View Full Version : Ethics Panel to charge Rep Maxine Waters

07-31-2010, 07:48 AM

WASHINGTON – A second House Democrat, Rep. Maxine Waters of California, could be facing an ethics trial this fall, further complicating the midterm election outlook for the party as it battles to hold onto its majority.

People familiar with the investigation, who were not authorized to be quoted about unannounced charges, say the allegations could be announced next week. The House ethics committee declined Friday to make any public statement on the matter.

Waters, 71, has been under investigation for a possible conflict of interest involving a bank that was seeking federal aid. Her husband owned stock in the bank and had served on its board.

Conservative or Liberal, I hope we can all agree, this woman is retarded. If you've ever watched a hearing she is part of she always asks the stupidest questions. Anything that removes her from office will be a good thing, so we hopefully get someone more intelligent in there, even another Democrat, ANY Democrat.

On a side note, Charlie Rangel is also stupid, but less so. Maxine makes him look like Einstein. Nevertheless, I saw him once tell Matt Lauer the only reason we don't invade Nigeria is because they have no oil... he wasn't going for deadpan comic relief either.

This is awesome though, my two least favorite house members are being brought to justice. Corrupt ass Murtha died of course. Then we just need Henry Waxman to be caught tapping his foot in a bathroom and the world will be well again.

07-31-2010, 10:10 AM
I don't get it. Ethics trial? Rocktar said it was illegal to discriminate against race.

Conservative or Liberal, I hope we can all agree, this woman is retarded. If you've ever watched a hearing she is part of she always asks the stupidest questions.There are no stupid questions...

On a side note, Charlie Rangel is also stupid... I saw him once tell Matt Lauer the only reason we don't invade Nigeria is because they have no oil... he wasn't going for deadpan comic relief either.
Yeah, come on. That's not the ONLY reason.

07-31-2010, 10:34 AM

Conservative or Liberal, I hope we can all agree, this woman is retarded. If you've ever watched a hearing she is part of she always asks the stupidest questions. Anything that removes her from office will be a good thing, so we hopefully get someone more intelligent in there, even another Democrat, ANY Democrat.

On a side note, Charlie Rangel is also stupid, but less so. Maxine makes him look like Einstein. Nevertheless, I saw him once tell Matt Lauer the only reason we don't invade Nigeria is because they have no oil... he wasn't going for deadpan comic relief either.

This is awesome though, my two least favorite house members are being brought to justice. Corrupt ass Murtha died of course. Then we just need Henry Waxman to be caught tapping his foot in a bathroom and the world will be well again.

Good.. she's a dumb fucking bitch:



07-31-2010, 11:25 AM
I was going to say "but she's not even black!"... but both she and Congressman Rangel ARE black! Maybe Rocktar was onto something after all.

07-31-2010, 01:36 PM
Hey, stupidity, lack of integrity and political corruption cross all racial boundaries.

07-31-2010, 01:41 PM
I was going to say "but she's not even black!"... but both she and Congressman Rangel ARE black! Maybe Rocktar was onto something after all.

So, what you are saying is that if you are against Waters and Rangel.. THEN U MUST BE A RACIST!!

You never fail to provide a really, really stupid opinion. Thanks.

07-31-2010, 02:42 PM
I was going to say "but she's not even black!"... but both she and Congressman Rangel ARE black! Maybe Rocktar was onto something after all.

So, what you are saying is that if you are against Waters and Rangel.. THEN U MUST BE A RACIST!!

You never fail to provide a really, really stupid opinion. Thanks.Whoosh.

Religion is a protected class, "ethical background" is not.

It is when it is a nice way of saying race dumb fuck.