View Full Version : Fully Charged Raise Dead Scrolls

08-05-2006, 11:37 PM
Every scroll has been charged up to a full 20 charges and is further rechargable by a Sorcerer once the charges are used up.

I'd prefer that all bids be placed here, but if you want to PM me or send an email to ryvenz@aol.com that's fine as well.

Due to inquiries I will be selling my two fully charged 318 scrolls:

A sheaf of wrinkled paper
(318) Raise Dead
(315) Remove Curse
(203) Manna
(110) Unbalance
(301) Prayer of Holding
MB: 200k
CB: 300k Krendeli

A sheet of scorched vellum
(318) Raise Dead
(214) Bind
(312) Fervent Reproach
(306) Holy Bolt
MB: 200k
CB: 300k Krendeli

I also have 4 fully charged and unlocked Well of Life scrolls for anyone interested at 50k a piece.