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  1. Dilbert creator backs Romney
  2. Extra Presidential Debate Scheduled
  3. Castro Nearly Dead?
  4. Is Obama Buying the Election With His Welfare Explosion?
  5. I think Charlie's mad
  6. Trademarking Prayer
  7. Rabbis to Ban iPhones
  8. Oct 22nd - 3rd & Final Presidental Debate
  9. He Who Controls the Voting Machines Controls the Universe
  10. Trump's October Surprise
  11. Gloria Allred's October Surprise
  12. Oct. 24 3rd Party Debate
  13. Did Israel Attack Sudan?
  14. Jesse Jackson Arrested!
  15. Doctored Campaign Photo?
  16. Romney Spox Accuses Colin Powell of Being Black!
  17. Dark Money Docs Found in Meth House
  18. Romney and Sandy
  19. The Axelrod/Scarborough Mustache Bet
  20. Predictions: Election results
  21. Most Embarassing Moments of the Election
  22. PAC Mailer in Virgina
  23. GOP registration dips below 30 percent in Calif
  24. Is Obama a Liar?
  25. please vote Republican.
  26. Presidential Poll (Who Did You Vote For?)
  27. Where Republicans Went Wrong
  28. Political Inevitabilities - David Simon
  29. Offensive Chinese Ad
  30. Obamush
  31. Top possible Republican Presidential contenders for 2016
  32. Whitehouse Hypocrisy - Navy Seal Addition
  33. Fiscal Cliff
  34. Boycotting Democrats
  35. General Petraeus Resigns
  36. Obama Is Not the Antichrist
  37. Romney Really Thought He Would Win
  38. Electoral College vs. Voter Turnout
  39. Susan Rice
  40. Dozens of Black People Voted in Maine, GOP Alleges Fraud
  41. Partisan Temper Tantrums - post election
  42. A true statesman, well worth listening to.
  43. Republican Obstructionism
  44. Which hurts the economy more, tax increases or spending cuts?
  45. Differences
  46. Congressional Reform Act of 2012
  47. Texas Secession
  48. Ban Killer Robots?
  49. A Minimum Tax for the Wealthy
  50. Idaho to Change Outcome of Presidential Election
  51. Dutch to Allow Blasphemy
  52. OED Deleting American Words?
  53. Life Discovered on Mars!!!!!????
  54. Obama's opening "fiscal cliff" bid seeks debt limit hike, stimulus
  55. Fed up.
  56. Domino's: Obamacare Requires 34 Million Pizza Nutrition Signs
  57. Walmart's New Health Care Policy Shifts Burden To Medicaid, Obamacare
  58. Politics
  59. First Gay marriage at West Point
  60. Fireman Fired for Obama Toilet Paper
  61. Hillary Clinton for NYC Mayor?
  62. Are Lotteries a Bad Tax?
  63. The American Dream in the 21st Century
  64. Elevator Ride of Doom in Congress
  65. Congress Gets Rid of Lunacy
  66. Animated Videos
  67. McConnell filibustered his own proposal
  68. 2048 Presidential Election Deadline Approaching
  69. Obama urges unlimited donations
  70. Why Can't I Own Canadians??
  71. Alan Simpson Goes Gangnam Style
  72. Bobby Jindal Goes Off on Elites
  73. J.C. Watts for RNC Chair?
  74. Florida to Hold Contest for Giant Snake Hunting
  75. Dinosaur Named After Obama
  76. The New Development in North Korea
  77. Obama's Speech in Newtown
  78. Presidential Election Held Yesterday
  79. Obituaries
  80. Concussiongate!
  81. Constitutionality of Feinstein's proposed assault weapons ban
  82. Larry Sabato's 2012 Closing Book
  83. Democrats now in favor of cutting Social Security
  84. Plan B Vote in the House
  85. Senator From Idaho Is Arrested on a Drunken Driving Charge
  86. Out of control Piers Morgan on gun control
  87. Self-Sorting Makes Life Better
  88. White House Petition to Arrest David Gregory
  89. Most Admired People in the World in 2012
  90. The Dangers of "Assault Weapons"
  91. Fiscal cliff "deal"
  92. House Abruptly Abandons Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill
  93. Boehner vs. Reid -- Warning, Strong Language
  94. Boehner to Stop Negotiating, Start Passing Bills
  95. Immigration Reform in 2013
  96. Will the Next President Be Black?
  97. A Vet in Congress
  98. Independents and "Undecideds": What is your driving issue?
  99. Romney wins Electoral College!
  100. 14th amendment and the debt ceiling
  101. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan: Deport this british guy for saying guns should be banned
  102. Texas to Require Strippers to Wear Licenses While Working
  103. Reid Says Hurricane Katrina was "nothing in comparison" to Sandy
  104. NRA vs. Tucson
  105. Chris Christie Peaked Too Soon
  106. Father of the Year announced!
  107. Government Reform!
  108. Georgia Mom Shoots Home Invader
  109. Buying an assault weapon before Tuesday?
  110. White House plays Luke and blows up the death star...
  111. Colin Powell Calls Republicans Racist
  112. Journal News gun permit map used by burglars to target White Plains home?
  113. Roy Moore's Triumphant Return
  114. Florida Governor Dog Mystery Solved
  115. New NY Gun law..
  116. Obama Announces Package of New Gun Laws
  117. An interesting video in the "ban guns" debate
  118. One Man's Conspiracy Is Another Man's Fact
  119. Congress to Force Name Change on Washington Redskins?
  120. Sandy Hook a Conspiracy?
  121. Man attempts to assassinate Bulgaria's opposition leader during speech
  122. Bill Clinton to Democrats: Don’t trivialize gun culture
  123. First Lady Eye Rolls Boehner
  124. Inauguration 2013
  125. Las Vegas officer kills family and then self.
  126. Is the destruction of the dollar inevitable?
  127. Military Leaders Warn Congress of 'Hollow' Force
  128. Joe Biden 'intoxicated' by 2016 run
  129. Hillary Clinton Testifies
  130. Obama Opposes Absolutism
  131. Pentagon to allow women in Combat Roles (i.e. Infantry, Special Forces, Seals, etc.)
  132. US taps pension fund to avoid passing debt limit
  133. No Budget, No Pay
  134. World War III
  135. Al Gore now richer than Mitt Romney
  136. Assault Weapons to Protect California School
  137. Award Electoral Votes by Congressional District?
  138. Man asked to remove Princess Bride shirt on flight
  139. Lego accused of Racism with Star Wars set!
  140. Aussie Beveryly Hillbillies
  141. Biden Says Shotgun Is Better Than Assault Weapon
  142. The S Word
  143. Is Obama Lord of the Flies?
  144. The Cornhusker Wears Prada
  145. One reason why I support the death penalty
  146. Immigration Week
  147. Obama Does Skeet Shooting
  148. Iranian Space Monkey
  149. BP and ExxonMobil take up opposite sides of the front lines in Iraq
  150. **NSFW** Obscene Prank by Reporter on Serbian PM
  151. Corporal Punishment Instead of Prison in Montana
  152. Emanuel, and Guns has he gone to far?
  153. Someone probably posted this before, but
  154. Tennessee Cracks Down on Homosexuals
  155. Video Games Worse Than Guns
  156. Chuck Hagel To Be Sec. Def.?
  157. Tawana Brawley served with court order to pay man she accused of rape in 1987
  158. Open Carry
  159. Rick Perry on the Boy Scouts
  160. Tagg Romney to Run for Senate?
  161. Did McCain Make a Racist Joke?
  162. Wayne LaPierre and the current leadership of the NRA
  163. Immigration
  164. Packages But Not Mail on Saturdays
  165. Chris Christie Tells Doctor to Shut Up
  166. American citizens can now be targeted by drone strikes.
  167. George H.W. Bush Hacked
  168. Congressional Spokesman Fired for Accidental Tweet
  169. Dr. Benjamin Carson at National Prayer Breakfast
  170. Rand Paul on Ashley Judd. Sexist?
  171. Pope Benedict XVI in shock resignation
  172. Indiana Parents Planning Segregated Prom
  173. Mr. Nugent Goes to Washington
  174. The New Center of Republican Politics
  175. State of the Union 2013
  176. Too big for trial?
  177. Deep Impact
  178. After We Leave Afghanistan, Then What?
  179. The Hunt for Heretics Continues
  180. North Carolina to Ban Female Breasts
  181. Places With Rude Names
  182. Government Regulation of Easter? No Thanks!
  183. Tim Tebow Bill Dies in Virginia
  184. Missouri to Outlaw Laws That Outlaw Guns
  185. Obama to Ban Pennies?
  186. Big Bird Strikes Back
  187. Bahrain
  188. Tea Party Austerity Measures in Florida a Failure?
  189. Jesus Tax
  190. Now Liberals Will Want to Outlaw Ovens?
  191. Did Jimmy Carter's Grandson Win the Election for Obama?
  192. Michelle Obama on Jimmy Fallon Show
  193. Politics and the Oscars
  194. Sequestration
  195. The Girls On Fox News Song
  196. Marco Rubio's Favorite Songs
  197. Chicago Election Doesn't Mean NRA Is Losing
  198. Military Gives Higher Award for Flying Drones than Purple Heart
  199. Rosa Parks Statue on Capital Hill
  200. Six year old transgender child?
  201. Jedi Mind Meld ??!!!???
  202. 7-Year-Old Suspended For Biting Pastry Into Gun Shape
  203. Fresh Prince Song Causes Countywide School Lockdown
  204. Should Obama Call Kim Jong Un?
  205. Did Jeb Bush Flip Flop on Immigration?
  206. Iowa to Modernize Divorce Laws
  207. Chavez Dead
  208. MSN confirms Hugo Chavez Dead
  209. UN: State laws legalizing pot violate international treaties...
  210. Rand Paul filibuster about drone strikes on US Citizens
  211. Mitch McConnell Goes with the Terrorists
  212. TSA, keepin us safe!
  213. North Korea Threatens To Nuke U.S.
  214. The Politically Inflammatory Thread
  215. North Korea ends all NAPs
  216. Bloombergisms
  217. Paul Ryan budget slashes spending by $5.7 trillion to reach 10-year balance
  218. Boy Scout Survey
  219. Domino's and Obamacare again
  220. CPAC
  221. ANOTHER gun incident!
  222. Could Scott Walker Be President?
  223. House Votes Down Minimum Wage Increase
  224. Atheists Sue to Remove God from Money
  225. Ted Cruz's Citizenship
  226. Eurozone orders Cyprus to seize 10% of bank accounts
  227. Hillary Clinton Supports Homosexual Marriage
  228. Not What You Say, But How You Say It
  229. Location of Obama Presidential Library
  230. Democrat(s) acknowledge Obama as 'the Great Divider'
  231. RNC Report: Public sees GOP as narrow minded
  232. If the government was a person
  233. Bloomberg's newest idea
  234. Iraq 10 Years Later
  235. Colorado Sheriff Won't Enforce State's New Gun Laws
  236. Chemical weapons used in Syria.
  237. Put Troops on the Ground in Syria?
  238. Obama Who Whom
  239. Republican Senator's son announces he's gay
  240. 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security
  241. Supreme Court to Consider Marriage Cases
  242. NSFW Article About NSF Duck Research During Sequester -- and Todd Akin Too!
  243. Cost of Former Presidents
  244. Muslims Being Accommodated in the TN Capitol?
  245. SCOTUS decision about gay marriage
  246. Did Jim Carrey Go Too Far?
  247. Another Word You Can't Say
  248. North Korea is saber rattling again! Woo hoo! They have only a tiny saber though.
  249. Bye, bye American pie
  250. Same Sex Marriage and Insurance Fraud