View Full Version : Appraisals
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- T3 Orbs - Spirity Recovery & Dexterity (0 replies)
- 1 block of 1 meeeelion Reim bucks (0 replies)
- a smooth bone ring pierced by tiny crystal shards (2 replies)
- 10x Animalistic Katar Set (0 replies)
- odd-looking plant (LEGENDARY FIND) (18 replies)
- Some items I'm not using (0 replies)
- 5 capped characters (2 replies)
- White Ora Lance w/EPB (0 replies)
- a twisted black longbow marked with a pale blue teardrop (4 replies)
- T4 Voln Full Plate (6 replies)
- whats this runestaff worth? (2 replies)
- Thrown Returner (4 replies)
- Glaes War Hammer with 7 stam regen, 5 agi, 11 blunt (0 replies)
- +11 Logic Torc (1 replies)
- t2 max light 4x voln full plate 6.5 cer crit (3 replies)
- Lots of PP (12 replies)
- +50 full leather, 11 CER crit, T4 Voln and more (3 replies)
- Backpack full of scrolls (0 replies)
- Empath +4 spell aim bonus (0 replies)
- +30 longbow (1 replies)
- Appraisal - T5 8x greater surita w/dispel flares (3) (2 replies)
- Test Post aasdfasdf (2 replies)
- Test Post (0 replies)
- Level 98 forest gnome wizard with gear. (3 replies)
- Quite a few items Need some quotes on! (4 replies)
- 8x T5/S6/T1 dispel DCW animal star (0 replies)
- +10 TWC Bracelet (3 replies)
- Appraisal needed for falchion splitter - 7x, T5, Terror flares, 1 Stamina Recov (0 replies)
- Looking for appraisal on my robes (7 replies)
- +17 INT Base Hammer (0 replies)
- Fully Unlocked Weather Charm (3 replies)
- A glowing sphere - Deity attunement reset (6 replies)
- waraxe (0 replies)
- 8x full plate and 8x tower shield (0 replies)
- helm i found (3 replies)
- dr rat (2 replies)
- 1x/Day Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) (1 replies)
- a perfect oak-hafted mithglin greataxe (2 replies)
- a slim white wing-capped runestaff (1 replies)
- Tinnoc box (0 replies)
- t3 altered Voln brig. "a leaf-covered forest green jack-of-plates" (0 replies)
- Yew Longbow - +11 Ranged, +11 Ambush, +9 Armor (4 replies)
- Snake Scythe (3 replies)
- Greater Rhimar (T4) Katar (+31, Fairly Crit Weighted, T5 Sanct, 10x/Day Rime) (1 replies)
- 5 aura, 2 str, 4 necro lore, 8 harness power ring (1 replies)
- 7x 20cer dagger (2 replies)
- 3 sets of greaves (1 replies)
- 6x Daybringer / Nightbringer Staff (5 replies)
- 6x Masterfully Crit Weighted (14 replies)
- rogue-ish arm greaves (2 replies)
- 7x HCP Doubles - +10 Spell Aim Bonus, +6 Max Mana, +4 Mana Recovery (1 replies)
- a few enhancives (2 replies)
- Falchion (2 replies)
- Appraisal: Fox-Summoning Bugle? (2 replies)
- enhancive sephwir composite bow (3 replies)
- 29.5mil elf bard (1 replies)
- Scroll with Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) (2 replies)
- Brig with +1 to all stats (3 replies)
- 9 spiritual lore religion bonus runestaff (2 replies)
- +31 Maul, +16 THW bonus, +7 Stamina Recovery, +5 Health Recovery, Max Light (2 replies)
- 7x 8 CER T5 magma war-hammer (2 replies)
- UAC set (0 replies)
- Tower Shield, Full Plate, Morning star, ect (0 replies)
- Cloak with Agility & Dexterity (3 replies)
- Price Check: Fully Unlocked Old EG Beardclip & 10x perfect ECW morning star w/ dispel (0 replies)
- 3x Capped sorc, High-end gear (0 replies)
- Price Check on Radiant Bestial Soulstone (0 replies)
- +14 AGI, +12 CON, +3 stamina recovery leg greaves (17 replies)
- +9 stalking and hiding bonus RING (1 replies)
- +7 influence BONUS / 4 MIU ranks, leg greaves (0 replies)
- +9 Brawling Bonus/1 stam recovery/2 disarm trap/torc (2 replies)
- 10x perfect maul, HCW, dispel flares, knockout flares, T5 ensorc (4 replies)
- 10x S5 T5 HCP T4Voln Robes (2 replies)
- Shaman Clothing (0 replies)
- main gauche (1 replies)
- jagges steel claidhmore - bard sung (8 replies)
- portable wine press and perfume shifter (3 replies)
- 7X T2 Sigil T5 Ensorcell S2 Sanctify Runestaff (0 replies)
- Enhancive T4 Nervestaff - What is a fair selling price? (0 replies)
- +40 logic daggers (0 replies)
- mechanical ruic long bow (10 replies)
- 5x perfect maoral-hafted mithril mace (2 replies)
- 7x, T5, S6, 15 CER Ghezyte Morning Star (5 replies)
- logic neckchain (4 replies)
- Appraisal on 8x t5 perfect maul w/lesser moods and magma flares. (7 replies)
- 17.3m halfling wizard appraisal? (0 replies)
- older greater mood armor some dark leather green hunts (1 replies)
- imflass mace (1 replies)
- a fel-hafted vultite war hammer (3 replies)
- 6x crit weighted brig (3 replies)
- runestaffs and enhancives (0 replies)
- 7x Perfect Handaxe T4 Ensorcell (5 replies)
- +17 logic helmet (persist) (2 replies)
- 10X MCW T5 ensorc/T3 dispell/Legacy GUB w/ plasma flares - Fish Spine Sword (12 replies)
- Account appraisal.. 13m+ capped wiz with full attuned Sigil Set (0 replies)
- Premium Points 16,100 (2 replies)
- +11 STR Base 53 Trains T2 Orb (1 replies)
- an Iyo-crafted firewheel hand crossbow (1 replies)
- 4x Animalistic(T4)(Revenge)+3 Dispel +10CritWeight Grimswarm T1 Ensorc Claidhmore (4 replies)
- Shield Cloak (1 replies)
- Climate wear cloak: facial concealer +2 wisdom +2 aura base (1 replies)
- 10x HCW perfect mithril greatsword (22 replies)
- Price Check - 10x, 20 CER Doubles (6 replies)
- Some armor (2 replies)
- Landing playershop (1 replies)
- a replica hinged Spitfire ship (1 replies)
- Price check on 8x full plate (5 replies)
- Fel hafter and FGB (3 replies)
- Polar Bear goat pin (6 replies)
- price check aisle 7 (8 replies)
- +11 PF Bonus, +12 Polearm Bonus trident (1 replies)
- Perm +12 UAC defender weapon (1 replies)
- Perm +13 defender handaxe with +4 edge bonus (2 replies)
- +35 T5 ECP Brigandine (6 replies)
- 6x/6x nervestaff (6 replies)
- Delirium Manor Doll - Complete Set (0 replies)
- Major Bag of Holding - 11 threads remaining (1 replies)
- mid plate (4 replies)
- 10x bastard sword, UB+legacy bns, S5, T5, base bubble flares (3 replies)
- 10x 5 CER grapple short sword and 7x HCW grapple crowbill (2 replies)
- Padded chain mail. (2 replies)
- spirit recovery backsword? (5 replies)
- 8x Perfect forged T5 DCW OHE (handaxe base) (2 replies)
- 7x enhancive shortsword (dex, agi, ambush, AU) (1 replies)
- Perfect forged maul, holy fire, t1 ensorcelled (2 replies)
- my only good item! (5 replies)
- 5k Premium Points (1 replies)
- +33, VHCP, T2, troll spine, max light plate (0 replies)
- MCP Brigandine and others (0 replies)
- What are these worth? (0 replies)
- What's this worth? (2 replies)
- Premium point chunk (1 replies)
- bow - what's it worth? (7 replies)
- Black Ora Talisman (2 replies)
- random things? (8 replies)
- Coin Book - Old Fluff? (1 replies)
- mechanical vambrace... (2 replies)
- Legendary find: fully unlocked Animalistic Spirit Weapons gloves, 4x (11 replies)
- VHDP Spiked Greathelm with enhancement (4 replies)
- 7x perfect mikhail maul (2 replies)
- +28 10td Tower shield (2 replies)
- Wolverine Claws (5 replies)
- 7x T5 12 CER/1 CER doubles (3 replies)
- What the heck is this? (2 replies)
- premium point blocks (1 replies)
- Fash'lo'nae's gift (2 replies)
- Gift cloth with fully unlocked engagement/wedding rings (0 replies)
- Just some stuff (1 replies)
- What's Death Stroke II? (11 replies)
- 7x sephwir comp bow, dispel +3 S2 (5 replies)
- A couple of items. (0 replies)
- +14 influence staff (1 replies)
- some t3 fusion orbs for price check (0 replies)
- 5x golvern breastplate with permanent puncture resist (0 replies)
- Any idea what's so special about this pendant? (11 replies)
- Lots of blood-infused crystals! What are they worth though? (7 replies)
- Price check/worth keeping? (2 replies)
- Scrolls, Wands, Ayanad (0 replies)
- Price check on high end runestaff + full leathers (2 replies)
- 7x full plate pricing help requested (4 replies)
- +15 Brawling T3 Orb (0 replies)
- t3 orb 11 THW Bonus (1 replies)
- crumbly +5 Ranged Weapon Bonus pin (1 replies)
- very off +5 to harness power anklet (6 replies)
- For the hyphenated gods! X6 (2 replies)
- +11 MOC Bonus Twohanded Sword (1 replies)
- shield & weapon appraisal (0 replies)
- what are these armors worth? (3 replies)
- Value on these double leathers? (4 replies)
- What's potential worth? (4 replies)
- Anyone ever price out SUFFUSED energy? (3 replies)
- Price check on legendary find: +50, 4x acuity flares, wand-holding runestaff (14 replies)
- PC on a morning-star (0 replies)
- PC: on some full plate (0 replies)
- Price Check on +14 to Intuition Base Helm (3 replies)
- Price check or estimate what I could expect to get if i auctioned these three cloaks (3 replies)
- Appraisal on an interesting piece (2 replies)
- Unlocked Bazzlewyn Gloves (1 replies)
- Enhancives (0 replies)
- +12 Edged Bonus T3 Fusion Orb (0 replies)
- 6x longbow heavy sighting 10cer (2 replies)
- 6x max light VHCP full plate (2 replies)
- 7x 12 CER Doubles (4 replies)
- 7x T5 Fusion MBP with 5.5 CER crit (0 replies)
- Look for an appraisal for my augmented chain (0 replies)
- River Rest and Icemule Shop (6 replies)
- An ancient silver-rimmed mirror - Dorian Gray mirror (4 replies)
- perfect dagger (5 replies)
- 'an ethereal chain' (4 replies)
- 9x and a 3x (3 replies)
- 6x Augmented Chain HCP/SWDP (1 replies)
- Very old Glyph boots (3 replies)
- Feature Alteration (15 replies)
- a painted black invitation (0 replies)
- Pin Worn, +9 Stamina Recovery Enhancive (4 replies)
- Bravery charm (5 replies)
- Animal style full plate (0 replies)
- Dodging arm greaves (0 replies)
- Siegery pieces and repair case (0 replies)
- 5x/869 exp lumnis brooch (10 replies)
- High-end lance, containers, x/day 130 items, illegal shield. (2 replies)
- Greataxe with upcoming bless changes (0 replies)
- 9x T1 MCP Double Leathers (6 replies)
- 7x knockout flaring spikestar (2 replies)
- 7x HCP fusion T5 plate with T3 orbs (2 replies)
- Jackpot items (1 replies)
- a mist grey mithril gauntlet-sword (0 replies)
- 7x T5 ensorcell T4 sigil with all scroll slots unlocked (3 replies)
- True Black Ora Weapons (8 replies)
- FWI Shop (1 replies)
- 9x T5 12 CER 15% puncture resist fusion doubles with +20 wisdom orbs (7 replies)
- Original Darkstone key? (12 replies)
- a transparent spirit-shaped token (4 replies)
- Tier 4 Globus (4 replies)
- a gold-based sleek crystal sphere/ethereal phoenix pet (1 replies)
- +9 T3 dex orb (2 replies)
- Arm greaves: +5 TWC ranks, +3 polearm ranks, +2 CM ranks (0 replies)
- 2 Enhancives of Note (3 replies)
- A few items (4 replies)
- a tiny gargoyle earring (3 replies)
- herb bundlers (3 replies)
- nervestaff (4 replies)
- mage rechargeable Phoen's Strength 606 (0 replies)
- 10x T5 KO t3 dispel 7 cer crit maul (12 replies)
- 7x perfect steel maul. T4, 2cer crit (1 replies)
- double leather (2 replies)
- some T3 fusion orbs (0 replies)
- Ebow and SD vambrace price check pls (7 replies)
- Fel-handled Vultite Battle axe (2 replies)
- 4x fusion heavy crit fusion plate (2 replies)
- Booklet (7 replies)
- Enhancive Comp Bow (0 replies)
- Forest Armor ASG 7 (0 replies)
- Some incomplete Reim full plate (0 replies)
- A Slender Wooden Rod (1 replies)
- Persisting MR 513 Earcuff (3 replies)
- Persisting MR 919 necklace (0 replies)
- Persisting MR 602 neckchain (0 replies)
- Persisting MR303 torc (0 replies)
- Crumbly MR 618 ring (3 replies)
- vultite javelin (1 replies)
- Spidersilk backpack and paeline cloak (1 replies)
- couple of items rolaren 5x crit orb plate and 1x blur wand (0 replies)
- Sephwir Composite Bow (0 replies)
- fresh scroll (7 replies)
- parasite gloves (4 replies)
- Fancy Arbalest & original Naginata (0 replies)
- Runestaff (2 replies)
- Plain jane 7x handaxe.... (1 replies)
- a radiant beastial soulstone (0 replies)
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