View Full Version : Appraisals
Pages :
- a gornar maul
- a warped black ora claidhmore, enhansive
- Fash'lo'nae's Gift Lens
- 5x Dir hafted vultite waraxe and FGB
- Any tell me what these go for...?
- 10x hcp 12lb brig
- Awesome belt!
- Sledge and Katana
- Dual Dispel Wand
- greaves
- enhancive claidh
- perfect razern main-gauche
- 2x/Day Bravery Bracers
- 10x Hurling set
- Forging prices?
- SP Orb, Jerky Cleaver, PP's, and Fireworks Press.
- Rolaren Full Plate - 8x, 35 pounds
- Sanctified Falchion with 5 different flares
- Flaring/spiked armor pieces
- Gleaming Spiked Mithril Greatshield
- Purple Cotton Apron - Armor concealing
- a tarnished brass bracer inset with fractured agate crescents
- lightning flaring helm?
- Flaring full plate
- Enhancive Circlet
- What is this worth...
- a black ora twohanded sword
- Account Takeover Value?
- Worth of these Items
- Odds and ends
- Ornate mithril aventail
- Testing the water
- Whats this worth, 8x scalemail, heavy padding + lot of extra
- weapon displaying backscabbard
- 6x shield/buckler
- Enhancive glaze arm greaves
- Scripted metallic kirtle
- an invar-tipped kelyn awl-pike
- a flame red scroll
- Testing the waters - Full account sale
- spiked/flaring shield
- 9x and 10x temper potions
- Adjustable arm greaves?
- So I'm looking for high-end MBP
- quick Brig appraisal please
- beltworn LA?
- 3500 premium points
- Premium Point Appraisal
- 7x longsword appraisal, please.
- Tower shield
- Vultite Claid
- 4x Greathelm - +14 dodging ranks, +2 SMC ranks, +1 pickpocketing ranks
- Sifting through a large inventory
- a gleaming veil iron chain hauberk
- Claid..
- mage rechargeable 406 necklace
- Max lightened 7x eahnor mbp
- 8x permablessed returning axe
- 40 charge ruby amulet
- Cracked Pine Green Brigandine
- +6 spell aiming, +2 blessing lore, defender, 4x runestaff
- 3.5x heavily crit padded brig
- So, I'm curious
- 7x/DCP/Spiked/Golvern armor and other stuff
- EG 09 MCW Eahnor Longsword
- an invar edged mithril claidhmore
- container value guidelines?
- 4x, decent damage padded, temp impact resist
- 32 Giantman warrior.
- a padded dark grey leather bodysuit lined with silk
- A black ora pilum
- a fine faewood runestaff
- Full Plate Armor
- value of my account
- 5x double leather
- 55 sorc?
- Appraisal on a couple of items
- 4x HCP leathers, what do they sell for?
- Bright Yellow Silk Satchel, etc.
- Furry Black Goat pin
- some old vultite leg greaves
- A Strange Bastard Sword
- Any of this stuff worth anything?
- Spiders in a vial
- pawnshop plate
- Misc Locker Items
- Orb Gems
- transforming jewelry
- 'True' Black ora?
- 4x ECW military pick
- Enhancive Kelyn Backsword
- 75 Ranger
- random enhancive jewelry
- 25-30 ranger
- mage rechargeable, +2 SMC, +1THW rank enhancing necklace
- 7x DCW cold resistant armor
- sleek fireleaf runestaff
- Fully Charged Statues, Quartz orbs...etc
- Teleporting Boots
- wand bow?
- A couple things
- Not really an appraisal...
- Falchion Appraisal
- Shield Appraisal
- Leather Appraisal
- Barbed Rolaren Chain Flail
- "some vultite brigandine armor" 4x 19lbs
- A few random low-enchant items with enhancives
- 3x perm fairly crit padded
- what's this stuff worth...
- +13 imflass backsword(+2 OHE & Air lore ranks) & crit padded aventail(neck)
- Full armor concealor cloak
- what is it and what's it worth
- Steel Claid ( +10 THW +6 Ambush +4 Agility )
- lightweight pinworn container
- Account appraisal
- Black Ora Twohanded Sword
- 4x 3lb HCW maul
- INFO on some random items
- Whole bunch of 4x eonake weapons and armor
- 4x + 12 thrown +13 SH, and spike,flare, resisted greaves
- 7x hcp fire resistant brig
- Veniom set appraisal?
- Cyan Mithglin Falchion
- Eonake Flamberge
- 6x Eonake, fire flaring mattock
- 4x MCW heavy ironwood flail
- Full Leathers
- 46 cleric with fixskills
- aquamarine golvern morning star
- 3x 1x ABP
- 40 Bravery Scrolls
- 5x plasma flaring spear?
- 6x swcp full leather
- 8x full leather.
- +37 hcp double chain
- blackened ora aventail
- Rechargeable (I think?) Elemental Bias Circlet
- Flarin Leg Greaves
- 6x robes
- Thinking of selling out
- 5x FDP Fire Resist Brig
- a shiny black invar claidhmore
- Some gleaming mithglin arm greaves - infused with dark substance
- 7X double w/ void flares
- Returner?
- twisted black rowan runestaff 5x
- Blank Mage Rechargeables
- A general appraisal please?
- Quake Ring
- A large number of weapons and older items. 6-16 years old.
- a ton of different slabs
- Some enhancives and containers.
- Forging slabs
- 7X HCP doubles
- FIXSTATS potion
- Two FRENZY finds. Fash Stone and Reticule with Merchant Token.
- Fireleaf runestaff (+27) +5 to aura
- +49 OHE Enhancive Set
- 2x ora claid
- Writable books?
- AI Crystal
- Imbed or Mage Rechargeable?
- shields....
- A Serrated Skinning Knife.
- Warrior made sheaths
- a superior maoral-hilted steel short-sword.
- What Is This?
- Worth anything?
- Vaalorn Aventail and Breastplate
- Altered Sea Nymph Charm
- 9x hcp Brigandine
- a furry black goat pin
- Alchemy Supplies
- 7x fal with vibe flares
- Boxfound zested dancing scarves w/ pouch
- Arcane Barrier Scroll
- 1016 song of rage scroll.
- 4x 6lb spiked +7 PERM TD medium shield
- 7x longbow with perm decent sighting
- 8x hcp augmented chain, max lightened
- Bow and Earring
- Mettalic gown?
- 7x SWCP 15 pound Hauberk
- 21 pound 9x hcp brig
- ECP Greathelm +5 dex bonus +4 hp recov
- Self lacing boots morphing boots
- a winter-weight polar bear fur parka with an oversized hood
- Multiple deepened consulation cloak:
- Old great auction pants:
- A Bergraham Original
- +6 disc bonus Talisman
- a sapphire hilted black shaalk dag - 7x master crit weighted, falchion base
- A few items
- enruned beryl crown
- 4x vhcw laen falchion and 5x dcp full plate with show / adjustable
- Magical Stein
- 6x acid flaring aug chain.
- -1x incredibly crit weighted maul
- Rechargable 1609 symbol.
- 3x WoL Scrolls
- 5x sanctified morning star
- 7x masterfully crit weighted falchion
- PP
- 0x perfect maul
- 4x heavy damage short sword
- +18 spiked/temp. very heavily damage padded arm greaves.
- where'd it go?
- Nice runestaff
- Wearable Spirit Guard (rechargeable) item
- dark misshapen stone?
- 5x Daily Self-Charging Blessing Scabbard
- enhancives: military pick, full leather, runestave. exquisite razern morn. star
- WL Shop
- DCW imflass maul
- Temp ECW vultite two handed sword
- COL Bracers
- full plate price check
- A block of 2000 premium points.
- 6300 PPs
- 10x medium shield
- What are these: firecat trap/Felcour duelling gauntlets?
- Motorcycle Charity Account Closeout
- Take a look and give me info :)
- +15 Greatshield
- Need some appraisals
- 52 half-elf bard w/ 7x perfect lance
- a few scrolls
- Forging Slabs
- Boxfound ruic light crossbow
- Vruul skin set
- Unlocked Call Familiar Scroll
- boxfound runestaff
- 6 THW bonus, 9 dodging bonus, earcuff, crumbly
- Price check!
- What type of flare?
- price check on 10X DB cloak
- 7200 Premium Points
- Loresinging question
- PP lots 10.1k & 7.6k
- +8 to fire lore bracer
- 6000 PPs?
- pear-cut diamond circlet
- raffle/auction named Glaes Claid
- Heavy Golvern Slab and several other items
- 7x HCP chain mail - max lightened, lightening resist
- few items I need appraised..
- Not looking to sell, just curious.
- enhancive staff and more
- Dwarven Items
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