12-20-2017, 08:50 PM
Once, twice, sold nightly.
MB: 40K each.
BOs entertained.
ID|Item|Location|Spell|Magic Perists|Enh. Persists|Enh. Charges|Enhancive|CB
1|thin rat's tail anklet|ankle|N/A|N/A|Y|fair amount|+2 dexterity (no restriction)|Sold and delivered
2|tooled mithril ring|finger|blank|Y|Y|giantman|+2 logic bonus (7), +1 mana recovery (4)|Sold and delivered
3|sapphire-set sterling silver neckchain|neck|blank|Y|Y|a lot|+6 constitution (21), +7 influence (19), +2 arcane symbols bonus (4)|Sold and delivered
5|long-cut alexandrite pin|pin worn|1112 (System Scar Repair) - tap - rechargeable|Y|Y|giantman|+2 dexterity bonus (11)|Sold and delivered
6|faceted ruby inset copper pin|pin worn|112 (Water Walking) - tap - rechargeable|Y|Y|giantman|+2 agility bonus (11)|Sold and delivered
7|rune-etched copper band|finger|blank - rechargeable|Y|N|quite a few|+3 influence bonus (14)|Sold and delivered
8|gem-encrusted sterling silver band|finger|blank - rechargeable|Y|N|a lot|+4 agility bonus (37), +4 max stamina (10)|Sold on BO offer
10|jade-inlaid gold buckle|pin worn|blank - rechargeable|Y|N|giantman|+5 dexterity (15)|Sold and delivered
11|ivory and star sapphire brooch|pin worn|blank - rechargeable|N|N|giantman|+2 constitution bonus (11)|Sold and delivered
12|pear-cut amethyst armband|wrist|blank|N|N|a lot|+2 aura bonus (21)|Sold on BO offer
(Numbers in parenthesis are level requirements.)
MB: 40K each.
BOs entertained.
ID|Item|Location|Spell|Magic Perists|Enh. Persists|Enh. Charges|Enhancive|CB
1|thin rat's tail anklet|ankle|N/A|N/A|Y|fair amount|+2 dexterity (no restriction)|Sold and delivered
2|tooled mithril ring|finger|blank|Y|Y|giantman|+2 logic bonus (7), +1 mana recovery (4)|Sold and delivered
3|sapphire-set sterling silver neckchain|neck|blank|Y|Y|a lot|+6 constitution (21), +7 influence (19), +2 arcane symbols bonus (4)|Sold and delivered
5|long-cut alexandrite pin|pin worn|1112 (System Scar Repair) - tap - rechargeable|Y|Y|giantman|+2 dexterity bonus (11)|Sold and delivered
6|faceted ruby inset copper pin|pin worn|112 (Water Walking) - tap - rechargeable|Y|Y|giantman|+2 agility bonus (11)|Sold and delivered
7|rune-etched copper band|finger|blank - rechargeable|Y|N|quite a few|+3 influence bonus (14)|Sold and delivered
8|gem-encrusted sterling silver band|finger|blank - rechargeable|Y|N|a lot|+4 agility bonus (37), +4 max stamina (10)|Sold on BO offer
10|jade-inlaid gold buckle|pin worn|blank - rechargeable|Y|N|giantman|+5 dexterity (15)|Sold and delivered
11|ivory and star sapphire brooch|pin worn|blank - rechargeable|N|N|giantman|+2 constitution bonus (11)|Sold and delivered
12|pear-cut amethyst armband|wrist|blank|N|N|a lot|+2 aura bonus (21)|Sold on BO offer
(Numbers in parenthesis are level requirements.)