View Full Version : GSIV Merchant's Market
Pages :
- LTB Character
- 7x hcp full plate
- +35 Heavily Crit Padded Plate - Weighs only 41lbs
- 7x hcp doubles, acid flaring maul and random alters
- Items
- LTB: 5x Composite Bow
- 60 million coins, 14/per
- 30M Up For Grabs
- 5m for 63 dollar GOA
- Level 18 burghal wizard
- Self Mana 117 Axe
- 6 mil available at 13 per. AIM anoldgswizard
- Selling a lvl54 rogue and all his crap
- Coins at $14 per
- locker cleanout
- Platinum Stuff
- Quick Rogue Sale
- Dragonfly Festival Flowers
- Selling: level 24 sorceress
- Dwarven warblades and other goodies.
- LvL 23 Ranger, Fixskills, Voln, Equipped
- Golvern Plate Armor
- For Sale: A Hollow Soulstone Wand
- 5x incredible damage full plate
- Prayer-feather
- Selling a 53 Empath
- Elegant vultite war-hammer
- 10x Morphing Weapon
- Selling level 62 Ranger
- Possibly selling my sorcerer
- Selling Silvers $13.50/million
- Selling: level 51 female elf wizard
- a suit of mithglin plate armor with spiked couters and poleyns
- Selling Silvers, $13 per 1m
- Claid-weighed great axe (twohander)
- 30 mil at 14
- Gimme some silvers!!
- 10x hcp reinforced leathers + hcp neck/head helm = 10x hcp doubles
- bag of gems
- Selling: 20 million silver, $13.00 per million
- Selling Silvers: $12.5/million
- 70 million silvers, 13 per
- Selling: 15 million, $12.50 per million til midnight
- LTB fixskills potion
- 602 Horns
- Buy my scrolls and schtuff!!!
- WTB oldstyle 3x+ Claid
- Master Quality Lute!
- Selling a level 100 wizard account. (Tons included)
- Silvers for sale! $13.00 per million!
- 12.5m elven rogue
- Sack of magic candy
- a giant golem husk wall shield
- silvery rolaren chain armor
- some imflass alloy double ringmail
- some deep-green sylvan hunting leathers
- 100 charge Heroism banner, +31 HCW OHE Katana
- Influence bracelet for sale
- SELLING A bard / A falchion / Some Armor / A Banner
- Level 41 wizard
- Defensive type stuff from
- LvL 55 wizard
- 47 wizard
- Selling my account!
- Self Ammo Glowbark Heavy Crossbow
- 56 Ginatkin Paladin
- Selling lvl 52 half-elf warrior with all his stuff
- 5x per day 507 pin
- Damage Weighted THW weighs 4 lb.
- Brawling Weapon (+29 w/Spirit Recovery)
- CMAN Potion
- Auto-disarm attackers! Adamantium bastard sword/Glaes Claidh
- Lot of Junk
- small price check
- Premium Points
- Looking for a decent main gauche
- a sharpened urglaes-edged katana
- a sharpened urglaes-edged katana
- A few Crit/Damage weighted weapons
- wtb: 10 million silvers
- Level 45 Rogue and 17 Ranger Both Female
- Coins at $14 per
- 60M for sale
- Enchanting - Major Slot Open
- Selling MR gems
- LTB: DB items
- Auction Familiar Ring
- Bunch of Girl Stuff.
- locker cleanout *New items*
- 51 half-elf male bard
- 6x and 5x Full Leathers
- 3000 Prem points
- Need to sell this stuff fast.
- Suction Cup Bow
- In serious need of RL money
- Female armor, 8x fulls
- Jewelry boxes altered by Kirshor
- Altered clothing, LK vials, armor concealers and more
- Perfect 4x Blue Steel Longsword
- Crystal and gem bag
- Over 15 Characters For Sale - Levels 16 through 97
- 35 rogue
- 58 cleric for sale
- Scripted Cane
- Character Liquidation
- 7x Full Leathers
- 9x Full Leathers
- Lots of Stuff
- 51 bard, 35 rogue
- 5500 Premium points
- Coupl sacks full of scrolls:
- LTB: Silver
- 2x heroism scroll
- For Sale: Level 60 Halfling Paladin/Fixskill
- RAFFLE - 3 room Landing Shop in room 13
- For Sale: Level 100 Giant Rogue/Fixskill
- bag of magics
- For Sale: Newstyle Glaes Claidhmore.
- -
- 7x Black Tower Shield for sale
- Once again Looking for a Wizard
- Selling Locker stuff
- Level 47 Paladin for sale
- Energy Short Bow Gauntlet
- Self ammo mechanical crossbow
- Silvers for Sale: $13/mil
- Empath, Warrior, Wizard, Ranger
- LTB 30 mil.
- Character & Silver Deals - Discounts & Free Items/Silvers
- Smugglers Auction
- Liquidation Sale - High End Items!
- Big sale
- LTB:Polearms
- some black battle-worn armor
- Stuff for Sale
- Siegery Set
- Amulet Holders Galore
- Claid-weighted greataxe
- 4x heavy crit weighted maul
- Coins at $14 per
- Sack of brushes
- Selling 10 million silvers at $13/million
- 7x fulls
- Selling Out
- Reduced price ... Selling 10 million silvers at $12.50/million
- fixskills potion
- Trading 60 NE Hunter w/1000 Gold on Laughing Skull for GSIV silvers
- some golvern studded eahnor breastplate
- coins for sale - 13 per
- Officials x-post, 5x plate, DCW pole and flaring OHE
- Flat price Shields
- Flat Price Weapons
- L41 Half-Elf Bard
- Have Fun
- bag of gems
- Level 16 Sorceress
- 20m - 12.50 per
- Knacpsack full of healing ale
- Post cap Sorcerer
- Level 15 Wizard
- Level 13 Dwarf Rangerette
- Only a few full charged scrolls
- a willowy grey fireleaf-veined runestaff
- 6x Perfectly Forged Troll Claw
- Lotsa Lockpicks
- level 43 Ranger for sale.
- Expensive Bag of Gems
- LTB 5 Mill.
- Selling junk.
- A vaalin trimmed leather cuirass (9x somewhat crit doubles with actioned pauldrons)
- Silvers at 13 per mil.
- LTB: 5x Short Bow
- Selling 20 million in coins, $12.50 per
- 30 million silver
- Selling a good looking Nalea gown.
- WTB CMAN (weak) potion
- 6x HCP Lightened plate
- Eog Wand
- 7x doubles / 8x shield
- small ranger/ nature themed outfit
- 5x per day 120
- looking to buy a shop in teras
- bags of gems
- Seeking Jewelry of Various Materials
- 35 rogue - $85 flat
- Lockpicks 4 $ale
- Incredibly Crit Weighted Mattock; 4X; 10 pounds
- chain
- Buying 3-5 pounds of Eahnor, 3-5 pounds of Vaalin
- Azaton's Auction
- 5x superior vultite flamberge
- Looking for a Rogue
- Three sets very nice armor
- SELLING: a shiny platinum vial
- Items! Of! Interest!
- 29 paladin
- Healing ale & magickey thingies
- Crit weighted runestaff
- Unique Familiar Ring - Wizards Only
- 5m - $62.50
- LTB blessable 2 hander
- yarkbalka?
- Ice Age Unique Immolation Staff
- SELLING: a bottle of tawny liquid (Dodging Enhancer)
- two 6x shields, +17 imflass full plate, and more
- 1x a day call familiar
- Items For Sale
- Looking to buy 5m
- LTB 3x Claidhmore
- LTB 4x flaring katars
- Silver for Sale And Paladin
- Level 22 Rogue for Sale
- Level 6 OLD rogue for sale
- Energy Short Bow Gauntlet
- 15m for $200 or $14 per mil.
- Fixskills potion
- 80+
- LTT Siegery Pieces.
- 8x Unconverted Shield - Nice Descrip.
- FS: Incredibly Crit Weighted Flamberge. 2.5X Enchants.
- One more shot at pet adoption...
- 4x HCW maul for sale!!
- 4x brutality bow
- Siegery Pieces for Sale
- +5 INF bracelet
- 24 Half-Elf Rogue and 18 Halfling Wizard for Sale (GS3 Converts)
- Buying 5 million
- selling 3 million coins at $12/million
- Buying fixskills potion
- WTS fixstat Potion
- 15 million @ 13 per.
- 6.5x HCP brig
- +18 Dodge Drake TH Sword
- Lockpicks for Sale
- Several things (Skull rings, Nalea gown, PEZ dispenser, etc.)
- 5x stat and skill bonus Staff
- looking to trade bard for empath
- 5x Superior vultite flamberge
- High End Armor Auction
- WTB: Belt Worn Container
- 9x Altered Shield with Glamo scripts
- Auction/Flat price shields:
- Auction/ Flat price Armors
- some thin blue gloves
- For Sale: 100 Batches of Querthose's Animation Crystals
- Flat Priced Characters
- WTB 2x+ Claid
- wtb: 5x hcw eonake star
- 30 train female elf empath
- Razor Sharp Mithril Claid
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