View Full Version : 3200 Premium Points

07-08-2006, 09:01 PM
Bids? Ideas of the average worth? I'm just throwin this out there to see how much interest there is in a chunk as much as this, since I know people prefer bigger amounts..I figured it was worth seeing how much would be offered.

07-08-2006, 11:19 PM
im alittle new to the premie stuff but now any pts are there for an premie alter scroll? im interested in buying that many

07-09-2006, 12:03 AM
Premium alter scrolls are 600 pts.

07-09-2006, 01:23 AM
I personally wouldn't waste your Premie Points on alter scrolls..They are much easier to come by than other utilities the Points can serve as.

In the meantime, points are gone!

07-09-2006, 01:29 AM
What'd you get for em, out of curiousity?

07-09-2006, 01:30 AM
15..I'm tryin to just liquidate crap pretty much. My time anymore for GS is very limited so why sit on stuff I'd never use? :P