View Full Version : GSIV Merchant's Market
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- Self Mana Call Wind - MB 20m
- Hectomaner's main gauche
- 4x DCW fal
- Fixskills Potion
- 3 legged kitten, beanbag toy, plus more from
- Characters for sale
- 7x HCP Doubles
- +22 Maul
- Trading paladin
- 9x doubles
- +32 broadsword, +30 yew short bow, +25 rolaren backsword (blessable)
- Altered, lightened FGB
- paying 500k
- Poisons - 24 Top Shelf Bottles
- 100 rhimar slabs
- selling 7 million coins at $12.00/million
- 30 Million Coins 13/per
- Scrolls for Sale in Ta'Illistim
- A vaalin trimmed leather cuirass (9x, somewhat crit doubles, pauldrons) 50m or $500
- Buying silver - right now if anyone has
- Selling 25 million silvers- $12.50 per million
- Dahcre Card Box
- Selling a few items.
- Silvers for sale 13 per mill
- Trading 6x HCP MBP or plate for decent brigandine or chain
- All That Remains/ Flat price
- LTB: Crit padded doubles or scale armors
- Actioned 5x half plate
- looking for a krodora kite shield payin well
- LTB 5-6X HCP Full Plate
- Kitten and sack
- an eahnor-banded ancient glowbark runestaff
- Looking to Buy Backworn Container
- 20m at $12.5/per
- LTB emeralds/diamonds
- Lvl 63 Ranger For Sale!
- considering selling lvl 65 elven warrior
- Self Mana 635 Horns
- Locker Cleanout 1
- burning crusade collector's
- cman potion
- Gemstone Platinum Market...
- bag of gems
- 7x hcp full plate
- 2 Perfect Vultite Brawling Weapons
- FS: 10X Short Sword with Paralysis Flares.
- Random low-mid items - 15k to 2m
- Non-Crumbly Mage Rechargable
- Silvers for sale
- bag of lockpicks
- Lockpicks (4)
- Bounty points for Sale
- Another shot at character liquidation
- Looking to purchase some gemcutter patterns
- Few characters for sale
- MIU and ArcaneSymbols Enhancive Potions - Perfect for that Final ET Cast.
- Liquidating - 3 accounts
- 6000 PPs
- Shadow Wares (8x HCP brig and some other nice stuff)
- 7x HCP Lightened Doubles
- 55 rogue for sale
- 61 Paladin
- 65 Wizard
- 9x incred crit doubles with +30 points padding
- 9.5x heavy crit hauberk - MB 70m
- +30 red stained yew short bow
- Enhancive Recharging Service
- Selling 200m Silver
- 9.7M exp 100 female dwarf cleric +
- 4x Lightened HCP Plate
- Another Dhask BLOWOUT sale!
- Locker stuff.
- LTB FixStat potion
- SELLING: White Ora Weapons
- 1900 Premium Points
- Fixskills Potion, Cheap!
- Silver for sale.
- Incredibly damage weighted mattock
- A brilliant white coraesine pike swirled with dark grey veins
- 48 Elven Rogue w/ Fixskills
- Locker Cleanout 2
- Self ammo mechanical crossbow AUCTION
- Re-Imbeddable Blank Imbeddables
- Armor and Accessories, send offers!
- FS: +8 old-style claidhmore
- 6x Masterful Crit Fal
- 6x perfectly forged troll claw
- Seeking: Veniom Alloy Full Plate
- Silvers for Sale
- High End Items
- 6x HCP full plate
- +35 11 lb HCP Torso Plate. Arkati stuff, Misc.
- Level 69 Male Giant Cleric
- Looking for flaring OHE for left hand use.
- Demon pocketwatch
- Silvers for sale at $13.00 per million
- Silvers for Sale
- Looking for a FWI shop
- selling 5 million coins at $13.00/million
- Weapon Displayer That Hold 15+ lb weapon?
- 12 MIL to Assume Account. 6 Characters 25 and down+ gear
- Bounty Point Services
- rechargable gem and cman potion
- The "I just decayed" $0.01 23 elf warrior auction!
- rechargeables
- 23 forest gnome ranger $0.01 MB
- Coins 4 Sale
- 3 million silvers for sale
- 30m silver for sale
- A Lot Of Items
- Shops
- Buying Nice Short Swords
- LvL 30 Rogue You Train & Have a Fixskill
- buying a maul/tetsubo
- 5x longsword with flares
- Will be taking orders
- 53 giant paladin - $125
- 6x shield
- Price drop! Silver at $12.00 per million!
- 2 million silvers left
- Landing Shop
- WTB: Imflass Targe/Buckler
- Selling - 6x HCP Brig
- Fixskill potion for sale.
- LTB: Enchanted Longbow/Composite Bow
- 75+ New Items - Over 300 Items & Tons of Silver For Sale
- 49th training Cleric for sale
- Cloudy Shape Brig and Self Mana Inviso Brig
- WTB: Orb Gem Worth at least 4k
- Large Pre-Retirement Auction
- 9x swc doubles
- 53 male giant paladin, fixskills - CHEAP
- Upgrading my PC Sale! - 42 Rogue
- Cobbling and Shoes
- Smaller items for sale
- Couple chars
- 8x vultite morning star
- 41m 12/m
- My highly coveted dwarven loot sack
- silvers
- Maybe I'll sell my account
- extra enchant (+17) Imflass Alloy Double Ringmail
- 5x 63lb golvern HCP full plate
- 3x Critter Found Maul
- Pre Imbedded Items Location and list
- 5x perfect steel mattock
- Wizard and warrior value?
- +35 HCP 11 lb Torso Plate. + HCP head/neck arms, legs coverage total 22 lbs
- Siegery pieces for sale
- selling some silvers
- Selling out Part 2.
- Closeout sale
- some ancient black elven battle leathers with crimson pauldrons
- 9x shield, altered fgb and others
- LTB Fixskills Potion
- Level 60 Male Dark Elf Rogue For Sale $250 Flat
- Dimpled White Vultite Sphere?
- Glaes Claidhmore / Adamantium Bastard Sword
- 1x a day call familiar armband
- Recharged wands
- 7x Heavily Crit Padded Doubles
- few items, nothing special
- Looking for some in River's Rest
- a siren lizard scale leather
- Buying Mandis Crystal Shards
- LTB: Player Shop in the EN
- 80 Rogue/MasterArtisan/Guildmaster w/many unique high end items (Long)
- Daggers of the nifty variety
- Selling a pair of capacious bags
- 37 Giantman Cleric / 50 Sylvan Wizard
- WTB: Eonake Star
- Characters for sale with all their stuff, alters -- help me with prices?
- selling a few chars
- Selling a few chars #2 80 wiz
- Selling a few chars #3 52 warrior
- Selling a few chars #4 ,60 pali
- looking for
- Selling an elven lor theorbo - casts stunning shout
- 2 items
- Selling chain armor!
- a massive ironwood maul with a rolaren coil-wrapped haft
- Silver for sale.
- Bard for sale (forgot to list 5x blessable, altered warblade)
- For sale: Some 6x full plate
- want to trade newbies?
- bag of lockpicks
- Silvers for sale
- Buying landing gems
- Merchanting Moderator
- Price-cut Adamantium Bastard Sword and Glaes Claidh (oldstyle)
- LTB ::Silvers
- Selling Silver
- Retirement Auction - The Good Stuff
- Looking for: gold and white jade amulet holder
- Haven Shop for sell.
- Unlocked Iasha white ora falchion, 4x
- Few scrolls and minor trinkets
- WTB FWI shop
- Looking to Trade Siegery Pieces
- Silvers for Sale
- Buying a sword
- 9 Characters from !
- Infused Scrolls(211, 215, 606, 712, 913, 613)
- characters
- Selling silvers
- 40 million @ $12.5 per
- Selling characters: 54 cleric, 23 bard
- Fixskills/CMAN Potions & Enhancive Recharging
- Looking for gem cutter!
- Looking for Capped Warrior
- 6x HCP Brig
- Self mana 509 and 406
- Pet empath for sell
- Looking for tasteful gowns
- Level 92 Half-Elven Wizard w/ Fixskills.
- level 17 rogue for sale.
- A few small things
- 6x chain spear
- 7x scripted Runestaff
- Quick sale of items
- A laminated gold-trimmed cuirass
- Heroism mage rechargable
- Toy Goats Auction
- Looking for premium points
- WTB: Gem Chisel or possibly another shop in Landing.
- TD boosting shield, Surname displaying 7x doubles, special feature concealing robe
- LTB: Self Charging Wand
- FGB equiv.........some shadowy silver armor
- 7x Fulls (xpost from Officials)
- WoW Saltwater Snapjaw Turtle Mount
- Free Player Forged Falchions
- 4m - $50
- 9800 Premium Points for sale
- Major job open
- Coins for sale
- Buying hcp brig (3.5x - 4x).
- Stuff for less than a mill!
- Looking to buy a Hurling Bandolier
- Selling some stuff
- 1 for 1 trade
- Dagger blessed by Kai
- Selling a.. Mill :O
- Fish Spine Sword
- Shop inventory
- Looking to buy 7x studded leather
- Landing Shop/4400 PP's
- Silvers for Sale - Reliable Seller
- Looking for 7x+ HCP doubles
- High End Items
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