View Full Version : Account Cleanout v1.2 – Clothing, Containers, Weapons, Enhancives

02-01-2013, 07:01 PM
Due to health issues I may be leaving the lands for good without notice and I'd like to liquidate a few items and characters before I go.

Some odds and ends here and there before I get into some serious stuff.

First, second, last call, sold. Pickup or delivery everywhere except Teras.


C1: a dark emerald-clasped runestaff harness, weighs 4
Large amount, shoulder-worn, further L/D.

MB: 75k
CB: 100k GS4-Seomanthe SOLD

C3: a rune-etched black Faendryl robe, weighs 4, cloak-worn VLA can be further L/D.

MB: 500k
CB: 500k liloldman SOLD

C5: a hooded cloak embroidered with a pair of sea-green glaes scarabs, weighs 8, cloak-worn VLA can be further L/D.

MB: 250k
CB: 250k Gawyane SOLD


W11: a gold-pommeled vaalorn bastard sword, +18 and weighs 8.

The sword resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 6 to Stamina Recovery.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 13 times.
It provides a bonus of 9 to Max Health.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 18 times.
It provides a bonus of 1 to Strength Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 3 times.
The sword looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

MB: 100k
CB: 200k liloldman SOLD

W12: an ora broadsword, 5 lbs, +10

The broadsword resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Mana Recovery.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 30 times.
It provides a bonus of 3 to Spell Aiming Ranks.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 12 times.
It provides a bonus of 4 to Elemental Mana Control Ranks.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 20 times.
The broadsword looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

MB: 35k
CB: 75k Dasloonix SOLD

W13: corroded zorchar backsword
It has a bonus of +5 from a normal backsword.
It provides a bonus of 2 to Constitution.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 2 times.
It provides a bonus of 7 to Influence.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 11 times.

MB: 35k
CB: 50k Stabbyrogue SOLD


E1: an elegant platinum torc Blank imbed, bonus of 2 to FA bonus, bonus of 3 to DIS bonus, persists/persists.

MB: 50k
CB: 100k dmac188 SOLD

E3: a starstone studded gold pendant

Blank imbed, +6 Swimming Ranks, bonus of 2 to Stamina Recovery, a lot of charges. Crumble/persist.

MB: 35k
CB: 40k lostrevelation SOLD

E4: a gleaming aquamarine ring

Contains Benediction (307). Provides 4 Swimming ranks, level 10, lot of charges remaining. Persists on enhancive and on magic.

MB: 75k
CB: 75k Stabbyrogue SOLD

02-01-2013, 07:28 PM
Weapons 11 12 13 were supposed to go under orb fodder, not gonna alter OP for 3 items.

02-01-2013, 07:44 PM
C1 - 75k on this please and thanks.

02-01-2013, 08:18 PM
W12 75k

02-02-2013, 03:30 AM
E1 100 k please

02-02-2013, 02:52 PM

02-02-2013, 02:56 PM
40k E3

02-02-2013, 05:19 PM
MB on C5

02-02-2013, 05:44 PM
C3 500k
W11 200K

02-02-2013, 06:35 PM
Updated. Everything marked ONCE will be twice at 8am tomorrow.

All the cloaks are unique, none are off any shelf.

02-03-2013, 04:42 PM
I'm moving locker chars to Landing. I'm having trouble finding some shit so any bids here are sold to bidders. Auction over.

Will contact privately for pickup.