View Full Version : WTS fixstat Potion

05-17-2007, 03:05 PM
the 1million bounty point potion

when drunk you have the ability to reallocate your starting stats...

will include some ale so you can get drunk when you use this potion

MB: 40M

BO: 45M

05-17-2007, 04:09 PM
Man, the one time it truly sucks to be poor...


05-17-2007, 04:29 PM
Man, the one time it truly sucks to be poor...


40M ... lets say you fixstat to fix poor AGI placement, and in so doing recover 6 AGI bonus... that's 6DS... for 40M you could buy a 4x DB item, or 20DS.

Do a cost benefit analysis and see if you couldn't better spend the dough on an item that could eventually be resold (especially considering that eventually your character might save up the mil bps on their own). Would you be better off with a 5x a day 120, a badass claid weighted 2x greataxe (or whatever it was), whatever...

Sorry to crap all over your sale here Brim, just doing some informing... wishing you the best of luck on your sale, just more than likely to someone who already has their toys.

05-17-2007, 04:35 PM
If you buy such a potion just to fix your AGI stat, then yes I would agree that buying DB items seems more practical, but at the same time someone buying this for just one stat is also stupid.

Most people who purchase this item, or are looking at purchasing this item, do so because they optimized their stats for max TPs and are now capped and want all their stats fixed, not just one.

05-17-2007, 07:21 PM
GS4-D is talking in the opposite direction as you sthrock, trading TPs for stats.

Generally stat placements result in one of two things, more TPs or higher stats endgame. Any reasonable placement makes those tradeoffs (If you put a 100 in INF at lvl 0 as a Krov Warrior, you're an idiot). I know no-one is fixstating for just AGI, but most re-stats at cap* will result in a tradoff situation, with net gains being unimpressive. Now if you had placed for max stats and now you want TPs and regain some 200TPs, odds are those 200TPs are not going to have a monumental impact (what, 6ish spells for a pure? some extra dodge ranks for a square) certainly not the swing that a piece of 40M equipment will have on your characters efficency. (Keep in mind this was original directed at someone who claims to be poor... I'm guessing Rins+ 40M shield/weapon/armor/magicitem upgrade > Rins+ restat)

Neither of you addressed the obvious re-sale issue, if you spend it on equipment, you maintain some re-sale value.

*If you're level 30 and your stats are placed for cap, re-stating can result in +TPs and +OverallStats, but your character isn't even worth 40M so what are you doing re-statting him.

05-17-2007, 07:29 PM
Okay, I wasn't trying to start a big deal really. My very first character I (dear god I still am not sure why) SOLD...

His stats were shot, I always wanted him to have spells, but statted him out like a warrior. He was screwed for what I wanted him to become.

Someday I will either earn a potion, or buy one, and at that point I will be on the hunt to find my old ranger. Actually, if anyone knows my old ranger, send him my way. Last name, both initials in the first 5 letters of the alphabet. Human, sold not long after titled. I'd be interested in re-lockering him if nothing else. Lord knows I've not seen him in game in a long time.

So no, DB, TD, AS/DS really don;t have much to do with it, so don't badger the mans prices on my account.

I didn't.


05-17-2007, 07:30 PM
And by the way, I am PERFECTLY happy with Rins' stats.


05-17-2007, 07:34 PM
Not really meaning to badger his prices, I'm just saying "If you can't afford it, you've got other things you should spend your money on first". And free bumps!

In the case of a character like you just mentioned, you would be better off roleplaying him "recognizing an error in his path and opting to forget all he's learned as it was a path to the dark side!" (or whatever), and rerolling him, keep his name and you've "fixstated" at the cost of however much exp he has (and if you sold him recently titled, no offense but that's worth way less than 40M... 40M@15=$600 , enough for a capped character)

05-17-2007, 08:11 PM
I misread GS4-D's first post, my appologies on that

05-17-2007, 08:28 PM
*If you're level 30 and your stats are placed for cap, re-stating can result in +TPs and +OverallStats, but your character isn't even worth 40M so what are you doing re-statting him. -Celephais

First, some people wouldn't sell their character for 200 million (ME), regardless of their perceived value.

Secondly, I make a good example for why someone may need a fixstat. When I first began, I set my stats to maximize TP for the training plan I had, not for stat balance at cap.

Unfortunately, over the course of a decade, my training plan changed drastically. Before, I was solely a PT point user, focusing mostly on combat skills. Now, I'm much more balanced, spending quite a bit of mental points. Therefore a stat reallocation for me, would work on both fronts.

1: Allows for balanced stats near cap

2: Levels out my TP allocation, which has a doubling effect for those points that needed to convert from Physical back to Mental. Allowing me nearly 5-6 more spells than I had previously (After slight skill adjustment in combination with stats, it allowed me to go from 425 to 435).

Although your points are valid for the majority of the population, Cele. There is true value in a fix stat for some.