View Full Version : a folded muddy canvas tent - auction quality tent

08-12-2013, 09:05 PM
Selling this item for a buddy of mine. Let me know if there are questions, as I have never used one.

An auction-quality tent. Holds 4 people. Immune to being knocked down by critters. Reduced roundtime to stand and fold.

Basically, stand it up in the middle of a warcamp, or OTF, outdoor rooms in the Rift, or any other outdoor area, and you have an invulnerable private room where you can cast spells. Use Mana Focus and Minor Sanctuary to mimic an earthnode.

stand tent
You quickly unfold the muddy canvas tent, pull out the stakes, and spread it all out on the correct spot of ground. After a quick moment of pulling and standing, a muddy canvas tent is upright and ready to go.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>go tent
[Yourname's Tent]
The interior of the tent is pretty sparse. A faint mildewy smell permeates the air. Bits of sand and dirt are scattered across the floor. You also see a tent flap.
Obvious exits: none
>go flap
[Upper Trollfang]
Fragrant evergreens cover the side of the ridge here. Years of battling the elements have stunted and twisted their growth as they cling to the rocks and rubble that clutter the side of the hill. You also see a muddy canvas tent, a lesser orc, a cudgel, some light leather, a cudgel and some light leather.

>fold tent
You methodically unhook the body of the muddy canvas tent from the stakes and fold it back up into a neat bundle.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Cash will be taken at $8 per. Credit to BriarFox for letting me copy/paste his sales thread!


08-14-2013, 08:32 AM

08-14-2013, 04:16 PM
Wonder what happens if you are in your tent in a war camp and someone else comes into said camp finishes it off and razes the camp. Weenie roast?

08-14-2013, 04:24 PM
and how does the tent respond to a void in the Rift sitting outside of it?

08-14-2013, 04:33 PM
If you would like to test either theory look me up and you can borrow it.

08-15-2013, 05:34 AM
I've used one recently in the Scatter, and while there aren't many outdoor rooms there, there are some, and it plays nice there.

08-15-2013, 08:37 AM
Thanks for that information and the bump!

08-15-2013, 10:28 AM
I've used one recently in the Scatter, and while there aren't many outdoor rooms there, there are some, and it plays nice there.

One caveat with the scatter and this. If you die, you are the only one that can fold the tent up for 25 minutes, after that it can be janitor'd or taken by another player. It can be sometimes quite a rescue up there, but this particular tent served us well while we borrowed it. Great item.


08-16-2013, 08:30 AM
Thanks for the info and another free bump!

08-22-2013, 09:32 PM

08-23-2013, 08:20 PM

08-25-2013, 05:05 PM
Just announced: No tent merchant at ebons gate this year.

09-12-2013, 08:06 PM
price adjustment

09-18-2013, 09:18 PM

09-25-2013, 02:10 PM
still for sale

10-01-2013, 09:54 AM
another price reduction

10-04-2013, 02:10 PM
And sold.