recharged for attuning.

Fudwick's doll takes on a pulsating green hue for a brief moment and says, "It's time."

It also has one or two zests as well.

You turn your doll over, checking its body for holes or tears in the fabric.
You check the pins to make sure they are securely stuffed into your doll.

Right now, I'm gonna take offers on it for the most part, and if one comes in that is good enough I'll likely take it.

09-08-2013, 12:19 AM
Does it have any effect on the other person besides the messaging?

09-08-2013, 12:21 AM

No incurred Roundtime/Wounds etc

09-08-2013, 12:28 AM
How did you kill that kid with it the other day? Or was Deylan just making up an excuse to hang you?

09-08-2013, 12:33 AM
How did you kill that kid with it the other day? Or was Deylan just making up an excuse to hang you?

I didn't kill the kid with it, just tortured the child. The GMs then saw a good opportunity to further the RP, and a small little story/RP bit ensued with it all.

Deylan eventually came around, talked to me briefly about the town, the children etc...And then I was sent to get tar'd and feathered. After a bit of that, the RP was still going on and I was kicked out past the North gate, bruised and battered but not dead.

Deylan then made mention about it's not over until a neck snaps, and that's when I got grabbed again, but this time to hang in the square.

It was a fun little time, got an RPA and all out of it too of course.

09-09-2013, 03:34 AM
Hahaha, that's an awesome story.

09-09-2013, 11:19 AM
Had 3 interested parties inquire more about this last night, still up for grabs ccurrently as nothing is set in stone yet

09-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Still up for grabs, I'll also toss in a few little odds and ends voodoo things too for the buyer, like the shrunken goblin head and a zested crows foot.

Hell, I guess I can even include the little Sorcerer, should someone want him as well.

09-10-2013, 01:52 PM
Here's another recent mini-event that occurred, this time with Orphan Pagalia. This is the end of it, after I tortured her a little bit with the doll....

A nearby goodwife screams, "Assault!"
You belt out, "Wasn't me!"
You have committed 1 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of assault
[Wehnimer's, Jail Cell]
Dirty walls surround you, and a metal-banded door blocks your only exit. From somewhere in the darkness, you can hear the sound of a creature moving about. You also see a pair of fruit-stained trousers and a fruit-stained tunic.
Obvious exits: none
You stand back up.
You belt out, "Let me out of here!"
You gibber incoherently.
You belt out, "I'm innocent I tell ya, it's all a plot by the orphanage!"
A burly fellow crosses his arms and peers out at you from the shadows in the corner.
You think to yourself, "Now, how the hell do I get out of here"
You say, "Uh oh.."
You cower.
The burly fellow comments, "Orphanage? Abusing children? That's...low."
You quietly say, "I come in peace, please! I wish to keep my dignity and other bodily parts in tact."

09-10-2013, 10:49 PM
I'll also entertain trade offers of equal value for this as well, preferably daggers, handaxes or other things for a warrior and rogue possibly.

I'm mostly good on containers now too, so I don't really need anything related to that.

09-11-2013, 12:02 AM
A burly fellow crosses his arms and peers out at you from the shadows in the corner.
You think to yourself, "Now, how the hell do I get out of here"
You say, "Uh oh.."
You cower.
The burly fellow comments, "Orphanage? Abusing children? That's...low."
You quietly say, "I come in peace, please! I wish to keep my dignity and other bodily parts in tact."

I see you left out what happened after this...Feeling dirty gai?

09-11-2013, 01:13 AM
I see you left out what happened after this...Feeling dirty gai?

No, I was luckily saved by the Judge and dragged out of the cell prior to any dirty deeds, done dirt cheap..

09-11-2013, 03:45 PM
Oh I'd also be open to trade this for a possible Mage, with a fixskills and Master CoL among other different things

09-12-2013, 10:47 AM
Why does it have a level spread if it can't hurt anyone/do anything? Does it work on people more than 10 levels under you?

09-12-2013, 02:15 PM
Why does it have a level spread if it can't hurt anyone/do anything? Does it work on people more than 10 levels under you?

I think the level spread is for only people above your level. As it seems to work for anyone below your train.

As to why, I'd assume because ICly the GMs made it like that so it wouldn't seem as if some level 1 newb created a doll, and was able to "Inflict" pain upon a capped person. It makes sense, but then it's dumb since it actually doesn't cause any wounds.

You have to think about RP on that matter and as to why a GM made it like that, then it makes sense sorta