View Full Version : Sarah Palin Is Writing a New Book!

05-13-2010, 11:04 AM
In the fall of 2009, with the publication of her #1 national bestselling memoir, Sarah Palin had the privilege of meeting thousands of everyday Americans on her extraordinary 35-city book tour. Inspired by these encounters, her new book, AMERICA BY HEART: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag, celebrates the enduring strengths and virtues that have made this country great.

Framed by her strong belief in the importance of family, faith, and patriotism, the book ranges widely over American history, culture, and current affairs, and reflects on the key values—both national and spiritual-that have been such a profound part of Governor Palin’s life and continue to inform her vision of America’s future. Written in her own refreshingly candid voice, AMERICA BY HEART will include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have moved her-from the nation’s founding documents to great speeches, sermons, letters, literature and poetry, biography, and even some of her favorite songs and movies. Here, too, are portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her deep love of country, her strong rootedness in faith, and her profound love and appreciation of family. She will also draw from personal experience to amplify these timely (and timeless) themes—themes that are sure to inspire her numerous fans and readers all across the country.

More... (http://www.amazon.com/America-Heart-Reflections-Family-Faith/dp/0062010964)

You really can't go wrong with a book about family, faith and flag, especially when it's what other people have written about those subjects. Another Palin bestseller? I can hardly wait until it's released in November!

Also, it's high time "rootedness" made a comeback in the American vocabulary. Also, I really like the use of "timely and timeless." That's the sort of innovative writing I would expect from a book like this.

05-13-2010, 12:15 PM
She needs what, another 4 and a stint as a community organizer and then slip in seat in the Senate and bingo, Presidency!

05-13-2010, 12:47 PM
Whose this "Governor Palin"?
Did someone else in that family get elected somewhere?

/it ain't like the presidency - if you resign, you're just Sarah Palin

05-13-2010, 12:51 PM
Whose this "Governor Palin"?
Did someone else in that family get elected somewhere?

/it ain't like the presidency - if you resign, you're just Sarah Palin

I think it's a lifelong title... hence why Jesse Venture is still called Governor.

05-13-2010, 01:05 PM
Whose this "Governor Palin"?
Did someone else in that family get elected somewhere?

/it ain't like the presidency - if you resign, you're just Sarah Palin

Same thing with Congressmen, Senators, Judges, Ambassadors, etc. You afford them the courtesy of the highest title they held.

05-13-2010, 01:15 PM
she finally figured out how to make a coloring book?

05-13-2010, 01:16 PM
Do we do that with Governors? I suppose I've never noticed.

05-13-2010, 03:12 PM
Same thing with Congressmen, Senators, Judges, Ambassadors, etc. You afford them the courtesy of the highest title they held.

What if they quit amid investigations into their abuse of power?

It is not "President" Nixon. It is Dick Nixon. Likewise, it is not Sarah Palin, it is Sarah "I put the QQ in quitter" Palin.

05-13-2010, 03:37 PM
What if they quit amid investigations into their abuse of power?

It is not "President" Nixon. It is Dick Nixon. Likewise, it is not Sarah Palin, it is Sarah "I put the QQ in quitter" Palin.

Bill Clinton is still President Clinton.

05-13-2010, 03:45 PM
That's because Bill Clinton lied about a personal affair, and didn't try to undermine the very foundations of this country like Tricky Dick.

05-13-2010, 04:13 PM
That's because Bill Clinton lied about a personal affair, and didn't try to undermine the very foundations of this country like Tricky Dick.

You're right, lying under oath and to the American public, and subsequently losing your license to practice law isn't a big deal. Blowjobs aren't sex, after all.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sarah Palin thread.

05-13-2010, 04:19 PM
losing your license to practice law.

Who lost their license to practice law?

05-13-2010, 06:25 PM
Who lost their license to practice law?


05-13-2010, 06:38 PM

Oh, I thought he actually lost his license. That article says it was temporarily suspended.

05-13-2010, 06:45 PM
You really can't go wrong with a book about family, faith and flag, especially when it's what other people have written about those subjects. Another Palin bestseller? I can hardly wait until it's released in November!

Also, it's high time "rootedness" made a comeback in the American vocabulary. Also, I really like the use of "timely and timeless." That's the sort of innovative writing I would expect from a book like this.

ClydeR's getting almost TOO heavy-handed. I mean, in the past, it was occasionally hard to tell if it was mockery or seriousness. Nowadays, it's easy. Come on now.

05-13-2010, 07:20 PM
You're right, lying under oath and to the American public, and subsequently losing your license to practice law isn't a big deal. Blowjobs aren't sex, after all.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sarah Palin thread.

Well...blowjobs aren't sex. If they were, we wouldn't have a separate word for them.

05-14-2010, 09:23 AM
He's right though, I mean, we all remember when Bill clinton was convicted of Perjury, right?

Oh, wait, he wasnt?

And he wasn't Impeached?

Or kicked out of office?


05-14-2010, 10:06 AM
He's right though, I mean, we all remember when Bill clinton was convicted of Perjury, right?

Oh, wait, he wasnt?

No, he wasn't convicted of Perjury, though he clearly did commit the crime as described and if you or I did the same thing, we would be living off Uncle Sam in a Federal prison and out biggest worries would be avoiding Bubba and LaRasa gangs.

And he wasn't Impeached?
Yes he was. According to Wikipedia:

"Impeachment is a formal process in which an elected official is accused of unlawful activity, and which may or may not lead to the removal of that official from office." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment

He was definitly accused and tried, he was not found guilty of the crime and received censure for his actions.

Or kicked out of office?


No he was not however, in the face of having Al Gore the drip as President it was likely the best decision at the time. I firmly believe that he committed the crime and if the ordinary person did the same they would be in prison. I also firmly believe that short of Al Sharpton, Al Gore is about the worst person in recet memory to seek the office of President.

05-14-2010, 10:12 AM
No he was not however, in the face of having Al Gore the drip as President it was likely the best decision at the time. I firmly believe that he committed the crime and if the ordinary person did the same they would be in prison. I also firmly believe that short of Al Sharpton, Al Gore is about the worst person in recet memory to seek the office of President.

John Edwards would like to thank you for keeping him off the list for some reason.


05-14-2010, 10:18 AM
I'm happy you believe that, Rocktar, but surprisingly, what people "believe" is not the same thing as what "Happened".

You might think Bill Clinton committed a crime, but the legal system says he doesn't.

You are correct about Impeachment though, I used the wrong word. What is the term for when a politician is removed from office by impeachment? I'll be damned if I can remember.

(BTW: Its not perjury if you lie about facts not pertinent to a case. I.E. Banging Monical Lewinski has very little to do with banging Paula jones. Even if you're trying to establish a history of sexual misconduct, it doesn't "prove" he did anything and is therefore not pertinent to the facts of the case.)

05-14-2010, 12:09 PM
"Impeachment" is the term for being formally accused, like an indictment. He'd have to be convicted of whatever he is charged with to be actually removed from office. I'm unsure if there is actually a word for that. Clinton was impeached by the House, but wasn't convicted by the Senate.

05-14-2010, 06:12 PM
Honestly I think as leader of the free world he should have spent more of his time fucking hot girls. I sincerely hope there were about a 100 more than the ones he was accused of sleeping with, all of them extremely hot. Otherwise I would be disappointed in him. As for sarah palin, I'm sort of amazed she can read, let alone write.