10-17-2017, 10:46 PM
All MBs 50k
# | Item | Enhancive | Persist (Charge) | CB
1 | star-cut star ruby necklace | 4 Disarm Traps Ranks / 3 Edged Weapon Ranks / 3 Constitution Stat | No (A lot) | 150k Karmacoma SOLD
2 | starstone studded mithril torc | 6 Health Stat / 1 Armor Rank | No (Lot) |
3 | rune-etched smoky topaz barrette | 8 Elemental Mana Control Bonus | No (Lot) | 50k Fesok SOLD
4 | mithril and white starstone pin | 1 Survival Rank / 712 Mage Rechargeable | No (Huge) |
5 | deathstone studded gold medallion | 1 Dexterity Bonus | No (Avg) |
6 | dreamstone studded mithril torc | 3 Multi-Opponent Combat Bonus | No (Huge) | 50k zephyrii SOLD
7 | bone-inlaid gold alloy earring | 2 Magic Item Use Bonus / 4 Elemental Mana Control Bonus | No (Fair) |
8 | lapis-inalid platinum crown | 5 Health Stat / 6 Influence Stat | Yes
9 | long-cut star sapphire crown | 2 Spiritual Mana Control Rank | No (Huge) |
10 | smoky topaz inset mithril necklace | 1 Spiritual Lore Summoning Bonus / 1 Agility Stat / 506 Mage Rechargeable | Yes | 50k Fesok SOLD
11 | burnished silver alloy necklace | 5 Elemental Lore Water Bonus / 6 Disarm Bonus | No (Fair) | 200k Larch SOLD
12 | simple alexandrite necklace | 3 Influence Bonus | No (Huge)
13 | hammered silver alloy crown | 6 Discipline Stat |Yes
14 | glyph-etched platinum crown | 2 Strength Bonus / 9 Health Stat | No (A lot) | 100k Karmacoma SOLD
15 | ivory-inlaid mithril alloy neckchain | 1 Arcane Symbols Rank | Yes
16 | star sapphire inset gold buckle | 1 Aura Bonus | No (Huge) | 100k Fesok SOLD
17 | peridot studded silver crown | 1 Climbing Ranks / 5 Influence Stat | Yes
18 | chiseled pink dreamstone necklace | 2 Influence Bonus | Yes
19 | opal-inset mithril alloy stickpin | 1 Survival Rank / 905 Mage Rechargeable | Yes
20 | simple diamond neckchain | 3 Combat Maneuvers Bonus / 4 Pickpocket Bonus | Yes | 300k Karmacoma SOLD
21 | gold filigree golden topaz band | 2 Multi-Opponent Combat Bonus / 3 Trading Bonus / 2 Stamina Stat | No (Average) | 50k zephyrii SOLD
# | Item | Enhancive | Persist (Charge) | CB
1 | star-cut star ruby necklace | 4 Disarm Traps Ranks / 3 Edged Weapon Ranks / 3 Constitution Stat | No (A lot) | 150k Karmacoma SOLD
2 | starstone studded mithril torc | 6 Health Stat / 1 Armor Rank | No (Lot) |
3 | rune-etched smoky topaz barrette | 8 Elemental Mana Control Bonus | No (Lot) | 50k Fesok SOLD
4 | mithril and white starstone pin | 1 Survival Rank / 712 Mage Rechargeable | No (Huge) |
5 | deathstone studded gold medallion | 1 Dexterity Bonus | No (Avg) |
6 | dreamstone studded mithril torc | 3 Multi-Opponent Combat Bonus | No (Huge) | 50k zephyrii SOLD
7 | bone-inlaid gold alloy earring | 2 Magic Item Use Bonus / 4 Elemental Mana Control Bonus | No (Fair) |
8 | lapis-inalid platinum crown | 5 Health Stat / 6 Influence Stat | Yes
9 | long-cut star sapphire crown | 2 Spiritual Mana Control Rank | No (Huge) |
10 | smoky topaz inset mithril necklace | 1 Spiritual Lore Summoning Bonus / 1 Agility Stat / 506 Mage Rechargeable | Yes | 50k Fesok SOLD
11 | burnished silver alloy necklace | 5 Elemental Lore Water Bonus / 6 Disarm Bonus | No (Fair) | 200k Larch SOLD
12 | simple alexandrite necklace | 3 Influence Bonus | No (Huge)
13 | hammered silver alloy crown | 6 Discipline Stat |Yes
14 | glyph-etched platinum crown | 2 Strength Bonus / 9 Health Stat | No (A lot) | 100k Karmacoma SOLD
15 | ivory-inlaid mithril alloy neckchain | 1 Arcane Symbols Rank | Yes
16 | star sapphire inset gold buckle | 1 Aura Bonus | No (Huge) | 100k Fesok SOLD
17 | peridot studded silver crown | 1 Climbing Ranks / 5 Influence Stat | Yes
18 | chiseled pink dreamstone necklace | 2 Influence Bonus | Yes
19 | opal-inset mithril alloy stickpin | 1 Survival Rank / 905 Mage Rechargeable | Yes
20 | simple diamond neckchain | 3 Combat Maneuvers Bonus / 4 Pickpocket Bonus | Yes | 300k Karmacoma SOLD
21 | gold filigree golden topaz band | 2 Multi-Opponent Combat Bonus / 3 Trading Bonus / 2 Stamina Stat | No (Average) | 50k zephyrii SOLD