View Full Version : Peretta T3 - Gown of all Gowns (Ugly kilt)

10-18-2022, 06:51 PM
So Roe won an ugly kilt from GHOUL. But it seems to be a masterfully made gown!

There were so many whispers, so I will put this here

Yes, I would most likely be interested in selling for coins/BS or trade offers.

We will do this Auction style then,

Currently have an offer of 100m to Xanlin SOLD!

T3 Peretta gown

* a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals*

You analyze your chiffon gown and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
A strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals cannot be detailed to indicate that it is anything but long. It cannot be altered to indicate that the lower portion of the garment (below the knees) is tight-fitting in any way; the upper portion can be, but not the lower.

The a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:
(STAND) Standing *gracefully you fluff the fabric of your gown out until it drapes down in a perfectly smooth and unblemished fashion.

(PUSH) You push your hands down against your gown in *a haughty manner.

(PULL) You pull the lower portion of a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals up slightly, displaying your legs. With a great deal of gumption, you move your feet in *a light-footed saltation that leaves you breathless. As you finish, your fingers release the gown's fabric.

(CURTSY) You dip your body, pulling the lower portion of a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals out to either side of you so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around your feet. As you complete *the deep curtsy you rise to your feet.

(SMELL) Holding a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals up to your face, you inhale deeply, and the scent of *mezereon blossoms fills your senses.

(KNEEL) You pull the hem of your gown up and back, then kneel in *a deferential manner.

(WAVE) You grasp the fabric of the skirted portion of a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals and take a single step toward Roelon. *Beaming winsomely you wave your free hand at [target].
(WAVE - sitting) *Beaming winsomely at [target], you immediately rise to your feet, careful not to step on the hem of your gown in your quick movements. You then grasp the fabric of the skirted portion of a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals and wave your free hand at [target].
(standing and sitting utilize the same customization wording)

(TAP - worn) You lightly flick your fingernails against the fabric of gown in a gesture that unequivocally expresses your *apathy.
(TAP - not worn) You trace your fingers along a strapless dove grey chiffon gown with a layered skirt of ombre petals in a manner that indicates your current *apathy.
(worn and not worn utilize the same customization wording)

(NUDGE) As you fiddle with your gown, *a preoccupied expression crosses your features.

Currently, you are able to use STAND, RUB, PUSH, TURN, SIT, PULL, CURTSY, SMELL, KNEEL, LIE, WEARMSG, REMOVEMSG, WAVE (with target), COVER, SCOWL, POUT, HUG, TAP, TILT, PLUCK, ROLL (with target), and NUDGE.

You get no sense of whether or not the gown may be further lightened.