View Full Version : Dwarven warblades and other goodies.

That Jay
04-24-2007, 11:38 PM
I am considering finally liquidating the last of my items in Prime. I am listening to offers. Some of these are not cheap. (For purposes of non-silver offers, I value each million at $14.00) If an offer is sufficiently high enough I shall put that item up with that offer as a starting bid. Here are the items:

1. A bent gold ring.

The ring appears to be made of interleaved gold and brass. It is difficult to tell if the gold is real without damaging the ring itself. The pattern made by the two metals seems to have no purpose and almost appears to shift into new designs as you move it about in your hand.

This is a summoning ring. A character wears it and removes it. It is then set to that character. The next character that wears the ring can then TURN the ring and the person it is set to will appear next to them if they are within normal teleport ring range and limitations. Good for rescues of loved ones or MA'ed players.

You slide a bent gold ring onto your finger.
>turn ring
Truebeard suddenly appears!

2. Five dwarven warblades.

a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Farouk'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Ottar'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Manser'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Iubdan'

The warblade is forged of some unknown alloy that is extremely light and flexible, yet remains highly resilient. The metal gleams with a bluish hue. The edge of the warblade is honed to an uncommon sharpness. Inscribed along the length of the blade are ancient runes of some forgotten origin.

These are 5 of a set of 7 warblades designed by GM Ophion. Their exact workings and limitations have never been fully discovered but here is what I have guessed. Each has a base enchant of 3x. This enchant can occasionally rise higher based on level (a capped character had an AS of +28 and a 80th level character had an AS of +22). These enchants do not seem to be constant and vary based upon what I do not know. THE WEAPONS ALWAYS FLARE. Each swing. Each and every single time. f you mstrike, the weapon will flare on each swing. The flares strength INCREASES with each warblade used and swung at least once in the GROUP of characters hunting. One warblade seems to max at a flare damage of 15 points. Three seems to max at 30 points. I do not know what the max for four or five is. The number of warblades in the group determines the kind of flare, beginning with fire, then ice, then unknown and ending, supposedly, with plasma. It is believed that these are the blades referred to in the official Simu dwarven history:

"Shortly after the Witch Winter of 4628, Hendor was lost to Queen Issyldra, the Ice Witch. Those dwarves that did survive took to the underground mines with the bulk of their clansmen. The dwarves stood with the Humans against the Ice Witch, but her power and minions drove all the defenders back for nearly two years. During this time, seven magical blades were crafted to defeat the Ice Queen, crafted from the very flows of Eonak's Belt. Before the blades were finished, Issyldra was defeated by the Humans, but her minions remained and scattered about the lands. The blades were given to the seven strongest warriors of all the dwarven miners, and in a great battle, Issyldra's remaining minions were defeated, but the seven warriors were killed. In the process, however, the dwarves reclaimed their lost mines, and the Humans retook the northern lands."

Here is their loresong:

Evil and ruin befell the Lands.
Seven strong hearts and seven stout hands,
wielding fire to stem the flow,
Guarded the pass against their foes.

Seven stood in the darkest hour.
Fire in hand, whilst the village did cower.
Against the ancient evil of old,
they stood as one, brave and bold.

Seven blades flashing bright,
mighty brands to pierce the night.
Did set all their foes a'straight,
withering them in ruint fate.

Aelthed, Orin, were the first to fall,
Five now stood and fought for all.
Farouk, Karo, followed soon,
Three blades still shined against the moon.

Three blades left began to fade.
Without all seven their doom was made.
Iubdan, Manser, fought till death,
with ebbing strength and waning breath.

Ottar held his blade up high.
Lightning crashed against the sky.
Seven blades their powers meshed,
to cleave asunder demon flesh.

With fading breath and dying sight,
Ottar passed beyond the Light.
The weapons great, their wielders strong.
Together these blades shall right the wrong.

Seven blades, each with a light,
came together in blazing might.
Separate, each had a fire.
Brought together they formed a pyre.

The village free, the seven dead,
Weapons were laid beside each head.
And if the lores of old ring true,
Seven blades shall rise anew.

I am also willing to release the names Ottar, Iubdan, Manser and Aethled to potential buyers of the weapons if they wish to roll up like named descendants of the original dwarves.

I will post clips of the weapons in action in a subsequent post.

3. a stuffed miniature sewer rat

This adorable stuffed sewer rat is a small rendition of the large sewer rats that roam Elanthia's underground. However, it does not possess the pointed teeth or sharp claws of its live relative, but rather has soft padded paws, attentive emerald eyes, and a shy smile. It has a tag dangling from its neck.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:

>hug rat
You give your miniature sewer rat a warm hug.
A little rat's voice squeaks, "I'm not lonely anymore now that I'm with you, Jeeves."
>hug rat
You give your miniature sewer rat a warm hug.
A little rat's voice squeaks, "I hope you like me, Jeeves, because I sure love you."
>hug rat
You give your miniature sewer rat a warm hug.
A little rat's voice squeaks, "You're the best, Jeeves!"
>hug rat
You give your miniature sewer rat a warm hug.
A little rat's voice squeaks, "I could rest in your arms for hours, Jeeves."

I have no idea how many different sickeningly cute sayings it has.

4. a finely-woven green straw picnic basket trimmed with a bright red ribbon

Once a day, RUB to fill the basket with an entire picnic lunch and blanket.

>look in basket
In the straw picnic basket you see a glass of clear spring water, a glass of white wine, a glass of red wine, a glass of clear spring water, a flaky cherry croissant, a flaky wild blueberry croissant, a wedge of sharp cheddar cheese, a wedge of soft herbed cheese, a single red rose and a large soft blue blanket.

5. a bottle of aged champagne

Can be POURed to produce (I believe) 6 glasses of champagne a day.

>open champ
You tug on the bottle's stopper until it comes out with a loud *POP!*
>pour champ
As you tip your bottle to pour some champagne into your hand, a glass materializes and catches the fluid instead. Cheers!
You glance down to see a glass of aged champagne in your right hand and a bottle of aged champagne in your left hand.

(If sold I will include a nice alterer champagne bucket to keep it in. "an elegant silver champagne bucket adorned with a ring of crystalline icicles")

6. a rounded brown bowler

The bowler is simple, constructed from several layers of pressed coarse cloth with a thick paper interior. It is symmetrically shaped to make it easy to wear without worrying about whether the front is at the front or not.


>bow bowler
You remove your rounded brown bowler and, holding it upside down in both hands, bow politely from the waist before returning your bowler to your head.
>bow bowler
You remove your rounded brown bowler and, holding it upside down in both hands, bow politely from the waist before returning your bowler to your head.
>rub bowler
You remove your rounded brown bowler quickly and polish it rapidly with your forearm. It doesn't shine any better, but you beam at it with satisfaction and return it to your head.
>push bowler
You tilt your rounded brown bowler back on your head, close one eye and scratch your forehead quizzically.
>turn bowler
You swipe at the front of your rounded brown bowler, causing it to spin completely around on your head.
>pull bowler
You pull the brim of your rounded brown bowler down over your eyes and lean against the nearest object to take a little snooze.

(Unknown if more scripts)

7. a giantman fighter puppet

Heavily scripted puppet that can become any race and any profession (except Paladins) with any profession alternate name)

>exa puppet
Looking at a giantman fighter puppet you see a proud little doll that is waving a glaes club and wearing some plate mail.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read puppet

Verbs that can be used with the puppet.
Beam Chuckle Glare Hug Look Turn Rub
Punish Frown Grin Kiss Nod Wave Pinch
Bow Glance Laugh Punch Slap Whisper Shake
Syntax for whisper: WHISPER PUPPET [TEXT]

>whis puppet Hail and well met!
A giantman fighter puppet exclaims, "Hail and well met!"
>grin pupp
A giantman fighter puppet lets out a big toothy grin.

8. a furry grey dormouse clasp

An altered garbage eating "goat" pin.

The grey dormouse clasp is so lifelike you almost swear it could move. The emerald eyes seem to have a life all their own. It is as if they were searching for food. You aren't really sure but you could have sworn you saw it stick its tongue out licking its lips. Were it alive you would judge the grey dormouse clasp's condition to be average! It looks like it is aware of your every action!

>point dor at nail
Pointing your grey dormouse clasp at a scratched nail you hold flat in the palm of your hand, you indicate the scrumptious morsel is for him if he would like it. Without hesitation it greedily snatches the nail from your hand and gobbles it down!

9. a small silver case

The small, round case is formed of gleaming silver, strands. On one edge of the case, a tiny arrow sits atop a small stem. Surrounding the stem are various engravings. The arrow is currently pointing at the image of a Centaur profiled against a bright moon.

Scripted stopwatch.

>tap case
You gently tap on your case.
>tap case
A squeaky voice pipes out, "It's only been 1 seconds since you did that before -- lemme alone!
>open case
A tiny creature pops up from Jeeves's case and shouts, "It's nine fifteen Centaur Standard time! Now, lemme get some sleep!" With that, the bizarre critter disappears once more, snapping the lid shut behind itself.
>turn case
You turn the stem on your case so that the arrow points to a Myklian.
>turn case
You turn the stem on your case so that the arrow points to a Puma.
>turn case
You turn the stem on your case so that the arrow points to an Elf.
>turn case
You turn the stem on your case so that the arrow points to a Centaur.
>rub case
You gently rub your case until a sun shimmers into sight on the case where a moon once was.
>poke case
You push the small lever on your case.
A tiny, muffled voice pipes out, "It's Tilamaires, Olaesta 24!"

(different time zones, AM/PM and date)

I think it has a cute loresong with the miniature demon inside too. I think the watch is off by one hour but I have never assisted to have it fixed.

10. a toy rubber tree plant

A perfect miniature replica of "Fiscus elastica," the plant stands upright with nary a lean to left or right, in a simple wicker basket. Its leaves have been cleverly sewn of dark leather to resemble the glistening sheen of broad, freshly misted fronds.

(scripted toy)

>turn plant
You wind up your toy rubber tree plant and release it.
The toy rubber tree plant shivers suddenly and you hear a small muffled *THOOM*! At the base of the plant, the source of the ruckus appears to be a small red ant that, as incredulous as it may seem, appears to be trying to knock the plant over by repeatedly charging into it! Again, a muffled *THOOM* is heard followed by a high-pitched, "TIMBER!" and the plant slowly topples over and lies still.

11. a faceted white crystal case

Crafted in the shape of a crescent moon, this hand-blown case is perfectly sized to hold a pair of small containers. A looped handle of thin spiralled glass makes the container easy to lift or carry. On the base of the case, the artisan has engraved the image of a tong, perhaps their trademark symbol or signature.

>look in case
In the white crystal case you see a faceted crystal salt shaker and a faceted crystal pepper mill.

>get mill
You remove a faceted crystal pepper mill from in your white crystal case.
>turn mill
You turn the crank of your crystal pepper mill several times, the spice within grinding into a small enough size to trickle out of the long-stemmed container.

>get shaker
You remove a faceted crystal salt shaker from in your white crystal case.
>shake shaker
Several hard shakes of your crystal salt shaker should be more than enough to inundate your food with the spice. A flurry of spice rains down.
Scripted salt and pepper.

More items as I find them.

Email offers to UninvitedX@aol.com with the above subject line. Thanks for looking.

04-25-2007, 12:13 AM
Hah. That sewer rat has to be the best scripted toy ever.

04-25-2007, 12:34 AM
God, I would buy the dwarven blades just for the history.


04-25-2007, 12:42 AM
God, I would buy the dwarven blades just for the history.
Too bad you can only have one firstborn to give away, eh?

04-25-2007, 12:53 AM
just out of curiosity, what would be the price range for those bad boys? the ring as well... just to get an idea

The Ponzzz
04-25-2007, 01:23 AM
Those warblades are fucking awesome. The End.

04-25-2007, 01:28 AM
What happens if you duel wield the warblades?

04-25-2007, 01:46 AM
I remember cursing how poor I was when the first of those blades were released.. As well as the silly rumor that went around that if all 7 were used they'd blow up the world.. or at least a small town.


That Jay
04-25-2007, 01:58 AM
I don't think that the flare strength increase activates when dual wielded. Both blades still flare but they flare at the flare strength as if only one were being wielded as opposed to two people wielding one warblade each.

And to clarify, I am torn on parting with these blades so I am listening to OFFERS. That means I will not be tossing out potential prices. If I am offered something that seems fair to me then I will accept that offer as an opening bid. Sorry.

04-25-2007, 02:06 AM
definetely understandable, not sure how a price could even be put on them...

04-25-2007, 02:06 AM
You should talk to some of the PROs to see if they might jointly raise the silvers required. It seems like that would be the best way to ensure they were kept together (and retain their significance) as treasured items.

04-25-2007, 02:07 AM
Shame some cock like Tsin or Tayvin will end up the warblades.

That Jay
04-25-2007, 02:26 AM
You are now in an offensive stance.
J>You swing a gold-hilted alloy warblade at a lesser orc!
AS: +175 vs DS: +110 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +44 = +145
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Feint to the left goes astray as the lesser orc dodges!
You scratch my back...

** As you hit, your warblade glows intensely with a fierce crimson light! **
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to right hand. Gonna need lots of butter.
The lesser orc is stunned!
You swing a gold-hilted alloy warblade at a lesser orc!
AS: +164 vs DS: +88 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +51 = +163
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Feint to the left goes astray as the lesser orc dodges!
You scratch my back...

** As you hit, your warblade glows intensely with a fierce crimson light! **
... 25 points of damage!
Flames incinerate scalp completely and blacken skullcap. Not very fashionable.
A lesser orc screams one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Ottar swings a gold-hilted alloy warblade at a lesser orc!
Amazingly, the lesser orc manages to parry the attack with her sword!
Ottar swings a gold-hilted alloy warblade at a lesser orc!
AS: +164 vs DS: +110 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +17 = +107
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Thumped the lesser orc's chest.

** As Ottar's warblade lands home, it glows intensely with a fierce crimson light! **
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to left leg. Gonna need lots of butter.
It is knocked to the ground!
The lesser orc is stunned!

04-25-2007, 06:25 AM
definetely understandable, not sure how a price could even be put on them...

I'm sure Captain Tsin LaDouchebag can pull a number out of his butinski

04-25-2007, 07:47 AM
how much do those warblades weigh? i seem to recall them being stupidly heavy.

04-25-2007, 09:39 AM
I vaugely remember them being Old Glaes weight, which would put them in the 14-16 weight range.

That Jay
04-25-2007, 09:53 AM
Thats correct. Goofy glaes weight. Even though the description says they are supposed to be "light and flexible".

04-25-2007, 10:27 AM
that's a shame. they're sweet if you can multiaccount but it would be hard to solo with 70-80 pounds worth of weapons on you.

here's hoping they find a good home...

04-25-2007, 10:47 AM
Thats correct. Goofy glaes weight. Even though the description says they are supposed to be "light and flexible". >>

Why the heck have you not had them lightened? I managed to score 4 lightening services this free festival and I have not been trying all that hard. Someone with serious MA abilities could get them all down fairly quick.

Are they restricted?

04-25-2007, 11:00 AM
1. A bent gold ring.

The ring appears to be made of interleaved gold and brass. It is difficult to tell if the gold is real without damaging the ring itself. The pattern made by the two metals seems to have no purpose and almost appears to shift into new designs as you move it about in your hand.

This is a summoning ring. A character wears it and removes it. It is then set to that character. The next character that wears the ring can then TURN the ring and the person it is set to will appear next to them if they are within normal teleport ring range and limitations. Good for rescues of loved ones or MA'ed players.

You slide a bent gold ring onto your finger.
>turn ring
Truebeard suddenly appears!

This is just a regular gold ring, unless I'm mistaken. Just one of the newer ones. They all have the same description, just different adjectives. Also, it gets set to the room, not to the player.

You remove a wide gold ring from in your shadowy black hip-satchel.
>get 2nd rin
You remove a small gold ring from in your shadowy black hip-satchel.
>l rin
The ring appears to be made of interleaved gold and brass. It is difficult to tell if the gold is real without damaging the ring itself. The pattern made by the two metals seems to have no purpose and almost appears to shift into new designs as you move it about in your hand.
>l 2nd rin
The ring appears to be made of interleaved gold and brass. It is difficult to tell if the gold is real without damaging the ring itself. The pattern made by the two metals seems to have no purpose and almost appears to shift into new designs as you move it about in your hand.

04-25-2007, 12:43 PM
This is just a regular gold ring, unless I'm mistaken. Just one of the newer ones. They all have the same description, just different adjectives. Also, it gets set to the room, not to the player.


Looks like the regular ones, but is completely different.

100% Wool
04-25-2007, 12:51 PM
Who owns the other two blades? Does anyone know?

04-25-2007, 01:40 PM
I think one is still around, the other is gone.

04-25-2007, 01:46 PM
Last I knew Revalos had one, maybe two, but it's been a number of years since I've heard anything about it.

04-25-2007, 02:11 PM
This is just a regular gold ring, unless I'm mistaken. Just one of the newer ones. They all have the same description, just different adjectives. Also, it gets set to the room, not to the player.

You're right, he's selling a regular gold ring and tons of high end stuff. Good catch...

edit: As is the custom.

04-25-2007, 02:19 PM
I didn't realize a regular gold ring could summon people...

04-25-2007, 05:57 PM
You're right, he's selling a regular gold ring and tons of high end stuff. Good catch...

I said "unless I'm mistaken," which I'll gladly admit that I was. I pointed out that it has the same description and any generic gold ring.

I didn't realize a regular gold ring could summon people...
Indirectly, yes, if you're in the room that the ring happens to be set to.

Again, I was wrong, and re-reading my post it did seem more "you're ripping people off" than I intended. I really meant that from what I could tell, you could do the exact same thing with a standard gold ring, and it looks the same. Despite being unlikely, the seller could have mistaken the properties of the item, and I more or less wanted confirmation that it was in fact not a regular ring.


That Jay
04-25-2007, 06:14 PM
These weapons are seriously complex code-wise. While I have never tried to get them lightened, I imagine they are restricted if only for the reason that they are all supposed to have identical statistics.

Thats correct. Goofy glaes weight. Even though the description says they are supposed to be "light and flexible". >>

Why the heck have you not had them lightened? I managed to score 4 lightening services this free festival and I have not been trying all that hard. Someone with serious MA abilities could get them all down fairly quick.

Are they restricted?

That Jay
04-25-2007, 06:21 PM
No, this is not a regular gold ring. Here are logs from the point of view of the summoner and the summoned.

[Wehnimer's, Narrow Alleyway]
This narrow, dead-end alleyway runs from town square to the south, up to a bare wall at the north end. To the west, partially hidden behind teetering stacks of boxes, you see a weatherbeaten door with paint peeling off of it.
Also here: Truebeard
Obvious paths: south
You stride away, moving south.
[Town Square, Northeast]
The entrance to Tykel's Arms, its heavy door bounded by iron-barred windows, dominates this corner of the square. All manner of citizens pass by, moving among the solid, multistoried wooden buildings that surround the bazaar. Just to the southwest can be seen the tree-shaded heart of the square, where citizens and adventurers gather for socializing, healing and rest. You also see a narrow alleyway.
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest, west
>You stride away, moving east.
[Wehnimer's, Valeria St.]
Traffic to and from the hub of activity in the square to the west clogs the street here. Passers-by guard their valuables closely, glancing into doorways and niches and wary of the press of the crowd. Two-story buildings of wood and stone line the north and south sides of the cobbled road.
Obvious paths: east, west
>turn bent ring
Truebeard suddenly appears!


[Wehnimer's, Narrow Alleyway]
This narrow, dead-end alleyway runs from town square to the south, up to a bare wall at the north end. To the west, partially hidden behind teetering stacks of boxes, you see a weatherbeaten door with paint peeling off of it.
Also here: Jeeves
Obvious paths: south
Jeeves strides away moving south.
Suddenly your surroundings shift!
[Wehnimer's, Valeria St.]
Traffic to and from the hub of activity in the square to the west clogs the street here. Passers-by guard their valuables closely, glancing into doorways and niches and wary of the press of the crowd. Two-story buildings of wood and stone line the north and south sides of the cobbled road.
Also here: Jeeves
Obvious paths: east, west

This is just a regular gold ring, unless I'm mistaken. Just one of the newer ones. They all have the same description, just different adjectives. Also, it gets set to the room, not to the player.

That Jay
04-25-2007, 06:25 PM
By the way, I am more than happy to demonstrate any of my items in person in-game including the summoning ring and the warblades.

04-25-2007, 06:56 PM
Does the ring have a usage per day limit?

That Jay
04-25-2007, 08:09 PM
No, it does not. You can use it as often as you like.

Does the ring have a usage per day limit?

04-25-2007, 08:12 PM
5 of the 7 Dwarven warblades, and the frickin' hollow soulstone wand on the board at the same time.

Damn it.

The Ponzzz
04-25-2007, 08:47 PM
Yea, this is like pre century god auction!

That Jay
04-26-2007, 12:30 AM

a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin'

Current bid: 70 million to Meldikar.

04-26-2007, 08:39 AM
Wait wait.. you have ONE of the 5 dwarven blades with a bid of 70m?

What exactly makes one of them worth that much?

With only one, it is just a heavy +15 fire flaring weapon right? Some history etc..

Do the flares death crit easily even though they are 15 points or lower?

Also, what is the base of these warblades? You were swingin at 8 seconds in the log, so it can't be what I thought it was.

04-26-2007, 09:43 AM
This is not just "some history". This is literally a part of epic history.

This would be like selling what's-his-name's sword who cut off the finger with the One-Ring on it back in the Second Age.


That Jay
04-26-2007, 01:55 PM

a bent gold ring

(summoning ring, see start of thread for abilities)

Current Bid: 50 million to Tsin.

04-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Does the ring have any restrictions like cooldown (on use or setting to another) or not being able to pull someone who is stunned or in RT?

If not this would be an MA'ers wet dream, as long as you don't get one-shotted you'd be unkillable. Have one character go hunt while the other holds the ring, if in danger, summon back. When 1st character fries, they just swap out the ring and the 1st rests while the 2nd fries.

That Jay
04-26-2007, 02:30 PM
It has no such restrictions.

I tested it now just to make sure. Target character swung at a creature and had a 5 sec. rt., summoning character turned the ring and the target character appeared DURING ROUNDTIME with remaining rt. still counting down. Then I had the target character leave about four times in quick succession and immediately summoned him back.

Yes, yes it is an MA'ers wet dream.

Does the ring have any restrictions like cooldown (on use or setting to another) or not being able to pull someone who is stunned or in RT?

If not this would be an MA'ers wet dream, as long as you don't get one-shotted you'd be unkillable. Have one character go hunt while the other holds the ring, if in danger, summon back. When 1st character fries, they just swap out the ring and the 1st rests while the 2nd fries.

04-26-2007, 02:39 PM
Hah. That sewer rat has to be the best scripted toy ever.

I find it very creepy =/.

04-26-2007, 02:52 PM
Yes, yes it is an MA'ers wet dream.

Heh... so many abuse possibilities with that ring...

Commit a crime and immediately get summoned out of town (hehe, can you summon people out of jail?). I wonder if it works summoning into a Major sanctuary, you could wreck some crazy havoc with a character that's pretty much immune to reprisal. (well until that reprisal comes in GM form)

04-26-2007, 02:54 PM
Only works where normal rings would work.. So no it would not work in jail or a major sanctuary. If you try to pull someone from a room that you can't ring from like that it just says something like "You turn to face <person>"

That Jay
04-26-2007, 03:12 PM
Yep, as I stated in my first post. Normal ring limitations and restrictions.

04-26-2007, 03:22 PM
Can you list some of the uses for the summoning ring, Jay? Practical applications wise. For MAing, where would it give you an advantage?

04-26-2007, 03:28 PM
If you could trick someone into wearing it, turning it, then giving it back to you, you could summon and kill them at will and there's nothing they could do to stop you.

04-26-2007, 03:29 PM
I know at least 3 instances where that has happened.. It's funny until the person comes to you bitchin about it.

04-26-2007, 03:41 PM
You can use it to pull people further down or up a line at merchants.

That Jay
04-26-2007, 03:41 PM
Hmmm....I've never really used it in these ways but off the top of my head...

1. Summoning someone while they are in ROUNDTIME. Encumbered up the hoohah and mstriking a group of critters with a roundtime of 40 secs? No problem! Get summoned out. Either to town or the room right next door.

2. (just tested) Summon someone while they are STUNNED.

3. (just tested) Summon someone while they are WEBBED.

4. (just tested) Summon someone while they are DEAD.

5. Summon someone while they are INJURED.


That Jay
04-26-2007, 03:47 PM
Yes, I own one in Platinum as well and that is precisely what I did for roleplaying reasons (They were an Ur-Daemon worshipper/cleric who had actually helped a bit lesser demon cross over to wreak some havoc and I was a Ronanite Paladin. I was in contact with the other player many times afterwards to make sure I wasn't going over the line. Unfortunately that "evil" character no longer plays and it would be really breaking the roleplay to reset the ring for other uses. So I basically cannot use that ring in Platinum anymore just in case that character ever returns.)

And you can prevent being summoned if you are out of ring range or someplace else you can normally not use a ring.

If you could trick someone into wearing it, turning it, then giving it back to you, you could summon and kill them at will and there's nothing they could do to stop you.

04-26-2007, 03:52 PM
You are retarded.. You can't move a person up in room order.. When they are pulled into the room they are just arriving and would appear at the end just like walking into the room. If you try to summon someone who is already in the same room as you, it gives you the same messaging as an unringable room "You turn to face <person>". It's not that much different from ringing into a room with a ring yourself except someone else is controlling it.

04-26-2007, 03:54 PM
Edit out the up part then. So, should you want to annoy someone far down in the room order, use this ring.

And no, I'm not a retard. I don't think that a 117 axe would be useful because web got a boost, for example. Nor do I think that you have to post endless threads on here hawking shit to be considered a merchant. You do however. Which makes you a fucking moron.

04-26-2007, 04:16 PM
Can you list some of the uses for the summoning ring, Jay? Practical applications wise. For MAing, where would it give you an advantage?

Have a character with the ring sit in a safe room (town?) while the other character hunts. If that other character is incapacitated in any form, just summon him. Short of being an idiot or getting one shotted, you would never die, and seeing as how he just said it works on dead people, even if you died, you would never need to depart confirm to save your gear (just alt-tab and use the ring)

That stated, I think it'd be pretty foolish to aquire this ring as a means of "annoying" another player, when it's clearly much more powerful as a way to save a player. (if you wanted to annoy someone, you could just keep attacking them and getting pulled back before they can strike back...)

04-26-2007, 04:26 PM
Ah, there we are. Thanks for the example. Definitely a useful tool for MAing, then.

<<That stated, I think it'd be pretty foolish to aquire this ring as a means of "annoying" another player, when it's clearly much more powerful as a way to save a player. (if you wanted to annoy someone, you could just keep attacking them and getting pulled back before they can strike back...) >>

Indeed. This is likely the number 1 way to get the item nerfed.

04-26-2007, 04:31 PM
Ah, there we are. Thanks for the example. Definitely a useful tool for MAing, then.

What's really nice is he even said there was no restrictions of time on who it's set to, so while you have to change your prespective on MAing (IE not being grouped to hunt), if you alternated who was hunting, you could keep both (or more) characters fried and extremely safe.

04-26-2007, 04:40 PM
Especially with the advent of bounty tasks. Or, just get a third account. A pair for hunting, and one for box storage/spells/summoning.

04-26-2007, 04:45 PM
Especially with the advent of bounty tasks. Or, just get a third account. A pair for hunting, and one for box storage/spells/summoning.

A pair for hunting would be sweet if you had two or more rings... but with only one a pair hunting mean's one person is exposed.

Bounty tasks would be very nice for this too, because you would be able to hunt with one to complete his task while the other is saturated (again in full saftey, you can do this now anyway).

as for holding boxes, you just have the person who is out hunting gather whatever into a container that is otherwise empty, when he returns, he takes a container from teh waiting guy, and dumps all his stuff into that container, and gives the empty one to the waiter (who is now becoming the hunter), swap who the ring is set to, and the new hunter how has an empty container and can be pulled back... rinse repeat, until the waiter's container becomes full.

04-26-2007, 04:49 PM
Yes, I own one in Platinum as well and that is precisely what I did for roleplaying reasons (They were an Ur-Daemon worshipper/cleric who had actually helped a bit lesser demon cross over to wreak some havoc and I was a Ronanite Paladin. I was in contact with the other player many times afterwards to make sure I wasn't going over the line. Unfortunately that "evil" character no longer plays and it would be really breaking the roleplay to reset the ring for other uses. So I basically cannot use that ring in Platinum anymore just in case that character ever returns.)

You're making me miss him, Jay! Great mix of evil and likeability, and started the Ur-Daemon craze in Plat that's still going to some extent.

Great use of that ring for RP, I must say, though I doubt anything like that could be done with many people, Prime or Plat. Setting the ring would require that the person has it in their possession for a time, and they could easily just run off with it. You'd almost have to trust the person completely and let them in on it for it to work right.


That Jay
04-26-2007, 06:57 PM

a bent gold ring

(summoning ring, see start of thread for abilities)

Current Bid: 55 million to Loten.

04-26-2007, 07:01 PM

04-26-2007, 07:52 PM
For some reason I thought these summoning rings used to be unlimited range. Am I imagining that, or was it changed?

That Jay
04-26-2007, 07:54 PM
These particular rings (of which I believe there are 3 in Prime) have never been unlimited in range as far as I know.

That Jay
04-26-2007, 09:17 PM

a bent gold ring

(summoning ring, see start of thread for abilities)

Current Bid: 70 million to Plur.

That Jay
04-27-2007, 11:10 AM

1. a bent gold ring

Current Bid: 70 million to Plur.

2. a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin'

Current bid: 70 million to Meldikar.

(See start of thread for abilities of either item)

That Jay
04-29-2007, 12:34 PM

(This auction follows a "once, twice, sold" format. If no other counterbids are received then the next post will list them as sold.)

1. a bent gold ring

Current Bid: 70 million to Plur.

2. a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin'

Current bid: 70 million to Meldikar.

(See start of thread for abilities of either item)

04-29-2007, 12:39 PM
71m on the ring

That Jay
04-29-2007, 06:34 PM
Current bid on the ring. 71.5 million to Plur.

Any further bids must be a MINIMUM of a 1 million silver increment since I did not specify beforehand.

04-29-2007, 07:16 PM
75m on the ring

04-29-2007, 10:45 PM
I bid 5 mil on tha picnic basket!

That Jay
04-29-2007, 11:10 PM

1. a bent gold ring

Current Bid: 76 million to Plur.

04-29-2007, 11:18 PM

That Jay
04-29-2007, 11:34 PM

2. a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Orin'

Current bid: 70 million to Meldikar.

That Jay
04-30-2007, 12:27 AM

1. a bent gold ring

Current Bid: 90 million to Tsin

That Jay
04-30-2007, 12:35 AM
Fielding buyout prices for the warblades as a set.

a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Farouk'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Ottar'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Manser'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Iubdan'

All four: 200 million.

Any three: 180 million

Two: 130 million

Will accept silvers at FWI or the Landing. Delivery at either location.

Also will accept USC at an exchange rate of $13.00 per million.