View Full Version : Spring Cleaning: Fully Unlocked Bauble, Weapons, Containers, Clothing, and Moar!

05-12-2012, 12:50 PM
Hey, folks! It's time to make locker space. All bids will go Once, Twice, and Sold. I can deliver anywhere your lil feet will take you. Buyouts considered. :thanx:

Weapons and Random Cool Stuff

A petrified haon bauble - Fully unlocked
Analyze Info: If you were to play with the petrified haon bauble, then you'd find that you can analyze, clench, exhale, flip, nod, pull, push, remove, tickle, toss, touch, turn, shake, and wear it.
More info Here (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=71188&highlight=bauble)
MB: 10m

a brown and forest green bracer - Arm-worn, VSA – from EG ‘11
MB: 50k

a sculpted faewood-cased fletching razor patterned with squares of frosted glass - Merchant-spun from Sylvan caravan
Look: It's a fletching razor. It's in good shape.
The razor is surrounded by a flickering white aura.
Adds steam flares to fletchings. 50 charges (twice as many as those sold off the shelf), merchant rechargeable.
SOLD on BO! Delivered 5/20

an emerald green faenor stiletto suffused with darker lowlights - Modified dagger, tier 2 from EG.
Tap: You tap lightly upon your stiletto, and a puff of emerald green mist shoots into the air above it, briefly reflecting a gentle glow about the weapon's surface.
Rub: You rub idly at your stiletto, and a gentle spray of emerald green mist forms above your hand, gently diffusing the light reflected off the surface of the weapon.
Blow: A faint foggy mist forms over the surface of the stiletto then slowly fades away.
Wave: You wave your stiletto high in the air, and a stream of soft emerald green mist follows in its wake, creating a swirl of diffusive splendor above your head for a long moment.
MB: 250k

a gnarled pale faewood staff (2 available) - Bazzelwyn wand-holding runestaves, fully unlocked
Show: The <adjective> <noun> is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in a flawless and undamaged state. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the <noun>.
Observed scripts – using a fully unlocked staff, a gnarled pale faewood staff
Put wand in: You pull out the retaining pins on the segmented cap and place the wand in the hollow tip of your staff. Turning a small peg, you close the tip tightly around the wand. (results in ‘a gnarled pale faewood staff tipped with a golden wand’)
Get wand from: You loosen the retaining pins and open the segmented mouth of the staff’s tip, retrieving the wand from within.
Lean: You lean against your pale faewood staff, casually wrapping a hand around the apparatus perched on its tip.
Pull: Holding one elbow loosely at an angle, you let the pale faewood staff rest casually in the crook of your elbow.
Push: Grasping the pale faewood staff strongly in one clenched fist, you push it out before you, holding it parallel to the floor.
Shake with no wand: You give the pale faewood staff a quick back and forth shake, but nothing impressive happens.
Shake with wand: Holding the pale faewood staff in one hand, you give it a quick shake back and forth. A small cascade of shimmering sparks fall from the golden wand clasped in the staff’s grip and dissipate as they tumble downwards.
Touch: You run a hand along the length of the pale faewood staff and stop as your fingers brush the intricate mechanisms at the top of the staff.
MB: 1m each

a frost-flecked carmine winter rose - Ebon Gate emo rose, fully unlocked
Pinch: In a fit of anguish, you savagely rip the velvety petals from the carmine winter rose and utterly destroy the specimen. Shocked by your sudden act, you gasp with grief and allow your sorrow to manifest in a soft, gentle sob. A single tear winds in a sinuous track down your face and falls upon the crushed petals of the carmine winter rose. Seconds later, the carmine winter rose's petals unravel and return to their former glory.
Turn: Pinching the carmine winter rose by the stem between your index finger and thumb, you slowly twirl the blossom beneath your nose. The velvety petals release their heady fragrance, which you deeply inhale. The simple gesture fills you with a small measure of peace.
Ponder: You allow your thoughts to wander, your gaze growing distant, and absently brush the carmine winter rose against your cheek.
Pluck: Murmuring a soft prayer, you pluck free a velvety petal from the carmine winter rose. You contemplate the piece for a brief moment and then allow it to drift from your hand to the ground. (Creates a soft rose petal).
Gaze: Breathing deeply, you gaze into the depths of your carmine winter rose and lose yourself in its petals.
Pray: Cupping the stem of the carmine winter rose between your knitted fingers, you bow your head over the blossom and murmur a soft prayer.
SOLD for 150k to Doldrum! Delivered 5/16

a translucent white crystal ball - Fortune-telling ball
Show: A perfectly round translucent milky white crystal ball rests on a darkly varnished wooden base. Within the glass, distinctive plumes of black and white smoke whirl and eddy. Motes of silver light wink in and out of existence within the depths of the ball.
Nod (Positive Response): Thinking hard on positive thoughts, you nod your head encouragingly, if not imperceptively, to a translucent white crystal ball as you turn the ball upside-down, then flip it back over. Within the translucent milky white glass, distinctive plumes of black and white smoke whirl and eddy. One by one, motes of silver light blink into existence within the ball and begin to coalesce into recognizable shapes. The light pauses momentarily on the answer "Perhaps" before bursting into tiny silver specks which quickly dissipate.
Shake (Random Response): You shake your white crystal ball vigorously! Within the translucent milky white glass, distinctive plumes of black and white smoke whirl and eddy. One by one, motes of silver light blink into existence within the ball and begin to coalesce into recognizable shapes. The light pauses momentarily on the answer "Let me rest" before bursting into tiny silver specks which quickly dissipate.
Shake Head At (Negative Response: Thinking hard on a negative response, accompanied by an almost imperceptible shake of your head, you shake your white crystal ball vigorously! Within the translucent milky white glass, distinctive plumes of black and white smoke whirl and eddy. One by one, motes of silver light blink into existence within the ball and begin to coalesce into recognizable shapes. The light pauses momentarily on the answer "Doubtful" before bursting into tiny silver specks which quickly dissipate.
MB: 150k


a small velvet-lined box - Ring box, VSA
SOLD for 5k to The Quick! Delivered 5/20

a large wooden puppet trunk with brass handles - LA
SOLD for 25k to Halfling Guts! Delivered 5/19

a silken bauble bag - Shoulder worn, closes, max light/deep, VLA, Holds 92 lbs., Weighs 5 lbs.
SOLD for 1.5m to Vividarium! Delivered 5/19

a large hooded moonlight spidersilk cloak with an opal clasp/
a large hooded silvery spidersilk cloak with a glaes clasp - Cloak worn, reversible, closes, scripted hood, VLA
Pull: You pull the hood of your cloak over your head.
Push: You push the hood of your cloak back from your head.
SOLD for 125k to Venrid! Delivered 5/20

a hooded rose pink silk cloak - Cloak worn, closes, VLA
SOLD for 10k to Dabuffaro! Delivered 5/22

a thick black leather longcoat with an upturned collar - Shoulder-worn, closes, VLA
SOLD for 100k to Manamethis! Delivered 5/17

a small black oilcloth pouch tied with silver drawstrings - Belt worn, SA
Open: Loosening the drawstrings, you open your black oilcloth pouch, making it easier to retrieve what is stored inside.
Close: Pulling on the drawstrings tightly, you close your black oilcloth pouch, and secure what is stored inside. MB: 50k
a triangular silver-threaded pouch Belt worn, max light/deep, SA
SOLD for 50k to The Quick! Delivered 5/20

a petite cloth-of-gold purse - Shoulder-worn, closes, LA
MB: 75k

a open-weave crocheted coral and gold shawl - Shoulder-worn, closes, VLA
SOLD for 100k to Fleurs! Delivered 5/17

a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit - Leg-worn, closes and locks, MA Comes with: an ivy green steel key inset with a golden moonstone
SOLD for 250k to Shimeria!


a leaf-cradled engagement ring - Free from merchant restrictions
Show: Miniscule diamonds run along the delicate, thin silver ring. Cradled in a silver-crafted leaf rests a flawless, round white diamond which throws ambient light into a dazzling shimmer. The feathery edges of the leaf curl subtly around the base of the diamond to clasp it elegantly in place.
-With a huge grin, you slide your engagement ring onto the appropriate finger.
- You smile thoughtfully as your turn your engagement ring around your finger, fondly remembering the first time it was worn.
- You make flamboyant gestures with your left hand, hoping everyone will notice the engagement ring on your finger.
- You nervously push your engagement ring back and forth on your finger.
SOLD for 1m to Private Bidder! Delivered 5/17

a fine baby beaver skeleton bracelet - Wrist-worn, turns into a wand
Rub: You run a finger along your beaver skeleton bracelet, and the bones rattle together as loudly as a rattlesnake's warning.
Tap: You drum your fingertips along the beaver skeleton bracelet, and the bones chatter softly together in response.
Push: You push the tip of the beaver skeleton bracelet's tail more deeply into the grinning skull, slimming down the size of the bracelet.
Pull: You tap the skull of the beaver skeleton bracelet, and it releases its hold on the tip of its tail. You straighten the bracelet until you hear a quiet click. The beaver skeleton bracelet has transformed into a fine baby beaver skeleton wand.
MB: 100k

a rune-carved plain steel ring - Few charges of Arcane Decoy, rechargeable.
Read: You squint at a rune-carved plain steel ring for a moment, but the runes are incomprehensible to you. They make your eyes blur and your head hurt.
MB: 5k

an extravagant headdress piled high with a vibrant array of fresh fruits - Head-worn
SOLD for 75k to Lithyia! Delivered 5/22

a sheer black mourning veil - Head-worn
Push: You push your mourning veil to the side, looking out from behind the fabric.
Pull: You pull at the fabric of your mourning veil in an attempt to block out the world around you.
SOLD for 5k to Lithyia! Delivered 5/22

a pair of black fur earmuffs - Ear-worn
SOLD for 5k to Manamethis! Delivered 5/17

some sheer thigh-high stockings - Pin-worn
SOLD for 50k to Manamethis! Delivered 5/17

a beady-eyed russet fox stole with a bushy white-striped tail - Neck-worn
MB: 100k

an opalescent azure vaalin band - Holds white, black, or blue crystals
Clean: Taking a deep breath, you blow a stream of air into the setting of the band, scattering a small cluster of crystal fragments onto the ground.
MB: 150k

a pair of sparkling green slippers - Foot-worn, works like a gold ring (Rub to activate)
MB: 100k

a pair of sable gloves - Pin-worn
MB: 5k

a sheer jade green scarf - Waist-worn, dancing scarf
Pull: You pull your jade green scarf tight between your two hands and swing your arms in broad circles as you nimbly dance with high, graceful leaps.
Turn: Stomping a strong beat as you turn, you twist with a wild, gyrating motion. Your jade green scarf drapes from your extended fingertips, a flowing ribbon of color that writhes through the air.
Spin: You spin rapidly in place, your jade green scarf wrapping itself tightly around your body in a sinuous swathe of color.
Raise: As you sway your hips, you hold your jade green scarf out to the side and move your arm in a fluid, sinuous motion, creating a wave of color that ripples and dances.

a pair of snowy textured organza ruched-toe slippers beaded with diamonds - Foot-worn, close, VSA
MB: 10k

some black spidersilk stockings - Pin-worn
SOLD for 50k to Manamethis! Delivered 5/17

a pair of silver-linked ruby rosebud chandelier earrings - Ear-worn
SOLD for 10k to Darkwynde!

a pair of black silk slippers propped on ebonwood heels - Foot-worn
SOLD for 5k to Darkwynde!

Clothing for the Ladies

a forest green silken saephua - Chest-worn
MB: 50k

a neat cerulean frock - Shoulder-worn, MA
MB: 150k

a rose-lined crimson satin kirtle with tight front-lacing - Front-worn
MB: 50k

a form-fitting trumpet-flare wedding gown sheathed in candlelight-hued lace - Chest-worn
Rub: You run your hands over the front of your wedding gown, trying to discreetly re-arrange the drape.
Pull: You adjust your wedding gown at the waist, forcing the skirt to billow out.
Turn: You turn around quickly, causing the hem of your wedding gown to float in the air for a moment.
Tap: You tap the loose fabric of your wedding gown, causing it to ripple lightly.
MB: 250k

a floor-length niveous wedding gown with full bell skirts - Chest-worn
Rub: You run your hands over the front of your wedding gown, trying to discreetly re-arrange the drape.
Pull: You adjust your wedding gown at the waist, forcing the skirt to billow out.
Turn: You turn around quickly, causing the hem of your wedding gown to float in the air for a moment.
MB: 250k

a sanguine charmeuse gown corseted by a band of sable silk - Chest-worn Rub: You run your hands over the front of your charmeuse gown, trying to discreetly re-arrange the drape.
Pull: You adjust your charmeuse gown at the waist, forcing the skirt to billow out.
Turn: You turn around quickly, causing the hem of your charmeuse gown to float in the air for a moment.
SOLD for 100k to Darkwynde!

a crimson leather gown shouldered with tarnished brass accents - Chest-worn, VSA
MB: 50k

A rose red damask silk gown patterned with swirling florals - Chest-worn, VSA
MB: 25k

a lace-trimmed pink gingham dress - Pin-worn
MB: 5k

a slender front-latticed snapdragon chiffon dress with silver lace accenting the full-length skirts - Chest-worn
Rub: You run your hand across your dress smoothing a wrinkle in the fabric.
Pull: You gather a handful of your dress about your hips swishing the fabric back and forth.
Turn: You twirl around in a circle, the fabric of your dress floating softly in the air.
MB: 100k

an ebon velvet gown with a corseted bodice of emerald satin - Chest-worn
MB: 25k

a high-waisted gown of gilded black lace over wine dark silk - Chest-worn
MB: 25k

a rhimar-hued cotehardie of icy silver and azure marbrinus - Chest-worn, VSA, metallic
Rub: You smooth the metallic fabric of your cotehardie, and it glitters in the ambient light.
Push: You give the skirts of your cotehardie a shake, and they settle into graceful folds.
MB: 50k

some cream satin chopines accented with elongated feathers - Foot-worn, VSA
Note: scripted to interact with walking sticks
Wear: You place your satin chopines on the ground and carefully step up into them, wobbling crazily as you wiggle your foot to achieve the perfect fit.
Tilt: You lean a little too far to one side and begin to lose your balance, only catching yourself with an ungraceful flail of your arms.
Remove: Wobbling slightly on your perch, you give each foot a shake, loosening the fit of your satin chopines until they slip off, one after the other. You quickly pick them up from the ground with a sigh of relief.
MB: 5k

a sunny gold organza dress - Chest-worn, VSA
MB: 5k

a dark green velvet hat with a white lace overlay - Head-worn
Wear: As you settle your velvet hat on your head, you adjust the lace that drapes over one side to partially fall over your face.
Push: You run your fingertips along the edge of your velvet hat's brim. In doing so, you also carefully arrange the lace overlay so that it partially falls over your eyes, creating a shaded lace screen.
Pull: Carefully attending to your velvet hat, you momentarily lift up the lace overlay that was shading your face. After giving a slow wink, you allow the lace to fall back into place.
MB: 50k

a voluminous white silk satin bridal ballgown with a layered sheer gossamer corset - Chest-worn
Rub: You run your hands over the front of your silk satin ballgown, trying to discreetly re-arrange the drape.
Pull: You adjust your silk satin ballgown at the waist, forcing the skirt to billow out.
Turn: You turn around quickly, causing the hem of your silk satin ballgown to float in the air for a moment.
MB: 250k

Clothing for the Fellas

a pair of black crushed velvet boots trimmed in moon-white silk braid - Foot-worn
MB: 5k

a glossy black ash cane with a silver tip - Cannot be worn - Yansio
- Planting the tip of the black ash cane on the ground, you give it a quick spin.
- You absentmindedly tap the black ash cane against your leg.
- You raise your black ash cane and point it forward.
- You pull your black ash cane up under your arm, clutching it like a riding crop.
- You leisurely lean on your black ash cane, a thoughtful expression upon your face.
- You toss your black ash cane up into the air, catching it in your palm with a snap!
SOLD for 100k to Queleri! Delivered 5/23

an ivy-inlaid silver buckle - Attaches to belts
Blow: A faint foggy mist forms over the surface of the buckle then slowly fades away.
MB: 10k

a black satin hat with a white silk band - Head-worn
Tilt: You nod while tilting your black satin hat forward and giving a quick, teeth-flashing grin.
Push: Tipping your black satin hat back, you lay your thumb against the edge to hold it up and away from your face.
Pull: You pull your black satin hat down, creating a shadow over your face to hide it from view.
Turn: You pull your black satin hat from your head and toss it into the air with a look of triumph. Catching it on the way back down you give a satisfied smile and set it back onto your head.
SOLD for 2m on BO! Delivered 5/17

an ivory slim-brimmed cap - Head-worn
Wear: You place your cap on top of your head with one hand, adjusting it slightly for a perfect fit.
Rub: You run your fingers along folds of your cap, creasing it carefully back into its original form.
Pinch: You remove your cap with a flourish of your hand.
MB: 100k

a neatly pressed black linen shirt set with silver cufflinks - Chest-worn
SOLD for 50k to Queleri! Delievered 5/23

05-12-2012, 05:16 PM
a frost-flecked carmine winter rose 100k

05-12-2012, 07:14 PM
a thick black leather longcoat with an upturned collar - Shoulder-worn, closes, VLA 100k

05-12-2012, 07:45 PM
a frost-flecked carmine winter rose 150k

05-12-2012, 11:27 PM
Updated for the evening!

05-12-2012, 11:48 PM

05-13-2012, 08:38 PM
Updated for tonight! My steam-flares fletching razor needs a good home... :-/

Halfling Guts
05-14-2012, 03:53 AM
a large wooden puppet trunk with brass handles - MB

05-14-2012, 02:34 PM
1m bag

05-14-2012, 02:42 PM
a large hooded moonlight spidersilk cloak with an opal clasp


05-14-2012, 04:00 PM
a pair of black silk slippers propped on ebonwood heels - MB: 5k

a pair of silver-linked ruby rosebud chandelier earrings - MB: 10k

a sanguine charmeuse gown corseted by a band of sable silk - MB: 100k

Thank you!

05-14-2012, 09:15 PM
MB on the slim kit....thanks

05-15-2012, 05:11 PM
Updated! <3

the quick
05-15-2012, 05:30 PM
mb ring box
mb moonlight spidey cloak
mb pouch

05-16-2012, 05:54 PM
Updated to reflect lots of bids! I'll update again this evening to change all the twices to solds, etc.

Thanks for bidding, folks!

05-16-2012, 09:48 PM
Aaand updated for the evening.

05-16-2012, 09:58 PM
125k on the hooded cloak please

05-17-2012, 09:29 PM
Updated! Lots of deliveries made... many more to go. Doing my best to track folks down!

05-18-2012, 09:36 AM
an extravagant headdress piled high with a vibrant array of fresh fruits - Head-worn
MB: 75k

a sheer black mourning veil - Head-worn
Push: You push your mourning veil to the side, looking out from behind the fabric.
Pull: You pull at the fabric of your mourning veil in an attempt to block out the world around you.
MB: 5k

MB's on both please to Lithyia. Thanks.

05-19-2012, 11:19 AM
Updated with last night's bids :) Lowered MB on the bauble and the fletching razor!