View Full Version : value of my account

02-04-2010, 05:37 PM
hello im curious as to what value would be put on my entire account if i decided to sell.

its a premium account
main characters
level 58 ranger ohe/shield sunfist master
level 41 ranger ranged col master
level 41 cleric thw col master

26 paladin polearm/shield
16 bard polearm/shield

then a bunch i rolled up to keep the name but have never played much

between all the main characters there is very close to 75 million coins in the bank, a landing players shop, a set of unaltered FGB, an unlocked iasha white ora flamberge 4x, an 8x shield with a show, a 5x (full +25) set of eahnor augmented chain, a 4x wand longbow that accepts(possibly) 3 different wands ill have to check to make sure, a +23 MCW eahnor longsword, and currently 7100 premium points. as well as tons and tons of other misc gear in the lockers

im looking for real money values

02-04-2010, 05:43 PM
$1,530 in chars and gear
$240-$320 in pp's

02-04-2010, 06:00 PM
chars - 58- 150-200?
41 -125-150?
41 -125-150?

75 mill coins = 600

other items I cant help with.