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  1. Tea Party Members caught saying the "N" word.
  2. Good News on Immigration
  3. I have a few suggestions for them...
  4. Happy Meals Are Evil?
  5. Censure Senator Levin
  6. Policing the Ice Cream Parlor
  7. Drivers License Exams in English Only
  8. Gov. Charlie Crist to Run as Independent in Florida Senate Race
  9. Neat infographic about Online new sources political leanings
  11. NPR: How to lose a trillion dollars
  12. Virginia Getting Rid of Risque Images
  13. Arizona Firing Teachers with Mexican Accent
  14. Opinion: Putting the Security Back in Social Security
  15. Political Cartoon of the Day
  16. Illegal Aliens Love America So Much
  17. Virginia Going After Climate Scientists
  18. Florida State Senator Caught Looking at Porn on Senate Floor
  19. U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study
  20. 7 lies in under 2 minutes
  21. Cinco de What?
  22. Students Sent Home For Wearing American Flag T-Shirts To School On Cinco de Mayo
  23. UK election thread
  24. paranoia
  25. No one in Arizona is laughing...
  26. Another RINO Bites the Dust
  27. Suggestive GOP Ad Attacks Ohio Senate Dem Hopeful
  28. Elena Kagan Nominated to the Supreme Court
  29. Ladies, Hang Onto Your Cunts
  30. Abortion
  31. Bill to Strip Suspected Terrorists of Citizenship
  32. People in Detroit Choosing Not to Work
  33. Obama Gives Inappropriate Graduation Speech
  34. Another Alabama Political Ad
  35. Oklahoma City Turns to God to Prevent Tornados
  36. What's in Your Child's Classroom?
  37. Sarah Palin Is Writing a New Book!
  38. Obama's Absurd New Classification of "Dependent"
  39. Military proposes medal for troops showing restraint
  40. GOP Launches Online Poll: Which Federal Programs Should End?
  41. Who would have thought?
  42. "Barack Obama plans to punish BP with tax hike as Gulf spill worsens"
  43. Contract with America, an interesting concept
  44. And just why should we be immitating European nations?
  45. Mosque at Ground Zero?
  46. Tea Party Officially Takes Over Maine GOP
  47. Martha Coakley: It's Not Illegal To Be Illegal In MA
  48. Ground Zero Mosque Set To Open On 9/11/11
  49. You Don't Pay My Welfare Check, Obama Does
  50. Government, working for you... or not
  51. First They Came for the Beauty Queens
  52. "Super Tuesday" = Hope for Change? =)
  53. Blumenthal is a dumb liar.
  54. God hates the Gulf of Mexico
  55. How So-Called Science Ruins Society
  56. Electric cars will murder blind and deaf people...
  57. Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns
  58. I can haz pet velociraptor?
  59. New Tax Rate on Billionaires
  60. Who is your favorite living politician or political candidate
  61. Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona's
  62. Your daily dose of Fox News making a fool of itself
  63. Republican Djou wins Hawaii special election
  64. Line Item Veto Ish....
  65. Employer Weight Discrimination
  66. Private pay shrinks to historic lows as gov't payouts rise
  67. Heckler at Obama speech
  68. Immigration Racial Profiling Boycott?
  69. Sestek-gate Investigation
  70. Obama Stops Oil Leak
  71. Mass. Senate passes crackdown on illegal immigrants
  72. Newt Gingrich compares Obama administration to Nazi Germany
  73. Facebook caves to Muslims, deletes Mohammed page
  74. The next big industry up for Federalization
  75. And Michigan is the first to step up to the plate for Obama
  76. So, again, why do you need a green card?
  77. White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
  78. National task force against homosexuality. Eat da poo pooo.
  79. CBS News: Gore Separation Is George Bush’s Fault
  80. White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents
  81. Helen Thomas Tells Jews — ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine’
  82. Arizona school ordered to lighten faces in mural
  83. Or we could just...
  84. Federal Spending by the Numbers 2010
  85. Retired marine at a Tea Party rally in Georgia
  86. I want seats to this concert series!
  87. Isn't the EPA in charge of/responsible for dealing with this kind of thing?
  88. 2010 ease of doing business rankings by country
  89. liberals fail at economics
  90. Obama's Ass Kicking Remix
  91. ‘Things Will Come Apart’
  92. More on the plans to limit and control the media
  93. Apartheid worse than North Korea
  94. Schumer-Van Hollen
  95. Michigan Funding Smut
  96. Republicans Stealing Defeat from the Jaws of Victory?
  97. Boycott of Comedy Central
  98. Fannie-Freddie Fix at $160 Billion With $1 Trillion Worst Case
  99. Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk
  100. Japan bribes officials from other nations with prostitutes
  101. $400 million for terrorists
  102. Al Gore: Do as I say, not as I do... (repetitive theme)
  103. Arizona to Get Rid of Anchor Babies
  104. Old People in Florida and the Nevada Senate Race
  105. Obama Gulf spill address
  106. Obama Administration Strikes at the South
  107. Giant Jesus Statue Catches Fire
  108. Are you a Democrat or Republican?
  109. WTF?!!?!?! 6 votes each?
  110. The other shoe
  111. Court: 2-Person Labor Board Can't Make Decisions
  112. We Are All BP Now
  113. $7-a-gallon gas?
  114. Chicago-Style Shakedown Politics
  115. Another Mosque?
  116. Rich Indian Casino Gets $54 Mil In Stimulus Funds
  117. Who Is Biggest Environmentalist?
  118. Politicians Run for the Border
  119. .Obama spill panel big on policy, not engineering
  120. Kill Switch
  121. Florida Senate Race
  122. Gen. Stanley McChrystal coming to Washington
  123. Corporate Sins and Corporate Longevity
  124. Arbitrary and Capricious
  125. Deepwater Drilling Ban Lifted
  126. If You Can't Budget, You Can't Govern
  127. Socialism = Bad ... except when you benefit.
  128. Your tax dollars at work...
  129. Raining Oil In Louisiana :(
  130. Some things to think about from Neal Boortz
  131. Winnowing the Field for 2012
  132. Most Epic Book Trailer of All Time
  133. Why Didn't Obama Call for Oil Prayer?
  134. Evil New Democrat Ad
  135. Profanity in Happy Meals?
  136. AZ Gov. Says Most People in Her State Are Drug Mules
  137. Kagan Opposed to Pornography?
  138. Mutant Fish for Dinner
  139. So foul and fair a day
  140. A Third Depression
  141. US cracks 'deep-cover' Russia spy mission, arrests 10
  142. Arizona Congressional Ad
  143. Obama Snuffing Us Out
  144. Found this interesting
  145. Maybe we should look to some European countries for leadership
  146. Do you suffer from D.E.? There's help for you too.
  147. A somewhat different commencement speech
  148. Why a Mosque at Ground Zero is a bad idea
  149. Why Bush Was a Better President Than Obama
  150. Steele on Afghanistan
  151. 200,000 Californian workers now on minimum wage.
  152. GO AMERICA!!!!
  153. Words of substance still hold true
  154. Google Paying Homosexuals Extra
  155. Biden sees Iraq success for President Obama
  156. Arizona to Cut Utilities of Illegals
  157. Feds to Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law
  158. Iran bans the mullet.
  159. Spanking in Schools
  160. Obama to NASA: Better relations with Muslim world.
  161. Another Palin Endorsement
  162. Jindal Signs Guns-in-Church Bill!
  163. Obama = nation's first woman president?
  164. Poor Obama, now resorting to name baiting
  165. New Palin Biography to Inspire Tweens, and Vampires Are Bad
  166. Founders' vision vs. Ours
  167. A mind-changing page
  168. Mandatory Gender Disclosure
  169. NAACP Before Vote Condemning 'Racist' Elements of Tea Party
  170. Soccer Stops Prostitution
  171. Glenn Beck University
  172. Missing Iranian Nuclear Scientist Found
  173. "I now know the pain of racism"
  174. Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Engaged (again)
  175. Facts vs already established ideas
  176. A Last Request
  177. Official policy, some of the laws, some of the time.
  178. Tax Cuts vs. Spending Increases
  179. Passports and the Little Brother of War
  180. The Utah List
  181. Sector 2814
  182. Comming soon, Fat Tax
  183. Obama's Beach Blanket Recovery: It's Happy, Snappy & Incredibly Crappy.
  184. Kill the Ground Zero Mosque
  185. Man With Neo-Nazi Ties Leading Patrols In Arizona
  186. Witchcraft in Africa Again
  187. Tea Party Split
  188. Glenn Beck Tells Audience He Might Be Going Blind
  189. Only White People Are Racist
  190. Robert Byrd Was Racist
  191. Palin on Top
  192. There is Hope out there!
  193. China and Energy Consumption
  194. Jindal calls on Washington to end drilling ban
  195. News media - What is their obligation?
  196. Did RNC Chairman Steele Falsify Financial Statements?
  197. Arab guilty of rape after consensual sex with Jew
  198. Bad dude dictators
  199. Even China is worried about this nut burger
  200. So, if paying taxes is patriotic according to Biden
  201. Yeah, this is classy
  202. Muslim day at Six Flags
  203. Subpoena the Democrats
  204. Boycott of Home Depot
  205. Some tidbits of Common Sense
  206. China declares economic war on the United States
  207. US military gets played by Pakis on their cute little "mission"
  208. Say So Long to the Middle Class.
  209. Arizona Immigration Law Working
  210. Tennessee to Secede?
  211. Is Being Muslim a Religion?
  212. Basil Marceaux for Governor
  213. Wikileaks
  214. Immigration Law in Fremont, Nebraska
  215. Audit: US cannot account for $8.7B in Iraqi funds
  216. Massachusetts Signs Up for National Popular Vote
  217. Nancy Reagan's Letter
  218. Why Everybody Should Be Allowed a Laser-Sighted .380 with Hollow Points
  219. Courts Telling Us What to Believe
  220. Give em hell, Tony
  221. Is Newt Gingrich a Genius?
  222. GOP to Amend Constitution to Allow Deportation of Illegals Born in US
  223. Maryland Hurting the Military
  224. Jews Against the Ground Zero Mosque
  225. Ethics Panel to charge Rep Maxine Waters
  226. a book that racist anti-Islam numbskulls need to read
  227. Anne Rice Can't Be Christian and Democrat
  228. California Rep. Waters may face fall ethics trial
  229. Dangerous Democrat Science
  230. Liberal Email
  231. Cluster Bomb Treaty
  232. Palin Questions Obama's Cojones
  233. Should Chelsea Hyphenate?
  234. The Latest Battle to Save Unborn Children
  235. A town hall meeting with Pete Stark
  236. Mo. voters reject key provision of health care law
  237. Backlash's Hero = Chavez, the Economic Wizard
  238. Survey Says Politically Conservative States Are Most Religious
  239. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) warn Obama on Israel's Iran plan
  240. UN Encroaching on Our Sovereignty
  241. Judge overturns California Gay Marriage Ban
  242. Another Reason to Repeal the 14th Amendment
  243. Is nature anti-gay?
  244. Help establish freedom and democracy! Support "Operation Pedoprophet" today!
  245. Bush Tax Cuts
  246. Restore the Thirteenth Amendment
  247. Government Shuts Down 7-year-old's Lemonade Stand
  248. Obama nominee confirmed for the Supreme Court
  249. Hiroshima: no apology needed
  250. Sharon Angle Says No Homosexual Money or Adoptions