View Full Version : Award Electoral Votes by Congressional District?

01-24-2013, 11:04 AM
Several Republican governors and state legislative leaders in key battleground states have recently expressed support for a plan to change the method of awarding their state’s electoral votes from the current winner-take-all system to one in which one vote would be awarded to the winner of each congressional district in the state and two votes would be awarded to the statewide winner. In the aftermath of the GOP’s 2012 defeat, this plan appears to be gaining momentum and was recently endorsed by the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus. On Wednesday, a bill to apportion electors by congressional district advanced through a subcommittee in the Virginia Senate.

More... (http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/republican-electoral-college-plan-would-undermine-democracy/)

Across the nation, Obama defeated Mitt Romney by almost four percentage points and close to five million votes. However, based on the results that are currently available we can estimate that Romney carried 228 House districts to only 207 for Obama. So despite Obama’s comfortable margin in the national popular vote, a system that awarded one electoral vote for each House district plus two votes for the statewide winner would have resulted in a Romney victory by 276 electoral votes to 262 electoral votes.

In swing states and blue states, but definitely not red states, Republicans need to get to work on this right now. In the red state of Nebraska, they're trying to do the opposite by eliminating congressional district voting.

Permanent Republican control of the White House, despite demographic driven shifts in the popular vote.