View Full Version : 21 T3 fusion Orbs

08-21-2023, 01:39 AM
T-3 Fusion orbs for sale. None of these have ever been used. If paying in silvers, the conversion rate is 1k BS = 900k silvers.

1. a dog-marked cardinal red orb, 15 to Influence Base, Lvl 48, MB: 55k BS

2. a candle-marked cardinal red orb, 15 to Influence Base, Lvl 48, MB: 55k BS

3. a rune-marked cardinal red orb, 15 to Influence base, Lvl 48, MB: 55k BS

4. a candle-marked sunset orange orb, 5 to Agility Bonus, Lvl 33, MB: 20k BS

5. a jelly-marked hoarfrost white orb, 14 to Elemental Mana Control Bonus, Lvl 63, CB: 20k BS to Azanoth SOLD!

6. a wyvern-marked hoarfrost white orb, 11 to First Aid Bonus, Lvl 27, MB: 11k BS

7. a hart-marked hoarfrost white orb, 10 to First Aid Bonus, Lvl 22, MB: 9k BS

8. a cat-marked hoarfrost white orb, 8 to Dodge Bonus, Lvl 22, CB: 10k BS Clark SOLD!

9. a skink-marked cardinal red orb, 9 to Discipline Base, Lvl 27, CB: 5k Nordred SOLD!

10. a key-marked hoarfrost white orb, 9 to Spiritual Lore - Summoning Bonus, Lvl 45, CB: 10k BS to Clark SOLD!

11. a tree-marked dark indigo orb, 13 to Max Stamina, Lvl 55, MB: 40k BS

12. a bear-marked cardinal red orb, 10 to CON Base, Lvl 33, CB: 24k BS Greng SOLD!

13. an aegis-marked sunset orange orb, 6 to CON Bonus, Lvl 46, MB: 35k BS

14. a lizard-marked sunset orange orb, 4 to CON Bonus, Lvl 22, MB: 5k BS

15. a vole-marked cardinal red orb, 6 to Aura Base, Lvl 25, MB: 5k BS

16. an apple-marked sunset orange orb, 5 to Dex Bonus, Lvl 33, MB: 33k BS

17. an arrow-marked hoarfrost white orb, 10 to Armor Use Bonus, Lvl 55, MB: 25k BS

18. a cat-marked sunset orange orb, 4 to Aura Bonus, Lvl 42, MB: 12k BS

19. a berry-marked sunset orange orb, 6 to Discipline Bonus, Lvl 46, MB 39k BS

20. a lion-marked hoarfrost white orb, 19 to Stalk and Hide Bonus, Lvl 76, CB: 80k BS Clark SOLD!

21. a wyvern-marked cardinal red orb, 8 to Strength, Lvl 29, CB: 20k BS Greng SOLD

Thanks for bidding,


08-21-2023, 01:41 AM
mb on 5

08-21-2023, 09:46 AM
MB on 10 please.

08-21-2023, 10:45 AM
Updated with bids from here and Discord. Process will be once/twice/3x/sold.

08-21-2023, 02:51 PM
20k on #5

08-22-2023, 12:14 AM
Updated, some going once, some twice...

08-22-2023, 02:11 AM
10K BS on #8.
80K BS on #20.
10K BS on #21.

08-22-2023, 02:36 AM

08-22-2023, 09:13 AM
Update on item 21, 20k BS to Greng.

08-22-2023, 03:34 PM
Note: I'm going to push the pace just a little, as it looks like I'll be on vacation this weekend. I'd like to get any pending sales wrapped up by end of day Thursday. If not possible, they'll have to close next week.

08-23-2023, 02:04 AM
Updated. All items with bids are at twice or three times. Anything at 3x with no added bids by tomorrow evening will be declared sold.


08-24-2023, 12:14 AM
Updated. Some items sold, lots available.

08-25-2023, 01:11 AM
More orbs sold. Bump.