View Full Version : lich + manasong.lic...help?

03-06-2010, 09:25 PM
Hi everyone

I'm new to lich entirely.

I just got it installed on my windows 7 machine and its up and running but I can't find the manasong.lic script anywhere. I downloaded version 3.50 from the website.

Is there some other source I need to use to download that script?

Am I just not running lich correctly?...

03-06-2010, 10:11 PM
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A little script that makes sure I don't blow my head off with the song of power, which I absent-mindedly do more often than not... it also incorporates the song of noise just for the Hell of it. For you non-Bards who don't get how stopping 1018 & then starting it up again is of any use: spellsong renewal takes the total cost of your songs, but also a penalty (which adds up *real* quick) for singing too many at once, and the song of power costs 18 to start & 15 to renew; a single song's penalty for renewal can be anywhere from 1 to 50+, so not only is letting 1018 renew automatically dangerous (often kills at least the singer if you fail the hidden roll), it's also usually less mana to restart it than to renew it.

# Will also drop & restart the song of noise if it's running.

# Set this script's priority as lower than the default (which is 0), so that we don't force Lich to pay attention to us if another (probably more important) script is asking for attention.

# If we logged in less than 15 seconds ago, renew the song of peace if we're singing it (sometimes if a node isn't handy I just sit down wherever I am and sanct the room to unfry -- since any old sanct is the same as a node for exp absorption, and the song doesn't re-sanct until it's renewed if you log in while singing it).
if (Time.now - $login_time) < 15 then (fput 'renew 1011' if Spell[1011].active?) end

# Spell times are tracked by Lich in minutes, so until our spellsongs will renew in .25 minutes (15 seconds), just keep going to sleep for 5 seconds and then clearing the script's queue (so that game data doesn't pile up and eat away at RAM needlessly).
loop {
restart_noise = false
until Spellsong.timeleft < 0.25
sleep 3; script.clear
fput 'stop 1018' if Spell[1018].active?
if Spell[1017].active? then restart_noise = true; fput "stop 1017" end
# If we don't have at least 50 mana, point out our spellsongs are about to renew incase we've burned too much mana and are about to fry our nerves (if we're using StormFront, just print the message, but if we're using Wizard then highlight the warning by sending the 'NPC' tag to make sure we notice it).
unless checkmana(50)
if $stormfront
respond "SONGS WILL RENEW IN #{(Spellsong.timeleft * 60.00).round} SECONDS, MANA MAY BE INSUFFICIENT!"
respond "\034GSL"
respond "SONGS WILL RENEW IN #{(Spellsong.timeleft * 60.00).round} SECONDS, MANA MAY BE INSUFFICIENT!\034GSM"
check = matchwait "Your songs renew|mana.+?chaotic frenzy"
if check =~ /mana.+chaotic frenzy/
respond("\n!WARNING! Your Song of Power is reacting to another Bard's song!\n"); fput("stop 1018"); fput("stop 1018")
unless cast(1018)
respond "Insufficient mana to start the Song of Power, please do so manually if desired."
cast(1017, checkname) if restart_noise

03-06-2010, 10:27 PM
Hi everyone

I'm new to lich entirely.

I just got it installed on my windows 7 machine and its up and running but I can't find the manasong.lic script anywhere. I downloaded version 3.50 from the website.

Is there some other source I need to use to download that script?

Am I just not running lich correctly?...

You downloaded manasong 3.50 or Lich 3.50?

03-06-2010, 11:15 PM
Get Tillmen's lich.