View Full Version : Liberal Email

08-01-2010, 03:26 PM
The first thing people see when they receive e-mails from you is your domain name. What are you using? Gmail? Yahoo? San Francisco hippies, the lot of them. Microsoft? Forget about it. Real Republicans have the domain name of their favorite dead president. And now, for the low price of $34.95, you too can send and receive e-mails from Reagan.com.

The initiative is led by President Reagan's oldest son, Michael Reagan. He wants you know in his cover letter that he is, "deeply concerned about the future of our country." It turns out, "People who believe in true Reagan Conservative Values are unwittingly supporting the Obama, Pelosi and Reid liberal agenda!."

How so?

Well, every time you use your e-mail from companies such as Google, AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, Apple and others, you are helping the liberals. These companies are and will continue to be huge supporters, financially and technologically, of those that are hurting our country.

More... (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2553575/posts)

I can't think of anything that would be more impressive than having reagan.com at the end of my email address. It cost less than a penny a day. And I certainly don't want to use free email if it means supporting those who are hurting our country.

This development must fill Ronald Reagan with pride. He's probably in Heaven right now bragging on his kids to Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.

08-01-2010, 10:20 PM
Actually, as of 8/1 it is now $39.95 (a year!)


08-01-2010, 10:22 PM
sounds alot like Reagan's kid is capitalizing on his name, nice way to ruin a legacy.

08-01-2010, 10:28 PM
I saw that Reagan could be sending me e-mails and ran screaming through my bookmarks to my e-mail. Low and behold, Reagan had e-mailed me! Thanks ClydeR! Your just swell!

"Valerya B" <anoop@reagan.com>
Add sender to Contacts


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"pamela" <info@reagan.com>
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I am Mrs Pamela Etters, a devoted christian. I have a foundation
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Contact Email: pam.etti1@reagan.com

08-02-2010, 03:28 PM
sounds alot like Reagan's kid is capitalizing on his name, nice way to ruin a legacy.

Perhaps you should find out more about what he does and has worked for before you pass judgment. For example, working with the USO among many other charities, raising money for the Reagan Library and at every turn when talking about his dad, being reverent and thankful to have had him in his life. This is especially important since Micheal Reagan was adopted by Ronald W. Reagan and not his natural born son.

This as opposed to Ron, who is Ronald Reagan's natural born son and a serious drip who has played his name all along to slouch by in life and for the most part hasn't done much of anything.

Here is a short bio since I know google is so hard for so many.


08-02-2010, 04:58 PM
Something tells me Rocktar's definition of "hasn't done much of anything" has more to do with Ron Reagan's status as a liberal pundit rather than his brief membership with the Joffey Ballet Company of Chicago.

08-02-2010, 05:05 PM
It cost less than a penny a day.

Its actually 10 cents a day.

08-02-2010, 05:49 PM
Something tells me Rocktar's definition of "hasn't done much of anything" has more to do with Ron Reagan's status as a liberal pundit rather than his brief membership with the Joffey Ballet Company of Chicago.

Actually, it has more to do with his mediocre career overall. Nothing long term and nothing outstanding or noteworthy other than hosting Saturday Night Live for a short stint. Big deal, yawn, hell, there are stand in actors and temporary workers with better resumes.

08-02-2010, 07:11 PM
wasnt commenting on ruining his already worthless legacy

08-03-2010, 07:38 AM
Actually, it has more to do with his mediocre career overall. Nothing long term and nothing outstanding or noteworthy other than hosting Saturday Night Live for a short stint.I see. So which is it in your case? Have you made more noteworthy accomplishments? Or are you a slough as well?

08-03-2010, 05:06 PM
I see. So which is it in your case? Have you made more noteworthy accomplishments? Or are you a slough as well?

Yes, I have made many noteworthy accomplishments, none of which you would believe and all of which you would discount. My previous job was simply a step on the road of life. My current one, another step, and the one after it will be as well. How about you? Have you analyzed and condensed anything in a new and socially impactful way other than to get an "good boy" from your boss lately? Have you made any decisions of any value or impact to others in life yet or are you still just compiling data and condensing the results of other people's work into columnar tabs on a spreadsheet or a power point slide?

In addition, how does my life have any bearing in the discussion of the lives of Micheal or Ron Reagen? That's right, it doesn't, it is yet another of your pathetic attempts to discredit or discount anything I say because of your own petty view of my previous job and your own inferiority complex showing through as you attempt to prove your self inflated superiority. In addition to your lack of ability to provide any substantive counter argument.

08-03-2010, 05:23 PM
Yes, I have made many noteworthy accomplishments, none of which you would believe and all of which you would discount. My previous job was simply a step on the road of life. My current one, another step, and the one after it will be as well. How about you? Have you analyzed and condensed anything in a new and socially impactful way other than to get an "good boy" from your boss lately? Have you made any decisions of any value or impact to others in life yet or are you still just compiling data and condensing the results of other people's work into columnar tabs on a spreadsheet or a power point slide?

In addition, how does my life have any bearing in the discussion of the lives of Micheal or Ron Reagen? That's right, it doesn't, it is yet another of your pathetic attempts to discredit or discount anything I say because of your own petty view of my previous job and your own inferiority complex showing through as you attempt to prove your self inflated superiority. In addition to your lack of ability to provide any substantive counter argument.Well when you comment that a man who had gained scholarship at a prestigious ballet school and then joined that schools ballet company, in addition to being a member of Saturday Night Live, as well as having been involved in other media productions (both radio and TV) as sloughing off in life, I can only assume that you've achieved as much or better. The reality is you weight the worthiness of his career with his political opinions. Ron Reagan may not be a shooting star, but he certainly hasn't sloughed off in life as you put it. The way you paint it he could be some male version of Paris Hilton.

As for the speculation you make on the nature of my work LOL. So far you haven't even managed to get the TITLE of my occupation correct (despite it being listed) let alone its nature. Rest assured I contribute great value to my corporation (which produces high-quality, productive software) and I am compensated accordingly.

By the way has Walmart contacted you yet to beg for your return? I'm sure they miss your enterprise-crucial decision-making skills on how high to stack boxes.

08-03-2010, 05:31 PM
Just to be clear. ITT Clove defending Ron Reagans good name from Rocktar.

08-03-2010, 05:43 PM
Just to be clear. ITT Clove defending Ron Reagans good name from Rocktar.I don't agree with Ron Reagan's punditry, but his life and career hasn't simply consisted of doing nothing but spending his daddy's money or relying on his name. Rocktar was defending Michael Reagan which is all well and good, because Michael is an admirable guy and then bashes Ron in the same breath, in my opinion, because he doesn't like his politics. I doubt Rocktar can point to more noteworthy achievements (Gor combat and slaving RP boards don't really compare) nor does he have much insight into his life (other than Ron's politics).