01-09-2024, 05:15 PM
If anyone wants anything in here, i just ask that you make a reasonable offer before I pawn it all. Please use item # for specific scrolls. Thanks!
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(1203) Powersink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
[scroll]>read #92300376
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared parchment.
On the smeared parchment you see
(405) Elemental Detection
(706) Mind Jolt
[scroll]>read #92300371
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(402) Presence
(401) Elemental Defense I
[scroll]>read #92300369
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark scroll.
On the dark scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92300368
It takes you a moment to focus on the old parchment.
On the old parchment you see
(1106) Bone Shatter
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(1705) Martial Prowess
[scroll]>read #92300357
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm in vibrant ink
(1414) Mana Burst in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92300355
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(905) Prismatic Guard
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92300354
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(206) Tend Lore
[scroll]>read #92305796
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(111) Fire Spirit
(1115) Wither
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(1108) Empathy
[scroll]>read #92305795
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden papyrus.
On the golden papyrus you see
(708) Limb Disruption in vibrant ink
(409) Elemental Blast in vibrant ink
(102) Spirit Barrier in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305794
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked palimpsest.
On the neatly inked palimpsest you see
(705) Disintegrate
(112) Water Walking
(407) Unlock
(706) Mind Jolt
[scroll]>read #92305793
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(1002) Vibration Chant
[scroll]>read #92305792
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(412) Weapon Deflection
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(1002) Vibration Chant
[scroll]>read #92305791
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered vellum.
On the tattered vellum you see
(203) Manna
(205) Light
(103) Spirit Defense
(106) Spirit Fog
(203) Manna
[scroll]>read #92305790
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(701) Blood Burst
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92305789
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient paper.
On the ancient paper you see
(604) Nature's Bounty
[scroll]>read #92305788
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling scroll.
On the crumbling scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305787
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(1615) Repentance
(1607) Rejuvenation
(107) Spirit Warding II
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305786
It takes you a moment to focus on the silver embossed scroll.
On the silver embossed scroll you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1204) Foresight
[scroll]>read #92305785
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(411) Elemental Blade in vibrant ink
(102) Spirit Barrier in vibrant ink
(704) Phase in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305784
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(701) Blood Burst
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[scroll]>read #92305783
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(1204) Foresight
(1204) Foresight
(115) Fasthr's Reward
[scroll]>read #92305782
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(118) Web
(116) Locate Person
(1204) Foresight
(1214) Brace
(1201) Soothing Word
(115) Fasthr's Reward
[scroll]>read #92305781
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(1615) Repentance in vibrant ink
(1604) Consecrate in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305780
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn vellum.
On the torn vellum you see
(1002) Vibration Chant in vibrant ink
(406) Elemental Defense II in vibrant ink
(406) Elemental Defense II in vibrant ink
(410) Elemental Wave in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305779
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(502) Chromatic Circle
(910) Major Shock
(906) Minor Fire
(907) Major Cold
(903) Minor Water
[scroll]>read #92305778
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(1206) Telekinesis
(1315) Comprehend Languages
(1409) Displace
(1408) Astral Spear
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305777
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled vellum.
On the crumpled vellum you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1602) Pious Trial
[scroll]>read #92305776
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(1201) Soothing Word
(1202) Iron Skin
[scroll]>read #92305775
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark scroll.
On the dark scroll you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(102) Spirit Barrier
(102) Spirit Barrier
[scroll]>read #92305774
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched palimpsest.
On the scorched palimpsest you see
(1319) Clarity of Thought in vibrant ink
(1208) Mindward in vibrant ink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm in vibrant ink
(1315) Comprehend Languages in vibrant ink
(1319) Clarity of Thought in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305773
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked palimpsest.
On the neatly inked palimpsest you see
(1603) Templar's Verdict
(114) UnPoison
(1602) Pious Trial
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305772
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn vellum.
On the torn vellum you see
(1408) Astral Spear in vibrant ink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm in vibrant ink
(1201) Soothing Word in vibrant ink
(1319) Clarity of Thought in vibrant ink
(1408) Astral Spear in vibrant ink
(1206) Telekinesis in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305771
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II in vibrant ink
(105) Poison Resistance in vibrant ink
(112) Water Walking in vibrant ink
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305770
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see
(1204) Foresight
(1203) Powersink
(1215) Blink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1218) Mental Dispel
(1217) Vision
[scroll]>read #92305769
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(406) Elemental Defense II
(408) Disarm
(1001) Holding Song
(1005) Lullabye
(1002) Vibration Chant
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92305768
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(301) Prayer of Holding
(210) Silence
(307) Benediction
(214) Bind
(211) Bravery
[scroll]>read #92305767
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(411) Elemental Blade
(108) Stun Relief
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(408) Disarm
[scroll]>read #92305766
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(201) Calm
(110) Unbalance
(202) Spirit Shield
(205) Light
(209) Untrammel
[scroll]>read #92305765
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(701) Blood Burst
(713) Balefire
(704) Phase
(407) Unlock
[scroll]>read #92305764
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained vellum.
On the blood-stained vellum you see
(1104) Head Repair
(206) Tend Lore
(210) Silence
(205) Light
(116) Locate Person
[scroll]>read #92305763
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn paper.
On the torn paper you see
(1116) Rapid Healing
(214) Bind
(205) Light
[scroll]>read #92305762
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(107) Spirit Warding II
[scroll]>read #92305761
It takes you a moment to focus on the forest green scroll.
On the forest green scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(607) Sounds
[scroll]>read #92305760
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed parchment.
On the yellowed parchment you see
(1112) System Scar Repair
(1112) System Scar Repair
(114) UnPoison
(1110) Empathic Assault
[scroll]>read #92305759
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(402) Presence
(507) Elemental Deflection
(504) Slow
(509) Strength
(1712) Spirit Guard
[scroll]>read #92305758
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(216) Frenzy
(203) Manna
(208) Living Spell
[scroll]>read #92305757
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(1209) Dragonclaw in vibrant ink
(1204) Foresight in vibrant ink
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305756
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(108) Stun Relief
(110) Unbalance
(606) Phoen's Strength
[scroll]>read #92305755
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(1712) Spirit Guard
(1210) Thought Lash
(1206) Telekinesis
[scroll]>read #92305754
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(112) Water Walking
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305753
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(501) Sleep in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305752
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield
(303) Prayer of Protection
(111) Fire Spirit
(105) Poison Resistance
(205) Light
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305751
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(1601) Mantle of Faith
[scroll]>read #92305750
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(304) Bless
(306) Holy Bolt
(314) Relieve Burden
[scroll]>read #92305749
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling scroll.
On the crumbling scroll you see
(502) Chromatic Circle in vibrant ink
(907) Major Cold in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305748
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(116) Locate Person
(1101) Heal
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305747
It takes you a moment to focus on the crystal flecked paper.
On the crystal flecked paper you see
(1204) Foresight
(1408) Astral Spear
[scroll]>read #92305746
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(302) Smite
[scroll]>read #92305742
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(709) Grasp of the Grave in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(704) Phase in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305741
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient paper.
On the ancient paper you see
(613) Self Control in vibrant ink
(117) Spirit Strike in vibrant ink
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(610) Tangleweed in vibrant ink
(608) Camouflage in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305740
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn vellum.
On the torn vellum you see
(901) Minor Shock
(909) Tremors
(906) Minor Fire
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
(509) Strength
[scroll]>read #92305739
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(417) Elemental Dispel
(117) Spirit Strike
(1707) Minor Steam
(412) Weapon Deflection
(407) Unlock
(407) Unlock
[scroll]>read #92305738
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering paper.
On the glittering paper you see
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(112) Water Walking
(407) Unlock
(104) Disease Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305737
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(1604) Consecrate
[scroll]>read #92305736
It takes you a moment to focus on the forest green scroll.
On the forest green scroll you see
(609) Sunburst
(602) Resist Elements
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(108) Stun Relief
[scroll]>read #92305735
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(508) Elemental Bias
(409) Elemental Blast
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92305734
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged vellum.
On the aged vellum you see
(1101) Heal
(104) Disease Resistance
(1110) Empathic Assault
(204) Unpresence
(111) Fire Spirit
(1103) System Repair
[scroll]>read #92305733
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged paper.
On the aged paper you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1204) Foresight
[scroll]>read #92305732
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(304) Bless
(107) Spirit Warding II
(301) Prayer of Holding
[scroll]>read #92305731
It takes you a moment to focus on the grey sheet of vellum.
On the grey sheet of vellum you see
(202) Spirit Shield
[scroll]>read #92305730
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(210) Silence
(1104) Head Repair
(1111) Limb Scar Repair
(110) Unbalance
[scroll]>read #92305729
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(1214) Brace
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[scroll]>read #92305728
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(1604) Consecrate
(108) Stun Relief
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[scroll]>read #92305727
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(511) Floating Disk
(905) Prismatic Guard
(511) Floating Disk
(912) Call Wind
(909) Tremors
(516) Mana Leech
[scroll]>read #92305726
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(208) Living Spell
(206) Tend Lore
(306) Holy Bolt
[scroll]>read #92305725
It takes you a moment to focus on the resplendent scroll.
On the resplendent scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(110) Unbalance
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305724
It takes you a moment to focus on the resplendent palimpsest.
On the resplendent palimpsest you see
(1603) Templar's Verdict in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(104) Disease Resistance in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305723
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(402) Presence
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(410) Elemental Wave
(402) Presence
[scroll]>read #92305722
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(903) Minor Water in vibrant ink
(402) Presence in vibrant ink
(502) Chromatic Circle in vibrant ink
(505) Hand of Tonis in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305721
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(411) Elemental Blade in vibrant ink
(404) Disarm Enhancement in vibrant ink
(407) Unlock in vibrant ink
(908) Major Fire in vibrant ink
(416) Piercing Gaze in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305720
It takes you a moment to focus on the old papyrus.
On the old papyrus you see
(405) Elemental Detection in vibrant ink
(908) Major Fire in vibrant ink
(902) Minor Elemental Edge in vibrant ink
(406) Elemental Defense II in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305719
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305718
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked paper.
On the neatly inked paper you see
(401) Elemental Defense I
(104) Disease Resistance
(412) Weapon Deflection
(413) Elemental Saturation
[scroll]>read #92305717
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(212) Interference in vibrant ink
(1104) Head Repair in vibrant ink
(214) Bind in vibrant ink
(213) Minor Sanctuary in vibrant ink
(1107) Adrenal Surge in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305716
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane paper.
On the arcane paper you see
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
(109) Dispel Invisibility in vibrant ink
(1603) Templar's Verdict in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305715
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield in vibrant ink
(312) Fervent Reproach in vibrant ink
(211) Bravery in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305714
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(209) Untrammel in vibrant ink
(109) Dispel Invisibility in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305713
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt vellum.
On the burnt vellum you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(501) Sleep
(412) Weapon Deflection
(911) Mass Blur
[scroll]>read #92305712
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded palimpsest.
On the faded palimpsest you see
(1705) Martial Prowess
(1107) Adrenal Surge
[scroll]>read #92305711
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(708) Limb Disruption
(705) Disintegrate
(113) UnDisease
[scroll]>read #92305710
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(209) Untrammel
(114) UnPoison
(104) Disease Resistance
(203) Manna
[scroll]>read #92305709
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(201) Calm
(103) Spirit Defense
[scroll]>read #92305708
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(1107) Adrenal Surge
[scroll]>read #92305707
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(1001) Holding Song
(1002) Vibration Chant
[scroll]>read #92305706
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed scroll.
On the yellowed scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(102) Spirit Barrier
(107) Spirit Warding II
(615) Call Swarm
(119) Spirit Dispel
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
[scroll]>read #92305705
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(207) Purify Air
(305) Preservation
(213) Minor Sanctuary
(102) Spirit Barrier
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305704
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance in vibrant ink
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
(1210) Thought Lash in vibrant ink
(1205) Glamour in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305703
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(401) Elemental Defense I in vibrant ink
(909) Tremors in vibrant ink
(508) Elemental Bias in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305702
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling paper.
On the crumbling paper you see
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1319) Clarity of Thought
[scroll]>read #92305701
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(1101) Heal
(103) Spirit Defense
(202) Spirit Shield
(202) Spirit Shield
(102) Spirit Barrier
[scroll]>read #92305700
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(1714) Quake
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1202) Iron Skin
(1218) Mental Dispel
(1214) Brace
[scroll]>read #92305699
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(702) Mana Disruption
(402) Presence
[scroll]>read #92305698
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared vellum.
On the smeared vellum you see
(407) Unlock
(508) Elemental Bias
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
[scroll]>read #92305697
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(507) Elemental Deflection in vibrant ink
(507) Elemental Deflection in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305696
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(108) Stun Relief
(1710) Major Acid
(301) Prayer of Holding
[scroll]>read #92305695
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(1112) System Scar Repair
(1102) Limb Repair
(206) Tend Lore
(209) Untrammel
[scroll]>read #92305694
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(407) Unlock in vibrant ink
(503) Thurfel's Ward in vibrant ink
(906) Minor Fire in vibrant ink
(902) Minor Elemental Edge in vibrant ink
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305693
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained papyrus.
On the blood-stained papyrus you see
(1101) Heal
(113) UnDisease
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305692
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1709) Minor Cold
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305691
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(1204) Foresight
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305690
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(104) Disease Resistance in vibrant ink
(201) Calm in vibrant ink
(1103) System Repair in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305689
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(203) Manna
(204) Unpresence
(1108) Empathy
1 unreadable spell
[scroll]>read #92305688
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
[scroll]>read #92305687
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305682
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(109) Dispel Invisibility in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305681
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(1207) Force Projection
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305680
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(1414) Mana Burst
(1208) Mindward
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1319) Clarity of Thought
[scroll]>read #92305679
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(301) Prayer of Holding in vibrant ink
(305) Preservation in vibrant ink
(118) Web in vibrant ink
(301) Prayer of Holding in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305678
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(510) Hurl Boulder
(503) Thurfel's Ward
[scroll]>read #92305677
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(401) Elemental Defense I in vibrant ink
(407) Unlock in vibrant ink
(914) Sandstorm in vibrant ink
(503) Thurfel's Ward in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305676
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering paper.
On the shimmering paper you see
(602) Resist Elements
(112) Water Walking
(102) Spirit Barrier
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
(101) Spirit Warding I
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(1203) Powersink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
[scroll]>read #92300376
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared parchment.
On the smeared parchment you see
(405) Elemental Detection
(706) Mind Jolt
[scroll]>read #92300371
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(402) Presence
(401) Elemental Defense I
[scroll]>read #92300369
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark scroll.
On the dark scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92300368
It takes you a moment to focus on the old parchment.
On the old parchment you see
(1106) Bone Shatter
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(1705) Martial Prowess
[scroll]>read #92300357
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm in vibrant ink
(1414) Mana Burst in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92300355
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(905) Prismatic Guard
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92300354
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(206) Tend Lore
[scroll]>read #92305796
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(111) Fire Spirit
(1115) Wither
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(1108) Empathy
[scroll]>read #92305795
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden papyrus.
On the golden papyrus you see
(708) Limb Disruption in vibrant ink
(409) Elemental Blast in vibrant ink
(102) Spirit Barrier in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305794
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked palimpsest.
On the neatly inked palimpsest you see
(705) Disintegrate
(112) Water Walking
(407) Unlock
(706) Mind Jolt
[scroll]>read #92305793
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(1002) Vibration Chant
[scroll]>read #92305792
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(412) Weapon Deflection
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(1002) Vibration Chant
[scroll]>read #92305791
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered vellum.
On the tattered vellum you see
(203) Manna
(205) Light
(103) Spirit Defense
(106) Spirit Fog
(203) Manna
[scroll]>read #92305790
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(701) Blood Burst
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92305789
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient paper.
On the ancient paper you see
(604) Nature's Bounty
[scroll]>read #92305788
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling scroll.
On the crumbling scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305787
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(1615) Repentance
(1607) Rejuvenation
(107) Spirit Warding II
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305786
It takes you a moment to focus on the silver embossed scroll.
On the silver embossed scroll you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1204) Foresight
[scroll]>read #92305785
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(411) Elemental Blade in vibrant ink
(102) Spirit Barrier in vibrant ink
(704) Phase in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305784
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(701) Blood Burst
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[scroll]>read #92305783
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(1204) Foresight
(1204) Foresight
(115) Fasthr's Reward
[scroll]>read #92305782
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(118) Web
(116) Locate Person
(1204) Foresight
(1214) Brace
(1201) Soothing Word
(115) Fasthr's Reward
[scroll]>read #92305781
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(1615) Repentance in vibrant ink
(1604) Consecrate in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305780
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn vellum.
On the torn vellum you see
(1002) Vibration Chant in vibrant ink
(406) Elemental Defense II in vibrant ink
(406) Elemental Defense II in vibrant ink
(410) Elemental Wave in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305779
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(502) Chromatic Circle
(910) Major Shock
(906) Minor Fire
(907) Major Cold
(903) Minor Water
[scroll]>read #92305778
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(1206) Telekinesis
(1315) Comprehend Languages
(1409) Displace
(1408) Astral Spear
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305777
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled vellum.
On the crumpled vellum you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1602) Pious Trial
[scroll]>read #92305776
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(1201) Soothing Word
(1202) Iron Skin
[scroll]>read #92305775
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark scroll.
On the dark scroll you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(102) Spirit Barrier
(102) Spirit Barrier
[scroll]>read #92305774
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched palimpsest.
On the scorched palimpsest you see
(1319) Clarity of Thought in vibrant ink
(1208) Mindward in vibrant ink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm in vibrant ink
(1315) Comprehend Languages in vibrant ink
(1319) Clarity of Thought in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305773
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked palimpsest.
On the neatly inked palimpsest you see
(1603) Templar's Verdict
(114) UnPoison
(1602) Pious Trial
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305772
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn vellum.
On the torn vellum you see
(1408) Astral Spear in vibrant ink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm in vibrant ink
(1201) Soothing Word in vibrant ink
(1319) Clarity of Thought in vibrant ink
(1408) Astral Spear in vibrant ink
(1206) Telekinesis in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305771
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II in vibrant ink
(105) Poison Resistance in vibrant ink
(112) Water Walking in vibrant ink
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305770
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see
(1204) Foresight
(1203) Powersink
(1215) Blink
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1218) Mental Dispel
(1217) Vision
[scroll]>read #92305769
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(406) Elemental Defense II
(408) Disarm
(1001) Holding Song
(1005) Lullabye
(1002) Vibration Chant
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92305768
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(301) Prayer of Holding
(210) Silence
(307) Benediction
(214) Bind
(211) Bravery
[scroll]>read #92305767
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(411) Elemental Blade
(108) Stun Relief
(710) Energy Maelstrom
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(408) Disarm
[scroll]>read #92305766
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(201) Calm
(110) Unbalance
(202) Spirit Shield
(205) Light
(209) Untrammel
[scroll]>read #92305765
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(701) Blood Burst
(713) Balefire
(704) Phase
(407) Unlock
[scroll]>read #92305764
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained vellum.
On the blood-stained vellum you see
(1104) Head Repair
(206) Tend Lore
(210) Silence
(205) Light
(116) Locate Person
[scroll]>read #92305763
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn paper.
On the torn paper you see
(1116) Rapid Healing
(214) Bind
(205) Light
[scroll]>read #92305762
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(107) Spirit Warding II
[scroll]>read #92305761
It takes you a moment to focus on the forest green scroll.
On the forest green scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(607) Sounds
[scroll]>read #92305760
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed parchment.
On the yellowed parchment you see
(1112) System Scar Repair
(1112) System Scar Repair
(114) UnPoison
(1110) Empathic Assault
[scroll]>read #92305759
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(402) Presence
(507) Elemental Deflection
(504) Slow
(509) Strength
(1712) Spirit Guard
[scroll]>read #92305758
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
(216) Frenzy
(203) Manna
(208) Living Spell
[scroll]>read #92305757
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(1209) Dragonclaw in vibrant ink
(1204) Foresight in vibrant ink
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305756
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(108) Stun Relief
(110) Unbalance
(606) Phoen's Strength
[scroll]>read #92305755
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(1712) Spirit Guard
(1210) Thought Lash
(1206) Telekinesis
[scroll]>read #92305754
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(112) Water Walking
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305753
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(501) Sleep in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305752
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield
(303) Prayer of Protection
(111) Fire Spirit
(105) Poison Resistance
(205) Light
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305751
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(1601) Mantle of Faith
[scroll]>read #92305750
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(304) Bless
(306) Holy Bolt
(314) Relieve Burden
[scroll]>read #92305749
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling scroll.
On the crumbling scroll you see
(502) Chromatic Circle in vibrant ink
(907) Major Cold in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305748
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(116) Locate Person
(1101) Heal
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305747
It takes you a moment to focus on the crystal flecked paper.
On the crystal flecked paper you see
(1204) Foresight
(1408) Astral Spear
[scroll]>read #92305746
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(302) Smite
[scroll]>read #92305742
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(709) Grasp of the Grave in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(704) Phase in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305741
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient paper.
On the ancient paper you see
(613) Self Control in vibrant ink
(117) Spirit Strike in vibrant ink
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(610) Tangleweed in vibrant ink
(608) Camouflage in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305740
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn vellum.
On the torn vellum you see
(901) Minor Shock
(909) Tremors
(906) Minor Fire
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
(509) Strength
[scroll]>read #92305739
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(417) Elemental Dispel
(117) Spirit Strike
(1707) Minor Steam
(412) Weapon Deflection
(407) Unlock
(407) Unlock
[scroll]>read #92305738
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering paper.
On the glittering paper you see
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(112) Water Walking
(407) Unlock
(104) Disease Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305737
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(1604) Consecrate
[scroll]>read #92305736
It takes you a moment to focus on the forest green scroll.
On the forest green scroll you see
(609) Sunburst
(602) Resist Elements
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(108) Stun Relief
[scroll]>read #92305735
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(508) Elemental Bias
(409) Elemental Blast
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[scroll]>read #92305734
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged vellum.
On the aged vellum you see
(1101) Heal
(104) Disease Resistance
(1110) Empathic Assault
(204) Unpresence
(111) Fire Spirit
(1103) System Repair
[scroll]>read #92305733
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged paper.
On the aged paper you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1204) Foresight
[scroll]>read #92305732
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(304) Bless
(107) Spirit Warding II
(301) Prayer of Holding
[scroll]>read #92305731
It takes you a moment to focus on the grey sheet of vellum.
On the grey sheet of vellum you see
(202) Spirit Shield
[scroll]>read #92305730
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(210) Silence
(1104) Head Repair
(1111) Limb Scar Repair
(110) Unbalance
[scroll]>read #92305729
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(1214) Brace
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[scroll]>read #92305728
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(1604) Consecrate
(108) Stun Relief
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[scroll]>read #92305727
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see
(511) Floating Disk
(905) Prismatic Guard
(511) Floating Disk
(912) Call Wind
(909) Tremors
(516) Mana Leech
[scroll]>read #92305726
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(208) Living Spell
(206) Tend Lore
(306) Holy Bolt
[scroll]>read #92305725
It takes you a moment to focus on the resplendent scroll.
On the resplendent scroll you see
(110) Unbalance
(110) Unbalance
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305724
It takes you a moment to focus on the resplendent palimpsest.
On the resplendent palimpsest you see
(1603) Templar's Verdict in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(104) Disease Resistance in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305723
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(407) Unlock
(402) Presence
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(410) Elemental Wave
(402) Presence
[scroll]>read #92305722
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(903) Minor Water in vibrant ink
(402) Presence in vibrant ink
(502) Chromatic Circle in vibrant ink
(505) Hand of Tonis in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305721
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see
(411) Elemental Blade in vibrant ink
(404) Disarm Enhancement in vibrant ink
(407) Unlock in vibrant ink
(908) Major Fire in vibrant ink
(416) Piercing Gaze in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305720
It takes you a moment to focus on the old papyrus.
On the old papyrus you see
(405) Elemental Detection in vibrant ink
(908) Major Fire in vibrant ink
(902) Minor Elemental Edge in vibrant ink
(406) Elemental Defense II in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305719
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(102) Spirit Barrier
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305718
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked paper.
On the neatly inked paper you see
(401) Elemental Defense I
(104) Disease Resistance
(412) Weapon Deflection
(413) Elemental Saturation
[scroll]>read #92305717
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(212) Interference in vibrant ink
(1104) Head Repair in vibrant ink
(214) Bind in vibrant ink
(213) Minor Sanctuary in vibrant ink
(1107) Adrenal Surge in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305716
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane paper.
On the arcane paper you see
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
(109) Dispel Invisibility in vibrant ink
(1603) Templar's Verdict in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305715
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield in vibrant ink
(312) Fervent Reproach in vibrant ink
(211) Bravery in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305714
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(209) Untrammel in vibrant ink
(109) Dispel Invisibility in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305713
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt vellum.
On the burnt vellum you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(501) Sleep
(412) Weapon Deflection
(911) Mass Blur
[scroll]>read #92305712
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded palimpsest.
On the faded palimpsest you see
(1705) Martial Prowess
(1107) Adrenal Surge
[scroll]>read #92305711
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(708) Limb Disruption
(705) Disintegrate
(113) UnDisease
[scroll]>read #92305710
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(209) Untrammel
(114) UnPoison
(104) Disease Resistance
(203) Manna
[scroll]>read #92305709
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(201) Calm
(103) Spirit Defense
[scroll]>read #92305708
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(1107) Adrenal Surge
[scroll]>read #92305707
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(1001) Holding Song
(1002) Vibration Chant
[scroll]>read #92305706
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed scroll.
On the yellowed scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(102) Spirit Barrier
(107) Spirit Warding II
(615) Call Swarm
(119) Spirit Dispel
You feel at full magical power again.
You release 1 mana into the surrounding area.
[scroll]>read #92305705
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(207) Purify Air
(305) Preservation
(213) Minor Sanctuary
(102) Spirit Barrier
(105) Poison Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305704
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance in vibrant ink
(108) Stun Relief in vibrant ink
(1210) Thought Lash in vibrant ink
(1205) Glamour in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305703
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(401) Elemental Defense I in vibrant ink
(909) Tremors in vibrant ink
(508) Elemental Bias in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305702
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumbling paper.
On the crumbling paper you see
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1319) Clarity of Thought
[scroll]>read #92305701
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(1101) Heal
(103) Spirit Defense
(202) Spirit Shield
(202) Spirit Shield
(102) Spirit Barrier
[scroll]>read #92305700
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(1714) Quake
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1202) Iron Skin
(1218) Mental Dispel
(1214) Brace
[scroll]>read #92305699
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(702) Mana Disruption
(402) Presence
[scroll]>read #92305698
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared vellum.
On the smeared vellum you see
(407) Unlock
(508) Elemental Bias
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
[scroll]>read #92305697
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(507) Elemental Deflection in vibrant ink
(507) Elemental Deflection in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305696
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(108) Stun Relief
(1710) Major Acid
(301) Prayer of Holding
[scroll]>read #92305695
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(1112) System Scar Repair
(1102) Limb Repair
(206) Tend Lore
(209) Untrammel
[scroll]>read #92305694
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(407) Unlock in vibrant ink
(503) Thurfel's Ward in vibrant ink
(906) Minor Fire in vibrant ink
(902) Minor Elemental Edge in vibrant ink
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305693
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained papyrus.
On the blood-stained papyrus you see
(1101) Heal
(113) UnDisease
(101) Spirit Warding I
[scroll]>read #92305692
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1709) Minor Cold
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305691
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(1204) Foresight
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
[scroll]>read #92305690
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(202) Spirit Shield in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
(104) Disease Resistance in vibrant ink
(201) Calm in vibrant ink
(1103) System Repair in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305689
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(203) Manna
(204) Unpresence
(1108) Empathy
1 unreadable spell
[scroll]>read #92305688
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(106) Spirit Fog
[scroll]>read #92305687
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305682
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(109) Dispel Invisibility in vibrant ink
(101) Spirit Warding I in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305681
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(1207) Force Projection
(1201) Soothing Word
[scroll]>read #92305680
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(1414) Mana Burst
(1208) Mindward
(1406) Telekinetic Disarm
(1319) Clarity of Thought
[scroll]>read #92305679
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt scroll.
On the burnt scroll you see
(301) Prayer of Holding in vibrant ink
(305) Preservation in vibrant ink
(118) Web in vibrant ink
(301) Prayer of Holding in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305678
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing scroll.
On the glowing scroll you see
(510) Hurl Boulder
(503) Thurfel's Ward
[scroll]>read #92305677
It takes you a moment to focus on the torn scroll.
On the torn scroll you see
(401) Elemental Defense I in vibrant ink
(407) Unlock in vibrant ink
(914) Sandstorm in vibrant ink
(503) Thurfel's Ward in vibrant ink
[scroll]>read #92305676
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering paper.
On the shimmering paper you see
(602) Resist Elements
(112) Water Walking
(102) Spirit Barrier
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
(101) Spirit Warding I