View Full Version : Backpack of 50 charged statues

05-18-2012, 02:04 PM
Alright, my last auction wasted a bunch of time thanks to a winning bid that the bidder later retracted. Really appreciate that, pal! Anyhow, these statues are charged up to 18 charges a piece (some may be 17 or 19, but overall we're talking roughly 900 charges of small statue goodness!).

I don't have FWI access, but I'm willing to travel to get rid of these as they're getting in the way of my enchanting projects at this point! Please do me a favor and do not bid unless you intend to pay up should you win the bid! Thanks!

Current Bid: 1.1m Chenraf SOLD!


05-18-2012, 02:30 PM
900k and would you be willing to charge blue crystals and ruby amulets?

05-18-2012, 03:23 PM
I saw your post in the wanted folder. I don't normally charge blue crystals and ruby amulets as they're of limited use to me, so I have no idea of my limits with these items. But if you were expecting anywhere near 20 charges I'm fairly certain I'd fall far short of that! I'm not sure anyone would be capable of it, but you should try asking a post-cap wizard with maxxed training.

05-18-2012, 03:52 PM
mind trying 1 blue crystal to see how much you can do?

05-18-2012, 04:20 PM
Yeah, I don't mind giving it a go. I use tiny pearls to charge my statues. Perhaps I'd have better luck with the more difficult items if I used better gems.

Halfling Guts
05-18-2012, 04:40 PM
It was a noticeable difference when I quit using tiny pearls and started using diamonds or emeralds.

05-18-2012, 05:41 PM
It was a noticeable difference when I quit using tiny pearls and started using diamonds or emeralds.

Any more specific observations? For instance, does the benefit manifest in number of charges, longevity of the orb, and/or failure rate?

I haven't noticed much of a difference between pearls, even though their value can vary widely. And the few times I've used diamonds for charging, I didn't notice it being any easier or allowing me to add more charges before observing minor failures which usually indicate you're close to the limit. But I haven't done a great deal of testing on this.

05-18-2012, 05:47 PM

05-19-2012, 09:52 AM
If your tiny pearls value was high enough you wouldn't really notice much difference between that and a diamond or emerald. Using a good diamond or emerald might give you longer orb life but as far as charges when your talking about the spirit and arcane items your more limited by your ability than the gem value anyway.

And Chrenraf, your not going to find anyone able to do Ruby amulets much past 10 charges or blue crystals much past 25. 25 charges might even be pushing it on blue crystals.

05-19-2012, 11:45 AM

Thanks for the info herachio. sounds good. I'll just look into getting a 10 charge ruby amulet or two then!

05-19-2012, 03:32 PM
20 charges is the limit for blue crystals. I tried with my 2x cap mage and could NOT put more than 20 charges into one.

31 mana for each charge too = 620 mana per crystal. That is a lot of mana.

05-19-2012, 06:30 PM
yeah kronius hooked me up with a couple of em yesterday. Glad we can at least get em in 20.

05-19-2012, 06:50 PM
20 charges is the limit for blue crystals. I tried with my 2x cap mage and could NOT put more than 20 charges into one.

31 mana for each charge too = 620 mana per crystal. That is a lot of mana.

Not sure if you just mis-typed Kronius, but it should only be 17 mana per charge with a 2x capped mage who should be fully 2x in EMC.

05-19-2012, 11:52 PM

05-20-2012, 03:02 AM
yeah.. 40 charges in ruby amulets, statues, blue crystals is a long ago charging thing. Only way you'll get 40 charges in anything except wands and shit is to get a merchant to add 40 charges to your shit I believe. Unless that magical # of being totally 2x EMC makes a difference to change it from 20 charged blue crystal to 40.. but pretty sure that's only for mana costs per charge. Someone send us some feed back.

As Kronius said.. I too believe it's maxed out.. statues are probably at 30 as well.. I haven't charged a statue in about 20 levels and now am 95.. and was getting 25 on the very rare max with the best quality orb.. and YES I do believe and stand strongly by this statement. Diamond quality orbs can be the best success for putting in the maximized charges in such thing as blue crystals, statues and ruby amulets at any level

Exceptional, superb, outstanding etc diamond quality gems sung by bards.. give you the greatest chance at maximizing your charges as long as orb life.. but there is stil failure too.. sometimes one of these gems can explode immediately before you even get your first rub on the orb.

BTW Herachio, Kronius did not mistype.. He simply stated that his 2x capped wizard could only get 20 charges into a blue crystal.. he never said he was 2x EMC. At 101 ranks.. 31 mana per blue crystal being 1x trained in EMC seems accurate

I could be wrong: But.. alot of high end wizards have even purchased the purest of diamond quality gems from me in order to charge shit. I even noticed a huge difference between statue charging with a tiny pearl and diamond quality bard sung gem 20 levels ago.. and the difference then was about 5 charges per statue 20 trains ago. I'll have to check again since I'm still sitting on 50 20 charged small statues or thereabouts from 20 levels ago.

05-20-2012, 06:55 AM
Highjacking my own auction thread for a discussion of charging! LoL

If it helps, I'm at 2x MIU/1x EMC/1x MjE and I typically reach about 14 additional charges (18 total) on small statues using tiny pearls. I'm certainly capable of adding charges beyond that point, but this is where I start to notice repeated minor failures. And in my experience, pushing past that point is a good way to green items.

Krakiipedia states that orb quality increases duration of the orb, but is not a factor in success. This is why I use tiny pearls. Charging is an inexpensive process either way, and as tiny pearls are natural orbs I don't have to mess around with getting gems purified and checked for orb worthiness.

05-21-2012, 10:43 AM
Okay, doesn't seem to be too much interest in this. CB stands at 1.1m. I'll check back later today and if no further bids, that'll be that. Either way, I'll end the auction tonight, so get your bids in!