View Full Version : T6 Jackpot
10-30-2017, 10:30 PM
Alashir, Galenblackbard and I pooled some seashells and this was our prize. The final bid will be split 3 ways.
Since we pooled seashells to purchase this, and ownership is split 3 ways, we are also able to place bids.
Bids will be updated 1x per day.
Buyout offers will be considered, but approval will be required from all 3 owners.
a carved composite bow
Carved to resemble a seahorse, the ash bow is dyed a lime green hue that darkens at the edges. Bow arms curve to house the nocks, the top one etched with a coronet, eye spine, and long snout, while the lower one has decorative tail rings and a curved tip. The sturdy grip rests beneath an orange-hued dorsal fin and is wrapped with yellow suede. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
7x, 3 pounds
(OOC) Roblar's player whispers, "[A carved composite bow has a combat effectiveness rating of 10 points of Sighted weighting. It has 0 of 30 services towards the next full rank of combat effectiveness.]."
CB: 15m to Alastir
10-30-2017, 10:37 PM
10-30-2017, 10:37 PM
10-30-2017, 10:40 PM
10-30-2017, 10:41 PM
250k seashells for a 7x sighted bow. And sadness takes its toll. sorry man.
10-30-2017, 11:20 PM
250k seashells for a 7x sighted bow. And sadness takes its toll. sorry man.
Not only that, its lime green and looks like a seahorse.
10-30-2017, 11:24 PM
Not only that, its lime green and looks like a seahorse.
The bow would like you to know it's not what is on the outside that counts, but what is on the inside.
10-30-2017, 11:44 PM
Not only that, its lime green and looks like a seahorse.
10-30-2017, 11:50 PM
Its a tier 6 composite yearns to be a longbow or masterfully sighted
10-31-2017, 04:22 PM
10-31-2017, 04:46 PM
11-01-2017, 12:30 AM
Would it have been OP to make it very heavily sighted?
11-01-2017, 11:50 AM
11-02-2017, 12:08 PM
11-03-2017, 12:08 PM
11-06-2017, 02:55 PM
11-06-2017, 11:19 PM
Interesting that bids were "Bids will be updated 1x per day."
So my bid which should've won, got replaced instead 5 days later by what seems to be one of the owners. Not underhanded at all...
11-07-2017, 07:23 AM
Interesting that bids were "Bids will be updated 1x per day."
So my bid which should've won, got replaced instead 5 days later by what seems to be one of the owners. Not underhanded at all...
On 11-3-17:
[Merchant]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "looking for SashaFierce from PC"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "Hello"
[Private]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "hi. wanted to understand what's happening with the bow auction. i have the highest bid for like almost 4 days come its still not sold?"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "Because it's owned by 3 people and I need to communicate with them."
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "You also bid on 11/1 - It's now 11/3."
[Private]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "ah, i'm 11/4 where i am already. is there an estimate for when this auction will end?"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "We're currently discussing a buyout offer - So I don't think it's going to be won for 6m."
[Private]-GSIV:Zephyrn: "ok, however i feel that's a bit unfair as it was posted without that info. if 6m was really too low for the item, perhaps next time you should put a higher mb on it"
You bid on 11-1 at 9:50 AM. So let's say going once on 11-2 at 9:50 AM, going twice on 11-3 at 9:50 AM and it would have been marked sold on 11-4 at 9:50 AM.
If you look at the original post:
Last edited by SashaFierce; 11-04-2017 at 04:42 AM.
I placed a bid myself, at 4:42 AM - 5 hours prior to when you feel it should have been marked sold to you.
I made it clear I was in discussions with the other owners, I let you know that your 6m bid wasn't going to win.
I placed my offer as a bid, instead of as a buyout, to give you a chance to bid more and pay a fair market value for the item.
I offered to buy out the other owners, so that they received more than 2m for their T6 Jackpot pull, which cost 250k seashells.
I'm sorry you feel like you should have won a 7x heavily sighted bow for 6m.
11-07-2017, 07:43 AM
"I'm sorry you feel like you should have won a 7x heavily sighted bow for 6m."
And that right there is the problem, you made your own bid so I wouldn't win because you felt it was too low...well that's what an auction is and that's what minimum bids are for. If you felt it should've been sold for a minimum of 15m, then you put a 15m minimum bid or you put it in a flat priced sale. I've had plenty of auctions where, unfortunately there wasn't enough people and well, it sold for less than what I would've liked, that's tough but just like the times when some people overbid for something, that's what auctions are.
While its one thing to get a buyout bid, a buyout bid from yourself as an owner is stretching credibility. I've never seen an auction by bid on by the original poster and in all real auctions.
11-07-2017, 08:21 AM
"I'm sorry you feel like you should have won a 7x heavily sighted bow for 6m."
And that right there is the problem, you made your own bid so I wouldn't win because you felt it was too low...well that's what an auction is and that's what minimum bids are for. If you felt it should've been sold for a minimum of 15m, then you put a 15m minimum bid or you put it in a flat priced sale. I've had plenty of auctions where, unfortunately there wasn't enough people and well, it sold for less than what I would've liked, that's tough but just like the times when some people overbid for something, that's what auctions are.
While its one thing to get a buyout bid, a buyout bid from yourself as an owner is stretching credibility. I've never seen an auction by bid on by the original poster and in all real auctions.
I placed a bid because the current bid was low and it was a good deal.
Prior to pulling the T6 jackpot, the 3 of us who pooled seashells agreed that we could buy out the other 2 if we were interested in the item. But the item had to be auctioned, we could simply bid on the item and not pay out our 1/3rd if won.
I contacted the other 2 owners, stated what the CB is, and offered to buy them out so they got more than 2m silvers.
They aren't interested in the item for themselves, and agreed to my buyout offer.
Instead of just yanking the item for myself, I placed my offer as the current bid. If you want the bow, you can make a better offer.
This is still an auction, you were just outbid. I'm not the sole owner of the bow, yet. I only own 1/3rd of it. You may not like it, but I'd rather give the other 2 people who paid 80k+ seashells for a T6 jackpot more silvers myself, than to let it sell for 6m and they only get 2m. I don't have any plans to even use it, but I feel like they deserve more than 2m silvers for their T6 Jackpot.
11-07-2017, 10:16 AM
Greasy as usual.
11-07-2017, 10:39 AM
He basically yanked the item because it wasn't getting bites, don't make this complicated. Aaand who gives a fuck?
I didn't yank it. People can still bid. I'm leaving it open longer so the other 2 owners get the maximum value they can out of it.
Greasy as usual.
I don't really care whatsoever if you like it or not.
My auction, my rules. If you don't like it, don't bid.
11-08-2017, 12:27 PM
Wow, that is some shady shit right there.
11-08-2017, 12:40 PM
While setting a low MB is usually a good idea if you want to drive interest in the item, in this case if you already had an idea that you’d bid if it didn’t reach a certain price, it would have worked better to set the mb at least closer to what you were considering.
11-08-2017, 01:01 PM
I've done several big transactions with a lot of people from here and I frequent the forums maybe too much. Outside of basically having stuff stolen, this is one of the shittiest things I've seen. I've almost been waiting to see an MB not be taken because it was too low and was really there to draw interest...I've seen some I was afraid would come close to that, but fortunately after a few years, didn't see it happen. The MB should've been set at the expectations...or...once the expectations were known during the process, the MB should've been redacted and the auction restarted.
The sad and and shady part is that this expectation was known, all the way till the end, with no mention of this expectation. In all honesty, I'd discourage anyone from buying it at this point.
11-08-2017, 02:21 PM
While setting a low MB is usually a good idea if you want to drive interest in the item, in this case if you already had an idea that you’d bid if it didn’t reach a certain price, it would have worked better to set the mb at least closer to what you were considering.
I had no plans to bid on this item.
I expected someone to bid a reasonable value for it, that didn't happen.
Rather than see the other 2 owners get 2m for 80k+ seashells, I'll make a reasonable bid myself and toss it in my locker.
I could have just started the auction with a CB of 15m to myself and not have had to deal with all this drama, but then some of you would probably complain about that as well.
11-08-2017, 02:59 PM
I had no plans to bid on this item.
I expected someone to bid a reasonable value for it, that didn't happen.
I didn't say you had plans to bid, I said specifically...
if you already had an idea that you’d bid if it didn’t reach a certain price
You took that out of context. And you just admitted via your post that you expected someone to bid higher but they didn't and you weren't going to allow the other two owners to get shafted, so you did plan on bidding, again, IF it didn't reach a certain price, like I said. So yeah, it would have gone better for you to at least start the MB closer to what you thought you and the owners should get. An even better idea would have been to let a third party on this forum handle the auction for you, and you could then have bid freely and everything would have appeared above board.
11-09-2017, 10:18 AM
Yes, this was by far the most shittiest merchanting I've seen.
Not just that, but I also love the way he phrased his responses to me as if I'm scamming him by winning it for "only" 6m because its completely my fault that I made a higher bid than the previous bidder on a normal no-MB auction.
But at least we also got a price check on his reputation as a merchant, he's valuing it at less than 9m. Fine, its your auction, but glad others see your true colors.
11-10-2017, 12:07 AM
The section in blue at the top has been there since I first came across this thread. It states clearly that "we are also able to place bids" and that bids will update 1x a day. Even if you choose to interpret that to be exactly 24 hours between updates, the timestamp of the latest update to the top post is less than 72 hours after your bid.
It seems like Alastir followed the stated rules for the auction to the letter. If you didn't like those rules, you probably shouldn't have bid on the item. I could maybe understand your butthurt if he topped you by like 500k, but he bid 250% of your bid.
11-10-2017, 12:23 AM
The section in blue at the top has been there since I first came across this thread. It states clearly that "we are also able to place bids" and that bids will update 1x a day. Even if you choose to interpret that to be exactly 24 hours between updates, the timestamp of the latest update to the top post is less than 72 hours after your bid.
It seems like Alastir followed the stated rules for the auction to the letter. If you didn't like those rules, you probably shouldn't have bid on the item. I could maybe understand your butthurt if he topped you by like 500k, but he bid 250% of your bid.
The shady part isn't necessarily Alastir being able to bid, it's how it was handled. Allowing someone's bid to linger for days THEN bidding 2.5x the current bid left a bad taste in the bidders mouth. If Alastir would have bid in 1 mil increments once he saw a plateau had been reached, it probably would have sat better. If a third part would have handled it like I mentioned, it probably would have sat better. If a mb closer to what Alastir thought he and the owners deserved would have been set THEN Alastir bid in 1 mil increments it would have sat better. There are so many ways it could have been handled better, and that is the shady part. Not the fact he was just part owner and able to bid.
11-10-2017, 12:45 AM
The auctioneer is able to place bids. HAHAHAHHA.
This guy is a known tool. Buyer beware.
11-10-2017, 01:03 AM
The shady part isn't necessarily Alastir being able to bid, it's how it was handled. Allowing someone's bid to linger for days THEN bidding 2.5x the current bid left a bad taste in the bidders mouth. If Alastir would have bid in 1 mil increments once he saw a plateau had been reached, it probably would have sat better. If a third part would have handled it like I mentioned, it probably would have sat better. If a mb closer to what Alastir thought he and the owners deserved would have been set THEN Alastir bid in 1 mil increments it would have sat better. There are so many ways it could have been handled better, and that is the shady part. Not the fact he was just part owner and able to bid.
I don't agree that waiting two days before bidding is allowing it to "linger". That's just how auctions work. Even with a strict, literal interpretation, he followed the rules of the auction. Also totally fair to criticize the auction for not being run by a third party, but that was explained clearly in the first post. If that's your problem, then don't bid.
But the most confusing thing is that you think that it would have been ok if Alastir would have bid in 1mil increments, while also thinking that increasing the bid significantly "left a bad taste". Can you please explain that as I totally see it the other way. I mean I can already see people complaining about bidding is his own auction by such small amounts just to drive the price up. With a 15m bid, it seems more clear to me that he is serious about buying it and not just trying to squeeze a little more money out of the auction.
11-10-2017, 01:13 AM
I don't agree that waiting two days before bidding is allowing it to "linger". That's just how auctions work. Even with a strict, literal interpretation, he followed the rules of the auction. Also totally fair to criticize the auction for not being run by a third party, but that was explained clearly in the first post. If that's your problem, then don't bid.
But the most confusing thing is that you think that it would have been ok if Alastir would have bid in 1mil increments, while also thinking that increasing the bid significantly "left a bad taste". Can you please explain that as I totally see it the other way. I mean I can already see people complaining about bidding is his own auction by such small amounts just to drive the price up. With a 15m bid, it seems more clear to me that he is serious about buying it and not just trying to squeeze a little more money out of the auction.
Its a shitty sales technique, the MB was always 15m.
11-10-2017, 01:26 AM
Its a shitty sales technique, the MB was always 15m.
I'm honestly trying to understand why people see it this way. Can you please explain a scenario where one of the owners of this item could have bid and you wouldn't consider it a shitty sales technique?
11-10-2017, 01:35 AM
I don't agree that waiting two days before bidding is allowing it to "linger". That's just how auctions work. Even with a strict, literal interpretation, he followed the rules of the auction. Also totally fair to criticize the auction for not being run by a third party, but that was explained clearly in the first post. If that's your problem, then don't bid.
But the most confusing thing is that you think that it would have been ok if Alastir would have bid in 1mil increments, while also thinking that increasing the bid significantly "left a bad taste". Can you please explain that as I totally see it the other way. I mean I can already see people complaining about bidding is his own auction by such small amounts just to drive the price up. With a 15m bid, it seems more clear to me that he is serious about buying it and not just trying to squeeze a little more money out of the auction.
I do see your point in that bidding in 1 mil increments would seem like he was trying to drive the price up. My point was just that that's how a normal bidder would have typically bid at that point, lending a bit more credibility. But you're right, that method would also be a double edged sword. I guess, as Drauz just also mentioned, that if he was serious, he probably should have put a higher MB, which is definitely one of the points I originally made. And you're right that the OP stated from the beginning about the possibility of him bidding, but setting the mb that low I think gave a false impression. If Alastir didn't want to set the mb that high, he could also have been more clear about his intentions that the item should sell for x amount or higher and planned to bid that amount if it didn't reach that mark.
11-10-2017, 01:45 AM
I'm honestly trying to understand why people see it this way. Can you please explain a scenario where one of the owners of this item could have bid and you wouldn't consider it a shitty sales technique?
Its a poor sales technique no matter what, bidding on your own stuff. There is no scenario where it is an accepted technique. It gives a poor impression to the bidders.
I am assume you only mean the shitty sales technique and not that the MB was always 15m, that one is pretty evident. This entire thing could have been nipped in the bud had the seller just started at 15m. If it didn't sell at that price he could have spoken with the other parties and bought it for 15m himself. It just a bad way of selling things. That is my opinion though, feel free to have your own.
The problem lies in the item as well. Its a bow that shares enchant with the arrows used in it. Most archers are master fletchers so they use 5x arrows. So essentially this is worth the exact same as a 5x bow of the same caliber, actually less because it will be harder to enchant because of the extra 2x that isn't being used.
11-10-2017, 01:49 AM
I'm honestly trying to understand why people see it this way. Can you please explain a scenario where one of the owners of this item could have bid and you wouldn't consider it a shitty sales technique?
I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, and you didn't ask me this question, but I'll add my thought, is that the only scenario it would't have "seemed" shitty is for a third party to sell it. The bottom line is that the only two scenarios that don't come across as shitty is that the mb was set higher to what Alastir was willing to let the item go for, or a third party handled it all together. I'm not saying that Alastir didn't have every right to conduct the auction the way he did and to bid accordingly. Let's be honest with ourselves, we mention all the time on these forums that if you're the owner of the item/auction, you can run your auction however you see fit. What we're discussing is best practices, and I think we can more or less agree that the way it was handled isn't necessarily a best practice.
11-10-2017, 03:19 AM
Why was this auction even started? Why didn't SF just give each of the other owners 5 mil each and call it a day?
"Hey, guys! 3 people joint own this weapon that I REALLY REALLY want and I'm willing to buy out the other two owners for 5 mil each, but I want to see if there is more interest in it then that. So let's start the bidding at 15 mil!"
This thread would have been done and over with in a matter of days without a single reply.
11-10-2017, 03:45 AM
The text in blue wasn't even added until after the auction was underway and bids were already in. This is shady as fuck. Sorry you guys got fucked on your pull from the Chest of Stupid but this just makes it worse.
11-10-2017, 10:49 AM
Why was this auction even started? Why didn't SF just give each of the other owners 5 mil each and call it a day?
"Hey, guys! 3 people joint own this weapon that I REALLY REALLY want and I'm willing to buy out the other two owners for 5 mil each, but I want to see if there is more interest in it then that. So let's start the bidding at 15 mil!"
This thread would have been done and over with in a matter of days without a single reply.
Because he changed the rules. The original post never stated anything about being able to bid on your own item.
I mean how stupid is that? Dude is shady (but we already know this).
11-10-2017, 10:58 AM
11-10-2017, 11:04 AM
Quick and easy transaction with Alastir, would do business with again. A+++
11-10-2017, 11:33 AM
Isnt Alastir Sasha?
That's the point.
11-10-2017, 02:20 PM
I saw this auction early on and was considering throwing a bid in when it was in the 3M range. I have no bow users in my stable of characters, but I just liked the look of the bow as a fan of seahorses. It passed my price range quickly, and I stopped watching the auction. But I'm 95% sure the blue text about the co-owners being able to bid did not exist from the start. Just throwing that in as some people have commented that it was there the whole time.
11-10-2017, 02:47 PM
But I'm 95% sure the blue text about the co-owners being able to bid did not exist from the start. Just throwing that in as some people have commented that it was there the whole time.
Was added when zeph was about to win.
11-10-2017, 02:48 PM
I saw this auction early on and was considering throwing a bid in when it was in the 3M range. I have no bow users in my stable of characters, but I just liked the look of the bow as a fan of seahorses. It passed my price range quickly, and I stopped watching the auction. But I'm 95% sure the blue text about the co-owners being able to bid did not exist from the start. Just throwing that in as some people have commented that it was there the whole time.
It wasn’t there. Alastir is a liar.
Buyer beware.
11-10-2017, 02:49 PM
11-10-2017, 02:54 PM
Well the good news is he spent 250k seashells to get a 4m sephwir comp bow with 2 extra enchants. So he loses no matter what.
11-10-2017, 03:40 PM
I sure am shocked that this happened!
You mean the same guy that deleted and modded his posts to not look like a piece of shit...did something a piece of shit would do and edited his post so he could buy his own item?
Say it isn't so!
11-10-2017, 08:39 PM
So he is also the Alastir account here as well? I assumed he just bought the character. If he has two accounts here (that he is using to bid and sell items with), one should get deleted.
11-10-2017, 08:53 PM
So he is also the Alastir account here as well? I assumed he just bought the character. If he has two accounts here (that he is using to bid and sell items with), one should get deleted.
That would require our moderator to actually do something...
11-11-2017, 09:46 PM
do it like the barrett autions or even ebay/ set a reserve... state what it is beforehand... and if so pull it. dont bid on your own shit...
11-11-2017, 09:53 PM
Is he Inspire?
10-14-2018, 09:50 PM
10-14-2018, 09:56 PM
10-14-2018, 10:00 PM
Good times.
10-16-2018, 07:39 PM
You stole my idea to bump old scumbag threads. It's not the service PC wants, but what it needs.
10-16-2018, 07:45 PM
It's not the service PC wants, but what it needs.
I think it's both.
10-16-2018, 10:14 PM
Did something happen again? or is it just the thing right now to bump shitty deals.
10-16-2018, 10:21 PM
Did something happen again? or is it just the thing right now to bump shitty deals.
Just a bump. People need to be reminded about this guy every EG I think.
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