View Full Version : 7x masterfully crit weighted falchion

05-20-2010, 01:03 AM
a black shaalk dag

altered falchion

7x MCW


05-20-2010, 01:04 AM
70 mil or so

05-20-2010, 01:19 AM
I just traded about 110m worth of gear for a 7x mcw greataxe. If that is any comparison.

05-20-2010, 01:21 AM
Damn, wish I had the coins to buy it.

05-20-2010, 01:22 AM
I just traded about 110m worth of gear for a 7x mcw greataxe. If that is any comparison.

Did you trade off that magical stein?

05-20-2010, 01:26 AM
Nope the stein is still in my possession. But I got a strong trade offer on it.

05-20-2010, 07:28 AM
75-85. I sold a 6x MCW falchion for 60m + 15-20 in trades.

05-20-2010, 02:02 PM
Is this a real weapon Deron or are we giving appraisals on more bullshit items that you just like to make up?

05-20-2010, 02:08 PM
I would be very careful who you decide to trade with.
-- Ondreian/ m44w
-- Vivaldi/ Farmer
-- Stunseed

LOL, I've known Stunseed for years, he has never ripped anyone off. It's incredible how butthurt you can get when people don't agree with you, might as well just throw my name up there too.

05-20-2010, 02:12 PM
LOL, I've known Stunseed for years, he has never ripped anyone off. It's incredible how butthurt you can get when people don't agree with you, might as well just throw my name up there too.


05-20-2010, 02:28 PM
LOL, I've known Stunseed for years, he has never ripped anyone off. It's incredible how butthurt you can get when people don't agree with you, might as well just throw my name up there too.

Chivalrous right?

I've never seen or heard anything bad about you.

Ryan, Briarfox? I almost added your name. LOL Only because you try to low ball and then resell for 3x what you lowballed for. (I will add that it has been a short while since I've seen you doing this.)

05-20-2010, 02:28 PM
Regarding the stein, how the hell is anyone supposed to gauge what something like that is worth, since there's really nothing else like it in the game. What you need to do with the stein, is post a few more particulars about it, such as: if it is completely empty does it go poof? Are there limits to how many times you can fill it? Do all of the functions still work?

Items that old and that complicated are often very buggy, and it's going to go for a lot of coins. People don't like to part with a lot of coins without knowing for sure the thing is real and that it's going to work. Post some logs of it in use with each of the spells you mentioned and then put it up for auction and you'll get the best deal from any of the people you mentioned above... or from someone else. Otherwise, you're discounting your own item.

What you may think is a good trade offer may actually be tens of millions short of what you would get if you just put it up for auction.

05-20-2010, 02:36 PM
What you may think is a good trade offer may actually be tens of millions short of what you would get if you just put it up for auction.

Very well said.

I'll add on top of that... Don't just take the first item that YOU like. They're going to offer you something YOU want so they get what THEY want for cheap.

Instead, sell your item for massive profits and BUY whatever you want.

Would you rather have the profit off the sale, or would you rather them try to trade with you so they can make the profit?

05-20-2010, 02:39 PM
Chivalrous right?

I've never seen or heard anything bad about you.

Ryan, Briarfox? I almost added your name. LOL Only because you try to low ball and then resell for 3x what you lowballed for. (I will add that it has been a short while since I've seen you doing this.)

Sorta like that BS you tried to pull last week? Except you didn't even own the items (exactly like Tsin). Nuadjha/Ryan/Briarfox is quite respectable, the only person I have seen slander anyone is you. Your libel is quite telling as to the true heart of events.

I certainly am not going to cave or backoff on calling you on your mountains of bullshit, just because you -think- you have to ability to damage my reputation. When in reality you are nothing but a whiny 30 year old that lives in his mom's basement, and tries to take his monumental fail at life out on others via a text base game/message boards.

05-20-2010, 02:49 PM
Would you rather have the profit off the sale, or would you rather them try to trade with you so they can make the profit?

This is also bad advice. Most ultra high end items in the game can't be bought for any amount of silver.

05-20-2010, 03:00 PM
I would be very careful who you decide to trade with.
-- Ondreian/ m44w
-- Vivaldi/ Farmer
-- Stunseed

wat? I bet if you ask any of the three people in your second list (Swami, Avantos, Lucos), they'd disagree with the three people in your first list being a rip-off risk...

What point are you trying to make here? That you don't like these three, so you're trying to smear their reputations so it more closely approximates your own?

05-20-2010, 03:04 PM
Is it a crime to get an item and sell it for a profit? Who's not guilty of that?

05-20-2010, 03:09 PM
Is it a crime to get an item and sell it for a profit? Who's not guilty of that?

Durgrimist :tumble:

05-20-2010, 03:13 PM
Is it a crime to get an item and sell it for a profit? Who's not guilty of that?

Inspire/Kizun isn't, apparently. It's a fine double-standard. As for the reputations of the people on that list, and me since he pointed me out, people can double-check the merchant feedback thread, or just ask around. It'll quickly become obvious who's respectable and who's not. I've never had any problems with any of them. Just understand that people aren't going to give you things you want. Everyone's watching the bottom line and part of being a good merchant is being able to respect people as both individuals and as merchants. Take Drew, for example. He's a great guy and I like dealing with him, but whenever we strike deals, it's always a bit of a battle of wits. Half the fun.

05-20-2010, 03:28 PM
His comments or opinions don't fool anyone so don't even sweat about it.
Anyone who's anyone knows who's a good, honest person and I for one would have put the names he mentioned in that category.

05-20-2010, 03:41 PM
Oh, just so you know, you basically have refillable perma-haste. Which is probably worth about 150-200m.

I would be very careful who you decide to trade with.
-- Ondreian/ m44w
-- Vivaldi/ Farmer
-- Stunseed

These guys will try to screw you over.

-- Paul/Avantos
-- Lucos
-- Swami

These guys will give you a fair deal.

Be careful because the top list is looking to profit off of you and will make you believe you're getting a good deal, even though you're probably not.


Lulz at the first part.

Double lulz at the sucking up second part.

I'll match my reputation as a merchant, despite me not even considering myself one, against yours any day of the week. Hell, I'll match my reputation period in game against yours too.

05-20-2010, 03:47 PM
These guys will try to screw you over.

Or maybe you screwed yourself. I've had plenty of transactions for cash/coins/trade, and have never once had a problem. If you're looking to buy or sell something, do your own research. You think someone's being shady, back out. Not that hard. Or start bashing people's merchanting rep. I've never had even a hiccup with anyone you listed.

Funny how close this GAME comes to real life sometimes.

05-20-2010, 03:53 PM
Oh, just so you know, you basically have refillable perma-haste. Which is probably worth about 150-200m.

I would be very careful who you decide to trade with.
-- Ondreian/ m44w
-- Vivaldi/ Farmer
-- Stunseed

These guys will try to screw you over.

-- Paul/Avantos
-- Lucos
-- Swami

These guys will give you a fair deal.

Be careful because the top list is looking to profit off of you and will make you believe you're getting a good deal, even though you're probably not.

Holy fuck you're pathetic. Any of those mentioned have infinitely more respectability than you do, even more so as of late with your childish antics.

05-20-2010, 03:59 PM
I for one do not welcome our new thread hijacking overlords.

Can you not bring up your most hated list in every thread? This is the second time, and no one is just going to take your word.

I've had dealings with two people on your "bad" list, and both were fair and respectful. I will be sure to take the third as a recomendation as well.

05-20-2010, 04:36 PM
I certainly am not going to cave or backoff on calling you on your mountains of bullshit, just because you -think- you have to ability to damage my reputation.

So you buy a bloodsoul falchion for way under value, because you told her that's what it was worth, and then you turn around and sell it for a 30% profit..

Yeah, that's a "good" merchant.

Here are the facts as I know them:

A few of you consider yourself to be good merchants but all you do is horde the best gear. That doesn't make you good merchants, that makes you greedy. Just because your buddy that you swap the best gear with comes by and says you're a good guy, doesn't actually make you a good guy, or a good merchant. All it means is that your buddy wants to have a chance at having some of the best gear in the game, so they're going to be nice to you no matter how you act.

This is where I'm different.

I don't want your shit. You have absolutely nothing I want, therefore I have no need to kiss your ass.

Uh oh, here comes some guy that could buy everything we've got, but he doesn't want to play by our rules. Let's get him!

Sorry, not going to happen.

People know I'm honest, people know that I understand how gear is priced and how you douchebags operate, so they ask me for advice. You may not like me, but I'm ok with that, I don't need you to like me. I don't need to play in your little circle jerk group.

05-20-2010, 04:48 PM
If a seller believes what a buyer says something is worth, and doesn't get an outside opinion, then who cares? For a lot of people, merchanting (whether you call it "good" or "bad" merchanting) is a big part of their gaming experience...

A buyer should always get multiple opinions about something's value if they're unsure, regardless of who they're buying from.

05-20-2010, 04:50 PM
So you buy a bloodsoul falchion for way under value, because you told her that's what it was worth, and then you turn around and sell it for a 30% profit..

Yeah, that's a "good" merchant.

That actually sounds like a very good merchant. I see nothing wrong with that.

05-20-2010, 04:54 PM
7x masterfully crit... 05-20-2010 04:52 PM You don't even matter.


05-20-2010, 04:54 PM
Durgrimist :tumble:

He has profited because I've given him some really good deals.

My only complaint about him would be that he won't always buy an item, until he is able to trade it or sell it to someone else for something else that he wants. (Example: Ambers poison bow)

That's not necessarily a bad thing, just frustrating if you're the seller.

05-20-2010, 04:57 PM
If a seller believes what a buyer says something is worth, and doesn't get an outside opinion, then who cares? For a lot of people, merchanting (whether you call it "good" or "bad" merchanting) is a big part of their gaming experience...

A buyer should always get multiple opinions about something's value if they're unsure, regardless of who they're buying from.

It's shady, that's why people should care. He is abusing his "reputation" by telling people that their item is worth half of what it actually is, so he can profit off of it.

05-20-2010, 05:00 PM
So what? WTF is your problem Inspire? Just get it all out.

05-20-2010, 05:08 PM
I read these threads and it makes me smile in a kind of sad/amused way.

I've never bought anything to resell. While I may not have the most or the best, I can probably stand in the top 10% of players, simply because I still HAVE most everything I've accumulated while playing.

I like the fact that patience and honesty tends to lead me into good deals simply because the current owner a) Doesn't want the next owner to flip it b) still has reservations about letting it go in the first place if only for sentimental reasons, and c) wants it to go to a good home if they actually DO let it go.

I also rankle the living shit out of people who love to assign arbitrary values to items they've hoarded for the sole purpose of reselling, and would rather eat the item then see me get it (or them) when no-one else really gives a shit about what they are hoarding cause everybody ELSE is hoarding too LOL

05-20-2010, 05:12 PM
So you buy a bloodsoul falchion for way under value, because you told her that's what it was worth, and then you turn around and sell it for a 30% profit..

Yeah, that's a "good" merchant.

Someone asking what the "value" is for an item that they want to sell to me doesn't make any sense. No one here is a non-profit org. If I give you the value, it's what I want to pay for it. It's what I value it at. There is no, nor should there be, any requirement to try and guess what someone else might value it at.

The other funny thing about your "list" of so-called bad merchants (and also the good ones) is that any one of those guys will give you what they think is a fair market value of an item that they aren't bidding on. They are very kind with their time. I know when I was just restarting Stunseed gave me a ton of mentoring until the student surpassed the master :tumble:

I personally try to value anything I have the knowledge about in the "What's this worth thread" and I get multiple questions on value every week (my AIM is in my profile, anyone can send me a question). Stunseed, Ondreian, Paul, Ardwen, any of the other respectable merchants will do this for you even though it doesn't help them in any way.

So, to summarize, your whole "cabal of evil merchants" idea is ridiculous. No one if jealous of your "ability" to buy everything in the game. There are plenty of rich people IRL , some of those merchants are, some aren't. The difference between them and you is that they are good people and you are a douchebag.

05-20-2010, 07:44 PM
CUM pie

05-20-2010, 08:10 PM
The other funny thing about your "list" of so-called bad merchants (and also the good ones) is that any one of those guys will give you what they think is a fair market value of an item that they aren't bidding on. They are very kind with their time.

I've stayed out of this cause Kizun is a good friend, but we help even if we bidding after the same items. I know Ondriean, Stunseed, Ardwen, me, work with a lot of folks on pricing, I ask on stuff all the time, so does Lucos to me, etc.

Keeps everyone in the loop and honest on stuff when we debate it.


05-20-2010, 08:50 PM
He has profited because I've given him some really good deals.

My only complaint about him would be that he won't always buy an item, until he is able to trade it or sell it to someone else for something else that he wants. (Example: Ambers poison bow)

That's not necessarily a bad thing, just frustrating if you're the seller.

Ummm, he got what???? Interesting.

05-20-2010, 09:08 PM
Ummm, he got what???? Interesting.

He didn't get that bow, she pulled it! Just using that as an example.

He did buy something of mine that he used in a trade. I'm not faulting him because I don't mind holding things or giving deals to good customers. It just makes it more difficult to know what he wants and what he doesn't want.

05-20-2010, 09:50 PM
I don't think you have given me any ideas on how to make coin....

Drew/Chiv was making fun of me to to the fact that if I want something I will overpay for it just to get it, and then when I want to move on I just sell it cheap to get a new toy.

05-20-2010, 11:39 PM
the item i posted here is somethin i was considering buying or trading for and i wanted the input of the veterans here on the boards.

05-21-2010, 02:24 AM
Oh, just so you know, you basically have refillable perma-haste. Which is probably worth about 150-200m.

I would be very careful who you decide to trade with.
-- Ondreian/ m44w
-- Vivaldi/ Farmer
-- Stunseed

These guys will try to screw you over.

-- Paul/Avantos
-- Lucos
-- Swami

These guys will give you a fair deal.

Be careful because the top list is looking to profit off of you and will make you believe you're getting a good deal, even though you're probably not.

Just thought I'd throw in... if you're getting MONEY for text..it's a good deal