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  1. Full Plate (0 replies)
  2. Neimanz & Hoy swan song/ragequit auction (5 replies)
  3. 2x DB socks (0 replies)
  4. 10x zelnorn s6 e5 t5 mana infused enhancive fairly crit padded spiked full plate (0 replies)
  5. 8x, T5, S6, 18 cer crit, 5x dispel, ko flaring, ghezyte spike star (2 replies)
  6. 10x zelnorn hauberk t-5 ensorcelling and max ithzir unlock (0 replies)
  7. 2x db useless object (0 replies)
  8. Temporal morning star (2 replies)
  9. High end goods for sale/trade, 10x claid and axe, full plate, eonak arm, shield cape (7 replies)
  10. +29 sum weapon bonus enhancive aventail (3 replies)
  11. New Enhancive Fodder, individual and much lower priced (10 replies)
  12. 20+ Enhancive fodder for DR (4 replies)
  13. Selling: Animalistic Spirit Shadarl Double Leathers (0 replies)
  14. Temporal Longsword (0 replies)
  15. 10x Twin hand crossbows rusalkoren/ghezyte (2 replies)
  16. WTB: Coraesine Relic (0 replies)
  17. 7x Brigandine Shell Armor - With some extras. (2 replies)
  18. Looking for Full Plate, something mid to high end (0 replies)
  19. +29 weapon bonus enhancive (0 replies)
  20. Platinum account / items for sale (16 replies)
  21. 10x Buckler, S6, T5, Animal Script, 1x Dispel Flare (0 replies)
  22. Account Closes Soon Sale (1 replies)
  23. 8x ghezyte chainspear, t5, s6, cer 3 crit (7 replies)
  24. 10x Brigandine, Fully Unlocked Animal, Zelnorn, S6, T5, 12 CER (130 services) (0 replies)
  25. Account Sale of Attuned Gear - T5/T4 Sigil and xper days (2 replies)
  26. 9x (+46) Xaz Dagger, S5 Sanct, SWCW (0 replies)
  27. T5 Mana-Infused Brigandine, S6 Holy Flares, T5 ensorcell, SWCP (3 replies)
  28. Stuff (1 replies)
  29. itzhir armor,essence belt,puppyand stuff (1 replies)
  30. 10x Animalistic Katar Set (One 9x, poured to 10x) T5/S6 & T4/S5 (12 replies)
  31. Legendary Greater Surita T5 Sigil Staff with SK 1408 (0 replies)
  32. Search Pretty Girls in your city for night - Verified Ladies (2 replies)
  33. death maul (4 replies)
  34. A massive dark rolaren claidhmore - 10x and GEF Void - dutch auction (8 replies)
  35. Looking for Shadarl armor doubles or brig (2 replies)
  36. WTB Great Somnis Fullplate (2 replies)
  37. 10x High Steel Full Plate SWCP, Extaplanar Bane, Grapple Flares, T4 Elven S6, T5 (4 replies)
  38. Looking to buy SK items (0 replies)
  39. 10x t5 rot flaring parasite morning star (2 replies)
  40. 6x T5 Necro Flares Staff w/enhancives (3 replies)
  41. odd-looking plant (LEGENDARY FIND) (1 replies)
  42. Some High End Gear: MDP Full Plate, 10x Shield, 10x Briar Star, 7x Brig, 8x Star. (0 replies)
  43. MK 5 Tackle Pin (1 replies)
  44. T5 Mana-Infused Armor, S6, T5 ensorcell, SWCP (6 CER, 70 services) (0 replies)
  45. Looking for high-end One handed edged weapons, splitter if there is one around. (1 replies)
  46. 9x Greatsword, ECW (14 CER), SWDW (5 CER), 3x Dispel Flares, T3 parasitic, T5 Ensorce (0 replies)
  47. chain spear and enhancive armor (1 replies)
  48. enhancive armaments (18 replies)
  49. elemental lightning ring (2 replies)
  50. 1109 empathic focus (0 replies)
  51. 10x Shadarl Brigandine, +10 TD, T4 Valence, S6, T5 Ensorcell, DCP, SWDP, Troll Spine (2 replies)
  52. Looking for a nice set of double leathers (0 replies)
  53. SK 1408 6x T5 Sigil Greater Surita Runestaff (0 replies)
  54. T5 Mana-infused (Sigil) Augmented Chain (0 replies)
  55. The I need money for DR Sale (0 replies)
  56. +20 Wisdom Fusion runestaff (1 replies)
  57. SM 1109 (2 replies)
  58. a dusk blue tome - T5 Thaumaturge Tome (6 replies)
  59. Dhu Kitten, a one-eyed pudgy black kitten(the kitten that brought on the changes) (0 replies)
  60. 6x, 6x Acuity, T4 Nerve Staff (4 replies)
  61. Self Mana 506 Ring (1 replies)
  62. 9x Augmented Chain (T3 Cursed Armor / +16 Aura / +9 ML:M / T5 Ensorc / 1x Dispel) (0 replies)
  63. 10x Hand Crossbow, Ghezyte, T3 Briar, Terror Flares, 17 CER Sighted, T5 Ensorcell (0 replies)
  64. 7x maul, all the acutramon.. (0 replies)
  65. T3 Briar Hand Crossbow (10x T5 3x Dispel 16CER Sighting) (0 replies)
  66. Fully unlocked T5 Sigil Set (T5 Sigil Staff + T5 Cuirbouilli Leathers) (2 replies)
  67. Ajax +50 Banshee flaring tower sheild (2 replies)
  68. Best Blunt in the lands (6 replies)
  69. Running list of higher end items for sale (0 replies)
  70. 10x Xazkruvrixis Katar (S6 T5 HCW) (2 replies)
  71. 10x Xazkruvrixiz Chain Spear, Legacy GUB, T5 Ensorcell (2 replies)
  72. Auction cross-post from discord forum of my stuff. (3 replies)
  73. Supercharger Vroom Vroom (0 replies)
  74. Big Lance (2 replies)
  75. Krodera and Kroderine Chains (0 replies)
  76. a set of gleaming rolaren field plate etched with dragon scales (0 replies)
  77. Greater Somnis Longbow - +29, S5, T4, Heavily Sighted (0 replies)
  78. 10x t-5 zelnorn buckler for 199m (1 replies)
  79. some polished rolaren field plate inlaid with an onyx sigil - T4 Voln full plate (0 replies)
  80. a dragon-shaped iron cauldron (animated cauldron) (3 replies)
  81. Seven-Gemmed Ring (0 replies)
  82. 10x, T5, S6 Zelnorn Buckler (1 replies)
  83. Buy me out (18 replies)
  84. 10x Xazkruvrixis Handaxe, T4 Valence, S6 Holy Flares, T3 Ensorcell, DCW (4 replies)
  85. wickedly curved faenor waraxe (0 replies)
  86. WTS "a hammered copper bell strung from maroon ribbons" Lamb Pet from Pixiehunt (1 replies)
  87. Selling some higher end items (16 replies)
  88. 7x T5 Dispel Flaring HCP+FDP Fully unlocked Ethereal Plate (1 replies)
  89. a dark zelnorn buckler (10x S6 T5 Spiked T3 Energy Buckler) (0 replies)
  90. Rot katana and gef short sword (10 replies)
  91. Dark Crystal (1 replies)
  92. UAC ghezyte set (1 replies)
  93. WTS Ghezyte Spear, 7x, S6, T1, Animal spirit with T4 Fury, Dispel flare (2 replies)
  94. uac gloves 7x/9x undead bane, 3x dispel, ROT, Knockout flares (0 replies)
  95. T5 Mana-Infused Armor / T5 Sigil Staff (1 replies)
  96. Rot handaxe (1 replies)
  97. Xazkruvrixis Katar (3 replies)
  98. 8x Ghezyte Animal Spirit Yumi S6, T5, Plasma flares, T4 Fury, and 6x Doubles (0 replies)
  99. Weapons (3 replies)
  100. +50 to ANY LORE (11 replies)
  101. 6x Ithzir level zero full plate (0 replies)
  102. shell doubles (3 replies)
  103. rusalkita robes (5 replies)
  104. 8x, +25 TD, S3 Sanct - Shield (0 replies)
  105. 7x Ghezyte, Rotflare, 10x Acuity, T4 Nerve, T5 Ensorcell Runestaff (2 replies)
  106. phenomenally padded armor (35 CER) T9 Ithzir, can be any armor now with AG swap (0 replies)
  107. 18.4mil Human Cleric (0 replies)
  108. Sigil Staff (2 replies)
  109. A pair of 10x hand crossbows (5 replies)
  110. Enhancive arm greaves (+14 DEX) (1 replies)
  111. Bag of Holding - Fully Unlocked (1 replies)
  112. Polearm Weapons (5 replies)
  113. Duskruin Fundraiser Sale (2 replies)
  114. High-End Weapon Sales Volume #1 (2 replies)
  115. Plate (2 replies)
  116. bergraham blink sledgehammer with everything (4 replies)
  117. Gowns, gear, shop, points, more - leaving the game (Possible acct takeover) (0 replies)
  118. Armors, staves and mauls. (11 replies)
  119. 8x-12x Lirion Poison Bow - T5 - S6 - Decent Sighting (5 replies)
  120. 9x Xazkruvrixis Dagger, S6, T2, DCW (8 CER, 110 services) (1 replies)
  121. 7x T4 Cursed Aug 1 CER Crit Padding (1 replies)
  122. +42 Handaxe, S6, HCW, T3 Briar Flares, unlocked to +45 for enchanting (4 replies)
  123. Sprite Lance + Sprite Brigandine (6 replies)
  124. THE axe (0 replies)
  125. THE axe (12 replies)
  126. Stuff (10 replies)
  127. Selling: Auction Quality Port Sphere (3 replies)
  128. Mail box trinket (2 replies)
  129. flesh (15 replies)
  130. A Coraesine Band (0 replies)
  131. T5 8x Greater Surita runestaff w/ Dispel Flares (3 attempts) (2 replies)
  132. coraesine relic (3 replies)
  133. 9x T5 ensorcel T1 Dispel SWCP +8 AUR/+4 AUR Bonus/+9 Manipulation T3 cursed aug chain (2 replies)
  134. 7x HCP grapple flare T5 ensorcel 20 shock/10 impact +6 STR Bonus/+10 AGI spike plate (0 replies)
  135. +13 LOG base/4 AUR base/+more neckworn (1 replies)
  136. an ivy-wrapped sylvan warlance (0 replies)
  137. some void black elven field plate (0 replies)
  138. 4x fully unlocked mana armor(augmented chain) (3 replies)
  139. T5 Mana Armor - Cuirbouilli Leathers - Legendary Find (1 replies)
  140. Shadarl Brig - 7x, VHCP, S6 Flares, T4 (ensorcell), T3 Dispel, TS, LM, CF, Max light (0 replies)
  141. Selling: a property room addition certificate (0 replies)
  142. Forehead Gem - a luminous hyacinth violet opal arcrose incised with a tiny dragonfly (1 replies)
  143. A pair of Erithi hairsticks with 5x starsong daggers (9 replies)
  144. Enhancive fodder/project (3 replies)
  145. [Trove] Custom Fatal Afflares certificate (0 replies)
  146. Trove: Perm Shifting Perfume vial (8 replies)
  147. Werewolf puppy for sale (5 replies)
  148. 7x shell armor (12 replies)
  149. Ebons Gate Sales List (0 replies)
  150. +38 Logic Runestaves (2 replies)
  151. Shell doubles (0 replies)
  152. 9x T1 spiked parasite full plate (1 replies)
  153. self mana 215 & 1109 (0 replies)
  154. 7x, 20 Crit CER (540), S6, T2, GEF Lightning, Lesser Moods, custom flare, Dagger (5 replies)
  155. MK surge of strength ( 5 ranks ) (0 replies)
  156. Account closeout of gear, characters, and currency (0 replies)
  157. Animalistic + Dispel weapons, energy shield (2 replies)
  158. Nice-ish Sigil Staff (4 replies)
  159. Low steel sigil staff (1 replies)
  160. Green witch hunter talons (1 replies)
  161. xazkruvixis cestus (2 replies)
  162. 1x/Day Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) pin (3 replies)
  163. 8x Claid, Legacy GUB, T1 ensorcel, dispel flares (1 replies)
  164. 16,000 Premium Points (0 replies)
  165. fully unlocked compartment quiver (1 replies)
  166. REIM Script for Bloodscrip (5 replies)
  167. SK515 (3 replies)
  168. 3x/day Supercharger (4 replies)
  169. Complete Bag of Holding (0 replies)
  170. Greater Rhimar (T4) Katar (+31, Fairly Crit Weighted, T5 Sanct, 10x/Day Rime) (4 replies)
  171. The Primo Fusion Orbs (2 replies)
  172. 13,700 PP - one block (0 replies)
  173. 7,000 Premium Points for sale (0 replies)
  174. 21 T3 fusion Orbs (12 replies)
  175. +65 Greater Surita Runestaff with 15x Acuity & more (3 replies)
  176. An Enormous Eonake Gauntlet (1 replies)
  177. Ghezyte & Low Steel Hand Xbows (1 replies)
  178. Private Property Alteration Slip, Endless Keg, Fully unlocked picking bracer, etc.. (13 replies)
  179. bankpack with 60% WR (0 replies)
  180. [Weapons] (0 replies)
  181. 10x, S6, T5, highsteel, T4 elven, 10% crush resist armor: great deal (1 replies)
  182. Yellow Talons (2 replies)
  183. 10x Tower Shield, T5, Spiked. (1 replies)
  184. Licel Liquidation- surita runestaff, 906 doubles, stuff (12 replies)
  185. A few things (5 replies)
  186. Bag of Holding: Nearly Complete, 40% WR (1 replies)
  187. massive glowing sabar, 10x mattock, perfect forge, phenom weighted, blink, dispel, fl (0 replies)
  188. 10x +50 td Plate, other stats (0 replies)
  189. Lesser shadowdeath vambraces (0 replies)
  190. a suede scroll-stamped folio (Scroll portfolio) (0 replies)
  191. [Armor] (10 replies)
  192. Few Things for Sale or Trade (1 replies)
  193. 50/S6/T5 MCP/DDP doubles (+30 Wisdom/+15 CM/+15 Dodge/10% Impact) (3 replies)
  194. Enhancive Katana w/ Valence Script (13 replies)
  195. A bunch of old stuff (10 replies)
  196. WTB High-end Longbow (4 replies)
  197. Few items for sale, MBP, Blink katana, Spear project (5 replies)
  198. empty coffers sale/trade (11 replies)
  199. Full Plate. (2 replies)
  200. 5x/day 1208 (0 replies)
  201. Hammered Copper Bell (1 replies)
  202. Firewheel Longbow (4 replies)
  203. bergraham sledgehammer with everything (29 replies)
  204. WTS 6x GEF Claidhmore │ 7x VHCP Full Plate │ 9x T5 S5 Brig │ Other Stuff (1 replies)
  205. a veniom-hilted white ora katana with a shimmering crystal edge (18 replies)
  206. 8x T2 5x TD T2 ensorcelled T3 Anfelt Lesser Armor Moods medium shield (0 replies)
  207. 10x T9Ithzir T5 ensor, 6xTD 40pt punct/40pt shock/40pt impact/20pt acid HCP/DDP plate (9 replies)
  208. 10x/16x Heavily Crit Weighted, Tier 3 Dispel, Legacy GUB Spear Bandolier (2 replies)
  209. Perm +16 OHE/+2 INF Bonus neckworn (2 replies)
  210. Fire and Ice Gowns (3 replies)
  211. 1x a day flashie o ney (2 replies)
  212. 8x 34 CER Ridgid armor ithzir (8 replies)
  213. 8x Sephwir Hand Crossbow - Raffle Win (3 replies)
  214. forehead gem - a polychromatic dragonfly saewehna etched with a firewheel blossom (14 replies)
  215. 7x, T5, S6, 15 CER Ghezyte Morning Star (4 replies)
  216. WTB: Fox Bugle (1 replies)
  217. 10x T5 low steel rot relic superb crit battle-axe (10 replies)
  218. Somnis UAC Gloves KO/Boots Terror +40 etc (0 replies)
  219. T3 Briar OHE + Dispel flares (0 replies)
  220. Animal style (1 replies)
  221. WTB 80+ wizzie, cleric and sorc (1 replies)
  222. t5 dispel animal shield (2 replies)
  223. storm surita staff: SK 1408, Greater surita, T5 sigil, +30 (2 replies)
  224. Low steel buckler (1 replies)
  225. 10x ghezeye handaxe (0 replies)
  226. T5 Sigil Staff & T5 Mana-Infused Doubles (both max unlocked) (21 replies)
  227. 7x/day - 606 (1 replies)
  228. Selling/Trading (3 replies)
  229. a mithril mesh weapons loop, +7 blunt bonus, ID sheath (0 replies)
  230. Green witchhunter talons (1 replies)
  231. Selling a 4x lumnis brooch ($644.92 cost to make) (4 replies)
  232. Violet Orb (4X RPA) (0 replies)
  233. tiny golvern demon relic (SK 1912+enhancives) (30 replies)
  234. WTS 8x Greater Surita 5 Dispel Mania T5 Spore Staff +20 Dex Bonus (5 replies)
  235. 7x Dispel (3) Dagger Bandolier (4 replies)
  236. 8x, S2, VHCW Coraesine handaxe (0 replies)
  237. Everything on this list for 400mil Flat (1 replies)
  238. Weapon Alter Box (3 replies)
  239. +10 Picking Locks Bonus/+5 DEX Bonus self repairing urnon lockpick (4 replies)
  240. +48 dagger, t3 siolan script, extraplanar bane (crit weighting), sanctified (1 replies)
  241. Horn to summon gremlin (Animated Disk) (0 replies)
  242. Perm unnavvable gold ring (0 replies)
  243. Troll Heart Pendant (3 replies)
  244. martial knowledge shield throw rank 3 shield (8 replies)
  245. Beard Comb, altered goat pin, tart kiln, wisps, fancy morning star and more! (23 replies)
  246. [For Sale] T5 Mana-Infused Doubles w/ MK5 Armored Fluidity (9 replies)
  247. [For Sale] Tier 3 Orbs + 3 slot fusion armor (1 replies)
  248. 10 setting perm and scrying transport ring (10 replies)
  249. 10x GUB (AS boost) HCW T3 Dispel Flaring Axe Bandolier (1 replies)
  250. 10x death flaring +13 Brawl/+14 Stamina S5 cestus (1 replies)