View Full Version : DForge - Crafting Rankup Script
06-14-2010, 12:38 AM
So... this is haphazard, and ugly, and inefficient... but it works. Ranks you up in crafting. I'm still learning all this (obviously), so bear with me. It'll get better. Could use some help gatherin info, as it says in the beginning of the script. Happy crafting.
Also on the repo, but:
## Dforge, by Dan. This will rank you up in crafting. YOU NEED TO ALREADY BE WEARING AN APRON... You also need to enter two variables when you launch this script, because I haven't bothered to check every town yet. First variable is the name of the garbage container in the workshop (in Icemule, it's a bin, for example). Second variable is the item number that you ORDER from the forging supply counter. You want whichever number corresponds to the BLOCK (in Icemule it's 3). So you'd enter something like this: ;Dforge bin 3
## I'd like to get this thing coded to figure out which city you're in, but for that I need data. If you would, PM me at JustDan on the Player's Corner with whatever those two variables are in your town, and a snapshot of the forging supply counter (the main area before you enter the workshop). Soon as I get that, I'll start to update this to be a little more automated. In the interim, happy scripting.
start_script "go2", [ "bank" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
multifput ("deposit all", "withdraw 900 silver")
start_script "go2", [ "forge" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
goto "Start"
multifput ("stow all", "go workshop")
goto "GetBlock"
fput "get my block"
match "NoBars", "Get what?"
match "BeginStare", "You remove"
match "BeginStare", "already"
fput "stare handle"
match "Swap", "left hand is empty!"
match "Swap", "The material in your left hand is not"
match "Grinder", "Your material is marked with a pattern"
match "TooSmall", "realize it is too small"
fput "put block in #{script.vars[1]}"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "turn grinder"
match "Timeout", "doesn't budge!"
match "BeginStare", "Resignedly, you get to"
match "Swap", "you need to hold it in your"
match "Junk", "satisfied"
match "Toothpick", "vindictive"
match "Keeper", "very best"
fput "put toothpick in #{script.vars[1]}"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "put hamm in #{script.vars[1]}"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "put hamm in #{script.vars[1]}"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "swap"
goto "BeginStare"
multifput ("stow all", "out")
start_script "go2", [ "bank" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
fput "deposit all"
fput "withdraw 1000 silvers"
start_script "go2", [ "forge" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
goto "Order"
sleep 1
fput "order #{script.vars[2]}"
fput "buy"
fput "stow block"
fput "order #{script.vars[2]}"
fput "buy"
fput "stow block"
fput "order #{script.vars[2]}"
fput "buy"
fput "stow block"
goto "Start"
fput "move out"
fput "go work"
goto "BeginStare"
06-14-2010, 03:11 AM
I had to change 'move out' to 'out' dunno if it's because I use wizard or what... either way it's working pretty smooth so far =D
06-14-2010, 08:14 AM
There is a script on the repo called autoforge/autocraft you might want to look at to compare to yours.
It has settings to tell it what town you are in.
06-14-2010, 06:45 PM
There is a script on the repo called autoforge/autocraft you might want to look at to compare to yours.
It has settings to tell it what town you are in.
PR>repo info autoforge
--- Lich: repository active.
[repository: connecting to the server...]
--- Lich: repository has exited.
06-14-2010, 07:05 PM
Try autoforgegood. ;repos list alpha will be your friend.
06-14-2010, 07:43 PM
Try autoforgegood. ;repos list alpha will be your friend.
holy shit, you can do that! Thank you!
06-14-2010, 07:59 PM
The love I'm feeling right now for other men is not natural...
06-14-2010, 11:16 PM
I thought you still needed forgeme for autoforgegood to work. Forgeme was deleted as well.
06-15-2010, 08:22 AM
I thought you still needed forgeme for autoforgegood to work. Forgeme was deleted as well.
There should be forgemegood listed on the repo. You might have to rename the scripts?
06-15-2010, 10:20 AM
need forgeme and countaha. I didnt see "good" versions on the repo when I looked the other night but ill check again once I get my laptop back from the tech
06-15-2010, 10:29 AM
Countaha shouldn't be a requirement. I believe it just told you when you repped?
I am betting someone with more skill than I, could modify it to not use countaha.
Would be nice if someone could look at the section that is for making magical weapons and somehow incorporate the save best parts function. Right now, how I read it, is that no matter what the outcome is for magical weapons it puts them all in the bin.
06-15-2010, 10:42 AM
im sorry the countaha was for autocraftgood.
06-15-2010, 11:00 AM
#countaha.lic, for use with "forgeme" and "autoforge" scripts.
#all written by Gibreficul...
#It doesn't really count anything significant, just a timer for the Ahas.
#comment, comment, comment......
$this_script_started = unless $rankup_time
matchwait /Aha, you learned something that time\./
if $this_script_started
$aha = 1
$aha += 1
$this_script_started = false if $this_script_started
$rankup_time =
Found that on one of my machines. Too bad he stopped working on it, and too bad people were treating him the way they were. I tried contacting him to see if he would revisit them on a commission basis and got no response.
06-15-2010, 11:07 AM
Yeah it sucks kinda bad. Gibs scripts were some of my most used until he took em down and then i got a new computer and lost em all. Gibs a good guy(aside from the fact hes a Penguins fan) but people get butthurt too easily. He can be a little abrasive sometimes and while most people are used to being on the internet there are still those that will just whine and cry and then turn around and ask him for new scripts...
06-15-2010, 12:54 PM
Yeah it sucks kinda bad. Gibs scripts were some of my most used until he took em down and then i got a new computer and lost em all. Gibs a good guy(aside from the fact hes a Penguins fan) but people get butthurt too easily. He can be a little abrasive sometimes and while most people are used to being on the internet there are still those that will just whine and cry and then turn around and ask him for new scripts...
Wait, who couldn't handle the internet and got butthurt? See the log of what actually happened below
- Garber uploads uberbarwiz
- Gib says its a piece of shit if it doesn't track exp for capped characters
- Garber says it should but he can't test that because he isn't capped
- Garber asks Gib if he can test it
- Gib refuses and people call him out on talking shit about it not working if he won't test it
- Gib has a meltdown and ragedeletes all his scripts because noone takes his side
[LNet]-Garber: "uberbarwiz - Uber Bar for the Wizard"
[LNet]-Garber: "prepare to be dazzled"
[LNet]-Debukis: "lol... wiz doesn't needn an uberbar"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "question."
[LNet]-Debukis: "wiz already has movable uberbars. :D"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Oh thats Awsome"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "does it work for capped characters?"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "cause if you didn't you wasted your fucking time."
[LNet]-Garber: "it might, but I can't test it"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "just like Spiffy wasted his time."
[LNet]-Garber: "I have the code in there"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "what code?"
[LNet]-Garber: "well it's my code based on your equasions"
[LNet]-Garber: "but as I said, I can't test it"
[LNet]-Garber: "it's certainly beta... but it's a nice start ^^"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "So, you did actually use gib_uberbar and/or gibxpsf's logic to keep capped people involved in this?"
[LNet]-Garber: "gib_uberbar's code yes"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "jesus, sometimes a yes/no answer is SO hard to get"
[LNet]-Garber: "I thought I did say that... why don't you just run the thing and tell ME if it works LOL"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "because I don't use the stupid fucking wizardFE"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "I haven't used it for years and years"
[LNet]-Khalain: "[LNet]-Garber: "it might, but I can't test it""
[LNet]-Garber: "you can use it"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "I don't even know how to log in with the wizard"
[LNet]-Garber: "it's not 'wizard' it's Gtk"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Im using it in Stormfront"
[LNet]-Garber: "anybody can run it"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Its pretty coo"
[LNet]-Garber: "boobies"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "OK, so, I use gibs_uberbar"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "why use something I didn't write?"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "or, modify, I should say"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Fucking christ!"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "no"
[LNet]-Khalain: "You were the one...nevermind"
[LNet]-Taebaek: "be nice to see the tp's you have available on that uberbar"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "I made MINE work for capped people"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "that's my job"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "that's my contribution"
[LNet]-Garber: "for the pupose of helping me out to tell me if the damn capped characters works?"
[LNet]-Khalain: "He wont"
[LNet]-Garber: "geez"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "it's not my fucking job to test other people's scripts"
[LNet]-Khalain: "hes GOD"
[LNet]-Taurnil: "Zod, dammit! Zod."
[LNet]-Khalain: "HA"
[LNet]-Garber: "eh; he's a glorified script-kiddie"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Is it so fucking hard to go ;Uberbarwiz then say "No it doesent" or "yes it does""
[LNet]-Garber: "anybody else capped that can tell me if it works?"
[LNet]-Debukis: "it's a principal thing."
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "if I test YOUR script"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "I'd have to test EVERYBODY'S scripts"
[LNet]-Garber: "I'm not everybody"
[LNet]-Taebaek: "if what work?"
[LNet]-Medi: "what are trying to do garber"
[LNet]-Garber: "I'm fucking Auryana. I make game-changing scripts."
[LNet]-Garber: "hehe"
[LNet]-Garber: "oh well anyway... UberBarWiz.lic is on the repo for anybody that wants to beta it for me. I'm sure it will change a lot. have fun ^^"
[LNet]-Khalain: "good job Garber!"
[LNet]-Garber: "I gotta fix my damn lnet again. I hate when my name doesn't flip"
[LNet]-Garber: "what's the 4th bar from the bottom say?"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Moderate"
[LNet]-Khalain: "Wait 4th from the bottom"
[LNet]-Medi: "i like the i see a red bar, a blue bar, a yellow bar, and silver bar, and 109 until tp"
[LNet]-Medi: "im numbed, and im guarded, and im light."
[LNet]-Medi: "yeah its working"
[LNet]-Medi: "87 now"
[LNet]-Garber: "well all those I can test, I can't test the experience bar for capped - thanks ^^"
[LNet]-Medi: "im capped"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "if you used my formula"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "it shoudl work"
[LNet]-Medi: "sitting at over 14 million exp. and its working for me"
[LNet]-Garber: "Gtk doesn't work the exact same as SF's xml"
[LNet]-Taebaek: "work like a hooker in vegas"
[LNet]-Garber: "huzzah, thanks ^^"
[LNet]-Garber: "besides, your code was messy, so I fixed it ><"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "messy?"
[LNet]-Medi: "anywayz.. looks like its working think ill keep it up"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "does it work?"
[LNet]-Garber: "messy can be right... it's still messy"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "Would your bar even have that logic if I didn't include it?"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "a thank you is in order, I think then... <waiting>"
[LNet]-Garber: "thanks for writing your messy code"
[LNet]-Taurnil: "Thank you, Garber."
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "fuckoff"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "fuckoff"
[LNet]-Medi: "wow.. now what did i just put my self in the middle of.. grr"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "last time I share a script with you assholes"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "really"
[LNet]-Garber: "I almost never share em. I only share the ones that don't give tactical advantages"
[LNet]-Amathaon: "lol"
[LNet]-Garber: "I just wanted to use Wizard for Shattered, but I wanted a bar with encumbrance and stamina on it"
[LNet]-Brews: "wizard's for the color blind."
[LNet]-Garber: "I have the ability to come out with different style packs. So I can change the picture and colors and stuff in the future if people use it"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "Yanno, I think I have to treat Lnet the same as I treated OOC..."
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "and just untune"
[LNet]-Garber: "how unlike gib to take his toys and go home"
[LNet]-Garber: "><"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "Fuck you"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "seriously"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "fuck you"
[LNet]-Khalain: "I think I am going to have to tread Gibreficul like Jennafire, and Ignore."
[LNet]-Amathaon: "Why are you so angry all the time, Gib?"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "cause people take shots at me all the fucking time"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "people EXPECT me to help them"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "when I do help, they talk shit about what I did"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "so, the help I give is never good enough"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "so, fuck you all'"
[LNet]-Elminstir: "Not sure whats up either."
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "why was it a big fucking deal that I didn't want to test wizardbar, or whatever the fuck it is"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "I said NO"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "and I took heat from it, somehow I'm the bad guy"
[LNet]-Taebaek: "i like peanuts"
[LNet]-Taebaek: "and beer"
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "I liked Lnet before this influx of people"
06-15-2010, 01:09 PM
[LNet]-Gibreficul: "just like Spiffy wasted his time."
What the hell did I do wrong?
06-15-2010, 01:11 PM
Yeah this all happened right around when PSInet went down and people started coming over to lich en masse. I cant fault someone for not wanting to share their work with a group of people who like Gib I dont really care for either. He is not obligated to help anyone with anything. Garber was being a nuisance from what im reading, Gib tried to help but because he doesnt use wizFE he is now required to install it just to test a script for someone? I dont think so. Yeah Gib might have overreacted a little bit but he could have just stayed quiet in the beginning and left Garber on his own, and if Im not mistaken Gib did help get Uberbar working for capped chars.
06-15-2010, 01:12 PM
What the hell did I do wrong?
I think he was under the impression that you wrote uberbar at the time.
06-15-2010, 01:18 PM
What an e-douche.
06-15-2010, 01:19 PM
Yeah this all happened right around when PSInet went down and people started coming over to lich en masse. I cant fault someone for not wanting to share their work with a group of people who like Gib I dont really care for either. He is not obligated to help anyone with anything. Garber was being a twat from what im reading, Gib tried to help but because he doesnt use wizFE he is now required to install it just to test a script for someone? I dont think so. Yeah Gib might have overreacted a little bit but he could have just stayed quiet in the beginning and left Garber on his own, and if Im not mistaken Gib did help get Uberbar working for capped chars.
He wasn't required to, he asked can it work for capped? The reply was I don't know I can't test it can you check? His reply was NERD RAGE and it was down hill from there.
06-15-2010, 01:42 PM
I don't think he was required to help, and I think he reacted a bit over the top.
However when he lost his script and said he took them down, I had a copy and tried to contact him in game. I just mentioned the names and he got upset. He told me he gets basically spammed all the time for copies of his scripts, and he was sick of it.
So I can't blame him for that.
We have lots of talented coders who could look at this code and re-write something if they felt so inclined and wanted to support it. I have offered several of them compensation to make things work differently inside the script and everyone has turned it down so far.
I think Gib should be proud of what he did accomplish with what he created because it doesn't seem like many want to pick up where he left off.
I just wish he would come back with a different outlook on things, make a thread here like Spiffy did with sloot, and let the community help answer all the questions he was getting spammed with.
06-15-2010, 01:45 PM
Because hes the only one capable of testing it...
06-15-2010, 01:48 PM
I don't think he was required to help, and I think he reacted a bit over the top.
However when he lost his script and said he took them down, I had a copy and tried to contact him in game. I just mentioned the names and he got upset. He told me he gets basically spammed all the time for copies of his scripts, and he was sick of it.
So I can't blame him for that.
We have lots of talented coders who could look at this code and re-write something if they felt so inclined and wanted to support it. I have offered several of them compensation to make things work differently inside the script and everyone has turned it down so far.
I think Gib should be proud of what he did accomplish with what he created because it doesn't seem like many want to pick up where he left off.
I just wish he would come back with a different outlook on things, make a thread here like Spiffy did with sloot, and let the community help answer all the questions he was getting spammed with.
This... I cant fault him for overreacting, it was getting pretty bad with people asking for his scripts and I can understand how that would be frustrating. His scripts work for him and he was nice enough to share. He doesnt want to share thats fine, we are in the same spot we were in before he shared.
06-15-2010, 02:08 PM
Just do like many of us do. Don't share shit. If people can't do it themselves, they probably shouldn't be using it anyway. Kinda sickening how many people are totally clueless to the code they are downloading and/or running on their machines in general.
Edit: I bet I could write a script and upload to the repository that sends hidden actions to the game and noone would be the wiser. ::makes a mental note::
06-15-2010, 02:18 PM
Just do like many of us do. Don't share shit. If people can't do it themselves, they probably shouldn't be using it anyway. Kinda sickening how many people are totally clueless to the code they are downloading and/or running on their machines in general.
Edit: I bet I could write a script and upload to the repository that sends hidden actions to the game and noone would be the wiser. ::makes a mental note::
write a script to sell all your loot while in town and have it drop off the good gems to one of your chars at a table or something so when someone else runs it they drop of their gems too... Its like throwing sign of hopelessness in a script...
FWIW gib had all his scripts up when Lich was Lich and not 3/4 full of people who converted to Lich because PSInet was down.
06-15-2010, 02:42 PM
Yeah this all happened right around when PSInet went down and people started coming over to lich en masse. I cant fault someone for not wanting to share their work with a group of people who like Gib I dont really care for either. He is not obligated to help anyone with anything. Garber was being a nuisance from what im reading, Gib tried to help but because he doesnt use wizFE he is now required to install it just to test a script for someone? I dont think so. Yeah Gib might have overreacted a little bit but he could have just stayed quiet in the beginning and left Garber on his own, and if Im not mistaken Gib did help get Uberbar working for capped chars.
I don't see anywhere in that log where he is trying to help. Also, as was pointed out, the script in question did not require the WizardFE.
Anyways, the actual issue I was trying to illustrate was that while he loves to dish it out, its RAGEQUIT as soon as someone argues back. If anyone was "butthurt" it was Gibreficul. Taking his toys home had nothing to do with his scripts or people asking about them. His scripts are barely even mentioned in the conversation. It was simply a clash of egos between him and Garber/Auryana
Because hes the only one capable of testing it...
Nobody would have asked him to do the testing in the first place. He was asked because he was the one questioning whether it would work. Or more accurately, I'd say he was trying to imply that it wouldn't work. Someone else did do the testing, by the way (also in the log), at which point he immediately jumped in to take credit for it working.
This... I cant fault him for overreacting, it was getting pretty bad with people asking for his scripts and I can understand how that would be frustrating. His scripts work for him and he was nice enough to share. He doesnt want to share thats fine, we are in the same spot we were in before he shared.
At the time his scripts were available, so this "people were asking for his scripts" thing makes no sense.
If people can't do it themselves, they probably shouldn't be using it anyway.
I suppose you don't use any software you didn't write yourself?
06-15-2010, 02:49 PM
If people can't do it themselves, they probably shouldn't be using it anyway.
So let me get this straight, just because I want to be clear.
If I make lets say $100 an hour buying and selling junk at garage sales, and mowing my lawn takes 45 minutes, you are of the opinion that I should not go look for someone to mow my grass at $25 but do it myself, instead of picking up an hour of junk hunting that pays that guy to mow the grass and puts $75 in my pocket?
06-15-2010, 02:53 PM
That fails buck because you could do it yourself. You have the knowledge and ability but now have the means where you don't have to. Not the same.
06-15-2010, 02:58 PM
If I ever learn how to forge I'll write a script, but uh... wasn't this thread started because someone wanted to share a forging script? What did autoforge do that everyone wants so bad?
06-15-2010, 03:02 PM
That fails buck because you could do it yourself. You have the knowledge and ability but now have the means where you don't have to. Not the same.
That is what I assumed he meant, which is why I asked. I wanted to point out that if his post was targeted towards me asking someone else to change the script for potential compensation, it had nothing to do with skill or knowledge.
It is purely a opportunity cost, as I have found a workaround to the issue, but its not "pretty".
Solving this problem and putting in on the repo, is the ultimate goal.
06-15-2010, 03:05 PM
If I ever learn how to forge I'll write a script, but uh... wasn't this thread started because someone wanted to share a forging script? What did autoforge do that everyone wants so bad?
It was not just one script it was four scripts.
forgeme was the primary script that took into account everything you need to do to make any of the glyphs.
countaha displayed a nice bit of text whenever you ranked up.
autoforge is the driver script for forgeme, allowing you to master any of the forging types.
autocraft is the driver script for forgeme that allowed you to master crafting by making handles until you mastered.
It worked in all towns, it bought the materials you needed, it ran to the bank, it tossed all components, it kept best components if you wanted, and ran in lich.
The OP came and shared their script, which is awesome by the way, and said that
I'd like to get this thing coded to figure out which city you're in. To which I pointed out that they could look at the other scripts on the repo and figure out the code Gib used to do that. I am all for someone picking up where Gib left off, if that is writing a totally new script or looking at past works and improving them it doesn't matter.
I think that about sums it up.
06-15-2010, 04:09 PM
That fails buck because you could do it yourself. You have the knowledge and ability but now have the means where you don't have to. Not the same.
Thanks for clarifying. AR got exactly what I was saying.
I'm just bitching in general, not really directed at anyone in this thread. I've always been of the mindset of teaching people to build is better than giving them something they don't understand.
How many people using Bigshot or SLoot do you think understands 10% of what is contained in that script and how it is performed? This is where I side with Gib. Having scripts on the repository just leads to a bunch of people begging you to "change/modify" or update for "THEIR" usage. If they worked to learn things themselves, I bet folks(including myself) would be a lot more willing to provide answers and examples.
More offtopic rambling. Makes me sick seeing people release scripts or "share" them using other peoples code without giving props or shoutouts. The Lich community wasn't like this when Murray showed me the light about Ruby years ago, kinda just makes me sad because I really enjoyed being involved with that community. This current community is all about taking, which has made me resentful and I'm sure it has others as well.
Props to Tillmen for being a better man than I for sure.
06-15-2010, 04:16 PM
I have offered cold hard cash to developers to write me stuff.
They have refused.
Its not any wonder that the community is about take take take. You can't even get someone to write something for money.
06-15-2010, 04:17 PM
Thanks for clarifying. AR got exactly what I was saying.
I'm just bitching in general, not really directed at anyone in this thread. I've always been of the mindset of teaching people to build is better than giving them something they don't understand.
How many people using Bigshot or SLoot do you think understands 10% of what is contained in that script and how it is performed? This is where I side with Gib. Having scripts on the repository just leads to a bunch of people begging you to "change/modify" or update for "THEIR" usage. If they worked to learn things themselves, I bet folks(including myself) would be a lot more willing to provide answers and examples.
More offtopic rambling. Makes me sick seeing people release scripts or "share" them using other peoples code without giving props or shoutouts. The Lich community wasn't like this when Murray showed me the light about Ruby years ago, kinda just makes me sad because I really enjoyed being involved with that community. This current community is all about taking, which has made me resentful and I'm sure it has others as well.
Props to Tillmen for being a better man than I for sure.
bingo. thats part of why gib took them down. the "new" community rolled in and it was all gimme gimme gimme. Everyone had heard that lich had public scripts for everything and they wanted to be able to capitalize without doing any work aside from installing.
06-15-2010, 04:41 PM
So how do you educate the new community without coming across as bitching and or talking down to them?
Hopefully it yields a more robust scripting community and weeds out the worthless fucktards.
06-15-2010, 04:49 PM
people wont be weeded out if everything is shared openly. theyll just sit back and take whatever scraps they can get. Im sure all of the known lich scripters, Tillmen, Spiffy, Alorn, and Deathravin get hounded for script fixes and I am sure that it takes a lot of patience to put up with.
Im not saying Gib took the right approach. I just understand where he is coming from.
06-15-2010, 04:49 PM
So how do you educate the new community without coming across as bitching and or talking down to them?
Hopefully it yields a more robust scripting community and weeds out the worthless fucktards.
I'm an alt-aholic so all the features that are in sloot are features that I have at some point used on my alts. There's a reason phasing boxes and overflow isn't in yet... I've never needed it. I differ from some of the other script writers in that I try to make every single thing customizable because I know that I will be using that script on some alt at some point in the future. Doing that just happens to make it more friendly for non-scripters. /shrug
06-15-2010, 06:37 PM
I agree with Gib to an extent. A lot of the new lichers are whining little bitches that want everything done for them.
On the other hand, I have several funny stories about Gib over-reacting (to put it mildly).
One day, we were discussing this issue and my thoughts on ME creating a new forging script. Gib says, oh yeah, i'm totally going to rewrite autoforge. I say, cool.
Several weeks later, I've forgotten the majority of the conversation because A, I drink and B, I've slept. So, I give ol Gib a message, hey, did you say you were going to rewrite that autoforge script? This was the first time I asked him about it, several weeks later, not when, if.
Long story short, that Tim Curray looking mother fucker flies off the handle repeatedly for no good reason.
Its the rule, not the exception, I cant count on both my hands how many times that douchebag has apologized to me.
06-15-2010, 06:50 PM
He's a good guy he just has a bit of a "fly off the handle and wtfpwn you with e-words" thing going on. I've never had an issue with Gib and, in fact, he's helped me out on several occasions.
06-16-2010, 12:33 AM
Thanks for clarifying. AR got exactly what I was saying.
I'm just bitching in general, not really directed at anyone in this thread. I've always been of the mindset of teaching people to build is better than giving them something they don't understand.
How many people using Bigshot or SLoot do you think understands 10% of what is contained in that script and how it is performed? This is where I side with Gib. Having scripts on the repository just leads to a bunch of people begging you to "change/modify" or update for "THEIR" usage. If they worked to learn things themselves, I bet folks(including myself) would be a lot more willing to provide answers and examples.
More offtopic rambling. Makes me sick seeing people release scripts or "share" them using other peoples code without giving props or shoutouts. The Lich community wasn't like this when Murray showed me the light about Ruby years ago, kinda just makes me sad because I really enjoyed being involved with that community. This current community is all about taking, which has made me resentful and I'm sure it has others as well.
Props to Tillmen for being a better man than I for sure.
Your point about not using scripts if you can't write them yourself is ridiculous. Millions of people use Firefox. Most couldn't write it themselves, and even fewer have read the code. If you really want to teach everyone not only Ruby but the Lich API be my guest.
To your other points, Gibreficul didn't delete his scripts because of people asking about them so that whole argument is a non-starter. Further, I probably help more people with scripts (both writing and configuring) than anyone else on LNet -- it is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Yeah, I answer a lot of repeat questions and if I don't feel like helping I simply... don't. Big deal. Same thing with people asking for changes to the scripts I've shared. I write my scripts for myself and people want changes I consider it and either add them or don't. If you can't handle people whining on the Internet you don't belong in a chat room or a forum.
As far as re-using code from other scripts without any attribution, I don't think it happens enough to even warrant mentioning. Sure it happens occasionally but you don't always know the circumstances behind it and what happened behind the scenes. Personally I don't care about attribution since I'd prefer not to have my name attached to scripts that aren't up to personal standards. Further, in this case Auryana did credit Gibreficul for the math regarding capped characters and in the ultimate irony Gibreficul took the code from Auryana's uberbar in the first place for gib_uberbar or whatever.
Lastly, it really cracks me up that you say "This current community is all about taking, which has made me resentful and I'm sure it has others as well." Were you not the one that just said:
Just do like many of us do. Don't share shit.
You're part of the problem.
He's a good guy he just has a bit of a "fly off the handle and wtfpwn you with e-words" thing going on. I've never had an issue with Gib and, in fact, he's helped me out on several occasions.
I feel the same way about Gib. He's always been nice to me and actually been nothing but helpful with getting his scripts to work right. I also don't care if someone tells me to fuck off on the Internet though. I certainly think he is entitled to remove his scripts from the repository. I've certainly removed some of mine. I'd expect that the rest of the community (which apparently many in this thread don't care to belong to) would step up and replace any lost functionality, however. For me, the ideas behind a script are far more difficult to come up with than the actual code.
All of that said, there is a huge amount of revisionist history going on in this thread.
06-16-2010, 05:39 AM
OK, edited to be nice.
If whomever posted my script would kindly remove it. I'm not supporting it for a reason. I do not want people sending me IMs asking about it. I stopped sharing my scripts for a reason, and I'd really appreciate if my work wasn't being stolen and posted without my permission. It's a classless thing to post something that isn't your original work. It's even more classless to post something with someone else's contact information in it... So please, please remove it. If you want to re-write it and then post it, fine, just don't post MY work without my permission. Thanks..... not that you've got enough class to comply. Prove me wrong.
PS. Thanks for proving me wrong.
06-16-2010, 08:30 AM
OK, edited to be nice.
If whomever posted my script would kindly remove it. I'm not supporting it for a reason. I do not want people sending me IMs asking about it. I stopped sharing my scripts for a reason, and I'd really appreciate if my work wasn't being stolen and posted without my permission. It's a classless thing to post something that isn't your original work. It's even more classless to post something with someone else's contact information in it... So please, please remove it. If you want to re-write it and then post it, fine, just don't post MY work without my permission. Thanks..... not that you've got enough class to comply. Prove me wrong.
I just want to point out that I not only re-sent you the script at your request after you "lost it", but I then asked you if I could either A. Pay you to fix certain things, or B. hire someone else to review your code and modify it to complete the script.
You never replied after you got your script back. Not even telling me no, and giving me a reason. So don't be all high and mighty that somebody posted your script, for all I know they tried to ask you several times. When I asked you about them you were a total dickface until I told you to fuck off because I was just trying to return them and protect your work. Its no wonder someone might just say fuck Gib and post them.
Not only that, but you say its wrong to post stuff with contact info, yet if they just left your name in the scripts to give you credit, a quick search here shows your put your AIM right in your signature, and you have it on your profile where people can just IM you out of the blue. You aren't in hiding, so the contact information reason is pretty lame.
--Shit got worked out in AIM.
06-16-2010, 10:29 AM
Your point about not using scripts if you can't write them yourself is ridiculous. Millions of people use Firefox. Most couldn't write it themselves, and even fewer have read the code.
LOL. Yes, because scripts for a text based roleplaying game are along the same lines as 'Firefox'. Your right, I do not have the skill/time to write an html viewer as complex as firefox. I have written several plugin's for e-republic so I don't consider myself a total loser in your example I suppose.
If you really want to teach everyone not only Ruby but the Lich API be my guest.
Do I want to personally teach everyone Ruby? Um, no. I do think that if people are going to use Lich and be part of the community, spending a week or two going through some tutorials/examples is not asking alot. I would love to be able to show someone an example, and not have them respond saying, "I have no clue what that means, I don't code or want to learn.". A basic understanding of Ruby is not complicated, nor are 85% of the scripts on the repository. Basically it would be nice to be able to show an example to someone and that be a learning moment for them. Its good for them, its good for the community, and its good for those who are playing an active part within the community.
To your other points, Gibreficul didn't delete his scripts because of people asking about them so that whole argument is a non-starter. Further, I probably help more people with scripts (both writing and configuring) than anyone else on LNet -- it is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Yeah, I answer a lot of repeat questions and if I don't feel like helping I simply... don't. Big deal. Same thing with people asking for changes to the scripts I've shared. I write my scripts for myself and people want changes I consider it and either add them or don't.
Your right, I don't know the specific situation that caused Gib to no longer want to share his work. Knowing of Gib and his work, I can infer that he feels close to what I stated. Do I react the same way? No, I'm more of a guy who just will fade into the background. I don't talk much at all on LNet anymore, but your right. You do answer alot of questions, but I feel that answering repeat questions over and over does nothing to better the community. If people can't take 30 minutes to look through the code themselves, or educate themselves in some other way...I dunno, call me wishful thinker. I'm glad you write scripts for yourself, your the type of person who is helpful to the community. Unless your Jesus, like Tillmen appears to be, I'll be saving your seat on the pine here with myself and some others who have been worn out from the expected handouts.
As far as re-using code from other scripts without any attribution, I don't think it happens enough to even warrant mentioning. Sure it happens occasionally but you don't always know the circumstances behind it and what happened behind the scenes. Personally I don't care about attribution since I'd prefer not to have my name attached to scripts that aren't up to personal standards. Further, in this case Auryana did credit Gibreficul for the math regarding capped characters and in the ultimate irony Gibreficul took the code from Auryana's uberbar in the first place for gib_uberbar or whatever.
Maybe your right. I know that I see alot of c/p'd code in alot of scripts on the repository with no attribution. Its one of those things that irks me, maybe it doesn't bother others as much.
Lastly, it really cracks me up that you say "This current community is all about taking, which has made me resentful and I'm sure it has others as well." Were you not the one that just said:
You're part of the problem.
I was away from GS for a long time, maybe you were around then and were a part of a community that I personally missed. I just know that the community I was a part of and helped foster years ago is long gone. Lich has evolved a ton with the work of Tillmen and the community he fosters is really up to him. Perhaps I am part of the problem, but having spent 5 years developing for the Macroquest and ISx community I learned that without folks looking to learn and recontribute, those that do only get bitter and resentful and I would rather continue to enjoy the game from the sidelines of the Lich community rather than get frustrated and end up angry.
11-14-2010, 09:35 PM
This is Dan's script not mine I just arranged it so I could grind out superior mithril hammer heads, since I recently mastered crafting. The location is set for Icemule.
It's set to keep your very best hammer-head in a sack. Change as you might desire for containers or other materials.
I had set it up to sell leftover slab and hammer-heads I didn't want to keep but apparently the pawnshop in Icemule doesn't want them. Maybe I am missing something but could of swore you could sell the mithril to the pawnshop.
Also script will stop working once your container for superior hammer-heads is full.
I have not uploaded this being I didn't write this script.
##Danforge.lic, by Dan. Be wearing an apron. Have coins in the bank. Have a container as your STOW default that has enough room for blocks. This can rank you up in crafting. Make sure that item 9 at your local forging supply shop is the Mithril Slab, otherwise change the instances here that order blocks or slabs to the appropriate number. Make sure that the wastebasket in your forging workshop is a BIN, otherwise change those instances here. Enjoy.
start_script "go2", [ "3370" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
fput "deposit all"
fput "withdraw 24000 silver"
goto "Go"
start_script "go2", [ "forge" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
goto "Start"
fput "stow right"
fput "stow left"
fput "go workshop"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "get my slab"
match "NoBars", "Get what?"
match "BeginStare", "You remove"
match "BeginStare", "already"
fput "stare head"
match "Swap", "left hand is empty!"
match "Swap", "The material in your left hand is not"
match "Grinder", "Your material is marked with a pattern"
match "TooSmall", "realize it is too small"
fput "put slab in bin"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "turn grinder"
match "Timeout", "doesn't budge!"
match "BeginStare", "Resignedly, you get to"
match "Swap", "you need to hold it in your"
match "Junk", "satisfied"
match "Toothpick", "vindictive"
match "Keeper", "very best"
fput "put toothpick in bin"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "put hamm in bin"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "put hamm in sack"
goto "GetBlock"
fput "swap"
goto "BeginStare"
fput "stow right"
fput "stow left"
fput "out"
start_script "go2", [ "3370" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
fput "deposit all"
fput "withdraw 24000 silvers"
start_script "go2", [ "forge" ]
wait_while {running?('go2')}
goto "Order"
sleep 1
fput "order 9"
fput "buy"
fput "stow slab"
fput "order 9"
fput "buy"
fput "stow slab"
goto "Start"
fput "out"
fput "go work"
goto "BeginStare"
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