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  1. +4 LOG Bonus, +1 DEX Bonus, +1 Max Stamina Pin
  2. Auction 6/7 through 6/21
  3. Villswood hand crossbow, +18, +10 ranged bonus, +11 MIU Bonus, +1 ML-Telepathy bonus
  4. +6 AGI/+10 Mana/+8 Health pendant
  5. +4 CM Bonus bracer
  6. Spell preps 50k mb
  7. Robes with +15 Max Mana, +5 Con, +3 Inf
  8. Selling some enhancives
  9. MB 1 Coin 200k Wizard Essence Auction
  10. Dutch auction: a brass bugle
  11. 700+ Lightening and deepening notes
  12. +8 Spell Aim Bonus/+5 EL: Fire Bonus/+1 INF necklace
  13. +9 Aura Base Arm Greaves
  14. Wizard with 830 bonus and 200k essence for sale
  15. Ebon Gate RPA orbs/Factoin Change and 1 Heat flare Auction
  16. a sapphire-enameled morning glory
  17. +17 runestaff with +5 constitution and +3 aura bonuses
  18. +16 Stamina enhancive gear for sale
  19. Enhancive brooch with +1 Wisdom Bonus
  20. Three-Room Shops in Solhaven and IMT For Sale
  21. Lot of 600+ alchemy reagents, MB: 1 coin
  22. +6 LOG Bonus Leg Greaves
  23. +5 LOG Bonus leg greaves (with ice and plasma resists)
  24. +6 LOG Bonus, +7 Armor Use Bonus villswood runestaff (+18 enchant), MB: 1 coin
  25. a brass bugle
  26. +3 Strength Bonus, +2 MIU Bonus Pin
  27. 2x HDW Mattock
  28. Feature concealing mask with +3 LOG bonus and +3 INT bonus - Great for enchanting
  29. +11 S&H Bonus Leg Greaves
  30. a bronze-tipped razern short sword
  31. +5 LOG Bonus/+9 Ambush Bonus/+4 Stalk & Hide Bonus temp VHCP greathelm
  32. +9 AGI crown
  33. +4 CON Bonus/+3 Physical Fitness Bonus ring
  34. a yellowed marble-sized egg
  35. +10 Disarm Traps Bonus & +5 Perception Bonus pin
  36. Enhancive Sale - 15 items/random assortment
  37. Selling 14500 Premium Points
  38. a scratched ora shield
  39. +4 STR Bonus sancted arm greaves w/temp VHCP
  40. Perm +4 STR/+2 INT earring
  41. A Mess of Cobbling Gear
  42. Parasite doubles, staff, and blood bracer
  43. +6 brawling bonus stickpin
  44. Rechargable mobility +3 SMC bonus earcuff
  45. +7 edged bonus, +6 SMC bonus aventail (holy, temp damage padding), MB: 50K
  46. 5x +12 Polearm Bonus Trident
  47. Two T5 Chakram
  48. +8 Intuition Bonus, +5 Perception Bonus, 4x battle axe
  49. +8 Spell Aim Bonus, +5 Health Recovery - Pendant
  50. +4 Logic Base, +7 Stalking & Hiding Bonus, +7 Max Mana - Torc
  51. +25 locker expansion contract(PERM)
  52. Fully Unlocked Elemental Gloves and Pylon
  53. WERM
  54. a tattered leather coin pouch
  55. +6 Dodging Bonus/+6 Harness Power Bonus pin
  56. 8 Item Listing of LOG Enhancives.
  57. 9 survival bonus, 9 edged bonus, 1 Max health - Wrist worn
  58. Barbie Dress Up Auction
  59. +3 edged bonus +7 max stam ora falchion
  60. Rare black ora bracelet and T3 Werm
  61. blackened imflass greathelm, 8 to Dexterity Base, 4 to Two-Handed Weapons Bonus.
  62. Unused spell tome
  63. 3 Logic Enhancives
  64. Returned Returned.
  65. Finish this! REVERSE Sigil runestaff auction
  66. 2/200 Backpack
  67. 670 bonus ensorcell
  68. Animalistic Armor and Shield
  69. sigil staff and mana armor
  70. 8 to Combat Maneuvers, 6 to Strength, mithril and red sunstone pin
  71. +15 INF base, +16 PF bonus helm
  72. Robes that are +33, T5 ensorcelled, and 5 CER crit padded
  73. 3 Decent Enhancives
  74. Simustore Items including 5 encumbrance potions and enhancive recharging potions
  75. a moon-filled eonake pendant
  76. +7 TWC Bonus & +6 CM Bonus pin
  77. Mucking out the mules
  78. +6 DEX armband
  79. Well-Crafted Mithril Spikestar
  80. +7 Stamina Recovery/+2 THW ranks band
  81. a silvery blue potion 8x
  82. +40 OHE Set of Enhancives
  83. +4 Spell Aim +4 DEX Crown, along with 4 other Enhancives
  84. magical trinkets/enhancives
  85. +8 TWC Bonus temp mod fire resist leg greaves
  86. 6 Enhancives - Int, Dodge/THW, Swimming/Trade, Log/S&H, SA, Agi
  87. A few enhancives
  88. +9 Thrown Weapons Bonus. +3 Brawling Bonus. +4 Multi Opponent Combat Bonus. Greathelm
  89. 3x Mithglin War Mattock +10 THW Bonus
  90. Save it from the town well sale! - All items MB 1 silver
  91. 1x Drakar Lance +7 Logic Bonus, +8 Max Health
  92. Halberd with +15 Constitution and +5 Mana Recovery
  93. 7x Perfect Shortsword / Longsword 2 CER. Projects for DR!!
  94. A few logic staffs
  95. A few armors
  96. 13 Scrolls (11 Bravery (211)/2 Heroism (215))
  97. A small auction of OHE and THW
  98. Clearing my shop out a bit - SALE time! Shields, armors, weapons, ohhhh my
  99. Sephwir Composite Bow
  100. FINISH THIS 2!!!!! Full leather-REVERSE AUCTION
  101. Enhancives
  102. T2 Parasite Gloves
  103. a potent yellow-green potion (7), a swirling yellow-green potion (6)
  104. +13 Logic Base, +5 Spell Aim Bonus, +4 Elem Earth Bonus - 3x cuirbouilli leather
  105. Crown with +8 Thrown Bonus, +6 Brawl Bonus
  106. +33 staff
  107. Pre DR 4-2-0 Special - 4 fixskills, 2 fixstat, 0 coin MB
  108. Stuff
  109. +6 Blunt Weapons Bonus/+3 Pick Locks Bonus earring
  110. Selling backpack full of DR crap
  111. Some items
  112. Greathelm. +9 Polearm Weapons Bonus. +4 Dodging Bonus. +4 Health Recovery.
  113. 5x KO UCS Boots
  114. Logic, Dex, Spell Aim enhansives with some lore mixed in.
  115. +9 LOG/+2 SMC ranks/+2 SL: Demoology ranks
  116. Get your DR crap here!
  117. Soul Eater Staff
  118. Duskruin Drops
  119. +7 LOG Base, +2 AUR Base Pin
  120. +6 Polearm Bonus, +4 Ranged Bonus, +5 Shield Bonus Pin
  121. +31 Lesser Surita Runestaff
  122. Fash'lo'nae's Gift
  123. perfect maoral-handled vultite spikestar
  124. 420 spEshul --- 300k bs, 120m coins, mb $1!!!
  125. More DR crap! Silent auction!
  126. a weathered grey traveller's cloak, Unlocked Climate Gear
  127. T3 Fusion Orbs (the good kind!) Part III
  128. Mostly Duskruin Loot
  129. bag parts
  130. +7 Pickpocket Bonus Crown
  131. +8 Influence Base, 4 Max Mana Ring
  132. +5 Stamina Recovery/+4 STR/+4 Max Stamina torc & +4 Stamina Recovery/+5 Dodging Bonus
  133. Sewer finds - Weapons and armor
  134. DR bag parts and tokens - silent auction
  135. Enhancive Sale
  136. 2/200 x2
  137. 7x T5 10CER/5CER Doubles
  138. Helm: +4 DEX bonus, +8 Thrown bonus
  139. Arena Dropped weapons and armor
  140. Tier 3 orb 8 THW bonus
  141. More DR silent auction stuffs!
  142. cosmos bloodrune
  143. 1750 empowered to 31 w/ enhancives
  144. 3x claidhmore
  145. 9x Double Leather with Exceptionally (15CER) Crit Padding
  146. Enhancive Metal Breastplate S+H, Polearms, dex, climbing
  147. 0.5/200 Cloak
  148. Tokens, rods, and swatches silent auction!
  149. +30 T0 Energy Shield (krush) +12 Strength base Auction
  150. 4x perfect handaxe w/ magma flares
  151. +6 STR/+9 Swim bonus/+7 FA bonus ring
  152. +3 STR Bonus/+3 Health Recovery/+1 Shield Use rank pin
  153. Lot of Idols
  154. helm +9 wisdom base +12 elemental mana control bonus
  155. a ram-headed white ora sledgehammer with golden horns
  156. 3 dodge/6 logic base tiara
  157. Mystery container
  158. a tooled copper crown +4 ranged bonus +6 ambush bonus
  159. Old neck-worn pouch
  160. Idalias' Enhancive Sale
  161. Enhancive Sale - 70 Items - Weapon Bonus, SA, Cman, Log, Int, Dex, Agi, Str, and more
  162. scrying crystal ball
  163. Old harnessed shield
  164. Crap from arena runs
  165. cleric spell preps- 71 of them
  166. blood-infused crystals from sewers - 21 total
  167. Few duskruin items
  168. a brushed silver medallion
  169. Aug '21 Duskruin items - some GOOD, some meh
  170. YET ANOTHER arena crap sale thread. Buy my arena crap.
  171. a floppy felt hat stuck with a blue cockatrice feather - Scripted Head-Worn Container
  172. duskruin stuff including sephwir long bows
  173. Physical fitness pins (+8
  174. +29 4.6 CER composite bow
  175. some spell preps
  176. INF and INT enhancives
  177. Dutch auction: even more DR crap
  178. dex/aura/mana/HP arm greaves
  179. DR Auction
  180. +8 Stamina Recovery greathelm
  181. Polearm Weapons Bonus +7 Stickpin (crumbly) & +4 Bracer (persists)
  182. Talisman: +6 Two-Handed Weapons Bonus. +3 Two Weapon Combat Bonus. +6 Edged Bonus.
  183. Brawling Bonus: +7 Earcuff (crumbly) & +4 Neckchain (Persists)
  184. Spell Aiming Enhancive
  185. Stickpin: +6 Ranged Weapons Bonus. +5 INF Base. +4 Two Weapon Bonus. +4 Thrown Bonus.
  186. Bracer: +7 Logic Base. +5 Max Health. +4 MIU Bonus. +3 Arcane Symbols Bonus. Crumbly.
  187. Enhancive with +3 edge weapon, +4 shield use, +6 stamina recovery & +5 survival bonus
  188. 4x Katana, +10 Stamina Recovery, +8 Agi. Base, +2 Edged Weapons Ranks
  189. 6x Maxlight 10 CER Crit Brig
  190. Clothing Galore!
  191. Covered in Jewelry!
  192. Big bag of dic... er snakes!
  193. a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail (feature worn)
  194. +4 STR Bonus/+4 Mana Recovery/+2 Physical Fitness ranks torc
  195. Half Plate - +7 blunt bonus, +7 DEX stat, +4 THW bonus, +4 S&H bonus
  196. Sterling silver pin: 8 Logic Base, 6 Physical Fitness Bonus, 2 EMC Bonus
  197. Earcuff +7 Logic Base, +6 Discipline Base, + 1 Elem mana control base
  198. 110,739 ethereal scrip - mb $1 - 24 hour auction
  199. +10 AGI/+4 Mana/+2 SL: Blessings pin
  200. a pair of argent suede over-the-knee boots on sharp heels
  201. 5x enhancive golvern buckler
  202. Perm +2 STR Bonus MR blank pin
  203. full armor concealer - a misty black silk shroud with a jagged cut hem
  204. Tier 3/4 metallic gown
  205. Tier 3 Dawdly magic plant with 490 seeds and low minimum.
  206. Auction of Various Items
  207. Pin with +4 INT Bonus and +3 Max Health
  208. a bag of enhancives
  209. +12 Perception bracelet
  210. Old silver alloy weapon
  211. Enhancive Sale (Jewelry + Armor Accessories) - 67 Items (25 Persists/42 Crumbly)
  212. Muscular Nurse Doll (Auction Quality Whax doll)
  213. Epic Helm
  214. Greater Essences (to make enchanting potions) - Reverse Auction
  215. Two enhancive wrist worn bracers with a combined +6 strength base and +4 agility base
  216. clearance
  217. +49 Influence set
  218. a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail.
  219. RW Mount'n'Cloak Entire Appearance Concealing Cloak
  220. 11 CER Razern Katana & 7 CER Perfect Forged Razern Wakizashi & +5 OHE Graeme Harness
  221. 7X, 5 CER Crit, buffcoat (Full Leathers)
  222. Enhancive Jewelery
  223. Aventail: +5 Spell Aim Bonus, +7 EMC Bonus, +3 Mana Recovery
  224. +32 Dark Leather Buffcoat, 5 CER crit, 10 lbs, 135 difficulty
  225. Greathelm +9 Strength Base
  226. +6 DEX torc
  227. a moon-filled veniom pendant
  228. +5 Stamina Recovery neckworn & +6 DEX neckworn
  229. Somber Runes of War Gear Set
  230. 8x T5 Plasma Flaring Runestaff MB 1coin
  231. 2 old weapons, low MB - one black alloy
  232. Some odds and ends from 10 years ago :)
  233. Sanctify (330) Enhancive Kit
  234. 13500 Premium Points for silvers auction
  235. Banshee Flare Token
  236. wooden token with elemental symbols - GEF token
  237. Highly scripted gargoyle earring
  238. lava red token
  239. 7 scrolls - all have well of life, one has raise dead
  240. GEF Flare Token
  241. eg token and jackpot things
  242. Boxfound/unique FancyBook chapter: Cholenist hymns
  243. 7x T5 Sanct Grobey Greatshield MB 1 coin
  244. +4 Aura Base Necklace
  245. Magma & Dispel Tokens
  246. Jackpot Find - Gown, Fan and Slipper set
  247. Dispel token
  248. 10 treasure trove raffle tokens
  249. Account takeover - 25 female cleric/24 female empath/1500 PREM PTS
  250. +5 Spell Aim Bonus/+5 EMC Bonus/+2 EL: Fire Bonus bracelet