View Full Version : a razor-edged vultite discus (+22 HCW returner)

09-28-2013, 04:57 PM
A razor-edged vultite discus

- 5x (+22)
- 6lbs
- vultite
- hurling returner
- able to be further lightened

mb: 17m
cb: 20m to Raelee and SOLD

Note: Will also accept cash bids via verified paypal at $11 per million

09-28-2013, 05:57 PM
Hurling review is coming!

09-28-2013, 09:09 PM
Where did this come from?

09-28-2013, 09:10 PM
2006 or 2009 eg auction I think

09-29-2013, 01:29 AM
Not sure of the origin myself. Came with some items I bought when Lucos retired.

Grim Reaper
09-29-2013, 06:39 AM
Where did this come from?

Nilandia's site indicates the following:

Foehn's Promise December of 2005

a razor-edged vultite discus

4x-5x, thrown, discus base, seems heavy crit weighted, 75/235, will not reveal the user from hiding, returner

Won by Nubunga

09-29-2013, 06:54 AM
Nilandia's site indicates the following:

Foehn's Promise December of 2005

a razor-edged vultite discus

4x-5x, thrown, discus base, seems heavy crit weighted, 75/235, will not reveal the user from hiding, returner

Won by Nubunga

It was December 2005. I specifically remember that item from the auction because it generated a fuss after the auctioneer mistakenly implied that it would never knock the user from hiding. When he said that, practically everybody in attendance bid a token. Later, the winner learned that it does not automatically reveal the user from hiding, apparently just like other hurled weapons.

Corinthar picks up a razor-edged vultite discus from the chest and places it on the table.

Corinthar says, "The discus is an edged weapon..."

Corinthar says, "It hits with heavy critical and has been enchanted over 4 times."

Corinthar says, "Indeed, it will return when thrown."

Corinthar says, "As an added bonus, it will not reveal the user from hiding."

Corinthar *BANGS* his gavel! "The bidding is now open for lot number 107: a razor-edged vultite discus! Bid your token if you would like a chance to win!"

[Lots of gasps and huge number of token bids]

Corinthar chuckles.

Corinthar says, "That item quieted the crowd a bit."

*BANG* goes Corinthar's gavel. "GOING ONCE!" he cries.

Corinthar says, "The discus will return to the user."

Corinthar says, "And will not reveal the user if he or she is in hiding when it is used."

Corinthar says, "It is heavily weighted for critical damager."

[And the smartest comment: Rabenwolf says, "I would guess it won't AUTOMATICALLY reveal the user from hiding."]

Corinthar says, "And has been enchanted more than four times."

Corinthar says, "More than four, less than five."

*BANG* goes Corinthar's gavel a second time! "GOING TWICE!" he cries.

*BANG*! "And the winner of the lot is Nubunga!" exclaims Corinthar. The auctioneer's assistants quickly shift the lot from the top of the display table to underneath it, to make room for the next lot.

Corinthar says, "Congratulations, Nubunga."

09-29-2013, 10:39 AM
Hurling review is coming!


09-29-2013, 07:59 PM
A joke sir

09-30-2013, 12:18 AM
I know a discus isn't the best base in the world but 5x hcw with returning for 17m just seems like a steal.... Plus you don't have to pick up a 2nd weapon skill like a you would for a handaxe...

09-30-2013, 12:18 AM
I know a discus isn't the best base in the world but 5x hcw with returning for 17m just seems like a steal.... Plus you don't have to pick up a 2nd weapon skill like a you would for a handaxe...

The DF is just what makes me cringe, HCW or not..

09-30-2013, 04:26 AM
Swings like a handaxe in melee right? Throw it at robes and swing it on heavier stuff. Just have thrown skill for parry DS.

ETA: Nope, it's a club, was thinking of a quoit.

09-30-2013, 05:24 AM
Hammer actually. Chakram's swing like handaxes. You've got the right idea though. I used chakrams very effectively when I first started hurling in pretty much the way you describe.

09-30-2013, 11:40 AM
Hammer actually. Chakram's swing like handaxes. You've got the right idea though. I used chakrams very effectively when I first started hurling in pretty much the way you describe.

While I respect your knowledge in this matter. The officials and krakii still have a discus (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/armory/thrown.asp#discus) acting as a club (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/armory/concussion.asp#Cudgel) in melee. I'd like to know if you've done research that shows the contrary.


09-30-2013, 12:32 PM
I know a discus isn't the best base in the world but 5x hcw with returning for 17m just seems like a steal.... Plus you don't have to pick up a 2nd weapon skill like a you would for a handaxe...

You mean for melee right? Because you never have to train the base weapon type for hurling unless you have to have the parry defense.

10-01-2013, 02:55 PM
17m to Sentral going TWICE

10-01-2013, 09:27 PM

10-02-2013, 12:32 PM
20m to Raelee going once

10-03-2013, 12:24 PM
20m to Raelee going twice...

Will likely close out the auction late tonight, assuming no further bids

10-03-2013, 02:23 PM
Club DF is indeed really bad, but my first thought when I saw this was "Crush only, aim at head". Any aimed hurling build could probably kick butt with this thing. A little sneaky halfling hurl sniper (can't think of a word for this) would rock with this.

10-03-2013, 03:07 PM
A bleary-eyed Halfling staggers into the room.
.exam Halfling
The Halfling reeks of too many ales and tarts.
He is holding a cookie-shaped discus in right hand, and a tiny tart-shaped buckler in his left hand.
A striped warcat stalks in.
A striped warcat hisses at the Halfling.
The Halfling exclaims, "Don't you hiss at me! You'll make me toss my cookies!!"
The Halfling gags.
The Halfling exhales.
The Halfling belches lustily, his breath reeking of garlic and ale. Phew!
The Halfling hurls his cookie-shaped discus at a striped warcat!

Insert name like Khuhkie Keerumblez and it'd be the best fucking hurl sniper ever.

10-04-2013, 10:27 AM
And SOLD to Raelee for 20m

Thanks to everyone for looking as well as for the input about the weapon