View Full Version : God auction yo-yo

08-06-2006, 08:43 PM
A polished wooden yo-yo, from God auction years ago, Ciston's old yo-yo, the only one from what I'm told, any verification would be appreciated.

tilt yo
You release just enough string from the wooden yo-yo to form it into a small triangle. Carefully, you rock the toy softly and it swings slowly back and forth within the cradle of string much like a tiny pendulum might.

tap yo
You release your wooden yo-yo, and then just before it smashes into the ground you quickly flick your wrist. The spinning disk hovers at your feet, until you command it to return to your waiting hand with a soft tug.

pull yo
You release the wooden yo-yo and it spirals downward stopping just inches from the ground. With a quick flick of your wrist, the wooden yo-yo quickly returns to your hand.

turn yo
You spin your wooden yo-yo, and the small disk makes a few wide loops before it unerringly returns to your hand.