View Full Version : Dilbert creator backs Romney

10-19-2012, 11:32 AM
He actually makes some good points. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/18/dilbert-scott-adams-romney-marijuana_n_1982132.html?icid=maing-grid7|maing6|dl1|sec3_lnk2%26pLid%3D222538)

[Obama] is putting an American citizen in jail for 10 years to life for operating medical marijuana dispensaries in California where it is legal under state law. And I assume the President -- who has a well-documented history of extensive marijuana use in his youth -- is clamping down on California dispensaries for political reasons, i.e. to get reelected. What other reason could there be?

One could argue that the President is just doing his job and enforcing existing Federal laws. That's the opposite of what he said he would do before he was elected, but lying is obviously not a firing offense for politicians.

Personally, I'd prefer death to spending the final decades of my life in prison. So while President Obama didn't technically kill a citizen, he is certainly ruining this fellow's life, and his family's lives, and the lives of countless other minor drug offenders. And he is doing it to advance his career. If that's not a firing offense, what the hell is?

Kind of hard to argue with that logic.

10-19-2012, 11:46 AM
Were you posting this for us?

I love the Gawker commentary.

So, there you have it: vote for Mitt Romney because you're not sure what he will do, even if he is, for example, an outspoken opponent of medical marijuana. Personally, I've taken Adams' reasoning to heart and will also be voting for Mitt Romney as well, because he may erase my student loans and, let's see, personally fund the Party Down movie? That's real change.

10-19-2012, 11:49 AM
Were you posting this for us?

No I posted this for myself to see.

I love the Gawker commentary.

Yeah that Gawker comment is totally right. Why not just vote for Obama again who you know will lie and break promises? Obama 2012!

10-19-2012, 12:55 PM
If only Mitt Romney had that whole integrity thing you'd be a lot more convincing.

Also more proof to the "conservatives don't get sarcasm" theory.

10-19-2012, 12:59 PM
If only Mitt Romney had that whole integrity thing you'd be a lot more convincing.

Also more proof to the "conservatives don't get sarcasm" theory.

Warriorbird says it so it must be true.

10-19-2012, 02:59 PM
Mitt has more integrity from Obama ... judging from Obama's *long* list of broken and unfulfilled promises.

I'd think we'd hear more about broken promises from Mitt's time as governor of Massachusetts ... but the primary thing he has been guilty during this campaign is being noncommittal.


Personally, I'd rather have a President who is noncommittal on stuff like abortions, gun control, etc ... as the less that is 'done' at the federal level, only empowers at the state and local level (as people can still choose where to live, and yet still be an American as everyone else).

Romney's only true commitments has been in the sphere of the U.S. economy, and I am perfectly okay with him not wanting to make any waves in the various social policy spheres.

10-19-2012, 02:59 PM
If only Mitt Romney had that whole integrity thing you'd be a lot more convincing.

Also more proof to the "conservatives don't get sarcasm" theory.

*You* do not 'get' sarcasm, you bigoted racist.

10-19-2012, 03:07 PM
Personally, I'd rather have a President who is noncommittal on stuff like abortions, gun control, etc

He will only be "noncommittal" about things like that until he becomes president.

10-19-2012, 03:26 PM
He will only be "noncommittal" about things like that until he becomes president.

And then what? What sinister plan do you believe he will hatch once he gets into office?

If any group has to worry about this, it would be fiscal conservatives. Romney is a Massachusetts Republican.. which in most normal parts of the country would be a Democrat.

I HOPE HOPE HOPE he is as fiscally conservative as he currently says he is.. but chances are he will be what he has always been.. a moderate.

10-19-2012, 03:35 PM
And then what? What sinister plan do you believe he will hatch once he gets into office?

If any group has to worry about this, it would be fiscal conservatives. Romney is a Massachusetts Republican.. which in most normal parts of the country would be a Democrat.

I HOPE HOPE HOPE he is as fiscally conservative as he currently says he is.. but chances are he will be what he has always been.. a moderate.

9 trillion dollar deficit addition plus whatever other ways he'll continue increasing the budget (it's what Republicans do), ruinous Ryan budget, Supreme Court justices that oppose civil rights, overturning Roe v. Wade, the further destruction of public education, as many wars as possible, as many ways to end environmental regulation as possible, and a stock market downturn (it's what Republicans do) and the list goes on

10-19-2012, 03:59 PM
So... I hear that the skies will rain fire if Romney gets elected.

10-19-2012, 06:09 PM
Romney has not been noncommital on medical marijuana.


10-19-2012, 06:10 PM
And another one..


10-19-2012, 06:12 PM
9 trillion dollar deficit addition plus whatever other ways he'll continue increasing the budget (it's what Republicans do), ruinous Ryan budget, Supreme Court justices that oppose civil rights, overturning Roe v. Wade, the further destruction of public education, as many wars as possible, as many ways to end environmental regulation as possible, and a stock market downturn (it's what Republicans do) and the list goes on

You can't possibly be taking yourself serious at this point.. because no one else does.


10-19-2012, 06:13 PM
You can't possibly be taking yourself serious at this point.. because no one else does.


Political gain. You lot love war if a Republican starts it.

10-19-2012, 06:27 PM
Political gain. You lot love war if a Republican starts it.



10-19-2012, 09:05 PM


It's similar to how Obama will give student loans and government handouts to as many people as he can. Cater to your base.

10-19-2012, 09:58 PM
Obama "gave" me a student loan, all right, complete with no subsidy so that undergraduate loans could stay at 3.4% for absolutely no fucking reason.

10-19-2012, 10:50 PM
Obama "gave" me a student loan, all right, complete with no subsidy so that undergraduate loans could stay at 3.4% for absolutely no fucking reason.

Is your loan through a private bank? Or the Government student loan program?

10-19-2012, 10:52 PM
The first twenty-something-thousand isn't, because the government controls the student loan market, so you're pretty much forced to go with them first.

10-19-2012, 11:30 PM
The first twenty-something-thousand isn't, because the government controls the student loan market, so you're pretty much forced to go with them first.

Do you think it's a good thing they control it? Just curious where you stand on this since you will have a fairly large student loan to repay.

10-19-2012, 11:45 PM
I had maybe a year of having my loans through a bank before the Department of Education took over, and the system itself doesn't change fundamentally since I was taking Stafford loans anyway. However, now it's an even bigger political tool (I didn't feel great about Obama saying, "But look at what we did with student loans. We cut out the middle man!!"). I'm not sure how much of my grievances are a result of the financial crisis vs. the government takeover, but I'm really not into the idea of politicians catering to certain groups to get votes. The interest rate on a Stafford loan was consistently 6.8%, and it was reduced to 3.4% for 2011, and it was never intended to stay that low. But when the rate was scheduled to go back to 6.8%, it became a huge Congressional issue (which was somehow news, even though the rate schedule was determined in 2008), and now interest rates were going to DOUBLE!!! (neglecting that they HALVED!!! first). So now you've got a market maker who looks after itself operating under the claim that it looks after other people. Except the result was that graduate students, who would for very obvious reasons have larger loan balances, must now pay interest on their balance during the academic year for the first time. I didn't see a single person complain about that. But keeping interest subsidies and letting the interest rate go to 6.8% on a loan with a maximum balance of $5,500 (maybe $6,500, I'm not going to bother looking it up) was somehow considered outrageous. I have to assume a market without the government would have performed better for borrowers, because lenders would actually have to compete to make loans. None of this predetermined, constant rate for everyone, and it's all guaranteed bullshit.

10-20-2012, 12:16 AM
I do have to tease you a bit, I apologize.. but that almost sounded like a conservative comment!

Seriously though, I don't think politicians should pander to groups either, but that's how they get votes and get elected. That's our system. Sucks, it's true.