View Full Version : 6x Iasha white ora awl-pike for sale

08-14-2006, 03:46 PM
Selling one of the Iasha white ora weapons. It adds +3 to your wisdom bonus, and teleports once/day to your deity's temple, or if there is not a temple devoted to your deity in the town you are in, will teleport you to the main temple for the town. It also has plasma flares which range from 2 - 70 points in damage. There are also various actions including a diety specific message when you raise it.

The white ora awl-pike is surrounded by a pure white flickering flame that burns with the rage of divine fury.


peer: As you gaze on the haft of your white ora awl-pike, your eyes mist over and you see the holy symbol of <diety> burn in your mind.

wave: As you wave the white ora awl-pike in the air, bursts of white-hot baneful flames fly from it in every direction.

kiss: You sets the tip of his white ora awl-pike on the ground, bowing your head and murmuring a prayer to his patron.

touch: You lovingly traces your fingers along the veins of white-ora folded into the awl-pike.

poke: You run a finger down the surface of the awl-pike. You stop to admire its flawless craftsmanship, all of it crafted from gleaming white ora and meticulously maintained. Unfortunately, you forgot about the flames surrounding it, and it is hot!

roar: You point your weapon into the sky and roar a battlecry to <diety>.

hold: Holding your white ora awl-pike, you cry out, "<diety>, aid me in my hour of need!"

attend: As you pray over your white ora awl-pike, a shining white pillar of light appears. A gateway opens inviting you in, and you step forward into it.

Random Messages:

The crimson flames surrounding your white ora awl-pike flare up a brilliant orange for a moment.

Waves of heat rise from the surface of your white ora awl-pike, creating a hazy aura about it.

Fiery sparks from the surface of your white ora awl-pike hiss as they fade in the nearby air.

The white ora awl-pike pulses in your hand, as if seeking something.

You flich as the flames surrounding your white ora awl-pike flare out suddenly!

The flames surrounding your white ora awl-pike blaze up for a moment.

Burning low, the flames encasing your white ora awl-pike emit an angry hiss.

The flames surrounding your white ora awl-pike swirl around and a low murmuring can be faintly heard. You think one of them was, "Release."

Here is the wonderful loresong it has:

You sing:

"Awl-pike tell me please today
What's your value can you say"

As you begin to sing, your vision clouds over and a scene unfolds before you. The image of a scarred dwarf in white leathers laboring deep in a dark, dank mine, grunting as he extracts precious white ora ore.

Roundtime: 8 sec.

You sing:

"Awl-pike that I hold made to make me cry
What's your purpose and don't you lie"

As you continue to sing, you can see the dwarf laboring over a hot iron forge. He mops his brow continually as he pumps the bellows then returns to the anvil, coaxing a weapon from the white-hot metal. As he hammers again and again with a perfect eonake forging-hammer he looks more and more pleased with his work. He now and again sticks it into a trough filled with a shimmering oil. After a few more minutes of hammering, he begins to look unsatisfied with his results, and then suddenly tosses it back into the fire. "I can do better than that, for Eonak's glory!

Roundtime: 11 sec.

You sing:

"Awl-pike looks so facinating to me
Tell me now what your magic be"

As you continue to sing, your inner vision once again focuses on the scarred dwarf, carefully polishing the white ora awl-pike before handing it to an imposing priest. His raiment is of the finest quality, from the magnificent cloth-of-silver cope, his bejeweled miter, and gleaming amethyst on his hand marking him as one of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. He sets the weapon on the altar and cries, "In the name of no deity, I consecrate this weapon.

Roundtime: 9 sec.

You sing:

"Awl-pike you make me wonder all about you so
Tell me is your special ability friend or foe"

As your song comes to an end, you see the awl-pike being used in combat training in the monastary. A burly dwarven acolyte rains down blow after blow versus an obviously overmatched elven clark. Finally, the white ora awl-pike bursts into flames and sets the elf's shield alight! He cries out, "The day is yours M'laird Dwarf. I prostrate myself to your superior skills and must atone for my lack." He glances at the knotted scourge on the training wall and grimaces.

Roundtime: 12 sec.

You can email bids/questions to soulblaze@gmail.com

I'm currently only accepting trades of half-plate and good two handed weapons.

MB: 20 million
BO: 40 million

08-14-2006, 07:54 PM
Bask in the awesomeness of the random fire scripts.

Iasha weapons will always be my fave, since Khal let me write the random fire messaging. My one contribution to Gemstone, which I feel redeems the gross misdeeds committed on a regular basis.

Seriously though, those flares are sick. Very nice weapon, the messaging for the teleporting is cool too (for those of you that haven't seen it, find someone in-game that has one of these and ask 'em to see them arrive. It's cool)

08-14-2006, 08:00 PM
That's really cool, GoingGone, that you got to write something for the game. It's something that will be there for the life of Elanthia, and that's got to be a neat feeling. :)