03-01-2013, 07:07 PM
Still cleaning through the lockers, so here is another round of stuff I'll never end up using. Auction will go once, twice and sold with at least two updates per day. Please bid in the thread when possible and I am not taking buyout offers.
Thanks for looking!
5. a distressed leather case MB: 250k
Contains: (10) a wax-sealed paper envelope and (10) a watermarked vellum note
Notes are whisper paper with 5 uses each from The Write Stop - Graewood Festival
From Nilandia's site:
Teekhum says, “So, with this, you can WHISPER to the paper to leave a message for others. It has five uses.”
Teekhum whispers to his vellum and flames erupt from the center of it. The flame dies as suddenly as it started and the vellum returns to its calm state.
Teekhum says, “It will have your message there, and sign it with today’s date.”
Teekhum says, “Once the charges are gone, the paper will be no more.”
Teekhum says, “You can also...”
Teekhum idly creases his vellum.
Teekhum says, “Fold it.”
Teekhum says, “Or open it back up.”
Teekhum opens his folded vellum.
Teekhum asks, “And if you no longer wish to keep it, or if your message must never be seen by anyone else?”
Teekhum says, “Fold it again.”
Teekhum idly creases his vellum.
Teekhum exclaims, “And tear it!”
Teekhum grasps his vellum and creates a small tear in the edge. Quickly, the tear grows, turning the vellum into some confetti.
Teekhum taps a handful of confetti, which is in his right hand.
Teekhum says, “You can throw this stuff too.”
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum says, “Like so.”
7. a smooth black modwir mask MB: 600k
Also, KNOCK removes the gems that are currently in the mask, but also destroys them.
8. a bronze-inlaid pearwood mask MB: 600k
*See Above for Information
10. an inky black blown glass witch-ball MB: 300k
Comes with (10) short red votives and I'll find a box of matches for the set. It will only work with the votives from original shop, but if you do a search on playershops for votives, look for the ones with "short <color> votive" if you need refills. I'm not sure how long the votives will burn, but "EXHALE witch-ball" will remove the current one, so use wisely!
LOOK: Crafted of blown glass, the piece is a smooth <color> globe with a slender swirl at its crown that forms a solid ring. Tiny air bubbles captured within the surface and skeins of <color> glass threads passing through the heart of the globe to create an intricate web make it a truly unique example of the craft. A narrow silver ribbon winds its way through the solid glass ring at the top, and a small niche within is just the size to cradle a tiny votive candle.
>put votive in witch-ball
You gently press your red votive against the surface of your witch-ball, and with a soft whoosh of air, the candle is pulled from your hand and into the center of the globe where it cradles gently in the small niche.
>light witch-ball
You hold your burning match near the witch-ball for a moment, and the flame flares brightly then vanishes only to reappear within the globe, lighting the tiny red votive and casting long fingers of inky black light in every direction. You drop the burned-out match.
>wave witch-ball
You wave your witch-ball gently through the air, creating a prismatic trail of inky black light.
>rub witch-ball
You pass a hand across the surface of your witch-ball, and the flame within wavers, casting a brief sparkle of inky black light over the area.
>nudge witch-ball
You nudge your inky black witch-ball into motion, and it begins to swing back and forth like a colorful pendulum.
*You have to nudge the witch-ball in order to properly use GAZE.
>gaze witch-ball
Example of Random Messaging:
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of a kneeling maiden surrounded by a field of stars.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Zelia howling at the moon.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Koar with his sceptre raised.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Ronan racing across the face of the moon in a chariot.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Leya tending an eternal flame.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Fash'lo'nae perched on a tree branch.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of an eagle flying across the globe of Elanith.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Jastev peering into his crystal ball.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of the Lornon moon.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of V'tull atop a tower of slain enemies.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of a pentacle overlaid by a chalice and blade.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Ivas clothed in only a wisp of smoke.
…and more.
Suddenly, the votive flares brightly and dispels the image. The witch-ball's motion comes to an abrupt stop.
Sold and Awaiting Pickup!
Sold and Picked Up:
1. a silk-canopied fruitwood parasol CB: 1.5m to vprmn123 - SOLD
T5 EG 2012 Prize - 5x Acid-Flaring Warsword (a fruitwood-hilted warsword)
It has a bonus of +25 from a normal warsword, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively. It also has some type of special ability, but you can't tell what yet.
The harmonics generated tell you that the warsword has been infused with a corrosive substance.
LEAN parasol/warsword: You plant the tip of your <item> on the ground firmly and lean on it, taking advantage of the support it offers.
SPIN parasol/warsword: You spin your <item> through the air in front of you, the length of it blurring into a continuous circle.
PUSH parasol: You depress a pair of buttons on the handle of your parasol and a blade shoots out from the tip, locking into place.
PULL warsword: You pull a small lever on the base of your warsword and the blade retracts swiftly, leaving you holding an innocent seeming parasol.
2. a small metal pie machine CB: 2.5m to Berubeo21 - SOLD
Raffle Win - Creates pies with dough and filling
I'll include 55 balls of dough and assorted fillings from the summer FW festival, but there's also a travelling cart on FW that sells them if you run out.
LOOK: While there are levers, knobs, and buttons all over this machine, they don't appear to do much. A small door on the front of the machine and a large, red-handled knob beside it seem to be the most important features. Many obvious repair jobs and miscellaneous dents on the machine give the impression that it has not been very reliable.
>get dough
You remove a ball of pale yellow dough from in your lace shrug.
>put dough in machine
You put a ball of pale yellow dough in your metal pie machine.
>close machine
You try to close the door to the machine, but it doesn't want to shut! You push it and wiggle it, but the stubborn door won't latch. Finally, you slam the door shut, causing the machine to rattle precariously.
>turn machine
You turn the knob on the machine and it jumps to life, sputtering and jolting. A dribble of clear liquid rolls out of the machine and several sizzling bursts of steam fly in all directions. Slowly the machine winds down and eventually stops moving all together. A delectable aroma fills the air.
>open machine
You attempt to open the door on the machine, but it appears to be stuck! After rattling and pulling on it for several moments, it flies open unexpectedly, causing you to stumble backwards several steps.
>l in mach
In the metal pie machine you see a large flaky pie crust.
>put filling in machine
You put some pink cherry cream filling in your metal pie machine.
>close machine
You try to close the door to the machine, but it doesn't want to shut! You push it and wiggle it, but the stubborn door won't latch. Finally, you slam the door shut, causing the machine to rattle precariously.
>turn machine
You turn the knob on the machine and nothing happens. After several moments, it hisses and a small burst of steam spews sideways. The machine jiggles and stammers, discharging some sort of clear liquid. Suddenly it screeches to a halt and a delicious aroma fills the air.
In the metal pie machine you see a delicious cherry cream pie.
3. a finely-woven green straw picnic basket trimmed with a bright red ribbon CB: 3m to Kitsun - SOLD
Refills 1x per day - includes 10 random items: 4 drinks, 2 croissants, 2 pieces of cheese, a rose and a large soft blue blanket (fluff)
You rub a finely-woven green straw picnic basket trimmed with a bright red ribbon.
Odd, the basket suddenly seems much heavier.
The picnic basket is full.
In the straw picnic basket you see a glass of sparkling champagne (2), a glass of red wine, a glass of white wine, a flaky wild blueberry croissant, a flaky cherry croissant, a wedge of mild goat cheese, a wedge of soft herbed cheese, a single red rose, a large soft blue blanket.
4. a glossy green ora sea turtle with a verdigris patinaed shell CB: 750k to Mr. Dallas - SOLD
a fish-shaped white steel pattern
a kelp-shaped brown mithril pattern
FW Raffle Win
LOOK: Crafted from glossy green ora the hue of unripened olives, the sea turtle stands atop its back flippers in a comical stance. Its shell has been covered in a verdigris patina, though its intricate pattern is visible, outlined with thin coppery enamel.
PUSH: You push on the turtle's head until it will go no further. As you release it, the turtle's head spins slowly around in circles, grinning eerily each time it passes its back. Gradually, its movement ceases, with its head facing forward once again.
TAP: You give your turtle a little tap on the head, causing its little noggin to bob up and down in a comical fashion.
PULL: You tug hard on your turtle, nearly pulling its head off! It sounds like several springs within the turtle have snapped. Oops.
6. As a set: 5 bottles of "a thin vial of asp venom potion" CB: 300k to FlayedAngel - SOLD
Also from the Graewood Festival - Total of 50 Sips
From Nilandia's Site:
Reported asp venom potion scripts
Drink: You bring the potion to your lips and tilt your head back, taking a deep drink of asp venom in a reverent fashion.
Measure: You carefully study a thin vial of asp venom potion and estimate that there are about (#) quaffs left.
Pour (15 seconds RT): You hold a thin vial of asp venom potion at arm’s length and tilt it slightly, and a thin trail of asp venom trickles steadily forth from it. You let it pour around you as you turn around around slowly, and are soon bordered by a circle of asp venom.
Tilt: You tilt the potion back and forth slowly, asp venom swirling within it languidly.
Turn (no RT): You hold a thin vial of asp venom potion at arm’s length and tilt it slightly, and a thin trail of asp venom trickles steadily forth from it. You let it pour around you as you turn around around slowly, and are soon bordered by a circle of asp venom.
Pouring or tilting the asp venom potion creates “a circular stain of asp venom” in the room with the following reported scripts
Go: You walk through the rough circle of the asp venom and stand within it, kneeling down reverently then bowing your head in supplication.
Rub (30 seconds RT): You begin to rub at a circular stain of asp venom vigorously in an attempt to clean it up. After a good amount of work it slowly fades away.
Touch: You lean down and slowly run a finger across a circular stain of asp venom briefly.
*New 9. a tiny snub-nosed hedgehog CB: 12m to shad0ws0ngs - SOLD
LOOK: Though similar to a porcupine, the hedgehog is smaller and its spines are no where near as dangerous. The spines are a mottled white and black, and completely cover the top and sides. You can see the soft white fur on its underside and four little pink feet underneath the protective spines. The ears aren't much more than tufts of fur, and its face is surrounded in white, save for two small black eyes and a little snout with whiskers that ends with a black nose.
Comes with an Altered Pouch: a four-masted tiny wooden galleon
SHOW: Cut down toothpicks of dark oak have been used to construct this tiny replica, the once smooth wood now weathered from brine and the elements, while silken ivory handkerchiefs billow out from the quartet of masts. Despite the warship's miniature size, paired sea ballistas and archer shields line the rails from quarter deck to forecastle, giving the ship a menacing profile. A closer look at the open door of the captain's quarter's reveals a tiny snub-nosed hedgehog curled up inside the tiny cabin.
UNWRAP: You remove your snub-nosed hedgehog from in your tiny wooden galleon.
KISS: You give the snub-nosed hedgehog a soft kiss on its snout. Its whiskers tickle, causing you to giggle out loud!
POKE: You poke your finger at the snub-nosed hedgehog, but quickly jerk it back when you prick it on the sharp spines.
RUB: You reach out and scratch the snub-nosed hedgehog lightly under its chin. In response, the hedgehog nuzzles the palm of your hand with its nose.
SMELL: You draw your snub-nosed hedgehog up close to your face and touch noses with it.
TAP: You reach out and gingerly tap the snub-nosed hedgehog's spines and find them to be quite sharp. You can see why all but the most desperate of predators would pass the hedgehog by in search of a meal.
TOUCH: You reach out and gently stroke the snub-nosed hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of your hand.
TICKLE (before you roll it over): The snub-nosed hedgehog has spines protruding in all directions that would make that rather painful to do. You think about its soft underside, and wonder if perhaps you could roll it over first.
TICKLE (when it's rolled over on the ground): You reach out and tickle the snub-nosed hedgehog's soft stomach.
The hedgehog kicks in delight!
ROLL (when it's on the ground): You reach down and gently roll the snub-nosed hedgehog over onto its back.
WRAP: You carefully place the snub-nosed hedgehog in your tiny wooden galleon.
Ambient Messaging:
The snub-nosed hedgehog rolls back over onto its feet. (After the hedgehog has been rolled onto its back)
Your snub-nosed hedgehog makes soft happy snuffling sounds as it crawls over your hand.
Stilling suddenly and raising its forehead spines, your snub-nosed hedgehog is apparently wary of something.
Plus a few more when placed on the ground...I think.
*New 11. a dark scarlet blown glass witch-ball CB: 350k to FlayedAngel - SOLD
Comes with (10) short black votives. Please see above for all the information!
Thanks for looking!
5. a distressed leather case MB: 250k
Contains: (10) a wax-sealed paper envelope and (10) a watermarked vellum note
Notes are whisper paper with 5 uses each from The Write Stop - Graewood Festival
From Nilandia's site:
Teekhum says, “So, with this, you can WHISPER to the paper to leave a message for others. It has five uses.”
Teekhum whispers to his vellum and flames erupt from the center of it. The flame dies as suddenly as it started and the vellum returns to its calm state.
Teekhum says, “It will have your message there, and sign it with today’s date.”
Teekhum says, “Once the charges are gone, the paper will be no more.”
Teekhum says, “You can also...”
Teekhum idly creases his vellum.
Teekhum says, “Fold it.”
Teekhum says, “Or open it back up.”
Teekhum opens his folded vellum.
Teekhum asks, “And if you no longer wish to keep it, or if your message must never be seen by anyone else?”
Teekhum says, “Fold it again.”
Teekhum idly creases his vellum.
Teekhum exclaims, “And tear it!”
Teekhum grasps his vellum and creates a small tear in the edge. Quickly, the tear grows, turning the vellum into some confetti.
Teekhum taps a handful of confetti, which is in his right hand.
Teekhum says, “You can throw this stuff too.”
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum throws a handful of confetti up into the air, and it floats down in a cloud all over the area!
Teekhum says, “Like so.”
7. a smooth black modwir mask MB: 600k
Also, KNOCK removes the gems that are currently in the mask, but also destroys them.
8. a bronze-inlaid pearwood mask MB: 600k
*See Above for Information
10. an inky black blown glass witch-ball MB: 300k
Comes with (10) short red votives and I'll find a box of matches for the set. It will only work with the votives from original shop, but if you do a search on playershops for votives, look for the ones with "short <color> votive" if you need refills. I'm not sure how long the votives will burn, but "EXHALE witch-ball" will remove the current one, so use wisely!
LOOK: Crafted of blown glass, the piece is a smooth <color> globe with a slender swirl at its crown that forms a solid ring. Tiny air bubbles captured within the surface and skeins of <color> glass threads passing through the heart of the globe to create an intricate web make it a truly unique example of the craft. A narrow silver ribbon winds its way through the solid glass ring at the top, and a small niche within is just the size to cradle a tiny votive candle.
>put votive in witch-ball
You gently press your red votive against the surface of your witch-ball, and with a soft whoosh of air, the candle is pulled from your hand and into the center of the globe where it cradles gently in the small niche.
>light witch-ball
You hold your burning match near the witch-ball for a moment, and the flame flares brightly then vanishes only to reappear within the globe, lighting the tiny red votive and casting long fingers of inky black light in every direction. You drop the burned-out match.
>wave witch-ball
You wave your witch-ball gently through the air, creating a prismatic trail of inky black light.
>rub witch-ball
You pass a hand across the surface of your witch-ball, and the flame within wavers, casting a brief sparkle of inky black light over the area.
>nudge witch-ball
You nudge your inky black witch-ball into motion, and it begins to swing back and forth like a colorful pendulum.
*You have to nudge the witch-ball in order to properly use GAZE.
>gaze witch-ball
Example of Random Messaging:
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of a kneeling maiden surrounded by a field of stars.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Zelia howling at the moon.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Koar with his sceptre raised.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Ronan racing across the face of the moon in a chariot.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Leya tending an eternal flame.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Fash'lo'nae perched on a tree branch.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of an eagle flying across the globe of Elanith.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Jastev peering into his crystal ball.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of the Lornon moon.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of V'tull atop a tower of slain enemies.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of a pentacle overlaid by a chalice and blade.
You gaze deeply into your inky black witch-ball, focusing on the dancing flame. Smoke pools darkly within, forming the image of Ivas clothed in only a wisp of smoke.
…and more.
Suddenly, the votive flares brightly and dispels the image. The witch-ball's motion comes to an abrupt stop.
Sold and Awaiting Pickup!
Sold and Picked Up:
1. a silk-canopied fruitwood parasol CB: 1.5m to vprmn123 - SOLD
T5 EG 2012 Prize - 5x Acid-Flaring Warsword (a fruitwood-hilted warsword)
It has a bonus of +25 from a normal warsword, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively. It also has some type of special ability, but you can't tell what yet.
The harmonics generated tell you that the warsword has been infused with a corrosive substance.
LEAN parasol/warsword: You plant the tip of your <item> on the ground firmly and lean on it, taking advantage of the support it offers.
SPIN parasol/warsword: You spin your <item> through the air in front of you, the length of it blurring into a continuous circle.
PUSH parasol: You depress a pair of buttons on the handle of your parasol and a blade shoots out from the tip, locking into place.
PULL warsword: You pull a small lever on the base of your warsword and the blade retracts swiftly, leaving you holding an innocent seeming parasol.
2. a small metal pie machine CB: 2.5m to Berubeo21 - SOLD
Raffle Win - Creates pies with dough and filling
I'll include 55 balls of dough and assorted fillings from the summer FW festival, but there's also a travelling cart on FW that sells them if you run out.
LOOK: While there are levers, knobs, and buttons all over this machine, they don't appear to do much. A small door on the front of the machine and a large, red-handled knob beside it seem to be the most important features. Many obvious repair jobs and miscellaneous dents on the machine give the impression that it has not been very reliable.
>get dough
You remove a ball of pale yellow dough from in your lace shrug.
>put dough in machine
You put a ball of pale yellow dough in your metal pie machine.
>close machine
You try to close the door to the machine, but it doesn't want to shut! You push it and wiggle it, but the stubborn door won't latch. Finally, you slam the door shut, causing the machine to rattle precariously.
>turn machine
You turn the knob on the machine and it jumps to life, sputtering and jolting. A dribble of clear liquid rolls out of the machine and several sizzling bursts of steam fly in all directions. Slowly the machine winds down and eventually stops moving all together. A delectable aroma fills the air.
>open machine
You attempt to open the door on the machine, but it appears to be stuck! After rattling and pulling on it for several moments, it flies open unexpectedly, causing you to stumble backwards several steps.
>l in mach
In the metal pie machine you see a large flaky pie crust.
>put filling in machine
You put some pink cherry cream filling in your metal pie machine.
>close machine
You try to close the door to the machine, but it doesn't want to shut! You push it and wiggle it, but the stubborn door won't latch. Finally, you slam the door shut, causing the machine to rattle precariously.
>turn machine
You turn the knob on the machine and nothing happens. After several moments, it hisses and a small burst of steam spews sideways. The machine jiggles and stammers, discharging some sort of clear liquid. Suddenly it screeches to a halt and a delicious aroma fills the air.
In the metal pie machine you see a delicious cherry cream pie.
3. a finely-woven green straw picnic basket trimmed with a bright red ribbon CB: 3m to Kitsun - SOLD
Refills 1x per day - includes 10 random items: 4 drinks, 2 croissants, 2 pieces of cheese, a rose and a large soft blue blanket (fluff)
You rub a finely-woven green straw picnic basket trimmed with a bright red ribbon.
Odd, the basket suddenly seems much heavier.
The picnic basket is full.
In the straw picnic basket you see a glass of sparkling champagne (2), a glass of red wine, a glass of white wine, a flaky wild blueberry croissant, a flaky cherry croissant, a wedge of mild goat cheese, a wedge of soft herbed cheese, a single red rose, a large soft blue blanket.
4. a glossy green ora sea turtle with a verdigris patinaed shell CB: 750k to Mr. Dallas - SOLD
a fish-shaped white steel pattern
a kelp-shaped brown mithril pattern
FW Raffle Win
LOOK: Crafted from glossy green ora the hue of unripened olives, the sea turtle stands atop its back flippers in a comical stance. Its shell has been covered in a verdigris patina, though its intricate pattern is visible, outlined with thin coppery enamel.
PUSH: You push on the turtle's head until it will go no further. As you release it, the turtle's head spins slowly around in circles, grinning eerily each time it passes its back. Gradually, its movement ceases, with its head facing forward once again.
TAP: You give your turtle a little tap on the head, causing its little noggin to bob up and down in a comical fashion.
PULL: You tug hard on your turtle, nearly pulling its head off! It sounds like several springs within the turtle have snapped. Oops.
6. As a set: 5 bottles of "a thin vial of asp venom potion" CB: 300k to FlayedAngel - SOLD
Also from the Graewood Festival - Total of 50 Sips
From Nilandia's Site:
Reported asp venom potion scripts
Drink: You bring the potion to your lips and tilt your head back, taking a deep drink of asp venom in a reverent fashion.
Measure: You carefully study a thin vial of asp venom potion and estimate that there are about (#) quaffs left.
Pour (15 seconds RT): You hold a thin vial of asp venom potion at arm’s length and tilt it slightly, and a thin trail of asp venom trickles steadily forth from it. You let it pour around you as you turn around around slowly, and are soon bordered by a circle of asp venom.
Tilt: You tilt the potion back and forth slowly, asp venom swirling within it languidly.
Turn (no RT): You hold a thin vial of asp venom potion at arm’s length and tilt it slightly, and a thin trail of asp venom trickles steadily forth from it. You let it pour around you as you turn around around slowly, and are soon bordered by a circle of asp venom.
Pouring or tilting the asp venom potion creates “a circular stain of asp venom” in the room with the following reported scripts
Go: You walk through the rough circle of the asp venom and stand within it, kneeling down reverently then bowing your head in supplication.
Rub (30 seconds RT): You begin to rub at a circular stain of asp venom vigorously in an attempt to clean it up. After a good amount of work it slowly fades away.
Touch: You lean down and slowly run a finger across a circular stain of asp venom briefly.
*New 9. a tiny snub-nosed hedgehog CB: 12m to shad0ws0ngs - SOLD
LOOK: Though similar to a porcupine, the hedgehog is smaller and its spines are no where near as dangerous. The spines are a mottled white and black, and completely cover the top and sides. You can see the soft white fur on its underside and four little pink feet underneath the protective spines. The ears aren't much more than tufts of fur, and its face is surrounded in white, save for two small black eyes and a little snout with whiskers that ends with a black nose.
Comes with an Altered Pouch: a four-masted tiny wooden galleon
SHOW: Cut down toothpicks of dark oak have been used to construct this tiny replica, the once smooth wood now weathered from brine and the elements, while silken ivory handkerchiefs billow out from the quartet of masts. Despite the warship's miniature size, paired sea ballistas and archer shields line the rails from quarter deck to forecastle, giving the ship a menacing profile. A closer look at the open door of the captain's quarter's reveals a tiny snub-nosed hedgehog curled up inside the tiny cabin.
UNWRAP: You remove your snub-nosed hedgehog from in your tiny wooden galleon.
KISS: You give the snub-nosed hedgehog a soft kiss on its snout. Its whiskers tickle, causing you to giggle out loud!
POKE: You poke your finger at the snub-nosed hedgehog, but quickly jerk it back when you prick it on the sharp spines.
RUB: You reach out and scratch the snub-nosed hedgehog lightly under its chin. In response, the hedgehog nuzzles the palm of your hand with its nose.
SMELL: You draw your snub-nosed hedgehog up close to your face and touch noses with it.
TAP: You reach out and gingerly tap the snub-nosed hedgehog's spines and find them to be quite sharp. You can see why all but the most desperate of predators would pass the hedgehog by in search of a meal.
TOUCH: You reach out and gently stroke the snub-nosed hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of your hand.
TICKLE (before you roll it over): The snub-nosed hedgehog has spines protruding in all directions that would make that rather painful to do. You think about its soft underside, and wonder if perhaps you could roll it over first.
TICKLE (when it's rolled over on the ground): You reach out and tickle the snub-nosed hedgehog's soft stomach.
The hedgehog kicks in delight!
ROLL (when it's on the ground): You reach down and gently roll the snub-nosed hedgehog over onto its back.
WRAP: You carefully place the snub-nosed hedgehog in your tiny wooden galleon.
Ambient Messaging:
The snub-nosed hedgehog rolls back over onto its feet. (After the hedgehog has been rolled onto its back)
Your snub-nosed hedgehog makes soft happy snuffling sounds as it crawls over your hand.
Stilling suddenly and raising its forehead spines, your snub-nosed hedgehog is apparently wary of something.
Plus a few more when placed on the ground...I think.
*New 11. a dark scarlet blown glass witch-ball CB: 350k to FlayedAngel - SOLD
Comes with (10) short black votives. Please see above for all the information!