View Full Version : GSIV Merchant's Market
Pages :
- Silvers For Sale
- 7x tower shield
- Big Combined Auction (6x armor, fireleaf runestaff, alters)
- Stuff
- Prayer Beads & Spider Cloak 1M Each
- Stuff From Somewhere
- LvL 100 empath
- Premium Contest Win For Sale
- In search of...
- 20M silvers wanted.
- 4x black ora weaon of your choice
- buying silvers or 10xohe
- Lirion Self-Ammo Bow
- 8x per day skeleton key
- Thalior's Staff - Who has it!
- Auction
- padded full plate
- Looking for a sand Elemental
- Sand Elemental up for Sale
- Still looking for silvers.
- +13 DB Item
- Looking for some two handers...
- Looking for some 8x or higher full plate
- Purchasing Premium Points
- Looking to buy 6x Robes
- 6x lightning flaring handaxe
- Few things, 6x acid flaring axe, 7x eahnor tower shield, crit padded doubles
- Need an alter scroll
- Looking to buy onyx studded shadowy black hip-satchel
- moving on sale
- Altered FGB
- 40m for sale
- Misc Items
- Premium Point Info
- Purchasing Silver
- Enchanter 4 Sale! Cheap!
- Silver for Sale
- Stuff for sale
- 3mil silver
- Selling 6x robes with feature concealing hood
- Looking for a Tea Set
- Ebony-flecked urglaes pavis bound with black ora edging
- [ WANTING TO BUY ] an UNLOCKED white ora katar
- Premi points
- Premium Points
- New junk
- Buying 4400 premium points
- Price check on Premium Points ( 4100 and 9200 )
- veniom-hilted falchion - must go
- 30m for Sale
- 60 dark elf wizard
- selling 20m
- Selling a couple things to raise silver.
- WTB: black ora ring
- Selling Two Nalea's!
- Same stuff...cleaned up thread
- Selling 6x lightning flaring handaxe
- [|| AUCTION ||]
- sword and board flat priced sale
- 5x khopesh
- landing shop
- Selling 25m silvers
- Tehir items from WD
- List
- 10m for sale
- Premium Points for sale
- 17m for sale
- items and points
- Home and Shop
- 3 lb. 10x shield for sale - 20m
- coins for sale
- Anfelt ticket needed for prime
- 6x glimmering coraesine shortsword
- 2 10x waraxes
- Shop Inventory, Plus.
- 7500 Premium Points for Trade
- Looking to buy...
- StuffZ
- seige peices
- Selling Silvers
- Coins for sale
- new stuff, old stuff, and 20m+ for sale
- Level 15 elf rogue, (almost) Free
- Buying Silvers
- ltb vultite katana
- Wanting to buy 2 toys
- What's this worth?
- Ranger themed, 1 lb. pin worn Large amount Tunic
- Taking Offers on a Black Ora Longsword
- Looking for a bard
- Unloading!
- Characters?
- Another price check.
- Looking to buy.. Characters
- Bunch of girl stuff.
- Four million silver for sale, $14 each.
- Few characters for sale
- Points4sale
- Charged Gold Wands for sale
- Some THW's for sale
- 4x rolaren falchion ebladeable to 8x
- 4x heavy crit full plate for cheap
- Enchanting Slot opening
- Coins for Sale
- Lirion Self-Ammo Bow
- BUYING silver
- Pin worn Jacket
- Purchasing Full Plate
- LTB: 5500 Premium Points
- Selling a 3 room furnished 4 winds shop
- Selling a 3-room Teras Shop
- Quick sale, cheap prices
- Silvers back up for sale
- whats the going rate for
- 2000 Premium Points
- 1 coin Auction, cheap stuff
- bunch of little stuff
- Looking for 7x or higher armor
- 60m for sale
- 135 M silvers now, Still Gottem.
- Looking For A Frock (Or two!)
- Coins for Sale
- 9 Mil for $100
- NEW 10 MIL/ fast sale
- ltb 5200 premie points
- Three million silver for sale, $14 each.
- Few characters for sale (83 bard added)
- $ilvers for $ale
- 10x acid flare waraxe
- 9x HCP hauberk and 7x HCP fulls
- Ranger for Sale
- 73 Onyx Rogue
- 49 Boneshatterer
- 32 Ranger
- 39 Rogue
- 26 Wizardess
- 36 Cleric
- 1 coin auction MANY ITEMS ADDED
- Spiked, flared, zested helm.
- 26 (8.5K till 27) Wizard
- 20 Half-Krolvin Paladin
- 29 Dark-Elf Rogue
- Rogue for Sale
- 5X Sighted bow
- selling 70 rogue 18 bard
- selling 70 rogue 18 bard
- Enchanter for Sale!
- 5x fel hafter
- Looking for Multi-opponent combat Item
- Looking for 5x brig
- Everything Must Go Sale!
- A couple of items
- Characters for sale.
- Looking: hooded cloak
- IFW Three Room Shop
- 8x or above long bows
- Silver for sale.
- Icemule Three Room Shop
- Buying a Pin Worn VLA container
- 2x Tinnoc Box
- Another Quick Sale, Cheap Prices
- Best E-bay GS purchase ever.
- Incomplete Item List
- WTB any and all veil iron items
- Auction: wig, altered instrument, masks!
- LTB cotton weapons:
- LTB Mithril Thumpers
- Flat price items
- Exceptionally sighted long bow
- Selling a bunch of stuff
- Enchanter for Sale! (Now Level 32!)
- [ FOR SALE ] dhu kitten
- LTB a......
- 39th level HALFLING ROGUE - Assassin!
- A BLACK ORA SHAR SYMBOL - Extremely Rare!
- Selling a few things
- 9x altered/scripted/lightened HCP hauberk and 9x altered/lightened SCP fulls
- 70m for sale, 15 per.
- Ithloss Claidhmore for Cash
- Selling a few more random items
- Selling lot of 20 million silver
- 6x Veniom-bound rolaren tower shield (unconverted)
- God Auction Camouflage Cloak
- +40 Full Leather
- An urglaes pavis with black ora edging
- 90 Mil for Sale
- Level 25 Cleric
- - Many New Items For Sale
- Lockpicks, runestaves, Xojium robes.
- For sale: sprit recovery shield, HCP brig, other items
- Item Listing - Adding Items As I Go
- +30 Laen Shield
- Looking for a tempered greataxe
- Looking for premium points
- Few nice weapons for sale.
- Help?
- Female Garment of Thousands of Looks
- LTB 10X Doubles
- +40 Full Leather - MB Lowered
- +30 Laen Shield - MB Lowered
- few characters, anyone interested?
- looking to buy 1 million silver in ta'vaalor
- 600 Premium Points For Sale
- Selling a Paladin
- Another one coin auction, yipee...
- 3 lances
- Batch of Scrolls - Heroism, WoL, etc
- Another odd item...
- Altered FGB
- Looking for a couple old things
- A few items, 7x doubles, 6x runestaff and more
- heroism item
- Selling Lvl 80 Paladin
- Silvers for sale.
- +38 falchion 6x shield
- LTB 8X to 10X Doubles
- Looking for: 9x-10x Tower Shields
- Looking to buy Black Hairdye
- Few Characters
- Two characters on one account
- LTB: a lush sapphire blue velvet cotehardie
- nalea gown, mb 1 coin
- 3 mill for sale
- Looking for an ELF rogue
- 9x lightened/scripted HCP hauberk
- 75 Human Ranger
- 80 wizard
- Premium Points For Sale
- More what's this worth?
- High End Ice Age Gear Sale.. Something for everyone!
- Looking for spiked leg greaves.
- Silver for sale.
- Wearable Mage Rechargeables for sale
- 4x blessable returning dagger
- Level 46 Wizard
- Just some stuff:
- Player-forged vultite falchions, handaxes
- Trade: 10x cloakworn DB and silvers for 10x pinworn DB
- LTB: THW polearms
- 87 giantman rogue - master of all guild skills
- LTB: Thrown Weapons Bandolier
- Level 89 Half-Elf Bard, 40 mil in silver
- Three characters
- Ice Age Mace that will flare to AS bonus 2x your level
- 7 setting teleport ring
- 59 Halfling Wizard
- 0x masterfully crit padded brig
- 7x permablessed ice age galvorn morning star and ice age pocketed earring
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