View Full Version : A sorcerer's fund raiser

11-02-2013, 08:58 PM
Dusting off the toys to get a bigger toy, auction ends when I reach my silver goal;
I have reached my silver goal, these items will remain for a while regardless until auction ends 11/8/13

1) a zelnorn buckler, ML +12/+13, zested - MB 30m

2) a razern and rainbow glaes knuckle-duster, UAC, +15, T1 ensorcell, HCW with FULLY unlocked GORE (named 'run-away miningcart) - MB 10m

3) GONE!

4) an undersized mithril sword perfectly honed to razor's edge, shortsword +35 perfect, ML - MB 15m

5) perfect white ora longsword +20 sancted - MB: 2m

6) perfect invar cutlass +22 - MB 2m

7) thrak hide bandolier, +20 fire flaring discus MB: 25m

8) a chisel-edged glaes dagger, +15 HCW, chronomage scripts (returns, 3x hurls, doesn't pull from hide) MB: 60m

9) a razern pitchfork, decent crit weighted, disarm returning 5x MB: 10m

10) an adamantine greatshield, +7, disarming MB: 10m

10) vultite greatshield, ML, +35, 2-slot fusion +10 TD, T1 ensorcell (b/c sorcerer) MB: 50m

11) longbow +30 2-slot fusion GONE

12) longbow +25 2-slot fusion MB: 5m

13) shortbow +25 3-slot fusion MB: 10m

14) a white hooded coat, Max L/D, holds VLA for serveral items, pocketed full-armor concealer GONE

15) a rainbow scarab covered miners pack, Max L/D, VLA 6/140, rub to 'change' description to a 'drab scarab covered..." MB: 5m

16) T4 hair bauble, raffle quality/fully unlocked, changes features and heavily zested MB: 20m
analyze, pull, push, tickle, remove, clench, nod, toss, shake, exhale, flip, touch, turn, wrap, unwrap, attend, wear, and weave it. and link (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?71294-Raffle-Hair-Bauble&highlight=bauble)

17) a matte black rolaren misericord, ML +25, ice flaring, crit weighted bandit bane, unlocked Dyhne zests (below) CB: GONE

18) ora full plate +10, moderate fire resistant (perm), VHDP (temp) enchant after pad is off, great for boil and those pesky secondary ball flare-ups - MB 2m

19) 6x fusion runestaff - MB 10m

20) 3x per day purify (1604) - fix bread, double blesses! - MB 15m

Precise information available for interested parties.

More may be added.

x3) an adamantine knuckle-duster, magical creature bane lighting, grapple flaring, 2-slot fusion, disarming(named 'fourth knock") - GONE

frosty white coat

11-02-2013, 09:08 PM
5mil on 14

11-03-2013, 10:22 AM
update with number 14 max capacity

The first thing that strikes you about the coat is the weight, which is about 100 pounds.

11-03-2013, 11:01 AM
update with number 14 max capacity

The first thing that strikes you about the coat is the weight, which is about 100 pounds.

I see you added holds VLA for serveral items.

Does that mean it only holds 5 or 6 items?

11-03-2013, 11:11 AM
it always said several items, and yes that sounds about right. for me it always worked during a hunt for that 75+ box or two though that didn't fit in my other already full containers.

Also worked for my rogue when picking locks, he cannot cast 403 and 404 in in full plate and all his other containers are full so he can wear a container just to hold his armor.

11-03-2013, 05:30 PM
2mil on #5 the longsword

11-03-2013, 05:44 PM
The concealers can hold 5 items max. No matter how deep they are. I have one like Rolf's, but I deepened it to 40lbs, and lightened it to 2. To leave it at 100lbs deepening, it has to weigh like 5lbs, which was no bueno for my gnome. Great items, considering buying one. Good luck on the sale Rolfard.

11-03-2013, 06:07 PM

It is 100lbs full 5lbs empty and holds 5 items and a free container for that 'last box' when hunting in a 'free' spot (worn over armor, not pin). Nothing more nothing less!

11-03-2013, 06:31 PM
a matte black rolaren misericord,
The misericord is forged from rolaren and sharpened to a razor edge. The blade itself is very plain and ordinary, fit for a thief or cutpurse to not draw any attention, however, the pommel is set with two brilliant frost opals formed to look like eyes, as if staring dangerously outwards,
ice flaring,
HCW or VHCW vs bandits fully

You analyze your rolaren misericord and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item contains mood messaging depending on flare type, and only has *a chance* to fire off ambient messaging every so often. It will also work for things like bless, elemental edge, and guiding light flares. This item is currently active and will do ambient messaging. You may PROD to make it go dormant.

When getting the custom settings altered, it works just like getting an EzScript done. You write the 1st and 3rd person messaging. The custom abilities are like cantrips or illusions. They do not cause permanent things to happen. They shouldn't cause forced actions or emotions to others either.

Changing the flares, padding, etc. on this item is subject to having the custom settings removed, unless the messaging is generic. If changed from ice flaring to fire flaring, custom messaging about ice would no long be appropriate. Padding, weighting, sighting, and defenders do not have default ambient messaging, but can have custom ones added and without the custom setting, they will never be ambient.

If you're unsure if you'll lose any of your custom settings, ask before getting any work done on this item that changes the flares, weighting, padding, etc. Wave messaging is the same for both 1st and 3rd person.

This has custom messaging for RUB.
This has custom messaging for CLENCH.
This doesn't have custom mood messaging.
This doesn't have custom messaging for WAVE.

You can tell that the misericord is as light as it can get.

11-03-2013, 06:36 PM
MB misericord

11-03-2013, 06:45 PM
also added 'minor' full plate with moderate fire resistance

11-04-2013, 05:31 PM

11-05-2013, 04:12 PM

reminder I may be able to offer enchanting/ensorcell on some items for sale here, contact me if you have any questions

11-07-2013, 07:43 PM
remove item
reduce price on hurling bandolier

11-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Goal is met! Thanks to all who helped me! If no further bids, auction ends midnight tonight!