View Full Version : Haunted EG Masks

02-07-2013, 09:12 PM
Selling the following masks from EG. Haunted with tons of ambient messaging. ONCE...TWICE...SOLD. Delivery in the Landing area or IFW. Feel free to PM me with any questions. Thanks.

a rune-carved cedar mask
MB: 500k
CB: 500k Natso TWICE
BO: 2.5m

a silver-edged white faewood mask
MB: 500k
CB: 700k FlayedAngel TWICE
BO: 2.5m

Each can be worn with a feature concealer.

Each weighs less than 2lbs, pinworn, show up in features and change your eyes depending on a combination or lack of gems in the mask.

Each can be altered and can accommodate a show

Feature alters:

With matching gems in the eye sockets, your eyes turn into versions of those gems (I.E. He has scintillating Eye-of-Koar emeralds for eyes.)
With mismatched gems in the eye sockets, your eyes show up as "He has mismatched glowing gemstone eyes."
With no gems at all in the mask, your eyes show up as "He has empty black chasms for eyes."

In your features, the mask shows up as "He has a flame-scarred pale thanot mask over his face."

Several zests associated with them, though I'm not sure exactly how many there are in total:

>look my mask (while worn)
It's on your face, stupid.

>wear mask
You raise a flame-scarred pale thanot mask to your face, and it latches on to your skin hungrily. After a moment of blinding agony, the mask settles onto your flesh like a second skin.

>rem mask (does do major head damage and can kill you if you aren't careful)
You pry at the edges of a flame-scarred pale thanot mask. Pain shoots through your face and down your spine, as surely as if you had dug your nails deep into your flesh. Searing agony spreads across your face as the clinging mask slowly relaxes its grip upon you, coming off with a horrible, wet sucking sound.
You are stunned!

>tilt mask (tilt to swap which socket the gem is going into)
Your mask is currently oriented to the left. TILT it again within the next 30 seconds to tilt it to the right.

>put [gem] in mask (I'm fairly certain, but not positive, that this is accurate for placing gems)

Examples of the numerous ambient messages the masks provide (some, but certainly not all):

You feel horribly alone.

Blinding rage wells up inside you like white-hot magma, making your fists clench uncontrollably.

(third person) xxx clenches his fists, his face contorting into a silent snarl.

A strained voice whispers, "It's better when they struggle."

A wet, slathering voice bubbles up in your mind, saying, "The blood, the blood, where is the blood..."

A strained voice whispers, "Find us someone to eat."

A wet, slathering voice bubbles up in your mind, saying, "Feed us, we beg of you. We are so hungry, so alone..."

A sobbing, tearful voice cries, "Free me, I beg of you."

A cackling voice in your mind shrieks, "They are coming, they are coming!"

A choked voice groans, "Not my fault. I did not want to..."

You get the sudden sensation that there is something on your back.

A gentle voice whispers, "Even death may die."

A sobbing, tearful voice cries, "Not my fault. I did not want to..."

A softly sibilant voice rasps, "xxx" is plotting to kill you. I heard him. Strike first." (Random person in the room, including hidden persons, I believe)

Hungry voices nearby moan, "There is no end to this torment. Only the blood can make us whole."

Hungry voices nearby moan, "Kill them all and crack the bones and eat the flesh and the blood, so sweet and filling, the salty, stinging blood..."

A choked voice groans, "Hide, me! The Shadow With Wings comes!"

A choked voice groans, "Please, don't leave me!"

Desperate voices in the back of your mind cry, "The taste of a dying breath... it is exquisite."

A knot grows in the pit of your stomach. You feel empty and hollow as a drum, but all you can think about is the salty, bitter taste of blood.

02-07-2013, 09:16 PM
500k on the faewood

02-08-2013, 02:03 AM
I'll bid 700k on 2, thanks!

02-08-2013, 02:36 AM
500k on 1

02-08-2013, 03:45 PM

02-09-2013, 10:34 PM

02-11-2013, 12:02 AM
And sold