View Full Version : Auction

07-18-2006, 12:54 AM
an ancient warshield with a sharp honed edge of razern - 6x harness shield unconverted *only taking crazy buyout offers on this since it has sentimental value to me* (I may not even accept any)

a well-balanced black vultite khopesh - mb300k 4x mechanical flares
an antiquated mithril chereb - mb750k 4x blessable TWC scripts unlocked at 05 Ebon's (The ancient mithril blade of this sword has been polished and sharpened to a gleaming razor edge. The cross-guard and pommel of the weapon are crafted of alabaster-veined charcoal-colored mithril, which frames the twisted ivory hilt. Broken shards of metallic black pearl have been imbedded within the ivory in a desultory fashion, giving the sword a chaotic appearance.)
an ancient mithril chereb - mb750k 4x blessable twc scripts unlocked at 05 Ebon's (The blade on this chereb has razor thin lines of veniom, vaalorn, and urglaes that meander along the length. Although antiquated the chereb has been kept in impeccable condition through out the years of its use.)
a heavy-bladed silver vultite kris with a dead-eyed black mamba wrapped around it - mb5m 4x Serpantis flares has all the flares offered
a vaalorn sgian achlais inlaid with a small silver-stringed bronze lute - mb1m +18 switchable acid/cold nele flares
a deadly black vultite toporok - mb300k 4x damage weighted
a razor-sharp crimson vultite khopesh - mb300k 4x damage weighted
a sinister black vultite wakizashi - mb300k 4x damage weighted
a bundle of slender black arrows - 50k per bundle of 10 mechanical flaring x10

a golden topaz panne kirtle with brilliant sunstones trimming the long pointed sleeves - mb4.5m CB:5m Rohese SOLD Nalea gown includes matching peignoir
a flowing gold topaz panne peignoir clasped with a brilliant sunstone - 1lb holds VLA goes with the Nalea
a deep blue leather dagger harness stamped with small silver lutes - mb250k actioned dagger harness
a black kelyn-threaded rucksack - mb100k CB:100k Pridering SOLD weighs 4 backworn holds VLA (This hideous rucksack is so poorly constructed that it has little use. Designed by several unskilled tailors, the mis-matched seams and bizarre assortment of fabrics have created a very unusual, yet interesting, piece of art.)
a black silk shirt stitched along the seams with silvery musical notes - flat200k pinworn
a short-sleeved white cotton shirt buttoned with small silver-stringed bronze lutes - flat200k pinworn

a small shadowy black velvet pouch - flat90k with 9 a small shadowy black crystal sphere inside- when tossed make you invisable 2 of these
a small shadowy black velvet pouch - flat80k with 8 a small shadowy black crystal sphere inside- when tossed make you invisable
a moss agate inset eonake torc/a pearl inset eonake buckle/a white opal inset eonake crown/a malachite inset eonake brooch - mb30k CB:175k Debia ONCE not sure on properties
an elegant red sunstone medallion - mb100k mage rechargable organ scar repair
a golden beryl inset platinum pendant - mb200k mage rechargable 316
a laced silver pearl earring - mb500k blank mage rechargable wearable
a silver etched sapphire bracelet - mb500k CB:500k Anjel SOLD blank mage rechargable wearable
a glaes-studded scabbard - mb50k 20 charges of bless for 50 swings each
a glaes-studded scabbard - mb50k 20 charges of bless for 50 swings each
a glaes-studded scabbard - mb50k 20 charges of bless for 50 swings each

Send bids to dude6972@hotmail.com or IM me at lordtannious, or post here or a U2U
buyouts will be considered so just send an offer if you want
Things will go once twice sold
Delivery can be Landing, Ta'Illistim, Vaalor or IFW

Happy bidding,


07-18-2006, 02:47 AM

Someone buy me that Nalea and I will have your babies.

07-18-2006, 03:00 AM
The Nalea is really pretty, I agree. its one that I wanted to purchase when I saw it go up for sale on the WD by Nalea.

07-18-2006, 03:40 AM
...I agree, your babies are worth 70$.

07-18-2006, 05:10 AM
I'll take 10 bundles of arrows and the 10 crystal pouch.

07-18-2006, 06:27 PM
updated I'll update as often as I can

07-19-2006, 02:09 AM

07-19-2006, 04:49 PM

07-20-2006, 11:24 PM
update and new info on the warhelm

07-22-2006, 01:03 AM

07-22-2006, 07:23 AM
a moss agate inset eonake torc/a pearl inset eonake buckle/a white opal inset eonake crown/a malachite inset eonake brooch

60k on this batch.

07-22-2006, 10:09 PM

07-24-2006, 02:24 AM
updated a couple things sold

07-24-2006, 10:09 AM
125k on the eonake set

07-25-2006, 11:50 PM

07-27-2006, 01:31 AM

07-28-2006, 01:30 AM

cleaned up some of the sold stuff and a few more things are sold

07-30-2006, 01:55 AM