01-08-2024, 03:39 PM
As you reach for a wickedly sharp black golvern hatchet scarred with jagged eonake runes, vines dotted with crimson-tipped thorns wrap eagerly about your left hand.
>recall hatchet
As you recall Jooniper's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the golvern hatchet in your hand, and you learn something about it...
It imparts a bonus of +42 more than usual.
It has been infused with the power of a flaming substance.
It appears to weigh about 3 pounds.
It is estimated to be worth about 1,000,000,000 silvers.
It is heavily weighted to inflict more critical wounds than a normal weapon of its type.
It is predominantly crafted of golvern.
It has been sanctified 5 times. It has permanent Holy Fire flares.
It may be enchanted up to a bonus of 45 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Odanae.
It is a sophisticated project (740 difficulty) for an adventurer to modify.
It has some unknown (scripted) benefit.
It has a permanently unlocked loresong by Jooniper.
Will start bidding once I have a reasonable offer.
Bid in silvers, but we can discuss BS or Cash. See Conversion Rates Below.
Cash @ 2.70 per million
1K BS = 850K Silver.
Beautiful weapon, hits like a ton of bricks and now with holy fire flares.
>recall hatchet
As you recall Jooniper's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the golvern hatchet in your hand, and you learn something about it...
It imparts a bonus of +42 more than usual.
It has been infused with the power of a flaming substance.
It appears to weigh about 3 pounds.
It is estimated to be worth about 1,000,000,000 silvers.
It is heavily weighted to inflict more critical wounds than a normal weapon of its type.
It is predominantly crafted of golvern.
It has been sanctified 5 times. It has permanent Holy Fire flares.
It may be enchanted up to a bonus of 45 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Odanae.
It is a sophisticated project (740 difficulty) for an adventurer to modify.
It has some unknown (scripted) benefit.
It has a permanently unlocked loresong by Jooniper.
Will start bidding once I have a reasonable offer.
Bid in silvers, but we can discuss BS or Cash. See Conversion Rates Below.
Cash @ 2.70 per million
1K BS = 850K Silver.
Beautiful weapon, hits like a ton of bricks and now with holy fire flares.