View Full Version : Price check or estimate what I could expect to get if i auctioned these three cloaks

01-15-2022, 09:00 PM
I am curious what I could get If I auctioned these three cloaks off. Two are very old spidersilk cloaks and another is a fully unlocked Bone Shaman cloak from EG.

First one - has a ton of neat scripts

A Black Spidersilk Cloak Clasped with a Veniom Arrowhead:

-You analyze your spidersilk cloak and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a Peretta Cloak. A black spidersilk cloak clasped with a veniom arrowhead cannot be detailed to indicate that it is completely skin-tight or that it isn't long enough to "billow up" in certain situations, but it is otherwise able to be altered, so long as it remains a cloak or cloak-like item.

The a black spidersilk cloak clasped with a veniom arrowhead can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:

(RUB) You fiddle with the edges of your spidersilk cloak in a fit of nervous energy.

(STAND) You push back your spidersilk cloak and immediately shift into a relaxed stance.

(TOSS) With a flourish, you toss your spidersilk cloak over your shoulder, tilting your chin upward in a show of confidence.

(WAVE) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step aggressively forward, letting your spidersilk cloak billow behind you.
(WAVE - target) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step aggressively toward [target], your spidersilk cloak billowing out behind you.
(WAVE - sitting) Narrowing your eyes, you suddenly scoot aggressively sideways, dragging your spidersilk cloak along the ground/floor.
(standing and sitting utilize the same customization wording)

(BOW) Pulling up the edges of your spidersilk cloak, you execute a stately bow.

(POKE) You furiously dig through the pockets of your spidersilk cloak.

(SMELL) You bury your head into the folds of spidersilk cloak, inhaling a fresh scent.
(SCRATCH) You scratch at the lining of your spidersilk cloak, releasing a fresh scent into the air.
(smelling and scratching must produce the same scent)

(RAISE) You raise one arm toward the sky, grasping your spidersilk cloak tightly, as you mutter loudly.

(POSE) You strike a commanding pose, throwing your spidersilk cloak back and staring off into the distance.

Currently, you are able to use RUB, STAND, TURN, NUDGE, TOSS, WAVE (with target), BOW, SPIN, POKE, SMELL, SCRATCH RAISE, POSE, TILT, DUCK, KICK, CLOSE, OPEN, WEAR, REMOVE, HUG, and ATTEND. A feature-concealing hood can be added to this cloak in very rare circumstances.

You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper. -

-You estimate that a black spidersilk cloak clasped with a veniom arrowhead can store a gigantic amount (200+ lbs) with enough space for any number (10+) of items.

You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders. The cloak appears to serve some purpose.

Second Cloak -
A Soft Deep Red Spidersilk Cloak Edged with Grey Silk Trim:

- When you look at the cloak - The spidersilk cloak is smooth and sleek, with a texture like that of flowing water. The cloak is clasped at the neck with a glossy black spider-shaped clasp.

You analyze your spidersilk cloak and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This is a classic spidersilk cloak. You can try to WEAR, REMOVE, CLEAN, OPEN, and CLOSE your cloak. You can try to TICKLE, TAP, LISTEN, and COVER your cloak's spider-shaped clasp. Note that the cloak does attune to the wearer.

To clear attunement, RAISE the cloak and follow the given instructions.

This cloak can be altered on rare occasions -- it is considered a special merchant service and is not a GALD service.

[In the rare case that you are given a chance to alter the cloak, you will usually have some say in the main color of the cloak, the cloak's accent (generally this is the trim), the wording of the webbing ("web-draped" and "cobweb-covered" are the two examples to follow), and the first 15 of the spider-shaped clasp. In some cases, not all of the options may be available for alteration, and there are some additional restrictions when the main color of the cloak will end up as "white" or "dark blue".]

Your cloak's spider-shaped clasp is currently quiet.

You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper. -

- You carefully inspect your spidersilk cloak.

You estimate that a soft deep red spidersilk cloak edged with grey silk trim can store a gigantic amount (200+ lbs) with enough space for any number (10+) of items.

You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders. The cloak appears to serve some purpose.-

Cloak Attunes to you and does all sorts of neat things.

Third Cloak -

A Stygian Black Dire Wolf Fur Cloak with Bony Plates Along the Back

This is a Fully unlocked Tier 4 Bone Shamon Cloak

The cloak has a hood that you can Pull and Push:

This is what it looks like when someone looks at your character very neat -

You see Great Lord Rahj the Windtalker.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.

The glossy black fur hood of his cloak is pulled low over his face, concealing his features in shadows. Various red-tinged bone fragments are set along the surface of the hood in the outline of a skull, the razor-sharp canine teeth set along the edge adding to its appearance of a monstrous creature with its maw open wide.

- push cloak

With a smooth sweep of your hand, you push the glossy black fur hood of your dire wolf fur cloak away from your face and let it pool at your shoulders, the red-tinged bone fragments sewn into the hood rattling slightly as it settles. -

- pull cloak

Reaching up, you pull the glossy black fur hood of your dire wolf fur cloak over your head in one smooth motion, the red-tinged bone fragments set into the hood clinking faintly from the movement. -

- You analyze your dire wolf fur cloak and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

~ Bone Shaman Cloaks ~

-Bone-adorned shamanistic cloaks with customizable parts.
This cloak can accept alterations to the long and/or show description, but MUST:
* Always have some indication of being decorated with bone in the 15/15/15, long or show.
* NOT be form-fitting or tight.
This script only works with cloak-worn items (cloak-type items, coat-type items or robe/robes-type items.)
This is currently setup to be a cloak-type item.

~Customization Settings~
Currently set to a custom closure. The closure will appear as: curved claw clasp
As a cloak-type item, the closure must remain a clasp, pin or other singular noun that could feasibly be expected to close a cloak.
NOTE: All closures must be made of bone or incorporate bone somehow.

Currently set to a custom adornment. The adornment will show up as: bony plates.
* Adornments must be bone or made of bone.
* Adornments must be plural, as there are many adorning the clothing.
* Acceptable adornments: bone/bone pieces, beaks, claws/talons, teeth/fangs, horn/antler pieces, small skulls
* Adornments CANNOT be specific to a race (IE elven finger bones) and must be small enough to be feasible as a decoration.

This item is currently tier 4 of 4. Unlocked to Tier 4
This tier captures: WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, CLOSE, GET, PUT, RUB, WAVE (targeted and untargeted), BOW (targeted and untargeted), POINT (targeted and untargeted), FOLD (targeted and untargeted), TAP (targeted and untargeted), STAND, SIT, KNEEL, LIE
~Feature-Concealing Hood~
This item has had a feature-concealing hood added to it.
This hood can be manipulated with PULL and PUSH.
* Current Hood Type: hood
NOTE: This can only be 'hood' or 'cowl'.
* Custom Hood Description: glossy black fur hood
* Custom Hood Bone Adornment: red-tinged bone fragments
* Custom Hood Design: Various red-tinged bone fragments are set along the surface of the hood in the outline of a skull, the razor-sharp canine teeth set along the edge adding to its appearance of a monstrous creature with its maw open wide
NOTE: Custom designs must be /ONE/ sentence describing the bone decoration on the hood.


open cloak:
Loosening the curved claw clasp of your dire wolf fur cloak, you throw it open wide, the movement punctuated by a chorus of rattling noises from the bony plates sewn into it.

close cloak:
Wrapping your dire wolf fur cloak around yourself, you pull it tightly closed and fasten the curved claw clasp. The bony plates sewn into the cloak make a soft rattling noise as they clatter together.

wear cloak:
Swirling it around you in a wide arc, you settle a stygian black dire wolf fur cloak with bony plates along the back around your shoulders. The bony plates sewn into the cloak sway and clatter together with the movement.

remove cloak:
Loosening your dire wolf fur cloak from your shoulders, you swing it away from you in a wide arc and fold it over your arm. The bony plates sewn into the cloak sway and clatter with the movement.

put pearl in cloak:
You slip a hand into the depths of your dire wolf fur cloak and place a tiny black pearl into an inner pocket, causing the bony plates to rattle with the movement.

get pearl from cloak:
You reach into the depths of your dire wolf fur cloak and pull a tiny black pearl out of an inner pocket, causing the bony plates to rattle with the movement.

rub cloak:
You run your hand briskly along the edge of your dire wolf fur cloak, the quick movement of your fingers against the bony plates creating an almost musical ascending scale of rattling noises.

wave cloak:
Stomping your feet and swaying your body, you launch into a rapid tribal dance, your cloak flowing behind you. Every whirling move produces a sharp rattle from the bony plates sewn into your dire wolf fur cloak, the sounds providing a staccato counterpoint to the rhythm of your steps. You do one final spin before stopping abruptly, letting your cloak settle around you with a final clatter of bony plates.

wave cloak at berean:
Stomping your feet and swaying your body, you launch into a rapid tribal dance in a circle around Berean, your cloak flowing behind you. Every whirling move produces a sharp rattle from the bony plates sewn into your dire wolf fur cloak, the sounds providing a staccato counterpoint to the rhythm of your steps. You do one final spin before stopping abruptly in front of Berean, letting your cloak settle around you with a final clatter of bony plates.

bow cloak at berean:
Swirling the edge of your dire wolf fur cloak out to one side in a dramatic flourish of rattling bony plates, you bow ceremoniously towards Berean.

point cloak at berean:
Swinging one arm out with a complicated twist of your hand, you make a sinuous gesture in the air towards Berean, your dire wolf fur cloak swirling in your wake with a rattling crescendo of bony plates.

fold cloak at berean
Drawing the folds of your dire wolf fur cloak more tightly around yourself with a clatter of bony plates, you cross your arms over your chest and gaze intently at Berean.

tap cloak at berean:
Drumming your fingers in a rapid beat against one of the bony plates sewn into your dire wolf fur cloak, you gaze impatiently at Berean, one foot tapping periodically.

sit cloak:
Sweeping your dire wolf fur cloak behind you in a wide arc, you settle into a cross-legged position on the ground. The folds of your cloak settle around you with a rattle of bony plates.

stand cloak:
Dire wolf fur cloak streaming behind you, you smoothly rise to your feet in one fluid motion. As the folds of your dire wolf fur cloak settle around you, the bony plates sewn into it rattle and clatter together.

kneel cloak:
Sweeping your dire wolf fur cloak behind you in a wide arc, you sink to your knees on the ground, head slightly bowed. The folds of your cloak settle around you with a rattle of bony plates.

lie cloak:
Dire wolf fur cloak billowing out around you, you sink dramatically to the ground in a heap, your movement punctuated by a riotous clattering from the bony plates sewn into your cloak.

-You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.-

- You estimate that a stygian black dire wolf fur cloak with bony plates along the back can store a gigantic amount (200+ lbs) with enough space for any number (10+) of items.-

You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders. The cloak appears to serve some purpose. -

Anyways would love to know what I could expect if I auction these off. Doing some locker cleanouts and still many more items to list. Sorry for the long post. Thank you all for your time.


01-15-2022, 10:52 PM
I've sold two of the attuning spidersilk ones for 2-3m each (discounting any lightening/deepening that went into them)

01-15-2022, 11:26 PM
I found a couple of the attuning spidersilk cloaks (the second one on your list) in my locker a while back. Sold one for around 3 mil and kept the other for my ranger. They have some nice ambient scripts that fire off occasionally too.

The one I sold was just off the shelf deep though, I think 100 or 120lbs. Can prolly add a mil or two onto the price of yours...depending on the market for lightening/deepening notes.

01-16-2022, 02:08 PM
I edited my post on the bone shaman cloak. I got it max light and max deep..

You estimate that a stygian black dire wolf fur cloak with bony plates along the back can store a gigantic amount (200+ lbs) with enough space for any number (10+) of items.