View Full Version : GSIV Merchant's Market
Pages :
- God auction yo-yo
- 2 character account
- LTB 6x or 7x mage enchanted 2hander
- Late Auction
- In the market for.
- A Couple Characters For Sale.
- looking for a Bard
- my ranger for your paladin
- 54 Rogue for sale
- 5m silvers for sale
- Sellin off some stuff
- Need: An immaculate ebon black rose
- Critter Found Runestaff
- An illthorn runestaff.
- 30m For Sale
- LTB: Morning Star
- Enhancive battle axe
- 7x fire resistant brig
- Debating on selling my points.
- Bard
- mage rechargeable skinning
- Four wind shop for sale
- 20m For sale at 13$ per Million
- LTB: 5x to 7x.....
- HCP 6x Platemail
- Looking for the help of PC.
- 6x Iasha white ora awl-pike for sale
- Feminine Light Leather Corset
- Characters for sale
- Fixskills Potion
- A massive stone mattock
- Weightless Sack!
- Turtle Shell Brig
- For sale: ithloss claidhmore
- Master Cobbling Services by Commission
- Silver for sale.
- wanted: short sword
- LTB 50+ ranger
- Self Mana heal, damage padded golvern plate
- Characters with Higher End Items
- 6x returner and 7.5x vhcp ice age 1 lb brig
- vultite katana
- Coraesine Harness
- a few small things for sale
- Sol Haven Shop - Room 3
- 4 sets of 600 premium points
- Wizard for sale
- Selling some AWESOME stuff
- 1700 Premium Points for Sale
- Coins for sale
- 10x short sword based katana with snake flares
- 4 Winds Shop For Sale
- Selling a couple characters.
- Ice mule shop, 1 coin MB
- Auction
- Need advice on selling house/shop/premie points
- LF some stuff
- Prime silvers for plat silvers?
- Stunning skull.
- 1 coin min bid auction (Including 6x iasha awl-pike)
- Bag of scrap metal
- selling a few accounts
- Empath set, mb 1 coin
- Silvers for sale
- Old quest katana's
- 24 ranger sale
- Items and Characters
- A little help with this weapon please.
- Purchasing Scrolls
- 70+
- Didn't know you could do this
- Selling some things
- Looking for
- Illistim herblore tome and exceptionally sighted 4x long bow
- 10x falchion
- Two accounts.
- Chunk of 4000 premium points.
- In search of Anfelt cleaning case!
- Characters for sale
- Selling a lysard, anyone tell me anything about this loresong?
- Bag of majiks, 1 coin
- 1 Coin Auction
- Coins/Characters
- Silvers for Sale
- Fixskills potion
- LTB Items
- Coins for sale
- Prepare for Ebon Gate
- Coins for sale
- Silver for sale.
- Bard Sung Critter Finds
- LTB: a monir-hafted golvern morning star
- 5m Silvers for sale
- Characters and coins $14.50 per
- 6m, $80
- LTB 6x or 7x MBP
- Stuff going up in Greng's shop
- looking for picture taking lockets
- 8800 Premium Points
- Random stuff from my locker
- 3600 Premium Points
- a scarred ora Kazunel war hammer with a mithril-wrapped haft
- Selling silvers
- +22 Ipantor Yumi w/ crit weighting and very rare "dark" ki-lin horn alter.
- 4000 more premium points
- Fixskill Potion for Right Price
- for sale
- Selling Silvers
- Looking to buy an unnavable gold ring
- 10m for sale -135.00
- Perpetual auction of account close out items.
- Shop inventory sale
- LF Female Char
- Seeking: Pole Arm Weapon Displayer
- LTB - Full Plate
- LTB: Ammo-genning, non-flaring bow
- Selling 15m @ $14 per
- Looking for...
- LTB - Strength Enhancers
- LTB - rare-material runestaff
- LTB - Mithril claidhmore.
- Scripted Dhu Cloak
- Looking for a simple cloak..
- 5x Altered VHCP Cuirbouilli w/Fire Rez
- Lvl 43 Sorcerer
- 10x fal.
- LTB - a pale pink rose and/or a striated pink and white rose
- lots of items
- Buying! Pin-worn, large or very large amount container!
- 10x padded plate and a few others things...
- Bulk of stuff, MB 1 coin for it all
- 48 million silver
- Looking: Vanne fans, Nalea gowns, rose stuff.
- Falgrin - RIP?
- Looking for Ametrine Gems
- 10x katana, 10x flaring waraxe, 8x fulls, padded doubles
- Looking for a couple of things
- 68 Female Sylvan Cleric
- End of Summer Sale
- Looking for Doubles
- 6x returner from FP
- Unique 30th Level Spell Scroll.
- Selling 7 million silvers
- Selling an alteration scroll.
- Four wind shop for sale
- Silvers for Sale
- Silvers for sale
- 5m silvers for sale (Ta'Illistim and IFW delivery)
- Nice Falchion and other stuff for sale!
- Nifty Scripted Cane
- Maybe I'll sell some things.
- Prem points.
- Level 36 Warrior
- Nalfein knife
- Selling a few things ..
- Locker clearout
- 19m Silvers
- Level 66 Mage for sale
- Few characters for sale
- Characters for sale
- 7900 Premium Points
- pinworn wedding band
- LTB Shirt
- Looking for Onar items
- Milque's Red Sale
- Seeking: Wearable LK Flask
- Looking For: 4x or Better Torso Chain
- 10m for $140
- Selling a couple characters.
- Jan's sale
- 5x eonake fal and 7x fulls
- Locker cleanout
- Ugly 10x shield for cheap
- Characters up for flat auction
- Forehead Gem
- 3 sets of 600 Premium Points
- Wanting to Buy
- Money Bank
- glimaerstone cinquedea
- 7700 Premium Points For Sale
- Total premium points available: 4700
- looking for silver
- LTB - 8x to 10x two hander
- Want to Buy: High-End Items
- Buying: a feature-hiding veil.
- 8 million silvers for sale
- Coupla things for sale/trade
- Small Sale
- Selling A Few Things
- "perfect dragon's-tear emerald" forehead gem auction
- Tiny Jewelry Sale.
- 1 coin packs
- Squirrel
- 3 Alter scrolls for sale
- OHE and containers mostly.
- Selling three things.
- level 29 sorcerer
- 2 alter scrolls
- now delivering to all towns!
- Coins for sale
- Silvers for sale
- Torso Armour Concealing Jerkins
- LTB 5x Longbow
- Items and slaves
- Random junk
- Pin-worn junk
- Spellup Service on IFW
- EG costumes.
- 45m for sale
- Solhaven shop for sale
- LF Hammer
- 6x golvern-edged chainmail
- Shopping List
- Characters and Stuff
- Seeking: Collapsible Lance
- LTB 2500 Premium Points
- Looking for:
- Selling: some ornate vultite half plate
- 1 coin pack #2
- 1 coin pack #3
- 20M Silvers
- looking for a long bow
- Selling a 57th Giant Cleric
- 10x brig
- selling 95 Empath
- WTB: Fixskills Potion
- Khirdahn is cleaning out his locker finally!
- Lvl 59 Dark Elf Paladin for sale/trade
- LTB: 7x-9x hauberk or MBP
- Coins at $14 per mil
- Capped Sorcerer
- 2 alteration scrolls
- Cheap backpacks loaded! Clean out!
- Bows and fluff
- Small sale
- Selling: Level 43 Sorc
- Scaling Down
- some items
- looking for a sorc
- LTB Trash eating Goat pin
- Looking for that platinum and blue wig.
- some nice items for sale
- buying 5x - 7x short swords, gladius', and daggers
- Some stuff.
- LTB: high end claidhmore
- LTB: Nice main gauche
- Characters and gear for sale/trade/other options?
- WTB Alter Scroll
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