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  1. megatron bug
  2. Ruby Questions
  3. Starscream
  4. Gem hoarding script - help?
  5. This just me?
  6. Stripping settings
  7. Gibreficul's looter script:
  8. New here
  9. Help! Can't log in game
  10. > You are now level 100! -- (Capped Uberbar?)
  11. GS took a dump
  12. Lich Errors?
  13. Problem installing Lich.
  14. Lich works, but wont connect to server
  15. ideas for waggle and magic
  16. Pulse Timer
  17. error with magic save
  18. lichnet been messed up all day
  19. Warrior guild(landing)
  20. lich + manasong.lic...help?
  21. Lich Chat Channels?
  22. Wracking with Megatron
  23. Okay, I'm trying to get things going
  24. Lich issues
  25. lnet
  26. first time user
  27. Lich won't open
  28. this seemed important
  29. go2
  30. Alias for Lich?
  31. Problems with Sge?
  32. Lich Check
  33. Problems installing on Vista
  34. What does it mean and how do i fix it?
  35. Target Machine Actively Refused It?
  36. StarWars
  37. What's happening?
  38. Updated Sloot
  39. Dead Bodies
  40. New User, Got pretty far- but (--- Exception: can't clone NilClass)
  41. Connecting to Lnet
  42. lich roomids added to roomdata
  43. updated starscream
  44. Cleric Guild script?
  45. NPC locksmith script
  46. Lich Chat
  47. Lich Problems.
  48. lich.rbw
  49. Emislity
  50. AutoCraft Error
  51. Running Multiple Accounts
  52. Converting to lich
  53. Bread for shattered
  54. WTF - won
  55. Can't connect?
  56. What is this? (Have to log in twice.)
  57. error in talker_thread
  58. Idea for infomon
  59. Optimus Crap
  60. This is getting old
  61. sloot
  62. Bigshot: The New Optimus Prime
  63. Lich/Mac/Avalon
  64. Help with Wander?
  65. Slow startup
  66. Wand waving script Help?
  67. Proof that open source software sucks
  68. New scripts up on Repository
  69. Lich API
  70. troubleshoot
  71. d/c while logging on a new character
  72. Shattered Empath - Bitchin' AFK Autohealer
  73. Array test
  74. Script for Unlocking Scrolls
  75. Guildx still the only rogue guild script floating around?
  76. Any linux gurus out there?
  77. Lich for the beginner
  78. Wanted: SkinHunter
  79. New Setup
  80. Lich/GS from a unix terminal
  81. Starscream/Waggle and 606
  82. Finally wanna learn to write scripts
  83. Sloot Error
  84. Lich Problem
  85. lich resetting
  86. Some Odd Pathfinding with Go2?
  87. Couple of Suggestions...
  88. currupt setup files
  89. Lich Script question
  90. random thought about ;go2 and ;alias
  91. Lich Stopped Connecting
  92. Lnet not connecting
  93. Threads in lich
  94. lich chrashes only one character
  95. Lost Custom Go2s?
  96. installation help
  97. Lich question
  98. Go2 messing up
  99. help me
  100. crosscharcom
  101. Lich down?
  102. Questions about Lich
  103. SLoot, SLib, and my other scripts
  104. Any script writers for hire?
  105. Lockering Boxes
  106. wander settings
  107. Uber spells/magic not tracking
  108. Crafting Script?
  109. ;Wander in the abandoned sewer
  110. lnet in shattered... help!
  111. Help with Warrior Guld Script
  112. sguild-db.xml.txt?
  113. Lich + Windows 7 disconnect issue
  114. Sloot/2/3/WTF
  115. Jayvn/Jayvn issue
  116. Lich being a bitch?
  117. waggle improvement
  118. Just Installed Lich, trouble with extraction (I think)
  119. Fletching script
  120. The Sloot thread
  121. Infomon trouble
  122. Lich Completely Fubar
  123. Message Running
  124. Lich not working?
  125. Uberbar
  126. Shattered-itis
  127. Townsmith
  128. Population: Lich vs psinet
  129. Starting Lich
  130. Introducing, SAmmu! The fletching whale!
  131. Unofficial Lich + Ruby Tutorial
  132. Is there a new connection?
  133. Using SLib to write your first script
  134. wtf Lnet
  135. Deadstop
  136. Room ID's in lich
  137. Sammu is too fast even for itself!
  138. The SRogue thread
  139. DRb Foo
  140. ;Waggle request
  141. help with ;fireguardians (newb scripter)
  142. Where did ;edit go?
  143. Random Questions
  144. ;useherbs and haste
  145. Command line
  146. Herbheal broken?
  147. SAlert - Fine, you talked me into it
  148. Any help?
  149. start_wizard_script problem
  150. New Scripter needs help
  151. Chat Prename Thingies...
  152. discerning an attack vs a spell
  153. ;sloot Issues:
  154. SRogue, beta test time
  155. Not recognizing death string
  156. Script request - Shopvac
  157. autowar
  159. Windows error: CreateFontIndirect failed
  160. Leech in Starscream
  161. People in the room
  162. Can someone tell me wtf I'm doing wrong?
  163. DForge - Crafting Rankup Script
  164. WTF is there even stormfront scripts out there?
  165. Gem Bounty Scripts
  166. Suggestions?
  167. I can't get this right.
  168. this notice probably will repeat
  169. Empath/Sorcerer injury/heal script
  170. Lich won't run, need help
  171. Excluding lnet chat
  172. Exec1?
  173. Booting me.
  174. Lich rentacoder needed
  175. Cannot connect to game server
  176. Lich Q - Is this possible?
  177. Walk through
  178. What's wrong
  179. Script Ideas
  180. The Lich Auction House
  181. Lich Help
  182. Lich Crafting script - Help please?
  183. SLib, SLoot, SVoln, SAmmu
  184. Narost, go2 not working no matter what i try!
  185. Forger
  186. Little help please
  187. How do I start Lich in Linux the second time?
  188. go2 Issue
  189. Save Login Info
  190. Installing Lich
  191. Message Dilivery
  192. Clerical Alchemy
  193. Lich kicking me off
  194. Total noob here...
  195. Lich disconnections
  196. The Impossible Map?
  197. Kicking a character
  198. go2 pathing
  199. spell_ranks and psinet_spell_ranks
  200. SLoot v3 Beta - Coming Soon!
  201. Who messed up go2?
  202. Crash Detector
  203. Lich question: Is multi line matching possible?
  204. waggle is le broken
  205. I can't get this shit to work.
  206. Issue with Wizard FE
  207. my lich wont click open anymore?
  208. Favorites
  209. Lich + Avalon + Plat
  210. Windows Error - any ideas on what causes this?
  211. Alias help
  212. Starting a script within another script?
  213. Loading portions of a string into variables - RegEx / MatchFind
  214. SLoot v3 Alpha
  215. Seriously? WTF now.
  216. Error connecting
  217. Go2
  218. Citizendata hangs in Zul Logoth
  219. Playershop updates
  220. InfoMon not Communicating Correctly?
  221. Small script request(reshing spells as they drop)
  222. dead_keepalive
  223. Uberspells isn't displaying spell duration correctly
  224. Psinet commands in lich
  225. SLoot Beta
  226. Armor specializations - Spell[armor specialization].cast?
  227. Sorting shells (gems)
  228. Autowar
  229. lich not connecting
  230. Grguild
  231. ;twitter
  232. Using PsiNet + Lich
  233. Waggle
  234. Lich + Avalon
  235. Gems2Jars et al.
  236. new to lich, could use some help
  237. lichproject.com expiring
  238. Lich: Insert a line of text into a continuous block?
  239. Herbheal Bug
  240. Use PC locksmiths...
  241. Highlights in Avalon
  242. Weapon Fire question
  243. New Scripts Up
  244. Invalid key when trying to update my scripts on repository
  245. Waggle and 712
  246. noob help
  247. ev_deed
  248. Bigshot Tweaks
  249. Recognizing unmapped rooms
  250. detecting deaths