View Full Version : Ice Age Unique Immolation Staff

05-14-2007, 09:56 PM
a silver staff

- Ice age unique electricity immolation attack that negates level and armor
- Immolates target and almost always shocks nerves first
- Possible to get multiple shocks in one attack
- Must wait for immolation to stop before hitting the target again
- Casting Cone of Lightning at it will add one charge
- Holds 10 charges total
- Hidden roll to attempt successful immolation
- NO ROUNDTIME to add charges or to wave it
- Can be recharged to full in less than 5 seconds and waved 10 times in less than 3 seconds

>prep 518
cast at my staf
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Cone of Lightning...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture at a silver staff.
The silver staff shines brightly for a moment!
First one was 2nd degree nerves and second shot was 3rd degree nerves

>wave my staff at tsin
Strands of lightning burst from the silver staff as you wave it at Tsin!
A webbing of electricity engulfs Tsin!
Tsin screams in agony and the web of lightning encasing his body savagely shocks him!
... 30 points of damage!
Electric shot gives Tsin a really bad cramp.
He is stunned!
The electricity surrounding Tsin subsides.

Strands of lightning burst from the silver staff as Chazym waves it at you!
A webbing of electricity engulfs you!
The web of lightning encasing your body shocks you savagely!
... 30 points of damage!
Electric shot shoots pain along your back and legs.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The electricity surrounding you subsides.
>wave my staff at tsin
Strands of lightning burst from the silver staff as you wave it at Tsin!
A webbing of electricity engulfs Tsin!
Tsin screams in agony and the web of lightning encasing his body savagely shocks him!
... 60 points of damage!
Heavy shock gives Tsin fits!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
The electricity surrounding Tsin subsides.

Strands of lightning burst from the silver staff as Chazym waves it at you!
A webbing of electricity engulfs you!
The web of lightning encasing your body shocks you savagely!
... 60 points of damage!
Heavy shock sends you to the ground with convulsions!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 7 rounds!
The electricity surrounding you subsides.
Strands of lightning burst from the silver staff as you wave it at a siren!
A webbing of electricity engulfs the siren!
The web of electricity encasing the siren savagely shocks it!
... 50 points of damage!
Heavy shock gives the siren fits!
The siren is stunned!

The web of electricity encasing the siren savagely shocks it!
... 30 points of damage!
Mild electric jolt sends the siren into spasms.
The electricity surrounding the siren subsides.

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


05-14-2007, 10:33 PM
A tough sell considering the need to continually holster and un-holster in between attacks given most 518 users also use runestaves.

Would be utterly useless in a swarm for the same reason, especially considering the cast of 518 itself would be of much more use.

Still, overeall it is an interesting weapon.

05-15-2007, 12:15 PM
That's because it wasn't designed for pure killing and power hunting.. Requires a wizard to be handy but at least it's better than the other immolation swords that would take 3-4 hours to recharge after 20 or so uses. I would say it's much more useful in situations where you want to incapacitate a caster with nerve damage, PVP, RP situations or just shock stuff 50 levels above you like a GM invasion leader. I'm currently using it to shock sentries before they can cast and implode me in the temple.

05-15-2007, 02:07 PM
Except sentries are noncorporeal and don't suffer nerve damage. Plus most rooms where they gen have water in them. But that was a good try.

On the other hand, you completely neglected to mention that all you need is a sorcerer to charge up a 518 scroll, and anyone can add charges to that staff...even if they have no "wizard buddy"

05-15-2007, 02:24 PM
Meh. Better to use a wizard with rapid fire. Cool item, though. I NEED MORE SILVERS.

05-15-2007, 02:47 PM
Not really a cool item. It's too difficult to use. Plus you're going to lose DS while you're holding it.

05-15-2007, 03:06 PM
But Tsin's a GM and can change it anytime he feels like it.

05-15-2007, 03:13 PM
I think by GM you mean "Horrendous liar with no sense of ethics whatsoever".

Honestly, I always tried to keep an objective opinion about Tsin. People complain endlessly about him, but I always made it a point to ask specifically why someone was complaining. Just because people don't like you doesn't mean you've actually done anything wrong. And most people who complained didn't actually have a specific story they could call on; just vague comments. But I see comments like the Sentry comment, which is clearly a blatant lie made up on the spot because it sounded like a good sales pitch, and I can't help but feel like everyone else.

And that's not the only gross misrepresentation in the items that he's currently trying to sell, fyi.

Tea & Strumpets
05-15-2007, 03:16 PM
a silver staff

- Ice age unique electricity immolation attack that negates level and armor
- Immolates target and almost always shocks nerves first
- Possible to get multiple shocks in one attack
- Must wait for immolation to stop before hitting the target again
- Casting Cone of Lightning at it will add one charge
- Holds 10 charges total
- Hidden roll to attempt successful immolation
- NO ROUNDTIME to add charges or to wave it
- Can be recharged to full in less than 5 seconds and waved 10 times in less than 3 seconds

Plus all the highly questionable claims....

- I doubt it negates armor, whatever the fuck that claim means. All electricity attacks work better against targets in metal armor, especially plate...I wonder what kind of armor Tsin is wearing. I also highly doubt that it ignores padding, because none of the immolation swords do.

- How the fuck can there be no RoundTime to add charges if you have to cast 518 at it??? If you want to make those kind of statements, you should add the caveat "if you have a slave wizard to cast rapid fire CoL at it".

- The 10 waves in 3 seconds thing is questionable, not because I think the immolate "hidden roll" is likely to happen, but simply even with all available type ahead lines it's highly unlikely you're getting 10 commands through in 3 seconds. No need to bullshit just to make the item sound better than it is.

And I'm pretty sure the clips posted are the best out of a 100 casts.

05-15-2007, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the info on non corporeals.. I wasn't lying I just didn't realize it wasn't having any affect.. Guess I was wasting my time using it and I must have been imagining sentries casting less.. I usually kill em in a couple seconds and don't really wait around to see if they can cast or not.. Yes it still works in the water rooms and will not electrocute you but there are no chances for a second immolation since it goes into the water.

I was wearing masterful crit padded hauberk.. When I say no roundtime I mean no cast roundtime when you 518 it, it simply absorbs the spell. You can easily charge it up in less than 5 seconds even without rapid fire. Yes you could also use scrolls I guess if you wanted.

05-15-2007, 04:17 PM
When I say no roundtime I mean no cast roundtime when you 518 it, it simply absorbs the spell. You can easily charge it up in less than 5 seconds even without rapid fire. Yes you could also use scrolls I guess if you wanted.

You guys just got owned.

05-16-2007, 02:07 PM

05-16-2007, 03:09 PM
I find the claim that the use of this weapon activates the lightning-based room scripts but doesn't activate the damaging part of the script to be highly questionable. And one of those posts clearly showed the lightning dissipating in the water, which means it IS counted as lightning by the atmospheric scripts. Sometimes lightning dissipates. Sometimes it strikes out at everyone. There are no lightning based attacks that merely dissipate every time.

Just like I find the claim that someone with millions of exp post-cap doesn't know that noncorporeal undead don't sustain physical wounds to be highly questionable (read: impossible).

Nice try though.

05-16-2007, 03:25 PM
It is a UNIQUE electricity attack and i've used it at least 100 times in water rooms and it will not strike back at you.

05-16-2007, 03:28 PM
Until it gets bugged and fixed.

05-16-2007, 05:44 PM
Until it gets bugged and fixed.

Hence the reason it's now up for sale. I'm sure his GM buddies have given him heads up. Ooops nevermind, he is a GM.

05-19-2007, 06:05 PM