View Full Version : Script request - Shopvac
06-11-2010, 03:58 PM
I'm no scripter, but I have an idea. A script that runs all the time and will pick up any valuables on the ground when I run thru a room with no occupants. Perhaps this script could use the checkboxes in Sloot to determine what I deem valuable, or perhaps it simply triggers Sloot to run when valuables are found. Perhaps not. If someone is willing to code this and it works to my satisfaction in combination with my hunting scripts, I offer 1 million silvers in Shattered. I'd offer more, but that's about the extent of my bank account at this time.
06-12-2010, 04:16 PM
Bump. No takers?
06-12-2010, 04:32 PM
Dan said he had one earlier but he took it down cuz it was buggy
06-12-2010, 04:37 PM
I'll take it if you're still offereing.
06-12-2010, 04:40 PM
I'll take it if you're still offereing.
Yep, I sure am. Can you demo the script for me? I'm in Vaalor but I can make a run to elsewhere on Sunday nite or sometime during next week.
06-12-2010, 05:28 PM
Done, testing it out.
06-12-2010, 06:14 PM
Unfortunately Sloot is a bit too broken up between the script and the lib for me to find the looting arrays. Spiffy probably could fairly easily. I have this working with my looting script, but I cannot make it work with sloot.
However, whilst browsing sloot, I noticed something. Starting at line 233 there is a definition for autolooting.
good_loot = however spiffy has it coded in slib to determine if there are objects in the room to be looted.
If you change line 240 to:
start_script('sloot') if SNpc.find('id', $1).status == 'dead' and !running?('sloot') or if good_loot and (checkpcs - group).empty? and !running?('sloot'))
It's pseudo code, and I dont know if you would understand it, but Spiffy might.
Otherwise I can hook you up with a very basic, but very thorough looting script that my 'shopvac' works with.
Edit: There is no goddamn motherfucking GUI with my script though.
fuck guis
06-13-2010, 09:22 AM
Ok I'm no scripter either but if I understand the concept here couldn't you just add a line in bigshot right under the line that checks the room for cirtters and characters that says also check for good_loot and if good loot and no character run loot script, you'd just have to have good_loot defined to check whatever your loot script checks for what loot you want picked up?
06-13-2010, 10:51 PM
Edit: There is no goddamn motherfucking GUI with my script though.
fuck guis
I dunno man, I've always felt the opposite way about guis. I mean gui is to command line as automobiles are to horse drawn carriages in my opinion. Sure they both get the same thing done, but the automobile just packages it for the layman and makes it so you don't have to have a barn or know anything about horse care to get from point A to B. Kinda like guis make it so that the layman can use an operating system and not have to know command line syntax. Any way, I have a feeling I likely can't sway you on that one, but I had to try.
In any event, with your script is it simple to specify what is / isn't loot? And it accomplishes the goals I listed at the top of this thread you think? If so I have no opposition to a non-gui script on principle, it'll just take me a little more effort to use. My offer still stands if it works as requested.
06-14-2010, 12:36 AM
vacusuck.lic is up on the Repo. It's my version, and only gets boxes for now. Feel free to add whatever you like to it.
06-14-2010, 12:31 PM
vacusuck.lic is up on the Repo. It's my version, and only gets boxes for now. Feel free to add whatever you like to it.
Picks up empties. :(
Thanks google!
06-14-2010, 03:33 PM
Picks up empties. :(
Things I had never considered...
Fine, that gets added to my to-do list. Ugh. This list is growing WAY faster than I'm completing projects. I'll post when I get that fixed. Thanks for the heads up.
06-14-2010, 03:50 PM
I dunno man, I've always felt the opposite way about guis. I mean gui is to command line as automobiles are to horse drawn carriages in my opinion. Sure they both get the same thing done, but the automobile just packages it for the layman and makes it so you don't have to have a barn or know anything about horse care to get from point A to B. Kinda like guis make it so that the layman can use an operating system and not have to know command line syntax. Any way, I have a feeling I likely can't sway you on that one, but I had to try.
In any event, with your script is it simple to specify what is / isn't loot? And it accomplishes the goals I listed at the top of this thread you think? If so I have no opposition to a non-gui script on principle, it'll just take me a little more effort to use. My offer still stands if it works as requested.
GUIs are for pussies. Real men (and women) use the command line.
06-15-2010, 06:31 PM
GUIs are for pussies. Real men (and women) use the command line.
I want to disagree with you, I really do. Unfortunately words escape me whenever I look at your avatar.
Edit: Oh yeah, btw I'd like to double my original offer. 2 mil is my new offer for this script. I'd also like the script to not pick up empty boxes.
06-16-2010, 09:06 PM
gloot unless checkpcs || GameObj.loot.find{|disk| !~ /#{}.*disk/}
My scripts already do gather "abandoned" treasure, noobs...
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