View Full Version : Another Alabama Political Ad

05-12-2010, 12:43 PM
Alabama is quickly distinguishing itself as the nation's creative capital of political advertising. After the highly successful gubernatorial ad about driver license exams in foreign languages, which I posted (http://www.forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1098553&postcount=1) about earlier, there's a new ad in the Yellowhammer State that raises another important, if recurring issue.

Today's must-watch video: The True Republican PAC is running an advertisement in Alabama's GOP gubernatorial race attacking Bradley Byrne (R) because he supports the teaching of evolution in schools.

Byrne responds to this "despicable attack" with a statement: "I have never wavered in my belief that this world and everything in it is a masterpiece created by the hands of God... I fought to ensure the teaching of creationism in our school text books."

Here's the advertisement:

More... (http://politicalwire.com/archives/2010/05/11/political_ad_in_alabama_mocks_evolution.html)

This incident illustrates the need for a candidate to respond quickly and decisively to negative attacks, because if you let unfounded allegations linger, no matter how crazy they are, people will start to believe them.

05-12-2010, 02:28 PM

05-12-2010, 03:22 PM
Should have let the whole damn south go in the 1800s.
Can't think of too many bad things that'd come out of it.

05-17-2010, 04:23 PM
Another good one..


He takes no prisoners.

07-08-2010, 10:26 AM
I can't get enough of these Alabama political commercials.

In this one, Republican candidate Rick Barber makes his case to the founding fathers that we need an armed revolt. The best part is when he exclaims, "A tea tax!" At the end of the commercial, George Washington endorses Barber and ominously says, "Gather your armies."


There should be awards for commercials like this.

He's also got one about that mosque they're building at Ground Zero, an issue of great importance in his congressional district. You can tell by the look on his face that he's really mad about it. "There is a difference," he says, "between tolerance and surrender."
