View Full Version : The Sloot thread

06-01-2010, 09:17 AM
Post all bugs, questions, etc here. I'll keep this thread updated with changes.

Monday, June 28, 2010
- Uploaded a new version of SLoot with a few tweaks to looting/box picking. Also added a new option "safe skinning" which will only kneel/offensive if the room is void of critters.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
- Added a feature to only loot stuff that comes off your critters. This is to help prevent the gayness from the cursed gem dropped.

Friday, June 18, 2010
- Added a force deposit option to force depositing coins even if you have nothing to sell.
- Added the option to disable the hands check
- Tweaked slib to hopefully stow items smarter

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
- Lots of tweaks to selling 1) sloot will only check each container one time 2) exclusions are done prior to selling so it doesn't run to each shop and not sell if an item is excluded 3) some other stuff :)
- Added the option of giving gold rings to the chronomage instead of selling them

Thursday, June 10, 2010
- Items that can not fit in your pack will be dropped. Now that I have this in I'll update it for overflow containers later.

Monday, June 07, 2010
- Tweaked getitem/putitem in slib and made a few tweaks to sloot to help with selling/disking boxes.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
- Fixed a slib issue that was causing the settings to be crazy because Tillmen removed UserVars.list (DAMN YOU!!!)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010
- Changed the exclusion list to be a regular expression. This allows for advanced match checks as well as simple ones. For example, skin|^troll hide$ would match any skin but only troll hides.
- Added a new category "Jewelry." Some of the items from magic (circlet, medallion, etc) have been moved to this new category. Corresponding loot, sack, and sell options have been added.

06-01-2010, 10:26 AM
I'd personally like it if sloot would store my weapon and retrieve it after it ran.

06-01-2010, 10:33 AM
Umm, it does. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're wanting.

06-01-2010, 11:38 AM
It seems there is about a 1 in a thousand chance for Sloot to hang on skinning. Don't get why.

This is your newest version of it, not my version.

>--- Lich: sloot active.
Jayvn just went southwest.
>Jayvn just arrived.
>[sloot]>skin #2706741
You botched the job. The spectre nail is ruined.
>Jayvn just went northwest.
>-- Botched a skin attempt!
Success: 230/1124 (20.46)%
Fail: 894/1124 (79.54)%
[sloot]>loot #2706741
You search the snow spectre.
It had a woven cloak, a leather helm.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing of interest.
A snow spectre turns to dust.
>--- Lich: sloot has exited.
--- Lich: sloot active.
[sloot]>skin #2706741
You can only skin creatures!
>A snow spectre gestures at you!
CS: +49 - TD: +80 + CvA: +3 + d100: +90 == +62
Warded off!

Then it hangs... it won't exit, so starscream won't continue running, so eventually I timeout and logout.

I think what I'm going to do is code an overlord script so that if sloot runs for more than 30 seconds it'll kill it.

06-01-2010, 11:40 AM
It seems there is about a 1 in a thousand chance for Sloot to hang on skinning. Don't get why.

This is your newest version of it, not my version.

Then it hangs... it won't exit, so starscream won't continue running, so eventually I timeout and logout.

I think what I'm going to do is code an overlord script so that if sloot runs for more than 30 seconds it'll kill it.

If you have updated in the last few days that shouldn't be an issue any longer.

Drunken Durfin
06-01-2010, 07:01 PM
--- Lich: sloot active.
sloot: You must upgrade your version of slib.lic in order to use this script.
SRepo: Downloading: C:/Users/Pierce/Downloads/lich-4.1.13/lich/scripts/sloot-db.xml.txt.
SRepo: This may take a while depending on the size...
--- Lich: repository active.
[repository: connecting to the server...]
[repository: error: could not find that script on the server]
--- Lich: repository has exited.

06-01-2010, 07:26 PM
Not sure if this is sloot or bigshot, but I've seen this behavior quite a bit, it's like either bigshot does not know that the mob's status has changed to dead and/or sloot is not kicking in:

Each footstep is swallowed by the sea of grass that flows across the meadows and hills around you. High above you see gulls dancing on the ocean breezes. You also see a manticore, a manticore, a flail and an enruned thanot strongbox.
Obvious paths: north, southwest, west
[bigshot]>stance guarded
You are now in a guarded stance.
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
You channel at a manticore.
You concentrate intently on a manticore, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +63 - TD: +1 + CvA: +25 + d100: +9 == +96
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
A manticore swings a closed fist at you!
AS: +122 vs DS: +144 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +85 = +83
A clean miss.
A manticore heads west.
A manticore claws at you!
In the nick of time, you interpose your rune staff between yourself and the blow!
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
You channel at a manticore.
You concentrate intently on a manticore, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +63 - TD: +1 + CvA: +25 + d100: +26 == +113
Warding failed!
The manticore shudders with moderate convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The manticore is battered for 33 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Strike hits close to the right eye.
... 15 points of damage!
Blow grazes right arm lightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
You channel at a manticore.
You concentrate intently on a manticore, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +63 - TD: +1 + CvA: +25 + d100: +25 == +112
Warding failed!
The manticore shudders with moderate convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The manticore is battered for 33 points of damage!
The manticore falls to the ground and dies.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
Cast at what?
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
Cast at what?
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
Cast at what?
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
Cast at what?
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
Cast at what?
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
[bigshot]>prepare 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>channel target
Cast at what?
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
>;k bigshot
You don't have a prepared spell to release!
[bigshot]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.

06-01-2010, 07:28 PM
Sorry about the lenght of that post. ;( But I just noticed something in the log, the orginal manticore ran (the one bigshot initially targetted), perhaps that's the source of the problem?


06-01-2010, 07:55 PM
Not sure what is causing that to loop forever, but...

result = Spell[id].cast(target_id)
if( result =~ /at what/ )
bs_put 'release'
elsif( result =~ /Spell Hindrance/ )

I believe this code is redundant. Spell.cast already releases the spell if the result is Cast at what?. It also already retries if the spell fails due to hindrance.

That is why you see:

You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You don't have a prepared spell to release!

oh, this is most certainly a bigshot issue. didn't even realize this is the sloot thread

06-01-2010, 08:39 PM
One last detail, I switched to a different mob and both Sloot and Bigshot are working perfectly.

06-01-2010, 10:11 PM
Umm, it does. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're wanting.

For me sloot would try to pull things out of my pack while I'm holding my shield and war hammer and so nothing would get sold. I told bigshot to stow right as my pre-resting command and to get my hammer after sloot exits. Also I don't know if this is possible but for instance on something like shells that sloot thinks is a skin even though half the gems in solhaven are shells it will try to sell it at furrier and when that fails the shell will just stay in hand and ruin the rest of the run. It'd be nice if sloot could "stow right" or whatever on a failure before moving on to the next item.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-02-2010, 01:32 AM
Just posting here to thank you for your help when I was trying to get it up and running and compatible with bigshot!

06-02-2010, 01:48 PM
This morning I installed ruby and lich onto my computer at work, then downloaded and trusted the sloot and bigshot scripts (along with the dependancies). I'm seeing this error when I try to sell something:

--- Exception: undefined method `get_id' for #<SInv:0xb4ca030>
sloot:320:in `do_sell'

It's not working as a looter now either, but no error message that I can see.
I saw someone on Lnet asking about the same problem, any idead for a fix? I've reinstalled everything a few times now.


06-02-2010, 02:14 PM
I've uploaded the fix to that.

06-02-2010, 02:47 PM
Working perfectly again. You're awesome. :)


06-02-2010, 04:26 PM
Ok so how do I set up exceptions? I tried putting both of these in the excepttions box
golden wand, silver wand, aquamarine wand, slender blue wand, metal wand, iron wand, crystal wand, blue crystal, small staue
golden wand | silver wand | aquamarine wand | slender blue wand | metal wand | iron wand | crystal wand | blue crystal | small statue
But it still sold those types of wands with both

06-02-2010, 04:32 PM
Use regular expressions.

For example, my exclusions are set as:

blue crystal|black crystal|white crystal|coral

And in my pack I have:

In the climbing pack:
herb (1): some acantha leaf.
jewelry (1): snake-etched sterling silver torc.
gem (9): some polished pink coral (2), some polished red coral (2), piece of citrine quartz, violet spinel, blue spinel, turquoise stone, clear tourmaline.
wand (1): twisted wand.
magic (9): dull gold coin, black crystal, white crystal (3), blue crystal (3), pure potion.
other (11): some crimson serpent skin boots, dagger, feras dagger, fist-scythe, handaxe, hook-knife, steel lockpick, limb of wood (4).

Slowly but surely I'm gathering crystals. Ooh! Some serpent boots! Cool! Ooh, and a snake-torc! I love finding new stuff in my bag.

06-02-2010, 10:37 PM
Been using Sloot a while now and it's been working great, from hunting to selling. Love it.

Today I downloaded the new version, slib, and sloot-db. Still working, but I get this error when hunting at some point:
--- Lich: DownstreamHook: undefined method `find' for #<SNpc:0x8f00430>
sloot:246:in `hook_autoloot'

Anything to be concerned with? Should I be updating something else? Thanks for the help.

06-02-2010, 10:42 PM

06-02-2010, 11:35 PM
Bingo -works w/o error now. Thanks.

06-03-2010, 12:30 AM
Bug with sloot:

It thinks random shells (gems from RR) are skins. One example is a batwing chiton shell. It pulled it out at the furrier and tried to sell it there. Because of it, it left it in my hand and proceeded to not be able to sell anything else.

06-03-2010, 01:28 AM
Yah, known, and annoying. I'll come up with something eventually.

06-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Had a problem with setup in designating containers, skinning alternate and skinning alternate container.

It kept adding each entry as a string to the previous ones with every save eg. cloak, cloak, cloak... making the script useless.

Updating sloot and slib did not fix the problem. Fortunately, I found a new file 'uservars.dat' in my lich data character folder. Removing that fixed the problem.

06-03-2010, 08:06 AM
Getting this error when I hunt now and I can't figure out why. Any ideas?:

[bigshot]>cast #4176042
You gesture at a snowy cockatrice.
CS: +66 - TD: +18 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +172
Warding failed!
A brief tremor ripples across the cockatrice's skin, leaving a faint beading of scarlet in its wake.
... 22 points of damage!
The snowy cockatrice falls to the ground motionless.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
[sloot]>skin #4176042 left
You botched the job. The cockatrice tailfeather is ruined.
[sloot]>loot #4176042
You search the snowy cockatrice.
It had 142 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 142 coins.
It had nothing else of value.
A snowy cockatrice turns to dust.
[sloot]>get #-7905
You can't pick that up.
A greater ice spider just scurried in.

Ok, so once that "get#=7905" comes up it stops bigshot completely unless I hit ;k real quick or I noticed a couple other keystrokes did it, can't recall what though, maybe anything. But without hitting something it just stops and stays dead. Any ideas?

06-03-2010, 08:19 AM
There must be something in the room that sloot thinks is loot. Next time it happens try "tap #-7905" and that should tell you what it is.

06-03-2010, 08:26 AM
Ah, ok... no clue why it's doing it but in room 3207 (1st room in Cockatrice, IceMule) it's picking up the small path.

Any idea how to stop it from determining the path as loot? I mean having my own path would be sweet but apparently the path doesn't agree. :)

06-03-2010, 09:10 AM
Ah, ok... no clue why it's doing it but in room 3207 (1st room in Cockatrice, IceMule) it's picking up the small path.

Any idea how to stop it from determining the path as loot? I mean having my own path would be sweet but apparently the path doesn't agree. :)

Do you have unknown checked? It shouldn't be trying to pickup path anyway as it's not defined as any sort of loot.

06-03-2010, 10:32 AM
Any chance of putting a fput "withdraw 20" right after the fput "deposit all" in sloot sell? Just to help deal with gate fees. I've been adding it in each time the script is updated, so it's no big deal but would be convenient for most icemulers.

06-03-2010, 01:10 PM
Ok, getting rid of the unknown check has fixed the problem. Thanks a ton for the help, was driving me nuts!

Drunken Durfin
06-03-2010, 01:14 PM
--- Exception: undefined method `find_all' for SNpc:Class
sloot:428:in `start_script'

06-03-2010, 01:24 PM
--- Exception: undefined method `find_all' for SNpc:Class
sloot:428:in `start_script'

You need to update.

06-03-2010, 01:33 PM
Just noticed it's not picking up Icemule, cockatrice tail feathers. Picking up all the other skins I snag but skipping over that one. I could care less about a tailfeather thing but just something of note I guess.

06-03-2010, 02:36 PM
Is it tailfeather or tail feather?

06-03-2010, 02:45 PM
Still getting familiar with lich, but I was curious if there was a global list/db that stored all known skins, gems, etc. And, whether lich would be capable of allowing lich users to add new items w/classes to that global list (e.g. ;additem wand magic, ;additem feather skin).

You'd obviously have to have some checks in place to make sure that the item you're adding is legitimate and of the right class (force someone to hold it in their right hand for inspection prior), possibly dedupe the same item being re-submitted, and so on. That way, we could dynamically add items to the list and it'd be enhanced by the user base.

06-03-2010, 02:46 PM
No there isn't, but it has been discussed a lot.

06-03-2010, 02:46 PM
That's the goal of sloot-db.xml.txt. Tillmen is supposedly building in a list inside Lich but it's not done yet. Hell, I have all the code required already built into slib.

SLoot.new.checkloot(['gem']) get all gems.
SLoot.new.checkloot(['herb'], 'sack') get all herbs in sack.
SLoot.new.find('noun', 'amulet') find first occurrence of amulet.
SLoot.new.find_all('name', 'crystal amulet') find all loot matching crystal amulet.
SLoot.new.list list all sloot-db loot items
SLoot.new.list('gem') list all sloot-db gem items

or, if you have ran ;slib you can do:

;e echo @loot.find('noun', 'amulet')

06-03-2010, 02:50 PM
What about tapping into the metadata pulled for playershops?

06-03-2010, 03:06 PM
What about tapping into the metadata pulled for playershops?


06-03-2010, 03:16 PM
sloot2 went nuts today... i had it set to backpack... checked after a weird freeze and it said backpack, backpack... so i took out the extra backpack... froze again then it was Backpack, Backpack, Backpack, Backpack

06-03-2010, 03:26 PM
sloot2 went nuts today... i had it set to backpack... checked after a weird freeze and it said backpack, backpack... so i took out the extra backpack... froze again then it was Backpack, Backpack, Backpack, Backpack

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IT WASN'T MY FAULT! Lich was updated which removed some functionality that I was using. Dammit. DAMMIT TO HELL.

06-03-2010, 03:27 PM
cleared it, did that..now it's at Backpack, Backpack, Backpack

06-03-2010, 03:27 PM
What a bunch of garbage. You can't even make a loot script? Kinda lame.

My secret troll is at it again. <3 you!

06-03-2010, 03:27 PM
oh ok... lemme know what to do to fix!

06-03-2010, 03:54 PM
I posted earlier in this thread. I had the same problem. Look in lich/data/GSIV/character and remove uservar. file.

Update sloot and slib and repeat setup.

06-03-2010, 05:10 PM
That's the goal of sloot-db.xml.txt. Tillmen is supposedly building in a list inside Lich but it's not done yet. Hell, I have all the code required already built into slib.

SLoot.new.checkloot(['gem']) get all gems.
SLoot.new.checkloot(['herb'], 'sack') get all herbs in sack.
SLoot.new.find('noun', 'amulet') find first occurrence of amulet.
SLoot.new.find_all('name', 'crystal amulet') find all loot matching crystal amulet.
SLoot.new.list list all sloot-db loot items
SLoot.new.list('gem') list all sloot-db gem items

or, if you have ran ;slib you can do:

;e echo @loot.find('noun', 'amulet')

This is mostly a style thing, but instead of passing string literals to tell slib how you want to search, you should use symbols. E.g.

SLoot.new.find_all(:name, 'crystal amulet')

These are much more efficient since instead of reallocating an object for multiple strings each call, the references are just a single entry in the symbol table.

06-03-2010, 05:32 PM
This is mostly a style thing, but instead of passing string literals to tell slib how you want to search, you should use symbols. E.g.

SLoot.new.find_all(:name, 'crystal amulet')

These are much more efficient since instead of reallocating an object for multiple strings each call, the references are just a single entry in the symbol table.

Yah, that's the PHP developer coming out in me. I'd adjust it but it would take a lot of work. Also, I'm not sure why I put .new on all the objects up there as it's not required.

06-04-2010, 01:48 AM
Hey Spiffy if this is a simple thing you think you could add an option to sloot sell that lets you give it a room number to go to after it's done selling? Right now it goes back to where ever you were when it started which would be fine except I'm runing townsmith to open boxes before I sell off everything so I end up sitting in the locksmiths waiting for my mind to unfry instead of on a node. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one since there are usually 1-2 people zoning out in there. And yes I'm not that dumb I made simply little go2 script I now run after sloot sell just thought this might be a nice feature.

06-04-2010, 10:55 AM
sloot is fantastic. Many props.

However, the sell function doesn't work for me. It just looks through my backpack a couple times (once for each option ticked) and heads to the bank.

My settings: Boxes: cloak; herbs:sack; everything else goes in a backpack.

My debug temp file has these warnings:
C:/Users//Desktop/lich/scripts//slib.lic:667: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
C:/Users//Desktop/lich/scripts//slib.lic:434: warning: Object#type is deprecated; use Object#class
C:/Users//Desktop/lich/scripts//slib.lic:402: warning: Object#type is deprecated; use Object#class
C:/Users//Desktop/lich/lich.rbw:349: warning: multiple values for a block parameter (0 for 1)
from C:/Users//Desktop/lich/lich.rbw:1260


06-04-2010, 12:58 PM
I thought sloot dropped an item if your pack was full but that didn't work:

You pick up an orc claw.
>[sloot]>put #710020 in #563143
Your claw won't fit in the sack.
>[sloot]>get #563105
You need a free hand to pick that up.
[Melgorehn's Valley, Grasslands]
A large black bird circles overhead, headed for the tree to the east. A few scratch marks in the dirt indicate that the bird may have been hunting here, but did not dig up much of a meal. Some stalks of the grass are shortened, snapped off by a sharp beak. You also see a lesser orc, a lesser orc, a lesser burrow orc, a short sword, some full leather, a wooden shield, a wooden shield, a short sword and a wooden shield.
Obvious paths: east, south
>[bigshot]>stance advance
You are now in an advancing stance.
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
>You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!
>[bigshot]>kill #709696
You cannot attack with an orc claw in your right hand!

Basically, looking at my log it appears I spent another hour or so trying to kill things with an orc claw in my hand and slowly bleeding out from a 2 per.

06-04-2010, 01:16 PM
Hrm, it normally does.

06-04-2010, 03:04 PM
I haven't been getting that as much lately but yeah I"ve seen that quite a bit and not only for pack being full but sometimes for unrecognized items like smooth stones or plates.

06-04-2010, 03:20 PM

06-04-2010, 03:23 PM
Some strange behavior from sloot when hunting and looting. Just started when sloot, slib, etc. were updated about 1/2 hr ago.

[sloot]>loot #832894
You search the hobgoblin.
He had some leg greaves, a wooden shield, some arm greaves, some light leather.
He carried an iron-bound tanik coffer on him!
A hobgoblin decays into a pile of compost.
[sloot]>get #832999
You pick up an iron-bound tanik coffer.
[sloot]>put #832999 in #4
I could not find what you were referring to.

From what I understand, #4 is NIL. Checked my settings, everything seems to be set. Also did ;settings list and everything seems to be stored properly.

06-04-2010, 03:41 PM
Ditto on the #4 issue.

06-04-2010, 03:46 PM
Hrm, I'll look into it after work.

06-04-2010, 04:40 PM
Fix uploaded. Oops!

06-04-2010, 07:26 PM
What happened here? Used the sloot sell function.

[Diamante's Gemshop]
With a smile that sparkles as does her wares, Diamante dusts a sturdy display case, inspecting the assorted gems within as she does. Her shop is neat and tidy, with comfortable chairs and tables scattered about for her customers to enjoy as they examine particularly interesting items - such as the rings a young couple examine in one corner. A small bell sounds as the shop door opens, bringing yet another group into this cheerfully warm establishment. You also see the jeweler Diamante.
Obvious exits: east, out
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #3079176
You remove a fire opal from in your black cloth cloak.
[sloot]>sell #3079176
You ask Diamante if she would like to buy a fire opal.
The jeweler Diamante takes the fire opal, gives it a careful examination and hands you 161 silver for it.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
[sloot]>get #3085033
"The Captain's a bit of a grump, don't you think?" asks Diamante. "Always stomping about. And glaring! Oh, he's got a glare that would humble a troll."
[sloot]>sell #
You remove a green sapphire from in your black cloth cloak.
[sloot]>drop #3085033
What were you referring to?
You drop a green sapphire.
You have 7256 coins with you.
In the back of your mind you remember you owe a debt of 10 silver in the town of Wehnimer's Landing.
[sloot]>close #3030409
You close a deep black cloth cloak.
[sloot]>close #4
What were you referring to?
[sloot]>close #3030409
That is already closed.
[sloot]>close #3030409
That is already closed.
You have 7256 coins with you.
In the back of your mind you remember you owe a debt of 10 silver in the town of Wehnimer's Landing.
--- Lich: go2 active.

06-05-2010, 12:05 AM
I know I must have done something screwy with my settings (maybe when quitting SF). Getting this error below when it tries to loot:

-- Exception: undefined method `get_id' for SInv:Class
sloot:488:in `start_script'

Copy and paste of my settings below

>;settings list
--- Global settings
lootsack: light
lich.lootsack: light
--- Father's settings
jewelrysack: light
wandsack: light
op: hunting_stanceforwardflee_count3resting_scriptspau serestg_hunting_commands_bg_disable_commandsammo_h idefalsehunting_scriptsloot_scriptslootg_hunting_c ommands_coomwounded_evalresting_room_id228resting_ commandsstow all, set description onhunting_room_id3757invalid_targetskobold, goblinsignswandhunting_commands_buse_wrackingfalse hunting_boundaries520, 501, 481, 7601, 7603, 7694, 7703, 7706, 14969, 4216, 4252, 4202, 4278, 7964, 7966, 6263, 6108, 433, 6691, 4302, 4339, 4301, 4268, 8187, 7996, 3608, 7993, 6763, 6780targetsleaper, boar, thrak, orc, gak, lynx, shaman, manticore, hobgoblin, snowcat, velnanin, thyril, gnome, squirrel, trogolodyte, nipper, gnoll, goblinhunting_commandskill targethunting_commands_crest_till_mana15monitor_in teractionfalseammodead_wand_containerwait_for_swin gfresh_wand_containerrest_till_exp49ammo_container g_hunting_commandsdead_man_switchtruedepart_switch falsespamtruehunting_prep_commandsdisband, group close, set description off, stow all, ready weaponfried100encumbered20wand_if_oomfalse
lockpicksack: light
magicsack: light
skinweaponsack: bush
unknownsack: light
foragesack: light
boxsack: light
alchemysack: light
scrollsack: light
herbsack: light
uncommonsack: light
skinsack: light
junksack: light
ammosack: light
lootsack: light
gemsack: light

06-05-2010, 12:53 AM
Hey Spiffy if this is a simple thing you think you could add an option to sloot sell that lets you give it a room number to go to after it's done selling? Right now it goes back to where ever you were when it started which would be fine except I'm runing townsmith to open boxes before I sell off everything so I end up sitting in the locksmiths waiting for my mind to unfry instead of on a node. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one since there are usually 1-2 people zoning out in there. And yes I'm not that dumb I made simply little go2 script I now run after sloot sell just thought this might be a nice feature.

Acutally, in the scripts to run post hunt field, I have waggle, townsmith, sloot sell, go2 <room number>

It does run you around a bit, but you end up exactly where you want.


06-05-2010, 01:52 AM
I"m getting this now as well and I'm fairly sure it's not my settings since it was working then I got disconnected and that started when I signed back in

--- Exception: undefined method `get_id' for SInv:Class
sloot:488:in `start_script'

I tried redownloading sloot and slib and trusted both again

06-05-2010, 02:28 AM
Problem is/was line 393 in slib should read def SInv.get_id(container) instead of def SInv.get(container) if your having this problem still just change that line

06-05-2010, 08:57 AM
Actually, you should change sloot not slib.

06-05-2010, 10:09 AM
SLoot sell can get a little nutty if go2 fails. Miiiiight want to put a check in for that.

-- SLoot sell started
jewelry: 0 items
magic: 0 items
gem: 1 items
alchemy: 0 items
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: error: your current room was not found in the map database]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #4535409
You remove a star sapphire from in your rolaren mesh sack.
[sloot]>sell #4484327
There is no merchant here that can buy that.
[sloot]>drop #4484327
You drop a stormy grey rolaren maul.
You have 587 coins with you.
In the back of your mind you remember you owe a debt of 1555 silver in the town of Wehnimer's Landing.
You have 587 coins with you.
In the back of your mind you remember you owe a debt of 1555 silver in the town of Wehnimer's Landing.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: error: your current room was not found in the map database]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>deposit all
Go see the bank teller to do that.
-- SLoot selling complete
You made a total of 587 silver(s)!
gem: 587

06-05-2010, 01:56 PM
Actually, you should change sloot not slib.

When I fixed slib by replacing SInv.get_id(container) for def SInv.get(container) sloot started working properly. What exactly in sloot should be changed?


06-05-2010, 02:26 PM
He meant he updated slib to that on purpse and sloot was also supposed to be updated to use get(container without the -id but he forgot to upload it last night, if you download the new sloot version make sure you also download slib again and they will be set the same ie without the _id

06-05-2010, 02:38 PM
He meant he updated slib to that on purpse and sloot was also supposed to be updated to use get(container without the -id but he forgot to upload it last night, if you download the new sloot version make sure you also download slib again and they will be set the same ie without the _id


06-05-2010, 02:58 PM

06-06-2010, 07:54 AM
I'm having problems with sloot/bigshot hunting Large Ogres. More often than not when they die, sloot does not kick in so I just stand there casting at them. There are Greater Orcs in the same area, things work fine with them.
I'm using a work around by running an SF script that just watches for the ogre's death message and searches it. It's pretty safe given not many are in this area, but I'd prefer to have sloot working on um. Any thoughts? Here is the death messaging:

[bigshot]>channel #1782029
You channel at a large ogre.
You concentrate intently on a large ogre, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward it!
CS: +89 - TD: +25 + CvA: +10 + d100: +39 == +113
Warding failed!
The large ogre shudders with moderate convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop its body.
The large ogre is battered for 33 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Strike glances off the chest.
... 20 points of damage!
Blow grazes right leg.
The large ogre falls to the ground and dies.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

06-06-2010, 09:35 AM
Lich isn't tracking the death because Simutronics failed to send the death XML. You'll need to let Tillmen see the post and the death messages for critters that don't work.

06-06-2010, 11:07 AM
Is there any way we can set some sort of flag to say drop the item we've looted from a critter if our container is full?

I keep ending up hunting with say a gem, or a heavy quartz orb in my hand overnight because my container is full.

06-06-2010, 11:25 AM
I figured this is worth posting here too.

The dead XML bug is now actually fixed. If it still occurs, just post the death message and Tillmen will add it to the recognized messages.

06-06-2010, 03:48 PM
Someone on lnet was mentioning this problem, it's not a huge thing for me given what's dropped is pretty minor, but thought I'd post it here. Sloot is dropping some of the items that are being sold periodically, I've seen it drop gems and furs so far:

[sloot]>sell #2002090
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 38 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2001961
You remove a monkey paw from in your white silk cloak.
[sloot]>sell #2001961
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 56 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2001856

[sloot]>sell #2001856
You remove a monkey paw from in your white silk cloak.
[sloot]>drop #2001856
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 58 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2001743
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>sell #
You remove a monkey paw from in your white silk cloak.
[sloot]>drop #2001743
What were you referring to?
You drop a monkey paw.

06-06-2010, 04:46 PM
I'm getting that too. it seems to only happen when someone else enters the gem shop when i'm in there, or if someone else comes in with me.
[Gemcutter's, Front Room]
Inside the Gemcutter's shop, you see two glass showcases holding jewelry and precious stones. Directly ahead of you is a low desk with several racks holding tools of the Gemcutter's trade. You also see a smoky topaz, a narrow door and the gem dealer.
Also here: Feanor
Obvious exits: east, out
Bonquisha followed.
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #2039444
You remove a pink spinel from in your heavy backpack.
[sloot]>sell #2039444
You ask the dealer if he would like to buy a pink spinel.
The gem dealer takes the pink spinel, gives it a careful examination and hands you 118 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #2018128
Feanor just went out.
[sloot]>sell #
You remove a blue cordierite from in your heavy backpack.
[sloot]>drop #2018128
What were you referring to?
[sloot]>get #2015927
You drop a blue cordierite.
[sloot]>sell #
You remove a fire opal from in your heavy backpack.
[sloot]>drop #2015927
What were you referring to?
You drop a fire opal.
You have 2145 coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:04 (21 rooms to move through)]

06-06-2010, 08:20 PM
When I type ;sloot setup ingame, it pops up on my taskbar, but the window will never show so I can't change any options. I've shut down all other scripts, logged/relogged, and restarted my computer but still can't get the window to open. Used to open, now it wont. Also, Bigshot, narost, UBW, manatimer, and sell windows all open up just fine.


06-06-2010, 11:58 PM
Was gone a few days. Updated sloot/slib and it still seems to be having problems determining what items are what.

[Relynard's Pawnshop]
A bit brighter than it appears from the alley outside, this small shop is piled haphazardly with all manner of goods. A pile of armor in one corner is complimented by a row of neatly arranged weapons in another corner. Shelves full of other assorted items tower along the walls and seem ready to fall at the slightest touch. Relynard is resting at his counter, apparently asleep. However, you somehow know he is not and you resolve to watch your step. You also see some old iron leg greaves and an oaken barrel.
Obvious exits: north, out
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #2281138
You remove a crystal wand from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2279025
You offer to sell your sonic lance to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker smiles faintly and says, "I'm sorry, Fragz, but I have no use for that."
[sloot]>drop #2279025
Your sonic lance dissipates.
You have 630 coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.

Apparently tries to sell my sonic lance and then gets rid of it because it fails. Leaves the wand in offhand.

Felinium's Fur Emporium]
The walls of this small shop appear to be covered with the furs and skins of all types of creatures. Closer inspection reveals that many are still being prepared for use, although an occasional impeccably finished specimen is found. Hunt souvenirs rest on a set of shelves tucked in one corner, where a cluster of roughly clad traders have gathered to examine them closely. You also see a narrow flight of steps, the furrier Felinium and an elegant sign.
Obvious exits: out
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #2282871
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282871
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 78 silvers.
[Shattered]-GSF:Tillmen: "Too bad."
[sloot]>get #2282872
You remove a tiger cowrie shell from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282872
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a tiger cowrie shell.
Felinium smiles patiently and says, "I am afraid I don't recognize the skin of the shell. Did you have anything else today Fragz?"
[sloot]>drop #2282872
You drop a tiger cowrie shell.
[sloot]>get #2282654
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282654
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 83 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2282606
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282606
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 63 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2282315
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282315
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 45 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2282180
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282180
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 78 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2282044
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282044
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 91 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2282015
You remove a split-back pink conch shell from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2282015
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a split-back pink conch shell.
Felinium smiles patiently and says, "I am afraid I don't recognize the skin of the shell. Did you have anything else today Fragz?"
[sloot]>drop #2282015
You drop a split-back pink conch shell.
[sloot]>get #2281971
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2281971
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 73 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2281767
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2281767
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 86 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2281483
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2281483
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 57 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2281419
[sloot]>sell #
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>drop #2281419
What were you referring to?
[sloot]>get #2281255
You drop a monkey paw.
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2281255
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 66 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2281258
You remove a bright noble pectin shell from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2281258
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a bright noble pectin shell.
Felinium smiles patiently and says, "I am afraid I don't recognize the skin of the shell. Did you have anything else today Fragz?"
[sloot]>drop #2281258
You drop a bright noble pectin shell.
[sloot]>get #2281132
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2281132
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 38 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2280975
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2280975
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 74 silvers.
[sloot]>get #2280761
You remove a monkey paw from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2280761
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a monkey paw.
Felinium takes the monkey paw, examines it carefully, then hands you 34 silvers.

Still thinks shell gems are skins :/

06-07-2010, 12:30 AM
Update your loot-db.

06-07-2010, 10:54 AM
Do you plan to add an option to sloot to just have it run all the time and pick up all the boxes, gems, etc laying around? It'll grab em if I kill a critter in the room, but otherwise it just runs past.

06-07-2010, 11:16 AM
Hmm. updated the db. Not sure if that will fix the shell issue since i haven't gotten any recently.

But, the issue with it trying to sell the sonic lance is still there.

[sloot]>get #2607354
You remove a crocodile snout from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2601627
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a sonic lance.
Felinium smiles patiently and says, "I am afraid I don't recognize the skin of the lance. Did you have anything else today Fragz?"
[sloot]>drop #2601627
Your sonic lance dissipates.

It puls out the skin, tries to sell a different item.

06-07-2010, 11:27 AM
Do you plan to add an option to sloot to just have it run all the time and pick up all the boxes, gems, etc laying around? It'll grab em if I kill a critter in the room, but otherwise it just runs past.


06-07-2010, 11:27 AM
Hmm. updated the db. Not sure if that will fix the shell issue since i haven't gotten any recently.

But, the issue with it trying to sell the sonic lance is still there.

[sloot]>get #2607354
You remove a crocodile snout from in your heavy silk pack.
[sloot]>sell #2601627
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a sonic lance.
Felinium smiles patiently and says, "I am afraid I don't recognize the skin of the lance. Did you have anything else today Fragz?"
[sloot]>drop #2601627
Your sonic lance dissipates.

It puls out the skin, tries to sell a different item.

Yah, I should have in there somewhere that SLoot sell expects your hands to be empty. I'll probably tweak that in the future but for now lose the lance.

06-07-2010, 08:43 PM
I've uploaded a few tweaks to slib/sloot. Try em out.

06-08-2010, 04:35 AM
selling seems to be busted:

>;sloot sell
--- Exception: uninitialized class variable @@db_file in SGoto
C:/Blah/Blah/Blah/lich/scripts//slib.lic:193:in `load'

06-08-2010, 01:59 PM
I have a sheath command that 99 percent of the time seems to work (and as a precaution I've added another request to sheath right before sloot), but here's what happened this morning:

[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #3294242
You remove a crocodile snout from in your white silk cloak.
[sloot]>sell #3248193
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a gold-capped orase runestaff.
Felinium smiles patiently and says, "I am afraid I don't recognize the skin of the runestaff. Did you have anything else today Heals?"
[sloot]>drop #3248193
You drop a gold-capped orase runestaff.
[sloot]>get #3294172
You remove a crocodile snout from in your white silk cloak.
[sloot]>sell #3294172
You ask Felinium if he would like to buy a crocodile snout.
Felinium takes the crocodile snout, examines it carefully, then hands you 112 silvers.

I think i was having some lag so the sheath command never got run before sloot kicked in. Pretty sure this happened to me a few days ago too. I'm not running the current sloot, was wanting to make sure it was working well before downloading it, did the issue of dropping stuff get looked at?


06-08-2010, 03:32 PM
Not yet. I'll make sure it tries to sell the right item next. The drop is intentional though.

06-09-2010, 08:12 PM
- Items that can not fit in your pack will be dropped. Now that I have this in I'll update it for overflow containers later.

06-09-2010, 11:14 PM
- Items that can not fit in your pack will be dropped. Now that I have this in I'll update it for overflow containers later.

If it wouldn't be an incredible pain in the ass, an option to call another script to cram the overly big item in your locker would be awesome. But, dropping works too cuz it keeps the exp flowin.

06-11-2010, 05:34 PM
Also, sloot sell hasn't been working for alchemy items in the past few versions. It had worked up until a week or so ago for me tho.

06-11-2010, 06:12 PM
I don't know what's changed with sloot since its most recent update, but in the last few days it went from being a miracle to an extremely erratic script that's less useful than just manually looting like I used to.

Some of these may be bugs I haven't noticed before do to changed hunting behavior but I'll include them anyway...

Among recent screwups:

- When the gemshop wouldn't buy a piece of jewelry because it was too expensive (helloooooo nice enhancive), sloot DROPPED IT and left

- Sloot enjoys picking up doomstones, oblivion quartz, and all sorts of bad gems that will get you in trouble if you touch them in the Rift

- However, sloot doesn't seem to recognize fangs as gems, or firestones, or some other basic gems, leading to so much manual selling that I might as well sell everything manually anyway

- Sloot hangs at every looting trying to pick up things that aren't in the room. It does this twice, and then finally readies my weapon. But it takes a good 6 seconds, not a pleasant hang.

- Sloot is erratic about boxes -- sometimes it tries to STOW them, other times it puts them in my lootsack, then instead of readying my weapon, it takes the box OUT of my cloak and ends the script; other times sloot just gives up on readying my weapon.

I could post logs or whatnot but I don't remember any of this happening as of a couple of weeks ago.


06-13-2010, 07:07 AM
Does the last update still use loot-db? Normally I've added some of the rift issues (oblivion quartz, urglaes fangs, tentacles etc) but it doesn't seem to be picking them up now.

06-13-2010, 08:29 AM
Not 100% sure but I believe I did hear Spiffy talking on lnet about no longer using loot-db with the latest and that was 2 versions back I think

Stanley Burrell
06-13-2010, 01:28 PM
Spiffy, I just uploaded sloot-db.xml.txt, any chance you can tweak it a bit more for a few more items? The .LIC is simple enough that I can Ruby it out myself, but would you mind adding ... fuck, I dunno, more?

I added papyrus <scrolls> and a few jeweleries. I dunno.

06-13-2010, 01:52 PM
I'm still having an issue someone out in the past: sloot randomly hangs on skinning and game doesn't respond anymore. Only way to continue is to log in again.

Everything works fine with skinning turned off.

I have sloot version 2.11

I use this in conjunction with bigshot when it hangs, no clue if it does this without bigshot.

06-14-2010, 11:51 AM
trying the new sloot on one of my shattered characters.

[starscream: 5]
[starscream]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
[sloot]>loot #2849640
You search the fire guardian.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing of interest.
A fire guardian turns to dust.
[sloot]>stow right
-- SLoot ERROR *** Unable to find sack "pantsuit" in your inventory!
-- Skipping loot green tourmaline
You put a vultite handaxe in your black pantsuit.
[sloot]>get #2751640
[starscream]>get handaxe
You remove a vultite handaxe from in your black pantsuit.
[starscream]>get parma
You already have that.
[starscream]>stow all
You already have that.
You put a vultite handaxe in your black pantsuit.
You put a red-striped villswood parma in your black pantsuit.

Obviously, there is an error here. The pantsuit does exist.

06-14-2010, 11:54 AM
trying the new sloot on one of my shattered characters.

Obviously, there is an error here. The pantsuit does exist.

Do you have pantsuit setup as a container?

06-15-2010, 10:18 AM
every container in fact

happens on other characters too, using backpacks.

06-15-2010, 09:44 PM
Every once in awhile it just skips a box for no apparent reason.

You are now in a defensive stance.
[sloot]>loot #3877141
You search the troll chieftain.
She had a leather helm, some brigandine armor, a flail.
She carried a plain haon trunk on her!
An Agresh troll chieftain decays into compost.

06-16-2010, 08:22 AM
- Lots of tweaks to selling 1) sloot will only check each container one time 2) exclusions are done prior to selling so it doesn't run to each shop and not sell if an item is excluded 3) some other stuff :)

06-16-2010, 08:30 AM
I just uploaded some tweaks to the hangs and, as a test, ran it all night without any hiccups.

06-16-2010, 09:21 AM
OK the drop thing was fixed but I think this you missed this reason for dropping when you fixed it

You remove an enruned golden topaz pendant from in your black leather pack.
[sloot]>sell #3765737
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy an enruned golden topaz pendant.
The jeweler Kahlyr says, "Sorry, Lasek, I'm not buying anything this valuable today. Maybe tomorrow."
[sloot]>drop #3765737
You drop an enruned golden topaz pendant.

06-16-2010, 09:27 AM
Is there anyway to have sloot withdraw 5 silver after selling loot? I got hung up at icemule gate last night for not having any silver.

06-16-2010, 11:26 AM
OK the drop thing was fixed but I think this you missed this reason for dropping when you fixed it

You remove an enruned golden topaz pendant from in your black leather pack.
[sloot]>sell #3765737
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy an enruned golden topaz pendant.
The jeweler Kahlyr says, "Sorry, Lasek, I'm not buying anything this valuable today. Maybe tomorrow."
[sloot]>drop #3765737
You drop an enruned golden topaz pendant.

I suppose I shouldn't toss valuable stuff away. I'll tweak that.

06-16-2010, 11:29 AM
Is there anyway to have sloot withdraw 5 silver after selling loot? I got hung up at icemule gate last night for not having any silver.

Just added this feature. Enjoy.

06-16-2010, 11:30 AM
I just uploaded some tweaks to the hangs and, as a test, ran it all night without any hiccups.

This was supposed to be posted in the SAmmu thread.

06-16-2010, 11:42 AM
Just added this feature. Enjoy.

Thanks for the add. I am sure it will help alot

06-16-2010, 03:34 PM
- Added the option of giving gold rings to the chronomage instead of selling them

06-16-2010, 03:41 PM
- Added the option of giving gold rings to the chronomage instead of selling them

Wow, I'm a noob. I didn't even know you could do this. What's the benefit of giving them to the chronomage?

06-16-2010, 03:41 PM
Wow, I'm a noob. I didn't even know you could do this. What's the benefit of giving them to the chronomage?

5k credit on future trip.

06-16-2010, 03:44 PM
5k credit on future trip.

Huh, nice. I like that option... I was finding that my gold rings were being offered to the gem dealer and then dropped since he doesn't buy stuff like that. Handing them to the chronomage for the 5k credit sounds more appealing than selling them to the pawn anyhow.

06-17-2010, 02:45 AM
Found another creature (kinda suprised at this actually, maybe there's a bug in my system) that sloot seems to not like, it's not recognizing it's dead for some reason:

A brief tremor ripples across the scout's skin, leaving a faint beading of scarlet in its wake.
... 25 points of damage!
[You have earned 5 recognition points.]
The troll scout spins backwards and collapses dead.
The deep blue glow leaves an Agresh troll scout.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Snacks's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
[bigshot]>prepare 1101
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
Snacks gestures at an Agresh troll scout.
A small surge of electricity arcs out towards the corpse of an Agresh troll scout!
The body twitches slightly in response.
[bigshot]>cast #4740185
You gesture at an Agresh troll scout.
But it is dead!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Snacks's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
[bigshot]>prepare 1101
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>cast #4740185
Snacks gestures at an Agresh troll scout.
A small surge of electricity arcs out towards the corpse of an Agresh troll scout!
The body twitches slightly in response.
You gesture at an Agresh troll scout.
But it is dead!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

06-17-2010, 08:03 AM
It's not sloot that doesn't recognize it as dead. It's lich because of Simutronics. Give the line to Tillmen to have him add the death message.

06-17-2010, 11:45 AM
Added the death message to the infomon workaround.

06-17-2010, 11:46 AM
Added the death message to the infomon workaround.

I bet that line is getting pretty long.

06-17-2010, 02:32 PM
I bet that line is getting pretty long.

Why would you define it as a single line instead of multiple entries in an array that you join together?

06-17-2010, 02:56 PM
Added the death message to the infomon workaround.

Awesome, thanks. I'll test it later, unfortunately I think the troll warriors in the same area had the same problem, but I did not have an example to post. If they're still wonky I'll post it.

Thanks again.

valdarrow :)

06-17-2010, 04:43 PM
Why would you define it as a single line instead of multiple entries in an array that you join together?

Why not? There's no downside to the long line and a small (negligible) performance hit to joining an array.

06-17-2010, 08:12 PM
Here's a (somewhat) edited log of what happened when I attempted to sloot sell, after my hunt. To be clear, I have alchemy, gems, wands, magic, set for selling.

[sloot]>open #5205231
You open a bone-clasped forest green backpack.
[sloot]>look in #5205231
In the forest green backpack you see a star sapphire, a small statue, an aquamarine wand, a yellow zircon, a green malachite stone, a violet sapphire, a fire opal, a solid moonstone cube, a light pink morganite stone, a golden topaz, a star ruby, a white opal, some polished red coral, a large gold ring, a fire opal, a white opal, a white opal, a green tourmaline, a violet spinel, an elegant pewter bracer, a green malachite stone, a green malachite stone, a twisted wand, an aquamarine wand, an ayanad crystal, an aquamarine wand, some stained purple boots, a chased silver alloy baton, a resplendent scroll, an old parchment, a dusty thrak hide harness, a small deringo runestaff, a frosted lemon cookie, a smooth stone and a silver lockpick.
SLoot: sell started
gem: 18 items
magic: 2 items
wand: 4 items
alchemy: 3 items

You have 2959 coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.

[sloot]>get #5234841
You remove a star sapphire from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5234841
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a star sapphire.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the star sapphire, gives it a careful examination and hands you 1740 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5233638
You remove a yellow zircon from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5233638
Jaimaltz asks Kahlyr to appraise a bone-inlaid amber necklace.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the amber necklace and inspects it carefully before having a quiet word with Jaimaltz.
[sloot]>drop #5233638
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a yellow zircon.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the yellow zircon, gives it a careful examination and hands you 93 silver for it.
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>get #5233473
You remove a green malachite stone from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5233473
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a green malachite stone.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the malachite stone, gives it a careful examination and hands you 376 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5233097
You remove a violet sapphire from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5233097
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a violet sapphire.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the violet sapphire, gives it a careful examination and hands you 1392 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5233010
You remove a fire opal from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5233010
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a fire opal.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the fire opal, gives it a careful examination and hands you 256 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5232742
You remove a solid moonstone cube from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5232742
[sloot]>drop #5232742
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a solid moonstone cube.
The jeweler Kahlyr says, "That's not quite my field, Eddward. I only deal in gems and jewelry."
[sloot]>get #5232697
You drop a solid moonstone cube.
[sloot]>sell #5232697
You remove a light pink morganite stone from in your forest green backpack.
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a light pink morganite stone.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the morganite stone, gives it a careful examination and hands you 101 silver for it.
Jaimaltz asks Kahlyr if she would like to buy a bone-inlaid amber necklace.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the amber necklace, gives it a careful examination and hands him some silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5232205
You remove a golden topaz from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5232205
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a golden topaz.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the golden topaz, gives it a careful examination and hands you 723 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5232111
You remove a star ruby from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5232111
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a star ruby.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the star ruby, gives it a careful examination and hands you 987 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5232074
You remove a white opal from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5232074
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a white opal.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the white opal, gives it a careful examination and hands you 1029 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5231971
You remove some polished red coral from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5231971
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy some polished red coral.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the red coral, gives it a careful examination and hands you 422 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5231450
[sloot]>sell #5231450
You remove a fire opal from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>drop #5231450
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a fire opal.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the fire opal, gives it a careful examination and hands you 282 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5231236
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>sell #5231236
You remove a white opal from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>drop #5231236
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a white opal.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the white opal, gives it a careful examination and hands you 983 silver for it.
Kain makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
[sloot]>get #5231175
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>sell #5231175
You remove a white opal from in your forest green backpack.
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a white opal.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the white opal, gives it a careful examination and hands you 1020 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5230987
You remove a green tourmaline from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5230987
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a green tourmaline.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the green tourmaline, gives it a careful examination and hands you 146 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5230724
You remove a violet spinel from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5230724
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a violet spinel.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the violet spinel, gives it a careful examination and hands you 119 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5230399
You remove a green malachite stone from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5230399
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a green malachite stone.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the malachite stone, gives it a careful examination and hands you 330 silver for it.
[sloot]>get #5230350
You remove a green malachite stone from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5230350
You ask Kahlyr if she would like to buy a green malachite stone.
The jeweler Kahlyr takes the malachite stone, gives it a careful examination and hands you 707 silver for it.
Jaimaltz removes a silver and red sunstone stickpin from in his barkcloth pack.
You have 13665 coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:01 (6 rooms to move through)]
[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[The North 'Haven Pawnery]
A middle-aged man wearing a bushy salt-and-pepper beard and a sour expression stands behind a modwir counter that bears the rounded edges and marring of a thousand transactions. The cracked and yellowed plaster walls, dilapidated counter and the appearance of the proprietor suggest a distinctly Dwarven influence, if not lineage. You also see a spear, a scratched anklet, some tree bark, some ephlox moss, some ambrominas leaf, some calamia fruit, some cactacae spine, some acantha leaf, some aloeas stem, a brostheras potion, some haphip root, a wide-lipped copper urn banded by rings of indigo lacquer and the pawnbroker Walsor Gryhm.
Also here:Camacho
Obvious exits: west, out
[sloot]>get #5234597
[sloot]>sell #5234597
You remove a small statue from in your forest green backpack.
You offer to sell your small statue to Walsor Gryhm.
Walsor Gryhm takes your small statue, glances at it briefly, then hands you 887 silver coins.
[sloot]>get #5232742
Get what?
[sloot]>sell #5232742
What were you referring to?
You have 14552 coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: you're already here...]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #5233639
Kain makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
[sloot]>sell #5233639
You remove an aquamarine wand from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>drop #5233639
You offer to sell your aquamarine wand to Walsor Gryhm.
Walsor Gryhm takes your aquamarine wand, glances at it briefly, then hands you 1538 silver coins.
[sloot]>get #5230133
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>sell #5230133
You remove a twisted wand from in your forest green backpack.
You offer to sell your twisted wand to Walsor Gryhm.
Walsor Gryhm takes your twisted wand, glances at it briefly, then hands you 740 silver coins.
[sloot]>get #5230006
You remove an aquamarine wand from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5230006
You offer to sell your aquamarine wand to Walsor Gryhm.
Walsor Gryhm takes your aquamarine wand, glances at it briefly, then hands you 1656 silver coins.
[sloot]>get #5229216
You remove an aquamarine wand from in your forest green backpack.
[sloot]>sell #5229216
[sloot]>drop #5229216
You offer to sell your aquamarine wand to Walsor Gryhm.
Walsor Gryhm takes your aquamarine wand, glances at it briefly, then hands you 757 silver coins.
I could not find what you were referring to.
You have 19243 coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #5233010
Get what?
[sloot]>sell #5233010
What were you referring to?
[sloot]>get #5231450
Get what?
[sloot]>sell #5231450
What were you referring to?
[sloot]>get #5229217
You remove an ayanad crystal from in your forest green backpack.
Fenrus just arrived.
[sloot]>sell #5229217
You offer to sell your ayanad crystal to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your ayanad crystal, glances at it briefly, then hands you 74 silver coins.
Fenrus removes a s'ayanad crystal from in his forest green backpack.
You have 19317 coins with you.
[sloot]>close #5205231
[sloot]>close #5205231
Fenrus steps aside to talk with the pawnbroker about his s'ayanad crystal.
The pawnbroker takes Fenrus's s'ayanad crystal, glances at it briefly, then hands him some silver coins.
[sloot]>close #5205231
You close a bone-clasped forest green backpack.
Fenrus rummages around in his pockets.
That is already closed.
[sloot]>close #5205231
That is already closed.
That is already closed.
You have 19317 coins with you.
Fenrus just went east.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>deposit all
You have no accessible notes to deposit here.
You deposit 19317 silvers into your account. The teller carefully records the transaction and says, "Thank you, XXXXXXXX Have a nice day!"

Usage: WITHDRAW {amount} [SILVER|NOTE]
--- Lich: go2 active.
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
SLoot: selling complete
You made a total of 16358 silver(s)!
gem: 10706
magic: 887
wand: 4691
alchemy: 74

So, basically, I have no idea what sloot is doing anymore, but I know it's not working like it used to, and it's not workinglike I'm sure it's intended. It used to run beautifully, now, not so much.

06-17-2010, 09:35 PM
Sloot's a little off today. Picking up a steel-banded shield as jewelry. It also not tried to sell sapphires to the pawnbroker, then drops them. Was working great earlier today.

06-17-2010, 09:42 PM
That's what I get for trying something and then leaving without much testing.

06-17-2010, 11:14 PM
I guess I should also note that it's not picking things up sometimes that it should, and is also sometimes picking things up that it should not. Additionally, it is sometimes getting objects and putting them away multiple times, sometimes to different containers, sometimes to the same container.

06-17-2010, 11:35 PM
I guess I should also note that it's not picking things up sometimes that it should, and is also sometimes picking things up that it should not. Additionally, it is sometimes getting objects and putting them away multiple times, sometimes to different containers, sometimes to the same container.

I can tell you with some certainty that all your problems are caused by your avatar picture.

06-18-2010, 08:08 AM
Wtf is that anyway, a sex toy? Scary.

Anyway.... still having Sloot wander off without looting in a couple of scenarios.

1) When the bigshot tail kills a critter.

2) When you kill a critter and another one wanders in, exceeding your "run if monters > #" setting.

06-18-2010, 09:29 AM
Sloot wouldn't sell these gems

In the backpack:
jewelry (5): fine chrysoberyl pin, plain gold ring, exquisite gold ring, scratched gold ring, bright gold ring.
gem (18): opaque spiral shell, purple-cap cowrie shell, beige clam shell, dovesnail shell, marlin spike shell (2), silvery clam shell, lynx cowrie shell, polished hornsnail shell, speckled conch shell (2), Solhaven Bay scallop shell (2), large chipped clam shell, leopard cowrie shell, split-back pink conch shell (3).
other (6): dagger, copper lockpick (3), silver lockpick, steel lockpick.

06-18-2010, 09:39 AM
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had a smoky topaz on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A greater kappa turns to dust.

[sloot]>stow right

Malevolence just arrived.
You put a vultite-edged gornar longsword in your roan pack.

[sloot]>get #5423640

Malevolence just went west.
You pick up a weathered thanot strongbox.

[sloot]>put #5423640 in #5416775

Your strongbox won't fit in the burgundy robes.

[sloot]>drop #5423640

Malevolence just arrived.

[sloot]>stow right

You drop a weathered thanot strongbox.

[sloot]>get #5431408

You are not holding anything in your right hand.
You pick up a smoky topaz.
Malevolence just went east.

[sloot]>put #5431408 in #5416698

[sloot]>get #5423640

You put a smoky topaz in your roan pack.
You pick up a weathered thanot strongbox.


It then ran around trying to attack things with a strongbox until I got killed.

In related news, does anyone know why a SF script set to pick up on the words "won't fit" didn't launch at that point? It's supposed to kill any lich scripts running, go put my boxes away, and restart them.

06-18-2010, 09:47 AM
You search the greater kappa.
It had a handaxe.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had a smoky topaz on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A greater kappa turns to dust.

[sloot]>stow right

Malevolence just arrived.
You put a vultite-edged gornar longsword in your roan pack.

[sloot]>get #5423640

Malevolence just went west.
You pick up a weathered thanot strongbox.

[sloot]>put #5423640 in #5416775

Your strongbox won't fit in the burgundy robes.

[sloot]>drop #5423640

Malevolence just arrived.

[sloot]>stow right

You drop a weathered thanot strongbox.

[sloot]>get #5431408

You are not holding anything in your right hand.
You pick up a smoky topaz.
Malevolence just went east.

[sloot]>put #5431408 in #5416698

[sloot]>get #5423640

You put a smoky topaz in your roan pack.
You pick up a weathered thanot strongbox.


It then ran around trying to attack things with a strongbox until I got killed.

In related news, does anyone know why a SF script set to pick up on the words "won't fit" didn't launch at that point? It's supposed to kill any lich scripts running, go put my boxes away, and restart them.

Finally, a log to show what's going on. What happened was sloot didn't pause long enough to register the dropping of the strongbox so when it went to stow an item because your hands it saved the strongbox as the item in your hand instead of the longsword. I'm not sure what's the issue, yet.

06-18-2010, 10:04 AM
I uploaded a tweak to slib. Might wanna try it out.

06-18-2010, 10:07 AM
Finally, a log to show what's going on. What happened was sloot didn't pause long enough to register the dropping of the strongbox so when it went to stow an item because your hands it saved the strongbox as the item in your hand instead of the longsword. I'm not sure what's the issue, yet.
My scripting ability stops with SF, but if it was my script, I'd toss in a match after "drop (item)" to verify that it drops before moving to the next line of code. I'd also adjust my Bigshot attack matches to catch "Can't attack with (item) in your right hand!" It would stow/drop, try the unsheathe command, and continue. If unsheathe didn't work, run an inven full combat and grab the first weapon in the list. If the first weapon happens to be a drake dart you picked up, sucks to be you. Lrn2setweapons.

I really need to find time to learn ruby. I really enjoy playing around with code like this, but all I know how to do is SF scripting. Lich would be 100x more fun.

I uploaded a tweak to slib. Might wanna try it out.
Will do, thanks!

06-18-2010, 10:14 AM
- Added a force deposit option to force depositing coins even if you have nothing to sell.
- Added the option to disable the hands check
- Tweaked slib to hopefully stow items smarter

Anonymous Clay
06-20-2010, 04:03 PM
Been trying to figure this out for a couple days but no avail.

When I try to open ;sloot setup on one of my characters, the window appears in my taskbar but I can't maximize it. I can tab over to it, mouse over to it on the taskbar, and I can see it in my running programs, but I can't ever actually open the GUI.

This only happens on one character, the others will run sloot setup just fine.


I just copied my lich files on a flash drive an ran it at work and I have the same problem. I've tried re-downloading the sloot, slib, sloot-db files as well as deleting them and starting fresh. Can anyone point me in the direction of what might be giving me trouble? I don't really feel like doing a full reinstall of Lich unless I have to.


06-21-2010, 12:21 AM
Force deposit isnt working, especially after townsmith. Unless you have something to sell from the boxes, it doesnt go deposit. i have sloot sell firing after townsmith.

06-21-2010, 04:06 AM
;settings delete unknownsack=longcoat
;settings delete lootsack=longcoat
;settings delete junksack=longcoat

I really doubt those caused the error, but they don't need to be there.

06-21-2010, 08:05 AM
I uploaded a tweak. Let me know it that fixes it.

06-21-2010, 11:41 AM
Downloaded the latest version of sloot and I'm still seeing the occasional failure to pick up loot. I've noticed it happens once in awhile on wands and/or boxes, maybe other stuff too that I haven't noticed. It'll move on to the next kill and loot just fine.

Edit: If bigshot returns me to that room and kills a critter there, sloot will successfully pick up the item it failed to pick up on the previous time thru. Also, vacuum mode still running past loot 100% of the time.

06-21-2010, 11:56 AM
Don't know if you want to really fix this. I wont be seeing it too much more but the crab shells in thurfels, sloot thinks they are gems. it says it is a "fauceted crystaline crab shell" also I noticed that if sloot starts and you get knocked down it hangs and you just lie there.

06-21-2010, 12:48 PM
Downloaded the latest version of sloot and I'm still seeing the occasional failure to pick up loot. I've noticed it happens once in awhile on wands and/or boxes, maybe other stuff too that I haven't noticed. It'll move on to the next kill and loot just fine.

Edit: If bigshot returns me to that room and kills a critter there, sloot will successfully pick up the item it failed to pick up on the previous time thru. Also, vacuum mode still running past loot 100% of the time.

1) Sloot just runs through GameObj.loot. My guess is that sloot is running faster than GameObj.loot is being updated. The only thing I could do is add a delay but I won't, because that's a shit solution.
2) Tooltip on vaccum mode says that it's not implemented.

06-21-2010, 12:55 PM
1) Sloot just runs through GameObj.loot. My guess is that sloot is running faster than GameObj.loot is being updated. The only thing I could do is add a delay but I won't, because that's a shit solution.

GameObj updates before the "You search" line reaches your screen. The problem is likely fput. For example:

(result = fput 'loot')
Jerk walks in...
(result is now "Jerk walks in...", fput has completed, check GameObj.loot, which is empty.)
(GameObj.loot updates)
You search an uber critter of doom.
Interesting, it had uber loot of doom.

Using dothistimeout should fix it.

06-21-2010, 02:01 PM
GameObj updates before the "You search" line reaches your screen. The problem is likely fput. For example:

(result = fput 'loot')
Jerk walks in...
(result is now "Jerk walks in...", fput has completed, check GameObj.loot, which is empty.)
(GameObj.loot updates)
You search an uber critter of doom.
Interesting, it had uber loot of doom.

Using dothistimeout should fix it.

Fine! I went ahead and changed the fput line so let's see if it works.

06-21-2010, 03:27 PM
My sloot sell is now attempting to run, which is a huge improvement. However, it tells me I have nothing to sell, when I do. I do have the correct containers set, and it is looking in the correct containers. My sloot and slib files are up to date.

If you have PsiNet installed, you'll need to disable baggage (use ;sorter)

06-21-2010, 04:08 PM
Fine! I went ahead and changed the fput line so let's see if it works.

Seems to be working fine now, haven't noticed any other loot getting skipped.

Any chance you can add the wood chunks to slib / sloot? A petrified piece of haon, modwir, rosespar, etc.

06-22-2010, 12:37 AM
Few odd things happening for me:
1) Sloot won't put boxes in my disk. I tried flipping the disk, removing things, etc. I went as far as to dismiss the disk and got a new one. Same behavior. Strange thing is when I dismissed the disk and hunted w/o one, I received the msg "waiting for disk".

2) Skinning seems to be acting inconsistently. I'm using a maul and have the skin with alternate setting set (dagger in a container). The dagger is used, the creature is skinned, dagger is put away, creature is looted, but sometimes I'm not pulling back out my maul and end up walkingn around hunting empty handed.

3) It doesn't seem to loot any gems that are shells that I find while hunting in Solhaven.

06-22-2010, 09:08 AM
Do you have the latest version, I'ver heard all these problems before but I've also heard they were fixed with new versions. Try donwloading sloot abd slib again and retrusting them.

06-22-2010, 09:23 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but does Sloot run in the background, or do you have to initiate it when you loot something? I downloaded and trusted it, but don't really know what to do from there!


06-22-2010, 09:28 AM
Few odd things happening for me:
1) Sloot won't put boxes in my disk. I tried flipping the disk, removing things, etc. I went as far as to dismiss the disk and got a new one. Same behavior. Strange thing is when I dismissed the disk and hunted w/o one, I received the msg "waiting for disk".

2) Skinning seems to be acting inconsistently. I'm using a maul and have the skin with alternate setting set (dagger in a container). The dagger is used, the creature is skinned, dagger is put away, creature is looted, but sometimes I'm not pulling back out my maul and end up walkingn around hunting empty handed.

3) It doesn't seem to loot any gems that are shells that I find while hunting in Solhaven.

Do you have the latest version, I'ver heard all these problems before but I've also heard they were fixed with new versions. Try donwloading sloot abd slib again and retrusting them.

Yes - first thing I usually check is to make sure I've downloaded the latest sloot and slib from the repo.

06-22-2010, 09:33 AM
Few odd things happening for me:
1) Sloot won't put boxes in my disk. I tried flipping the disk, removing things, etc. I went as far as to dismiss the disk and got a new one. Same behavior. Strange thing is when I dismissed the disk and hunted w/o one, I received the msg "waiting for disk".

2) Skinning seems to be acting inconsistently. I'm using a maul and have the skin with alternate setting set (dagger in a container). The dagger is used, the creature is skinned, dagger is put away, creature is looted, but sometimes I'm not pulling back out my maul and end up walkingn around hunting empty handed.

3) It doesn't seem to loot any gems that are shells that I find while hunting in Solhaven.

1) I'll look into it when I start picking up boxes again.
2) I skin all the time and have yet to find an issue. Post a log.
3) The shells I have are: "crown-of-Charl shell", "large chipped clam shell", "leopard cowrie shell", "split-back pink conch shell", "silvery clam shell", "lynx cowrie shell", "polished hornsnail shell", "speckled conch shell", "Solhaven Bay scallop shell", "opaque spiral shell", "purple-cap cowrie shell", "beige clam shell", "dovesnail shell", "marlin spike shell"

06-22-2010, 09:43 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but does Sloot run in the background, or do you have to initiate it when you loot something? I downloaded and trusted it, but don't really know what to do from there!


Sloot must be activated every time you wish to use it. It is mainly used as a one-time to sell a bunch of items you have selected you automatically wish to pawn, and as parts of larger scripts. You also need ;slib in order for the script to work, as per the info section. It looks like the ;loot script is a passive one that will run in the background, and loot creatures for you.

06-22-2010, 10:31 AM
Sloot must be activated every time you wish to use it. It is mainly used as a one-time to sell a bunch of items you have selected you automatically wish to pawn, and as parts of larger scripts. You also need ;slib in order for the script to work, as per the info section. It looks like the ;loot script is a passive one that will run in the background, and loot creatures for you.

Sloot will autoloot for you if you have the button checked.

06-22-2010, 01:43 PM
I woke up to this problem:

SLoot: ERROR *** Unable to find sack "disk" in your inventory!
SLoot: Skipping loot battered gold coffer

I am not sure how to reset it now that I have a disk again.


edit: I downloaded sloot and slib again then logged again and that fixed it if anyone runs into this problem in the future.

06-22-2010, 07:20 PM
Hunting cyclops that use splintered tree trunks as weapons. This happens when there's one on the ground already after I kill a cyclops and sloot it - can actually cause it to hang for about 15 seconds while trying to find the trunk.

You search the cyclops.
You discard the cyclops's useless equipment.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing of interest.
A cyclops decays into compost.
You are now in a defensive stance.
[sloot]>loot #8942921
You can only loot creatures!
[sloot]>get #8942923
The tree trunk crumbles into a pile of dust!
[sloot]>put #8942923 in #8757805
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>get #8942923
Get what?
[sloot]>put #8942923 in #8677220
I could not find what you were referring to.
[sloot]>drop #8942923
I could not find what you were referring to.

06-22-2010, 08:44 PM
Minor issue: sloot isn't picking up large yellow diamonds.

[bigshot]>cast #8998104
You gesture at a cold guardian.
You hurl a hissing stream of acid at a cold guardian!
AS: +276 vs DS: +135 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +73 = +250
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
The cold guardian falls to the ground motionless.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[bigshot]>stance guarded
You are now in a guarded stance.
[sloot]>loot #8998104
You search the cold guardian.
It had 121 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 121 coins.
It had a large yellow diamond on it!
Interesting, it carried a dashing faille tunic on it.
It had nothing else of value.
A cold guardian turns to dust.
[A Frozen Battlefield]
The snow falls in heavy waves, the piercing wind only intensifying the brutal chill. A headless skeleton has been propped up against a tall boulder, one arm missing, the other raised in some ghastly greeting. A tattered scarf has been wrapped around its neck, perhaps in some cruel jest. You also see a cold guardian and a deep icy trench.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest

06-22-2010, 08:53 PM
Sloot will autoloot for you if you have the button checked.

Did you make sloot passive, then? Or do you mean instead of typing loot, you type ;sloot?

06-22-2010, 10:08 PM
Did you make sloot passive, then? Or do you mean instead of typing loot, you type ;sloot?

I mean if you check "Autoloot" in setup then sloot will autoloot.

06-22-2010, 10:24 PM
"a piece of azurite" doesn't seem to be recognized by sloot as a gem.

06-22-2010, 10:29 PM
I mean if you check "Autoloot" in setup then sloot will autoloot.

I see. What confuses me is ;sloot does not give any messaging when it is activated. Odd.

For example:

--- Lich: walk active.

Also, you can activate sloot on top of itself without any messaging:

For example:

--- Lich: uberspells active.
--- Lich: uberspells is already running (use ;force [scriptname] if desired).

As opposed to:


Looks like I broke it.

--- Lich: no active scripts.

06-23-2010, 02:15 AM
--- Lich: sloot active.
sloot: SLib is being upgraded to the latest version
SRepo: Downloading: slib.lic.
SRepo: This may take a while depending on the size...
--- Lich: repository active.
[repository: connecting to the server...]
[repository: downloading slib.lic in 3 seconds... (;k repository to abort)]
[repository: starting download...]
[repository: done]
--- Lich: repository has exited.
SRepo: complete!
-- SLib has been upgraded to version 2.28
sloot: Upgrade complete!
--- Exception: undefined method `find_all' for #<SNpc:0xba998e4>
--- Lich: slib active.
sloot:435:in `start_script'
--- Lich: slib has exited.
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

what am i doing wrong?

06-23-2010, 08:28 AM
Did you trust Sloot and slib after you updated?

06-23-2010, 09:49 AM
sloot is hanging on botched skins. Have died 4x overnight because sloot never exits, bigshot never gets control again, and I get dinged to death.

06-23-2010, 10:00 AM
I see. What confuses me is ;sloot does not give any messaging when it is activated. Odd.

For example:

--- Lich: walk active.

Also, you can activate sloot on top of itself without any messaging:

For example:

--- Lich: uberspells active.
--- Lich: uberspells is already running (use ;force [scriptname] if desired).

As opposed to:


Looks like I broke it.

--- Lich: no active scripts.

sloot runs quietly so you don't see it start/exit. Delete #quiet from the start of the script to change that.

As for autoloot, I'm pretty sure it uses a DownstreamHook which can remain active even when the script exits.

(A downstream hook is a block of code that is executed for every incoming line before it reaches the user)

06-23-2010, 12:05 PM
You are now in a defensive stance.
[sloot]>loot #9472178
You search the skeletal lord.
You discard the lord's useless equipment.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had a star sapphire on it!
It had nothing else of value.
The last vestiges of the skeletal lord are caught by a dank, cold wind and blown into oblivion.
| Bigshot resting
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:17 (89 rooms to move through)]
[Castle Varunar, Chapel]

Obvious exits: east, west, out

Occasionally, and usually when I'm fried and kill the creature, or kill the creature and become fried.... it leaves the loot.

Is this bigshot or sloot?

06-23-2010, 02:23 PM
I'm gonna go with Lich!

06-23-2010, 07:46 PM
1) I'll look into it when I start picking up boxes again.
2) I skin all the time and have yet to find an issue. Post a log.
3) The shells I have are: "crown-of-Charl shell", "large chipped clam shell", "leopard cowrie shell", "split-back pink conch shell", "silvery clam shell", "lynx cowrie shell", "polished hornsnail shell", "speckled conch shell", "Solhaven Bay scallop shell", "opaque spiral shell", "purple-cap cowrie shell", "beige clam shell", "dovesnail shell", "marlin spike shell"

Here's a few other shells that it doesn't seem to recognize: a crown conch shell, a yellow helmet shell, a black-spined conch shell, a crown conch shell, a golden cowrie shell, a polished batwing chiton shell, lavender nassa shell, a black helmet shell, a large moonsnail shell, a polished red abalone shell, a blue-banded coquina shell, a fluted limpet shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, an amethyst clam shell.

Any chance to expand to pull all conch, conquina, clam, etc. shells or does that interfere with skinning?

Edit - one more a red helmet shell.

06-23-2010, 07:51 PM
yep, i have sloot and slib trusted.

after it upgrades, i just get the error message and its exists

06-23-2010, 09:40 PM
Here's a few other shells that it doesn't seem to recognize: a crown conch shell, a yellow helmet shell, a black-spined conch shell, a crown conch shell, a golden cowrie shell, a polished batwing chiton shell, lavender nassa shell, a black helmet shell, a large moonsnail shell, a polished red abalone shell, a blue-banded coquina shell, a fluted limpet shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, an amethyst clam shell.

Any chance to expand to pull all conch, conquina, clam, etc. shells or does that interfere with skinning?

Edit - one more a red helmet shell.

It interferes with skinning. Think there are more gems or skins with shell in the name? If gems, I'll just start adding skins instead.

06-23-2010, 09:51 PM
I'd wager that there are far more shells that are gems than skins.

06-23-2010, 10:24 PM
It interferes with skinning. Think there are more gems or skins with shell in the name? If gems, I'll just start adding skins instead.

Here are those shells with quotes around them. Should make it easier to add to slib.
"crown conch shell", "yellow helmet shell" "black-spined conch shell", "crown conch shell", "golden cowrie shell", "polished batwing chiton shell, lavender nassa shell", "black helmet shell", "large moonsnail shell", "polished red abalone shell", "blue-banded coquina shell", "fluted limpet shell", "pink-banded coquina shell", "amethyst clam shell", "red helmet shell", "translucent golden spiral shell"

Edited to add that based on hunting in the past 24 hours (that's where I got all the shell names from - about 20 hrs worth of logs), there has to be more shells. That and the question may be not whether there are more varieties of shells as skins or gems, but if shell gems are found/sold more often than shell skins. My guess is that gems wins out there too.

06-23-2010, 11:08 PM
Any chance I could get you to give me a shell sometime? I want to test a few things.

06-23-2010, 11:14 PM
Will you add jaw to the skin list?

(warhorses in varunar)

06-24-2010, 08:28 AM
steel lockpick (5), copper lockpick (6), silver lockpick (2)

Could we get lockpicks added to sloot sell please?

06-24-2010, 09:55 AM
Will you add jaw to the skin list?

(warhorses in varunar)

Warhorse jaw?

06-24-2010, 11:16 AM
1) I'll look into it when I start picking up boxes again.
2) I skin all the time and have yet to find an issue. Post a log.
3) The shells I have are: "crown-of-Charl shell", "large chipped clam shell", "leopard cowrie shell", "split-back pink conch shell", "silvery clam shell", "lynx cowrie shell", "polished hornsnail shell", "speckled conch shell", "Solhaven Bay scallop shell", "opaque spiral shell", "purple-cap cowrie shell", "beige clam shell", "dovesnail shell", "marlin spike shell"Here's a few other shells that it doesn't seem to recognize: a crown conch shell, a yellow helmet shell, a black-spined conch shell, a crown conch shell, a golden cowrie shell, a polished batwing chiton shell, lavender nassa shell, a black helmet shell, a large moonsnail shell, a polished red abalone shell, a blue-banded coquina shell, a fluted limpet shell, a pink-banded coquina shell, an amethyst clam shell.

Any chance to expand to pull all conch, conquina, clam, etc. shells or does that interfere with skinning?

Edit - one more a red helmet shell.

I didnt take the time to look for duplicates but heres a bunch of shells I picked up yesterday. Seems a lot are missing from the list.

giant paper nautilus shell, queen helmet shell, angulate wentletrap shell, pink clam shell, polished hornsnail shell, egg cowrie shell, polished green abalone shell, speckled conch shell, empress's crown shell (2), tiger-striped nautilus shell (2), spiral turret shell, lavender nassa shell, iridescent tempest shell

06-24-2010, 11:41 AM
I didnt take the time to look for duplicates but heres a bunch of shells I picked up yesterday. Seems a lot are missing from the list.

giant paper nautilus shell, queen helmet shell, angulate wentletrap shell, pink clam shell, polished hornsnail shell, egg cowrie shell, polished green abalone shell, speckled conch shell, empress's crown shell (2), tiger-striped nautilus shell (2), spiral turret shell, lavender nassa shell, iridescent tempest shell

Yah, screw this. I'm adding shell to the gems and adding skins manually.

06-24-2010, 11:42 AM
Yah, screw this. I'm adding shell to the gems and adding skins manually.

Awesome. And to answer your previous question, I do have some shells you can have for testing. I'll send you a lnet chat next time I'm in game.

06-24-2010, 12:03 PM
Problem here...

>;sloot setup
--- Exception: uninitialized constant SLib
sloot:24:in `start_script'

Not sure if this is related to the update to slib recently or not.

Edit: Whatever this was has been resolved. Not sure what it was or how it somehow corrected itself, but it's working now.

06-24-2010, 12:16 PM
Yah, screw this. I'm adding shell to the gems and adding skins manually.

If you want ill start saving up the names for you. Im in RR so I get quite a few.

06-24-2010, 06:28 PM
- Added a feature to only loot stuff that comes off your critters. This is to help prevent the gayness from the cursed gem dropped.

06-24-2010, 06:39 PM
- Added a feature to only loot stuff that comes off your critters. This is to help prevent the gayness from the cursed gem dropped.

Thumbs up - came home to a cursed gem in my hand.

06-24-2010, 07:02 PM

06-25-2010, 02:38 PM
rolton ear, daggerbeak wing, worm skin, rodent fang, fire ant pincer, ant pincer, rat pelt, kobold skin, ghoul nail, rolton eye, rolton pelt, skeleton bone, spotted gnarp horn, snake skin, rotting rolton pelt, kobold skin, brown gak hide, gnome scalp, goblin fang, goblin skin, pale crab pincer, squirrel tail, gak hide, rolton horn, cave nipper skin,
salamander skin, ghoul scraping, spider leg, hobgoblin scalp, skeleton skull, kobold ear, mountain snowcat pelt,
relnak sail, gak pelt, striped relnak sail, velnalin hide, cobra skin, viper skin, mangy kobold scalp, orc ear, spotted leaper pelt, urgh hide, water moccasin skin, whiptail stinger, bobcat claw, coyote tail, mist wraith eye, mongrel hobgoblin snout, night golem finger, cockatrice feather, leaper hide, mummy's shroud, orc hide, monkey paw, snowy cockatrice tailfeather, lynx pelt, blood red eagle feather, kappa fin, hobgoblin shaman ear, orc claw,
red orc scalp, shelfae scale, multi-faceted tomb spider eye, golem bone, faceted crystal crab shell, orc claw, orc scalp, spider leg, thrak hide, brown spinner leg, crocodile snout, dirge skin, manticore tail, spectre nail, marmot pelt, boar tusk, rotted canine, werebear paw, orc knuckle, shelfae crest, pair of forked antlers, pair of spike antlers, pair of three-tined antlers, rack of four-tined antlers, huge rack of eight-tined antlers, rack of five-tined antlers, cockatrice plume, tawny brindlecat hide, black boar hide, brown boar hide, troll hide, weasel pelt,brown bear skin, orc beard, silverback orc knuckle, spectre skin, scraggly swamp troll scalp, white puma hide, black leopard paw,
puma paw, ogre tusk, greasy troll scalp, panther pelt, puma hide, yellowed boar tusk, wight claw, wraith talon, bear claw, rattlesnake rattle, two-tip rattlesnake rattle, four-tip rattlesnake rattle, bear hide, troll skin, fire rat tail, ghoul finger, troll beard, chipped troll tusk, yellowed canine, ogre nose, faintly glowing worm skin, scraggly orc scalp,
bear paw, yellowed canine, crooked witch nose, glistening black eye, ogre tusk, veaba claw, goat hoof, troll toe, ogre nose,
scraggly orc scalp, long fiery red spine (blunt), bighorn sheepskin, stone-grey lizard tail, ghoul master claw, fire cat claw, hornet stinger, mountain lion skin, plains lion skin, scraggly orc scalp, orange shelfae scale, troll scalp,troll heart, wight skin, ogre tooth, warcat whisker, wight scalp, bear claw, scraggly orc scalp, cougar tail, basilisk crest, dark panther pelt, warthog snout, centaur hide, centaur ranger hide, zombie scalp, fenghai fur, zombie scalp,wolverine tail,
scorpion stinger, ice hound ear, night hound hide, tree viper fang, wolverine pelt, troll knuckle, cyclops eye, leopard skin, troll fang, dobrem snout, ogre tooth, tufted hawk-owl ear, ki'lin horn, arctic manticore mane, ice troll scalp, pra'eda canine, scaly burgee shell, sheer white spider mandible, hisskra skin, pale troll tongue, scrap of troll skin, mammoth arachnid mandible, hag nose, krynch shinbone, pair of caribou antlers, fog beetle carapace, hisskra crest, hisskra tooth, moor hound paw, beetle pincer, giant bone, tegu tailspike, ruff of vulture feathers, troll eye, decaying troll eye, tundra giant tooth, troll ear, moor eagle talon, fungal cap, arctic titan toe, fire giant mane, crooked crone finger, leathery bat wing, wight skull, silver-tipped horseshoe, skeletal warhorse jaw, ursian tusk, giant toe, grizzly bear hide, wasp stinger, silvery tail, vesperti claw, cracked troll jawbone, wight mane, giant skin, kiramon mandible, <color> myklian scale, myklian scale, giant scalp, roa'ter skin, frozen scalp, multicolored siren lizard skin, ruff of raptor feathers, silvery hoof, pulsating firethorn, trali hide, spotted leopard pelt, polar bear skin, vruul skin, shimmering wasp wing, trali scalp, giant scalp, mottled faeroth crest, vor'taz horn, kiramon tongue, snake fang, thrak tail, waern fur, faeroth fang, seeker eye, madrinol skin, troll thumb, mammoth tusk, tiger incisor, troll eyeball, silver mane, pyrothag hide, viper fang, heavy grey tusk, stone heart (axe), massive troll king hide (fire), soft grifflet pelt, tsark skin, ruffed tawny griffin pelt (color varies), soft blue griffin feather, minotaur hide, vruul skin, minotaur horn, tegursh claw,martial eagle talon, faceted crystal crab shell

All the critter skins I have..in case you wanted/needed them for your scipt. Hope they help!

06-25-2010, 02:42 PM
I've tried the newest version of SLib and Sloot and there are some shells that are defined that aren't being picked up. Noticed some were missing closing quotations and/or a comma to separate the list of valid gems, but even after I edited Slib to fix it, Sloot still wasn't picking them up. One of the examples I have is a yellow helmet shell. In the list, but not getting picked up - believe it didn't have a comma after the entry in Slib. Even with a comma it's not getting picked up.

I'll be around for a little while tonight, until about 8PM. Let me know if you want some shells for testing.

06-25-2010, 02:50 PM
I've tried the newest version of SLib and Sloot and there are some shells that are defined that aren't being picked up. Noticed some were missing closing quotations and/or a comma to separate the list of valid gems, but even after I edited Slib to fix it, Sloot still wasn't picking them up. One of the examples I have is a yellow helmet shell. In the list, but not getting picked up - believe it didn't have a comma after the entry in Slib. Even with a comma it's not getting picked up.

I'll be around for a little while tonight, until about 8PM. Let me know if you want some shells for testing.

Yellow helmet shell isn't in the list. I have the generic "shell" in the gem list and the only skin I have is faceted crystal crab shell.

06-25-2010, 02:54 PM
And again, Zurra, thanks for the additions. All have been added.

06-25-2010, 03:00 PM
Yellow helmet shell isn't in the list. I have the generic "shell" in the gem list and the only skin I have is faceted crystal crab shell.

I wonder what the hell I'm looking at then. Hrm. I'll try re-downloading again and give it another shot.

06-25-2010, 05:35 PM
Ok latest update has FUBAR'd force deposit when I don't sell anything I now run to the bank and deposit but then instead of running back to my resting room where I came from I run to my bigshot start hunt room?

Edit Ok it's not just force deposit it's any deposit just sold bunch of stuff went and deposited the money then ran out to my bigshot start spot to run the rest of my resting scripts?

06-25-2010, 05:37 PM
Download again.

06-25-2010, 05:46 PM
All fixed Thanks Spiffy!

06-26-2010, 08:11 AM
Ok having some trouble with the townsmith option

Got this when I ran sloot sell from north market

;sloot sell
-- SLoot: Checking for disk
-- SLoot: Checking cloak
[sloot]>look in cloak
In the aquamarine cloak:
wand (4): metal wand, burnished gold wand (3).
--- Exception: can't convert nil into Array
sloot:372:in `+'

Now I don't have an aquamarine cloak so I'm thinking that's one laying on the ground so I moved over a room and tried again and got this

;sloot sell
-- SLoot: Checking for disk
-- SLoot: Checking cloak
[sloot]>look in cloak
In the ebony cloak:
box (1): enruned mithril coffer.

checked silver ran to bank ran to locksmiths shop then this

[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
-- SLoot: Unable to locate table
[sloot]>look in #11784077

After that it ran the normal sell but I still have the box

06-26-2010, 11:31 AM
urglaes fang

Cursed item I'm trying to stop sloot from picking up.

jagged rift crawler tooth

Rift skin Im trying to Get sloot to pick up.

I've added tooth to slib to solve the skin but any change i've made for the fang isnt working.

06-26-2010, 01:32 PM
[Black Moor, Old Barrow Road]
You notice a greater moor wight.
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest
You recite a series of mystical phrases while raising your hands, invoking Haste...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You begin to notice the world slow down around you. Strange.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
[ Haste: +0:01:07, 0:01:07 remaining. ]
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Tremors...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a greater moor wight.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You are now in an offensive stance.
Wait 3 seconds.
The ground begins to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
A greater moor wight loses its balance and falls over.
Wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a greater moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 105 = 112 -- Gain advantage!
Rapid move! Gained initiative.
THT 68, d100 roll: 65, modified: 177
and hits for 36 points of damage!
... +4 extra hits. Kick to foe's chest stuns it.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
A lesser moor wight comes striding in.

You attempt to kick a greater moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 66 = 151 -- Gain advantage!
Expert maneuver! Perfect position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 91, modified: 242
and hits for 58 points of damage!
... +9 extra hits. Flying kick to body knocks foe down.
Foe is stunned and loses parry.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a greater moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 66 = 151 -- Gain advantage!
Expert maneuver! Perfect position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 33, modified: 184
and hits for 38 points of damage!
... +2 extra hits. Kick to side.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a greater moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 66 = 151 -- Gain advantage!
Expert maneuver! Perfect position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 89, modified: 240
and hits for 57 points of damage!
... +26 extra hits. Double spin flying roundhouse shatters skull and
turns brain to jelly. Foe dies instantly!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the moor wight's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
A greater moor wight moans pitifully as it is released.
A greater moor wight becomes solid again.
The powerful look leaves a greater moor wight.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
You are now in a defensive stance.
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Tremors...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a lesser moor wight.
Nothing happens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
You are now in an offensive stance.
Wait 3 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 185 = 32 -- Gain advantage!
A Bit Stiff! Moved into position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 34, modified: 66
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 185 = 32 -- Gain advantage!
A Bit Stiff! Moved into position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 11, modified: 43
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
The ground begins to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
A lesser moor wight loses its balance and falls over.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 135 = 82 -- Gain advantage!
Gained good position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 10, modified: 92
and hits for 8 points of damage!
with a quick kick to the body.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 135 = 82 -- Gain advantage!
Gained good position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 59, modified: 141
and hits for 24 points of damage!
... +3 extra hits. Well placed kick to foot forces foe to parry down!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
A lesser moor wight stands up slowly.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 144 = 73 -- Gain advantage!
Got in close.
THT 68, d100 roll: 20, modified: 93
and hits for 8 points of damage!
with a quick kick to the body.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 144 = 73 -- Gain advantage!
Got in close.
THT 68, d100 roll: 25, modified: 98
and hits for 10 points of damage!
with a quick kick to the body.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 144 = 73 -- Gain advantage!
Got in close.
THT 68, d100 roll: 8, modified: 81
and hits for 4 points of damage!
with a quick kick to the body.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 144 = 73 -- Gain advantage!
Got in close.
THT 68, d100 roll: 52, modified: 125
and hits for 19 points of damage!
... +3 extra hits. Well placed kick to foot forces foe to parry down!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 134 = 83 -- Gain advantage!
Gained good position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 49, modified: 132
and hits for 21 points of damage!
... +2 extra hits. Kick to side.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 134 = 83 -- Gain advantage!
Gained good position.
(Fumble! @ 5) rolled: 1
Off balance! Nearly tripped.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
[Black Moor, Old Barrow Road]
You notice a lesser moor wight and a greater moor wight (dead).
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 134 = 83 -- Gain advantage!
Gained good position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 93, modified: 176
and hits for 36 points of damage!
... +4 extra hits. Kick to foe's chest stuns it.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 109 = 108 -- Gain advantage!
Rapid move! Gained initiative.
THT 68, d100 roll: 43, modified: 151
and hits for 27 points of damage!
... +6 extra hits. Kick to foe's chest stuns it.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
The ground begins to shake violently, making it hard to stand.
A lesser moor wight loses its balance and falls over.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 59 = 158 -- Gain advantage!
Expert maneuver! Perfect position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 75, modified: 233
and hits for 55 points of damage!
... +4 extra hits. Well placed kick to foot forces foe to parry down!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
You attempt to kick a lesser moor wight!
MB: 217 vs MB: 59 = 158 -- Gain advantage!
Expert maneuver! Perfect position.
THT 68, d100 roll: 6, modified: 164
and hits for 32 points of damage!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the moor wight's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
A lesser moor wight lets loose a final wail as it is released.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a lesser moor wight suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
You are now in a defensive stance.
[sloot]>loot #12015503
You search the moor wight.
You discard the wight's useless equipment.
It had 320 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 320 coins.
It had a pale blue moonstone on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A lesser moor wight disperses in the wind.
[sloot]>get #12016255
You pick up a pale blue moonstone.

If you notice, it kills wight #1, then proceeds to start killing wight #2, then loots #2, forgets about #1 being dead and walks away.

06-26-2010, 01:37 PM
Looks like an issue with your looter. I think its the 'loot all critters' option in sloot

06-26-2010, 01:57 PM
Looks like an issue with your looter. I think its the 'loot all critters' option in sloot

I've got that one set, should I do?

autoloot after critter kill

06-28-2010, 11:41 AM
Sloot is refusing to loot anything as long as there's a critter in the room. I have Loot all Critters and Autoloot after Critter Kill checked, and I do not have Autoloot only when Safe checked. What am I doing wrong? (important stuff bolded in log)

[Yander's Farm, Wheat Fields]
A particularly large boulder rests in the soil. Wheat surrounds it on all sides, pressing up close to the boulder's granite sides. Small tunnels extend underneath the boulder, leading away quickly into darkness. The tunnels are no more than a few inches across, and small squeakings and chitterings emanate from the holes. Occasionally a rustling sound comes from somewhere just out of sight in the wheat, but no creatures ever pop out of the holes. You also see a raider orc, a raider orc, a metal breastplate, a twohanded sword and a ragged sack.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest
>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +134 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +100 = +191
... and hit for 21 points of damage!
Strike pierces upper arm!

** Your gornar longsword releases a blast of vibrating energy! **

... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
A raider orc throws a twohanded sword at you!
AS: +132 vs DS: +160 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +100 = +114
... and hits for 10 points of damage!
Deft slash across chest draws blood!
You take a deep breath.
The twohanded sword flies past you, disappearing into the local environs.
A raider orc swings a twohanded sword at you!
AS: +132 vs DS: +152 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +76 = +98
A clean miss.
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +59 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +83 = +249
... and hit for 36 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A raider orc snatches up a twohanded sword!
The raider orc's mouth widens into a misshapen grin as he regards his latest acquisition.
[bigshot]>sign of shields
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +54 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +18 = +189
... and hit for 19 points of damage!
Quick slash to the raider orc's upper right arm!
Just a nick.

** Your gornar longsword releases a blast of vibrating energy! **

... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to back!
The raider orc is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +53 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +2 = +174
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Torn muscle in the raider orc's left leg!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Shattered]-GSF:Trevelyan: "Anyone up for a rescue in Landing Zombies 7877?"
A raider orc swings a twohanded sword at you!
You evade the attack by inches!
[bigshot]>sign of warding
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +51 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +21 = +195
... and hit for 22 points of damage!
Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*.
[B]A raider orc screams her defiance skyward one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +180 vs DS: +59 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +3 = +159
... and hit for 15 points of damage!
Quick slash catches the raider orc's cheek!
Dimples are always nice.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
A raider orc swings a twohanded sword at you!
AS: +132 vs DS: +162 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +38 = +50
A clean miss.
>sign of smiting
You grip your gornar longsword with renewed vigor!
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +59 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +84 = +250
... and hit for 36 points of damage!
Smooth slash to the raider orc's hip!
Nice crunching sound.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[bigshot]>sign of defending
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +56 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +24 = +193
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Strike to right hand breaks a fingernail!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A raider orc swings a twohanded sword at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +185 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +28 = +180
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Quick slash to the raider orc's upper right arm!
Just a nick.

** Your gornar longsword releases a blast of vibrating energy! **

... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to right leg!
The raider orc is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[bigshot]>sign of striking
You grip your gornar longsword with renewed vigor!
You swing a vultite-edged gornar longsword at a raider orc!
AS: +190 vs DS: +44 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +43 = +224
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Blade slashes across the raider orc's face!
Nice nose job.
[B]A raider orc screams his defiance skyward one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>stance defensive
...wait 5 seconds.
[bigshot]>stance defensive
...wait 1 seconds.
[bigshot]>stance defensive
[B]A raider orc withers away until she is no more.
>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
You are now in a defensive stance.
[B][sloot]>loot #13603302
You search the raider orc.
He had a twohanded sword, a ragged sack, a metal breastplate.
He had 84 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 84 coins.
He had nothing else of value.
A raider orc withers away until he is no more.


06-28-2010, 12:04 PM
Autoloot isn't tested very much because I'm using SLoot in conjunction with Bigshot. Once I finish up my 30 days I'll start tinkering with autoloot more. On that note, you shouldn't have autoloot checked when being used with bigshot.

06-28-2010, 07:16 PM
FYI, Getting this:

>;sloot sell
-- SLoot: Checking for disk
[sloot]>look in #13892474
There is nothing in there.
-- SLoot: Checking cloak
[sloot]>look in cloak
There is nothing in there.
--- Exception: can't convert nil into Array
sloot:396:in `+'

Fixed by changing the code from this:

boxes += SLoot.checkloot(:box, UserVars.boxsack)[:box]

To this:

if (boxes.size > 0)
boxes += SLoot.checkloot(:box, UserVars.boxsack)[:box]
boxes = SLoot.checkloot(:box, UserVars.boxsack)[:box]

Edit: I should add that I have the use townsmith option enabled.

06-28-2010, 09:45 PM
Uploaded a new version of SLoot with a few tweaks to looting/box picking. Also added a new option "safe skinning" which will only kneel/offensive if the room is void of critters.

06-29-2010, 11:06 AM
Sloot is looting critters but not picking anything up.

Here are my settings:

SLoot: Dumping SLoot settings
close_sacks: false
pickup_skin: true
pickup_unknown: true
stow_left: true
skin_kneel: false
sell_magic: false
disk_boxes: false
pickup_alchemy: true
pickup_gem: true
autoloot: false
window_width: 143143
success_count: 0
skin_alternate: false
sell_alchemy: true
sell_gem: false
window_position: 143143
loot_all: true
pickup_forage: true
pickup_magic: true
pickup_wand: true
pickup_junk: true
window_height: 143143
pickup_herb: true
pickup_scroll: true
skin_offensive: false
pickup_ammo: true
verbose: false
sell_wand: false
skin_count: 0
pickup_jewelry: true
pickup_uncommon: true
skin: false
sell_jewelry: false
fail_count: 0
pickup_box: true
pickup_lockpick: true
sell_scroll: false
skin_left: false
skin_alternate_close: false
sell_skin: true

06-29-2010, 11:33 AM
Looks okay to me.

06-29-2010, 12:23 PM
[sloot]>look in #228396
Duncan just arrived.
Duncan just went east.
That is closed.

[sloot]>open #228396
You open a bone-clasped forest green backpack.
[sloot]>look in #228396
In the forest green backpack you see a tincture of talneo, a tincture of basal, a drake falchion, an ayanad crystal, a rolton ear, a stiletto, an ayanad crystal, a frost agate, a brown gak hide, a rolton ear, a rolton ear, a rose-marrow potion, a solid moonstone cube, an ayanad crystal, a tincture of haphip, a tincture of rose-marrow, a cloudy blue potion, an ivory vellum document, a white flask, a holy handaxe, a polished bloodwood wand, a tincture of pothinir and a tincture of wingstem.
4 skins: rolton ear (3), brown gak hide
1 gem: frost agate
1 wand: polished bloodwood wand
3 magic: cloudy blue potion, white flask, solid moonstone cube
3 reagents: ayanad crystal (3)
2 herbs: tincture of basal, rose-marrow potion
9 others: ivory vellum document, holy handaxe, tincture of haphip, tincture of talneo, stiletto, tincture of pothinir, tincture of rose-marrow, tincture of wingstem, drake falchion
[sloot]>close #228396
You close a bone-clasped forest green backpack.
-- SLoot: sell started
skin: 4 items
scroll: 0 items
gem: 2 items
jewelry: 0 items
lockpick: 0 items
You have no silver coins with you.
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:03 (16 rooms to move through)]
[go2]>go warehouse
[Ghaerdish's Tannery]
A small part of the warehouse has been enclosed to form a shop where hunters may sell their scavenged skins and pelts to the furrier. Several large windows allow a glimpse into the major operation of the business -- the tannery that provides cured leather and hides to outfit the armed forces of the fortress of Ta'Vaalor. Although the smells are subdued in this room, there is still a stench that cannot be ignored emanating from the giant vats in the rear of the warehouse. You also see the furrier Ghaerdish.
Obvious exits: out
[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[sloot]>get #245083
Get what?
[sloot]>sell #245083
What were you referring to?

... etc. It tried to sell all my stuff, failed because the bag was closed, and went back to rest. I modified herbheal to not close my bag when it's done, but just wanted to let you know for reference.

06-29-2010, 01:14 PM

06-29-2010, 09:06 PM
I don't know how to use ;Sloot. Can anyone give me a step by step instructions? When I put in ;sloot nothing happens and I have trusted sloot and slib and I have set up my sloot appropriately (using ;sloot setup).

06-29-2010, 09:15 PM
I'm having a problem with sloot also. I've got version 2.27 and when I enter the names of my containers and click on save it gives me this error: --- Exception: undefined method `smsg' for #<UntrustedScriptBinder::SScript:0xfe155dc>
slib:752:in `msg'

Anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

06-29-2010, 09:19 PM
Yo, gtfo. We are working on my issue first. ;Sloot does nothing. Why.

06-29-2010, 09:36 PM
Ok I think sloot is doing nothing because your simply doing sloot and there isn't a dead critter or anything to loot in the room your in, sloot is meant to work along witha hunting script and be activated when you kill something, though if you click on the autoloot button it is supposed to auto loot when you kill something without a script to call it. But Spiffy has said he uses it with bigshot so that feature isn't well tested.

The untrusted binder thing is what you get when either sloot itself or slib hasn't been trusted

07-01-2010, 06:05 AM
At times I'm getting this repeated casting at a dead critter, it's intermittant on this type of creature, I really don't see the difference to the death messaging when sloot skins and loots (version 2.25, I know there's a newer rev, but other than this problem it's working great, so if it's been addressed in a newer rev, don't sweat it). It might be an infomon thing, just posting for reference:

[bigshot]>cast #1544741
You gesture at a hunter troll.
CS: +146 - TD: +90 + CvA: -2 + d100: +95 == +149
Warding failed!
A brief tremor ripples across the troll's skin, leaving a faint beading of scarlet in its wake.
... 26 points of damage!
[You have earned 45 recognition points.]

The hunter troll slumps to the ground with a final snarl.
A hunter troll seems to lose an aura of confidence.
A hunter troll returns to normal color.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Snacks gestures at a hunter troll.
A small surge of electricity arcs out towards the corpse of a hunter troll!
The body twitches slightly in response.
A giant hawk-owl tries to impale you on its beak!
You evade the attack by inches!
[bigshot]>prepare 1101
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>cast #1544741
You gesture at a hunter troll.
But it is dead!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Snacks's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Snacks gestures at a hunter troll.
A small surge of electricity arcs out towards the corpse of a hunter troll!
The body twitches slightly in response.
You feel more refreshed.
[bigshot]>prepare 1101
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>cast #1544741
You gesture at a hunter troll.
But it is dead!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

07-01-2010, 07:55 AM
At times I'm getting this repeated casting at a dead critter, it's intermittant on this type of creature, I really don't see the difference to the death messaging when sloot skins and loots (version 2.25, I know there's a newer rev, but other than this problem it's working great, so if it's been addressed in a newer rev, don't sweat it). It might be an infomon thing, just posting for reference:

[bigshot]>cast #1544741
You gesture at a hunter troll.
CS: +146 - TD: +90 + CvA: -2 + d100: +95 == +149
Warding failed!
A brief tremor ripples across the troll's skin, leaving a faint beading of scarlet in its wake.
... 26 points of damage!
[You have earned 45 recognition points.]

The hunter troll slumps to the ground with a final snarl.
A hunter troll seems to lose an aura of confidence.
A hunter troll returns to normal color.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Snacks gestures at a hunter troll.
A small surge of electricity arcs out towards the corpse of a hunter troll!
The body twitches slightly in response.
A giant hawk-owl tries to impale you on its beak!
You evade the attack by inches!
[bigshot]>prepare 1101
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>cast #1544741
You gesture at a hunter troll.
But it is dead!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Snacks's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Snacks gestures at a hunter troll.
A small surge of electricity arcs out towards the corpse of a hunter troll!
The body twitches slightly in response.
You feel more refreshed.
[bigshot]>prepare 1101
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
[bigshot]>cast #1544741
You gesture at a hunter troll.
But it is dead!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Wrong thread.

07-01-2010, 04:02 PM
Still getting this trying to use Sloot Townsmith with the newest version if I don't have any boxes

-- SLoot: Checking longcoat
[sloot]>look in longcoat
There is nothing in there.
--- Exception: can't convert nil into Array
sloot:397:in `+'

Then sloot sell doesn't run
Also if you could make it check MY container people seem to drop cloaks in North Market alot and it keeps looking in those instead of in my cloak and then I get the error and I actually do have boxes but that cloak doesn't.

07-01-2010, 04:21 PM
Still getting this trying to use Sloot Townsmith with the newest version if I don't have any boxes

-- SLoot: Checking longcoat
[sloot]>look in longcoat
There is nothing in there.
--- Exception: can't convert nil into Array
sloot:397:in `+'

Then sloot sell doesn't run
Also if you could make it check MY container people seem to drop cloaks in North Market alot and it keeps looking in those instead of in my cloak and then I get the error and I actually do have boxes but that cloak doesn't.

Fixed in the beta. Give me a few more days.

07-02-2010, 02:23 PM
--- Exception: uninitialized constant SLib
sloot:25:in `start_script'


e: nevermind. trusting let it work (which is weird because it was trusted already)

07-02-2010, 05:52 PM
having problems with sloot sell:

>;sloot sell
[sloot]>look in #2358253
In the guitar case you see a boulder opal, a battered silver coffer, a heavy quartz orb, a boulder opal, a boulder opal, a deep blue eostone, an iceberry tart, a Dabbings Family special tart, some scratched mithril arm greaves, a slate grey orase runestaff, a tincture of talneo, a tincture of basal, a steel lockpick, a t'ayanad crystal, a copper lockpick, a rosewood mandolin, a Ma Leaftoe's spiced torban tart, some polar bear fat soup, a Leaftoe's lichen tart, a snowflake elixir and some ram's bladder.
--- Exception: undefined method `msg' for #<SScript:0xc45a464>
sloot:537:in `do_sell'

And I cannot save my settings. I get the same error message.

07-03-2010, 11:53 AM
Sloot townsmith doesn't like the lack of a trashcan in Zul Lugoth locksmith. Neither does the original townsmith though. :) Any chance you can just make it drop empty boxes and trash in Zul Lugoth?

I do appreciate you adding this to sloot, and thank you for your scripts and for supporting them.

Edit: Oh also it doesn't seem to be closing the pouch after selling.

07-06-2010, 06:43 AM
Added Sloot to bigshot, searches fine but then just leaves all the goodies on the ground. Checked and rechecked options, but every time I go back to setup, all the options have cleared... Is that normal? Anyway, everything I try seems to change nothing...


07-06-2010, 11:35 AM
Added Sloot to bigshot, searches fine but then just leaves all the goodies on the ground. Checked and rechecked options, but every time I go back to setup, all the options have cleared... Is that normal? Anyway, everything I try seems to change nothing...


Sounds like your files are saving to a location that doesn't not have write access. Suggest having your Lich install fall inside your User Folder or Documents Folder to avoid those issues.

07-07-2010, 01:02 AM
I have the box for picking up uncommon loot checked, and Slib lists "ora" in uncommon stuff, but it's not picking up weapons. I saw it walk off and leave the thing on the ground when it was looted off a critter, so I tested. It's definitely not picking them up. Is there something else I need to set?

>get kat
You remove a keenly-edged ora katana from in your golden yellow pack.
>put kat
You drop a keenly-edged ora katana.
>get mith
You remove some purple mithril-bloom from in your golden yellow pack.
>put mith
You drop some purple mithril-bloom.

[sloot]>get #5668387
You pick up some purple mithril-bloom.
[sloot]>put #5668387 in #5668402
You put some purple mithril-bloom in your golden yellow pack.

>get kat
You pick up a keenly-edged ora katana.
>stow kat
You put a keenly-edged ora katana in your golden yellow pack.

Edit for settings:
R>;sloot dump
-- SLoot: Dumping SLoot settings
close_sacks: false
stow_left: false
pickup_skin: true
autoloot_hiding: false
skin_kneel: false
sell_magic: true
sell_force_deposit: true
sell_share: false
window_width: 155155
disk_boxes: false
pickup_alchemy: true
pickup_gem: true
autoloot: false
success_count: 0
window_position: 155155
mine_only: false
vaccum_mode: false
skin_alternate: true
sell_alchemy: false
sell_gem: true
sell_chronomage: false
loot_all: true
pickup_forage: true
pickup_magic: true
pickup_wand: true
autoloot_safe: false
window_height: 155155
vaccum_mode_pause: false
pickup_herb: true
pickup_scroll: true
skin_offensive: true
sell_empty_hands: false
pickup_ammo: true
verbose: false
sell_wand: false
sell_exclude: moonstone cube|crystal amulet|small statue
skin_count: 0
pickup_jewelry: true
pickup_uncommon: true
skin: true
sell_jewelry: true
sell_lockpick: true
fail_count: 0
pickup_box: true
pickup_lockpick: true
skin_safe: false
sell_scroll: true
sell_townsmith: false
skin_left: false
skin_alternate_close: false
sell_skin: true

07-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Added Sloot to bigshot, searches fine but then just leaves all the goodies on the ground. Checked and rechecked options, but every time I go back to setup, all the options have cleared... Is that normal? Anyway, everything I try seems to change nothing...


ok, my bad, forgot the :trust slib and sloot step....doh!

ok, now it is picking stuff up, but not selling anything or making deposits even though I checked sell alchemy and skins and checked force deposit....encumberance comes on quick!

Any bugs going on on this, or did i miss something else?


07-07-2010, 11:00 PM
Do you have sloot sell under your resting scripts? It doesn't just run automatically you have to tell it to run the sell part

07-08-2010, 06:34 AM
Sloot window won't show. I am running Windows 7 and when I do ;sloot setup I see it at the bottom but when I go to click on it, it doesn't show up.

I retarded my computer and same issue.

07-10-2010, 07:37 PM
Do you have sloot sell under your resting scripts? It doesn't just run automatically you have to tell it to run the sell part


"sloot sell" under the resting script.

That's the ticket!

Had "sloot" there, and still didnt work, but once I added "sell" everything came together

07-17-2010, 05:31 PM
Sloot picks up Belaying pins (cudgel). I added it to the trash list in the xml. But it still picks them up. I think its getting confused between a jewlery pin, and a belaying pin. I deleted pin from the jewlery list for the meantime

07-17-2010, 10:32 PM
I'm having an issue with sloot not putting into disk and going straight to my container.

07-21-2010, 08:33 PM
For some reason I am getting the following error with sloot and not picking up anything -

--- Exception: private method `checkloot' called for #<SLoot:0xf7c77d4>
sloot:474:in `start_script'

Any ideas?

08-28-2010, 12:36 AM
using sloot with bigshot for the first, time great script by the way(bigshot) But for some reason everytime i go to skin something it doesnt recognize my backpack as a sheath and instead is trying to sheath my claidh in my amulet, when i remove my amulet, it trys to sheath my claidh in my leather armor, anythink im missing?

Also on a seprate note, is there anyway to get bigshot to pause for like 30 or 40 seconds during the pre and post hunt commands? i tried putting wait 40, pause 40, and the commnds arent being recognized. is there something else i have to use? thanks

08-28-2010, 12:47 AM
Sloot picks up Belaying pins (cudgel). I added it to the trash list in the xml. But it still picks them up. I think its getting confused between a jewlery pin, and a belaying pin. I deleted pin from the jewlery list for the meantime

exclusion => belaying pin

09-21-2010, 06:13 PM
>;sloot sell
--- Lich: sloot active.
-- SLoot: found gem bounty and gems
... turning in

I have no gem bounty, I never use sbounty, I def have gems/wands/essences to sell. Not sure why this is happening..

Kimberly Hart
09-21-2010, 09:16 PM
Tried doing a search for this problem to see if I'm doing something wrong with no luck...so here's my problem:

[sloot]>look in #14597904
In the mithril box you see the following:
1 Magic: a solid moonstone cube.
[sloot]>put #14597904 in barrel
As you place an engraved mithril box into a stained oak barrel you feel pleased with yourself at having cleaned up the surrounding area.

Sloot seems to be throwing boxes away with gems, jewlery, and all kinds of other stuff in them. It looks inside and sees they are there but then tosses them in the bin anyways.


09-22-2010, 10:20 AM
Do you have it set to pick up gems, jewelry, and magic items?

Kimberly Hart
09-22-2010, 12:00 PM
Yes I do. It picks everything up fine before that.