View Full Version : GSIV Merchant's Market
Pages :
- 69 Sorc fer sale/buying warrior
- 0 - 30 Character Levelling
- 420 Scroll & Charging Crystal
- Glaes claidhmore and Adamantium Sword
- Coins for sale.
- LTB Silver
- 10x DB Pin
- Four Winds, Solhaven, and Icemule shop for sale
- Some Items For Sale
- 6.5x fireleaf runestaff
- trading for fixskill potion
- LTB TD item
- Bleh, someone sell me a mil in landing
- Selling Silver
- teras gems
- A Few Nice Items for Sale
- 30M at $13/M
- SELLING: Incredibly Weighted Flamberge! +12, Incredibly Strong Forge
- LTB 7-10X Full Plate
- Dex's auction winners
- Selling a house in landing
- 7x OHE scythe, lvl 30 wizard, no save hp-stealing lanter and more for sale
- Some Hot Weapons from
- nice armor - to be sold by the 9th
- WTB: 4x - 6x chainmail, preferably HCP
- WTB some fun scripted stuff
- 7x falchion, 8x shield, FGB all altered for Sale
- 6x, flaring hauberk w/ slash resistance
- Need a forger
- Dwarven stuff
- vultite katana
- Metal Breast Plate
- silvers for sale
- Perfect Mithril Handaxe
- LTB Bard
- 8x Full Leathers
- Quick Sale
- 51 rogue
- Ethereal Halberd
- Character raffle?
- 59 half elf wizard going cheap
- selling a landing shop
- 5x superior flamberge
- LTB Rogue
- Raffle #1 - Landing Shop
- Energy Long Bow Gauntlet
- 7x golvern edged ancient elven falchion
- Mage Rechargeable EWave
- Few Characters(2 mages, 79,100, 80 sorc+)
- Simple Things, Simply Put
- 6x falchion
- selling silvers cheap
- Viper Staff
- Laen Claid
- 9x incredible crit padded brigandine
- Ice Age Wizard Hand
- 10500 Premie Points
- testing the waters of character sales
- 10x DB Boots and Scripted Pants
- 6x augmented chain
- quick liquidation
- Mm Nalea gowns from!
- 7x ironwood runestaff with loresong
- 2 flails
- 9x incredible crit brig with 5 points extra padding
- Excessive Amounts of High End Items
- 57 male cleric
- weird bottle
- Selling or Trading WOW account
- Gaudy Scripted Pants
- self charge disarm lore
- Selling Silver (Up to 90 mil)
- Seeking:Shop Partnership
- A few wares
- Viper Staff Price Lowered
- Recharging Crystal
- bag of gems
- bag of lockpicks
- Last of the summer wine...
- a pair of sea thrak hide armwraps (1/3 slash resistance to arms)
- Mage re-chargables x20 from
- 7x, lightning flaring longsword and rare hatchet
- a slate wand
- 96 sorc
- 20m for sale
- few characters
- 100 mil for sale
- Goat Pins
- Need two hander (including claid)
- 42 Dwarf cleric
- 380 million for sale.
- 10x Sanctified mace
- +31 HCW OHE Katana, +15 VHCW Dagger
- Wear pants?!? What am I, the Pope? (LTB...pants)
- 30m silvers for sale.
- 20m coins - $240
- Selling Silvers!
- Looking for a heroism self charger
- Scripted female armor, weapons, more armor
- LTB High Level
- Mishmash Auction!
- WTB premium points
- Weapon and Armor AUCTION!
- Looking to buy Weapons
- 6x HCP full plate
- some crimson war armor with a black scimitar engraved on the chest
- Fel Hafter, 7x & 6x shields, 5x vibe lance, more
- Raffle # 2
- LTB fixskills
- I wish...for fish! (i.e. LTB: fish)
- A Couple Items
- Huge locker clearout
- WTB .. Katar(s)
- WTT WoW account for GS4 silver/items
- bard
- 10x HCP Full Leather
- Level 32 Male Sylvankind Rogue
- Selling Silver
- 4x Perfect Blue Steel Short-sword
- Toy Bank
- armor and weapons sale
- A few old items
- Level 44 Female Human Ranger
- Iorake Claid
- A magnificent spinel-set lor runestaff
- Fixskills potion
- LTB: Female only Full leather
- lvl 20 cleric, lvl 30 wizard coin, or cash, I PAY TRANSFER
- Selling lvl 15 rogue
- Looking for weapon.
- Buying : H4H Brig or Fitted Elven Scalemail
- Looking for a 10x 2HW
- 4x+ flaring weapon
- 60 sorc
- 69 sorc
- 80 Warrior - 10,400 PP - Fixskills
- a weak potion of accelerated unlearning
- Silver for sale
- 25m silver priced to move
- 5x HCP half plate & more
- Moving on sale.
- Nalea gowns.
- Character Raffle
- Level 44 Female Human Ranger
- Lucker Junk
- 25m for 325$
- Couple Items
- alter scrolls
- 14 mil at 13 per until midnight eastern
- Fixskills potion
- Ethereal Flamberge for sale
- A Small Auction / Buyout
- LTB Bard
- A Couple Characters for your Consideration
- New Bargain Shop!
- LTB Dragonfly quest flowers from Whistler Path
- couple cheap weapons
- Altered Shop in Illistim
- Premium Points
- Thrown stuff for sale, along with a few other goodies.
- 8x and 7x shields
- Selling 25 Wizard/Cleric
- 25m for sale
- Katars
- Imflass Brigandine
- info on a weird container
- 2 Bards
- Nifty Scripted Cane
- Trading Wizard
- Level 55 Halfling Wizard
- Looking for Dragonfly Fest flowers
- LTB Greater Iasha no-dachi
- LTB: Unlocked Vial
- Altered rolaren longsword
- 7x HCP Chain Shirt for sale
- Fixskills Potion
- 14 mil at 12 per until midnight eastern
- True black ora estoc for sale
- LTB 5-7x imflass armor
- Coins at $14 per
- Some Items For Sale
- April Update + Raffle info!
- Bunch of scrolls, including Heroism and Bravery scrolls
- Silvers $14/m
- 7x brigandine
- Dragonfly Festival Flower Trades
- spiked damage padded hauberk
- Lvl 26 Rogue, LvL 26 Ranger, inventories included, both has last names
- Few Nice Items
- 55 human rogue
- weird flaring falchion
- Level 44 Female Human Ranger
- Multiple Items
- 7x runestaff
- cheap cleric
- Lookin' fer a kitty...
- Gem-cutter patterns
- Flower Quest
- a ruby-pommeled imflass backsword
- LTB 6.5x, 7x, or 8x brigandine
- quake rechargeable ring for sale
- Selling Wizard
- Lvl 52 Rogue, Gambit Master, 48 Sweep, 21 LM, CoL
- LTB: Goseana items
- Altered Clothing and FGB For Sale
- Surge sucks! Selling my 32 rogue
- Dagger, Short sword, Backslasher...
- Coins at $14 per
- LTB Teras Shop
- 7x Runestaff
- LTB: a sharp vultite troll-claw
- no MB auction, bulk deal. Paypal only
- Jewelry Filled backpack, some magical
- Buying Shortswords
- 19 bard, 25 rogue, both with inventory and fixskills
- Trading 49 Bane Cleric for 35-40 Ranger or Wizard + Silvers
- Seeking: Ankle Worn Locksmith Kit
- Expensive Stuff For Sale
- Thief Helm
- Halfling claidhmore
- WTB or Trade for 34-40'sh Ranger
- Pole Arms
- Crystal Amulet Holders
- Silvers for Sale
- WTB: Camo wand from dragonfly fest
- Selling my 49 Cleric by Midnight
- 5500 Premium Points
- Well-balanced imflass longsword
- 20 Wizard
- Silvers tonight until midnight eastern!
- 23 ranger - 1300 premium points - fixskills
- WTB or TRADING for a Wizard
- Coins at $14 per
- 4x Perfect Blue Steel Longsword
- Selling a load of stuff
- LTB 8-10x shield
- Character raffle
- LTB ranger.
- Greater White Ora Question
- 200k and Less Alter stuff!
- LTB 6x to 7x composite/long bow
- Forehead gem
- LTB: Strength Enhancer
- LTB: Cap/Near Cap Rogue
- LTB sighted long bow.
- 97 DE Sorc
- LTB highly enchanted doubles
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