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  1. T3 Orbs - Spirity Recovery & Dexterity (0 replies)
  2. 1 block of 1 meeeelion Reim bucks (0 replies)
  3. a smooth bone ring pierced by tiny crystal shards (2 replies)
  4. 10x Animalistic Katar Set (0 replies)
  5. odd-looking plant (LEGENDARY FIND) (18 replies)
  6. Some items I'm not using (0 replies)
  7. 5 capped characters (2 replies)
  8. White Ora Lance w/EPB (0 replies)
  9. a twisted black longbow marked with a pale blue teardrop (4 replies)
  10. T4 Voln Full Plate (6 replies)
  11. whats this runestaff worth? (2 replies)
  12. Thrown Returner (4 replies)
  13. Glaes War Hammer with 7 stam regen, 5 agi, 11 blunt (0 replies)
  14. +11 Logic Torc (1 replies)
  15. t2 max light 4x voln full plate 6.5 cer crit (3 replies)
  16. Lots of PP (12 replies)
  17. +50 full leather, 11 CER crit, T4 Voln and more (3 replies)
  18. Backpack full of scrolls (0 replies)
  19. Empath +4 spell aim bonus (0 replies)
  20. +30 longbow (1 replies)
  21. Appraisal - T5 8x greater surita w/dispel flares (3) (2 replies)
  22. Test Post aasdfasdf (2 replies)
  23. Test Post (0 replies)
  24. Level 98 forest gnome wizard with gear. (3 replies)
  25. Quite a few items Need some quotes on! (4 replies)
  26. 8x T5/S6/T1 dispel DCW animal star (0 replies)
  27. +10 TWC Bracelet (3 replies)
  28. Appraisal needed for falchion splitter - 7x, T5, Terror flares, 1 Stamina Recov (0 replies)
  29. Looking for appraisal on my robes (7 replies)
  30. +17 INT Base Hammer (0 replies)
  31. Fully Unlocked Weather Charm (3 replies)
  32. A glowing sphere - Deity attunement reset (6 replies)
  33. waraxe (0 replies)
  34. 8x full plate and 8x tower shield (0 replies)
  35. helm i found (3 replies)
  36. dr rat (2 replies)
  37. 1x/Day Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) (1 replies)
  38. a perfect oak-hafted mithglin greataxe (2 replies)
  39. a slim white wing-capped runestaff (1 replies)
  40. Tinnoc box (0 replies)
  41. t3 altered Voln brig. "a leaf-covered forest green jack-of-plates" (0 replies)
  42. Yew Longbow - +11 Ranged, +11 Ambush, +9 Armor (4 replies)
  43. Snake Scythe (3 replies)
  44. Greater Rhimar (T4) Katar (+31, Fairly Crit Weighted, T5 Sanct, 10x/Day Rime) (1 replies)
  45. 5 aura, 2 str, 4 necro lore, 8 harness power ring (1 replies)
  46. 7x 20cer dagger (2 replies)
  47. 3 sets of greaves (1 replies)
  48. 6x Daybringer / Nightbringer Staff (5 replies)
  49. 6x Masterfully Crit Weighted (14 replies)
  50. rogue-ish arm greaves (2 replies)
  51. 7x HCP Doubles - +10 Spell Aim Bonus, +6 Max Mana, +4 Mana Recovery (1 replies)
  52. a few enhancives (2 replies)
  53. Falchion (2 replies)
  54. Appraisal: Fox-Summoning Bugle? (2 replies)
  55. enhancive sephwir composite bow (3 replies)
  56. 29.5mil elf bard (1 replies)
  57. Scroll with Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) (2 replies)
  58. Brig with +1 to all stats (3 replies)
  59. 9 spiritual lore religion bonus runestaff (2 replies)
  60. +31 Maul, +16 THW bonus, +7 Stamina Recovery, +5 Health Recovery, Max Light (2 replies)
  61. 7x 8 CER T5 magma war-hammer (2 replies)
  62. UAC set (0 replies)
  63. Tower Shield, Full Plate, Morning star, ect (0 replies)
  64. Cloak with Agility & Dexterity (3 replies)
  65. Price Check: Fully Unlocked Old EG Beardclip & 10x perfect ECW morning star w/ dispel (0 replies)
  66. 3x Capped sorc, High-end gear (0 replies)
  67. Price Check on Radiant Bestial Soulstone (0 replies)
  68. +14 AGI, +12 CON, +3 stamina recovery leg greaves (17 replies)
  69. +9 stalking and hiding bonus RING (1 replies)
  70. +7 influence BONUS / 4 MIU ranks, leg greaves (0 replies)
  71. +9 Brawling Bonus/1 stam recovery/2 disarm trap/torc (2 replies)
  72. 10x perfect maul, HCW, dispel flares, knockout flares, T5 ensorc (4 replies)
  73. 10x S5 T5 HCP T4Voln Robes (2 replies)
  74. Shaman Clothing (0 replies)
  75. main gauche (1 replies)
  76. jagges steel claidhmore - bard sung (8 replies)
  77. portable wine press and perfume shifter (3 replies)
  78. 7X T2 Sigil T5 Ensorcell S2 Sanctify Runestaff (0 replies)
  79. Enhancive T4 Nervestaff - What is a fair selling price? (0 replies)
  80. +40 logic daggers (0 replies)
  81. mechanical ruic long bow (10 replies)
  82. 5x perfect maoral-hafted mithril mace (2 replies)
  83. 7x, T5, S6, 15 CER Ghezyte Morning Star (5 replies)
  84. logic neckchain (4 replies)
  85. Appraisal on 8x t5 perfect maul w/lesser moods and magma flares. (7 replies)
  86. 17.3m halfling wizard appraisal? (0 replies)
  87. older greater mood armor some dark leather green hunts (1 replies)
  88. imflass mace (1 replies)
  89. a fel-hafted vultite war hammer (3 replies)
  90. 6x crit weighted brig (3 replies)
  91. runestaffs and enhancives (0 replies)
  92. 7x Perfect Handaxe T4 Ensorcell (5 replies)
  93. +17 logic helmet (persist) (2 replies)
  94. 10X MCW T5 ensorc/T3 dispell/Legacy GUB w/ plasma flares - Fish Spine Sword (12 replies)
  95. Account appraisal.. 13m+ capped wiz with full attuned Sigil Set (0 replies)
  96. Premium Points 16,100 (2 replies)
  97. +11 STR Base 53 Trains T2 Orb (1 replies)
  98. an Iyo-crafted firewheel hand crossbow (1 replies)
  99. 4x Animalistic(T4)(Revenge)+3 Dispel +10CritWeight Grimswarm T1 Ensorc Claidhmore (4 replies)
  100. Shield Cloak (1 replies)
  101. Climate wear cloak: facial concealer +2 wisdom +2 aura base (1 replies)
  102. 10x HCW perfect mithril greatsword (22 replies)
  103. Price Check - 10x, 20 CER Doubles (6 replies)
  104. Some armor (2 replies)
  105. Landing playershop (1 replies)
  106. a replica hinged Spitfire ship (1 replies)
  107. Price check on 8x full plate (5 replies)
  108. Fel hafter and FGB (3 replies)
  109. Polar Bear goat pin (6 replies)
  110. price check aisle 7 (8 replies)
  111. +11 PF Bonus, +12 Polearm Bonus trident (1 replies)
  112. Perm +12 UAC defender weapon (1 replies)
  113. Perm +13 defender handaxe with +4 edge bonus (2 replies)
  114. +35 T5 ECP Brigandine (6 replies)
  115. 6x/6x nervestaff (6 replies)
  116. Delirium Manor Doll - Complete Set (0 replies)
  117. Major Bag of Holding - 11 threads remaining (1 replies)
  118. mid plate (4 replies)
  119. 10x bastard sword, UB+legacy bns, S5, T5, base bubble flares (3 replies)
  120. 10x 5 CER grapple short sword and 7x HCW grapple crowbill (2 replies)
  121. Padded chain mail. (2 replies)
  122. spirit recovery backsword? (5 replies)
  123. 8x Perfect forged T5 DCW OHE (handaxe base) (2 replies)
  124. 7x enhancive shortsword (dex, agi, ambush, AU) (1 replies)
  125. Perfect forged maul, holy fire, t1 ensorcelled (2 replies)
  126. my only good item! (5 replies)
  127. 5k Premium Points (1 replies)
  128. +33, VHCP, T2, troll spine, max light plate (0 replies)
  129. MCP Brigandine and others (0 replies)
  130. What are these worth? (0 replies)
  131. What's this worth? (2 replies)
  132. Premium point chunk (1 replies)
  133. bow - what's it worth? (7 replies)
  134. Black Ora Talisman (2 replies)
  135. random things? (8 replies)
  136. Coin Book - Old Fluff? (1 replies)
  137. mechanical vambrace... (2 replies)
  138. Legendary find: fully unlocked Animalistic Spirit Weapons gloves, 4x (11 replies)
  139. VHDP Spiked Greathelm with enhancement (4 replies)
  140. 7x perfect mikhail maul (2 replies)
  141. +28 10td Tower shield (2 replies)
  142. Wolverine Claws (5 replies)
  143. 7x T5 12 CER/1 CER doubles (3 replies)
  144. What the heck is this? (2 replies)
  145. premium point blocks (1 replies)
  146. Fash'lo'nae's gift (2 replies)
  147. Gift cloth with fully unlocked engagement/wedding rings (0 replies)
  148. Just some stuff (1 replies)
  149. What's Death Stroke II? (11 replies)
  150. 7x sephwir comp bow, dispel +3 S2 (5 replies)
  151. A couple of items. (0 replies)
  152. +14 influence staff (1 replies)
  153. some t3 fusion orbs for price check (0 replies)
  154. 5x golvern breastplate with permanent puncture resist (0 replies)
  155. Any idea what's so special about this pendant? (11 replies)
  156. Lots of blood-infused crystals! What are they worth though? (7 replies)
  157. Price check/worth keeping? (2 replies)
  158. Scrolls, Wands, Ayanad (0 replies)
  159. Price check on high end runestaff + full leathers (2 replies)
  160. 7x full plate pricing help requested (4 replies)
  161. +15 Brawling T3 Orb (0 replies)
  162. t3 orb 11 THW Bonus (1 replies)
  163. crumbly +5 Ranged Weapon Bonus pin (1 replies)
  164. very off +5 to harness power anklet (6 replies)
  165. For the hyphenated gods! X6 (2 replies)
  166. +11 MOC Bonus Twohanded Sword (1 replies)
  167. shield & weapon appraisal (0 replies)
  168. what are these armors worth? (3 replies)
  169. Value on these double leathers? (4 replies)
  170. What's potential worth? (4 replies)
  171. Anyone ever price out SUFFUSED energy? (3 replies)
  172. Price check on legendary find: +50, 4x acuity flares, wand-holding runestaff (14 replies)
  173. PC on a morning-star (0 replies)
  174. PC: on some full plate (0 replies)
  175. Price Check on +14 to Intuition Base Helm (3 replies)
  176. Price check or estimate what I could expect to get if i auctioned these three cloaks (3 replies)
  177. Appraisal on an interesting piece (2 replies)
  178. Unlocked Bazzlewyn Gloves (1 replies)
  179. Enhancives (0 replies)
  180. +12 Edged Bonus T3 Fusion Orb (0 replies)
  181. 6x longbow heavy sighting 10cer (2 replies)
  182. 6x max light VHCP full plate (2 replies)
  183. 7x 12 CER Doubles (4 replies)
  184. 7x T5 Fusion MBP with 5.5 CER crit (0 replies)
  185. Look for an appraisal for my augmented chain (0 replies)
  186. River Rest and Icemule Shop (6 replies)
  187. An ancient silver-rimmed mirror - Dorian Gray mirror (4 replies)
  188. perfect dagger (5 replies)
  189. 'an ethereal chain' (4 replies)
  190. 9x and a 3x (3 replies)
  191. 6x Augmented Chain HCP/SWDP (1 replies)
  192. Very old Glyph boots (3 replies)
  193. Feature Alteration (15 replies)
  194. a painted black invitation (0 replies)
  195. Pin Worn, +9 Stamina Recovery Enhancive (4 replies)
  196. Bravery charm (5 replies)
  197. Animal style full plate (0 replies)
  198. Dodging arm greaves (0 replies)
  199. Siegery pieces and repair case (0 replies)
  200. 5x/869 exp lumnis brooch (10 replies)
  201. High-end lance, containers, x/day 130 items, illegal shield. (2 replies)
  202. Greataxe with upcoming bless changes (0 replies)
  203. 9x T1 MCP Double Leathers (6 replies)
  204. 7x knockout flaring spikestar (2 replies)
  205. 7x HCP fusion T5 plate with T3 orbs (2 replies)
  206. Jackpot items (1 replies)
  207. a mist grey mithril gauntlet-sword (0 replies)
  208. 7x T5 ensorcell T4 sigil with all scroll slots unlocked (3 replies)
  209. True Black Ora Weapons (8 replies)
  210. FWI Shop (1 replies)
  211. 9x T5 12 CER 15% puncture resist fusion doubles with +20 wisdom orbs (7 replies)
  212. Original Darkstone key? (12 replies)
  213. a transparent spirit-shaped token (4 replies)
  214. Tier 4 Globus (4 replies)
  215. a gold-based sleek crystal sphere/ethereal phoenix pet (1 replies)
  216. +9 T3 dex orb (2 replies)
  217. Arm greaves: +5 TWC ranks, +3 polearm ranks, +2 CM ranks (0 replies)
  218. 2 Enhancives of Note (3 replies)
  219. A few items (4 replies)
  220. a tiny gargoyle earring (3 replies)
  221. herb bundlers (3 replies)
  222. nervestaff (4 replies)
  223. mage rechargeable Phoen's Strength 606 (0 replies)
  224. 10x T5 KO t3 dispel 7 cer crit maul (12 replies)
  225. 7x perfect steel maul. T4, 2cer crit (1 replies)
  226. double leather (2 replies)
  227. some T3 fusion orbs (0 replies)
  228. Ebow and SD vambrace price check pls (7 replies)
  229. Fel-handled Vultite Battle axe (2 replies)
  230. 4x fusion heavy crit fusion plate (2 replies)
  231. Booklet (7 replies)
  232. Enhancive Comp Bow (0 replies)
  233. Forest Armor ASG 7 (0 replies)
  234. Some incomplete Reim full plate (0 replies)
  235. A Slender Wooden Rod (1 replies)
  236. Persisting MR 513 Earcuff (3 replies)
  237. Persisting MR 919 necklace (0 replies)
  238. Persisting MR 602 neckchain (0 replies)
  239. Persisting MR303 torc (0 replies)
  240. Crumbly MR 618 ring (3 replies)
  241. vultite javelin (1 replies)
  242. Spidersilk backpack and paeline cloak (1 replies)
  243. couple of items rolaren 5x crit orb plate and 1x blur wand (0 replies)
  244. Sephwir Composite Bow (0 replies)
  245. fresh scroll (7 replies)
  246. parasite gloves (4 replies)
  247. Fancy Arbalest & original Naginata (0 replies)
  248. Runestaff (2 replies)
  249. Plain jane 7x handaxe.... (1 replies)
  250. a radiant beastial soulstone (0 replies)