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  1. Ride for the Constitution
  2. McCain on Fox: Defunding Obamacare is not achievable, Republicans shutdown government
  3. Corrupt GOP shutdown government *and* changed the laws so only Boehner can open it
  4. Belief Superiority
  5. President Cruz?
  6. NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress
  7. Did Cuccinelli Compare Immigration to Exterminating Rats?
  8. Patriot Survival Plan
  9. It's Unofficial, Hillary Clinton Is Running in 2016.
  10. Russian Jewish Flag Not a Crime, Says Flag Expert
  11. Smear Campaign Against GOP Congressman
  12. Harry Reid Gets Personal
  13. Immigration Reform Dead?
  14. Something good on MSNBC
  15. New Jersey Marriage Court Ruling -- Good or Bad for Christie?
  16. Dear Liberals...This is why I am so hostile...
  17. Middle school student steals gun, kills teacher, wounds 2 students, and kills himself
  18. Veteran Denied Tombstone of Choice
  19. FOX NEWS: Obamacare works for middle class to lower healthcare costs
  20. Social Attitude Test
  21. 87 year old WWII Vet dies from mugging
  22. What Is Angela Merkel Hiding?
  23. "Kid Cages" in New Mexico
  24. President Obama doesn't know...anything.
  25. Imagine that.
  26. Off-Duty TSA Agent shoots other TSA Agents, We better get more TSA agents!
  27. Is Obama Incompetent?
  28. Church Forced to Remodel Because of Internet Satellite Images
  29. Rand Paul Getting Into More Plagiarism Trouble
  30. Romney Camp Dishes Dirt on Christie
  31. Government Awards More Contracts to Company That Created Glitchy ObamaCare Website
  32. Who Killed Arafat?
  33. Bangladesh sentences 152 to death over mutiny
  34. Obama Backs Minimum Wage Increase
  35. Meryl Streep Introduces Clinton
  36. Home Depot ad is accused of being racist
  37. Army Veteran, congressional candidate rejects GOP extremism, switches to Democrat
  38. In Britain, Ugly People More Likely to Have Sham Marriages
  39. Rand Paul's Ophthalmology Problem
  40. "I'm sorry" yeah right
  41. Piracy, it's not just for Blackbeard anymore
  42. Tea Party Making a Case for Gun Laws
  43. No Immigration Reform This Year
  44. Virginia AG Race Is Too Close
  45. National Debt Like Slavery, Says Palin
  46. United States Becomes Biggest Oil Producer
  47. Tea Party to Primary Republican Traitors
  48. But it's not looting . . .
  49. 12 Reasons why President Obama is the best president ever...
  50. US Beats China in Haiyan Relief
  51. Cheney Family Turns into Reality Teevee
  52. The 28th Amendment - Trayvon's Amendment
  53. Blackwater Head takes aim at Obama Administration
  54. Census bureau being investigated for fabricating employment data during 2012 election
  55. Nuclear Senate
  56. Ready for Hillary Clinton 2016!!!
  57. Officer disarming guy carrying weapon
  58. Neat. Comprehensive list of Military Fired under Obama Administration
  59. Iran nuke deal: whitewash or genuine progress?
  60. Obama just says NO to using executive orders
  61. For-Profits Sue Government for Religious Reasons
  62. Interesting article on QE
  63. Clinton and Gore, Together Again
  64. Supreme Court to Hear Contraception Case
  65. Working on Thanksgiving = evil
  66. Where in the hell is Crazy Uncle Joe?!
  67. Irish People Don't Fuck Around
  68. Mexican Cartels, not just drugs, guns and hoes anymore
  69. Fox News Paid Social Media Commentators
  70. Now, Tomorrow and Forever
  71. The Northeast Passage
  72. Minimum Wage Hypocrites
  73. Colorado bakery fined for not making wedding cake for same sex couple
  74. Using restaurant receipts to make a political statement?
  75. General Motors Names New CEO As Government Sells Off Stock
  76. Budget Deal Announced By Patty Murray, Paul Ryan
  77. Is There a Social Compact Between Business and Society?
  78. The selfie seen 'round the world!
  79. Panetta gave classified information to Hollywood
  80. For the Tinfoil Hat wearer in your life...Merry Christmas!
  81. That cross must come down
  82. Good night, Takumi, I'll probably kill you in the morning.
  83. A little Holiday cheer, NSA included
  84. Jimmy Carter and the Polish Translator
  85. Mike Huckabee Is Getting Ready for 2016
  86. The Ted Cruz Coloring Book
  87. The revival of the 9/11 Truther Movement is coming!
  88. Yemeni Parliament votes to ban drone attacks.
  89. NSA officials consider Edward Snowden amnesty in return for documents
  90. Climate change expert's fraud was 'crime of massive proportion,' say feds
  91. New Jersey Bridge Scandal
  92. George Zimmerman Painting Fetches $100k
  93. Help wanted: Need domestic industrial spies in US, must take payment in Renminbi.
  94. Breaking News!!! Obama not the Messiah. Sorry.
  95. Barriers to US embassy removed after Indian diplomat arrested
  96. MSNBC: Obama "First Gay President"
  97. Hey Why not? DUCK DYNASTY FIASCO. I hear Westboro Baptist Church has an opening.
  98. Accountability for Killer Robots
  99. Maligning Social Conservatives
  100. Are you fucking kidding me?
  101. Walters pushing a politican agenda?
  102. Study says we must raise minimum wage
  103. 9/11 Families Can Sue Saudi Arabia, Judge Rules
  104. Presidential Press Conference
  105. Post your Obama Selfies here!
  106. While you were sleeping...
  107. Iceland to Bulldoze Elf Habitat
  108. 3 of 4 SEALs injured in S. Sudan to be transferred to hospital in Germany
  109. Merry Christmas!
  110. Holiday Safety
  111. Free Kindle Book
  112. Guy Describes Why He Fled Libertarianism
  113. Charts of the Year
  114. Poll on Evolution
  115. Marines Setting Easier Standards for Women
  116. Mocking black children in white families is funny!
  117. What your choice of drink says about your politics.
  118. NSA phone records spying is constitutional, judge says
  119. Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs
  120. O.J. Simpson Begs Obama For Release
  121. Mormon on Hunger Strike to Stop Utah Same Sex Marriages
  122. City Councilman Sworn in Wearing Religious Colander
  123. Government Hiding Info on Extraterrestrials?
  124. Global Warming
  125. Office of the Director of National Intelligence Report on Video Game Snooping
  126. Economics Professor Demonstrates how Back and WB just do not get it
  127. Party affiliation, not policy content, is what matters.
  128. CIA Agent Dennis Rodman Fails in Kim Jong Un assassination attempt
  129. What Is Your State Worst At?
  130. WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results
  131. Professor illustrates how socialism will never work
  132. Anti-Israel Christians?
  133. Climate Change "Controversy"
  134. Bitcoin
  135. This is why we need to ban guns!
  136. Curve Fitting and the Laffer Curve
  137. Romney Documentary
  138. Happy MLK day!
  139. Hannity Is Leaving NY
  140. Staples Ad Goes Way Beyond Political Incorrectness
  141. Wait Times for Voting
  142. Pentagon relaxes rules on religious apparel, facial hair
  143. GRAPH TIME!!!
  144. Trademark Infringement
  145. Oxfam Report on Global Wealth
  146. GOP Cracks Down on 2016 Presidential Primary Calendar
  147. MSNBC interrupts Congresswoman during NSA story to report on Justin Beiber Arrest.
  148. Bridge scandals are so amateur. This is how Chicago gets revenge.
  149. Obama Critics Being Jailed
  150. Obama ordering new chairs for the White House!
  151. Arizona GOP Censures John McCain
  152. GOP Votes to Repeal Tax Evasion Law
  153. Obama just raised the minimum wage on his own
  154. State of the Union 2014
  155. Do Not Mess with Congressman Michael Grimm
  156. Literally
  157. Utah School Collects and Trashes Lunches from Deadbeat Kids
  158. Immigration Reform Will End Boehner's Speakership?
  159. myRA
  160. Shifting Public Opinion on GWOT
  161. Massachusetts GOP to Charge $10k to Candidates in Competitive Races
  162. MSNBC apologizes
  163. Democrats fleeing from Obama
  164. Kansas Move to Stop Google Fiber
  165. Should Boehner Apologize to Steve King?
  166. Keystone Pipeline
  167. Happy Black History Month!
  168. Do You Miss Mayor Bloomberg Yet?
  169. Russian Olympic Toilet Signs
  170. Kronies! Gotta have 'em all
  171. America the Police State
  172. Obamacare will entice millions to work less so they qualify for benefits, analysts sa
  173. NAACP Protests Racist Voter ID Laws
  174. Support for H.R. 3987 - Tax Exemption for Olypmic Medalists
  175. Is This Really Racist?
  176. Rand Paul Campaigns For Women Vote
  177. Those Who Cannot Remember the Past..
  178. Did Marco Rubio Smoke Marijuana?
  179. This is actually racist.
  180. Two Millionth Deportation Coming Soon
  181. Whom Did Boehner Call a Monkey?
  182. Income Inequality and Mediocrity
  183. Obama's new Executive Order Abuse
  184. Federal Court Just Dealt a Major Blow to Anti-Gun Advocates in California
  185. Marco Rubio Says Spanish Speakers Should Get Free College Credit
  186. Ted Cruz Devises a New Litmus Test for the Primaries
  187. BJU Under Attack
  188. Let Parents Opt Out of Evolution Teaching
  189. Will Tin Foil Stop Smurfs?
  190. "Suicides" in the Financial World
  191. Government Monitors from the FCC in newsrooms
  192. West gaining upperhand in Ukraine?
  193. Democrats laugh when asked about ACA at Townhall
  194. Wave of Action 4/4/14: The resurrection of Occupy Wallstreet?
  195. Rubio Calls Obama Art Apology Pathetic
  196. Collecting Political Memorabilia
  197. The Police state continues! Psssh, freedom? What's that?
  198. NIMBY
  199. Hagel's Defense Budget
  200. "...but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here..."
  201. People Are Too Sensitive
  202. Climate Change Report
  203. President Obama's remarks on jobs in American infrastructure, St. Paul, MN
  204. Washington Takes Aim at Violent Video Game Developers
  205. If Your Name Red or Blue?
  206. Anti Illuminati
  207. 1st video of SCOTUS in action
  208. Black guys can't play quarterback
  209. Deficit Shrinks
  210. Russia Just Invaded Ukraine
  211. Damn, what's going on here?
  212. We Need Knife Control
  213. Auction - JFK/RFK/Marilyn homemade video
  214. Issa Cuts Mic, Walks Out!
  215. Republicans Won the Budget War
  216. Marco Rubio's Cuba/Venezuela Speech
  217. The Kindergarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks
  218. A Full Stomach and an Empty Soul
  219. Jindal vs. Move On
  220. Las Vegas Trackers Planned for Republican Convention
  221. Romney Chalet Site of 2016 Comeback Plan?
  222. McConnell Shows Some Backbone
  223. The Problem with Government - Accountability
  224. FBI confirms Hitler escaped to Argentina
  225. Jindal Plays the Yalta Card
  226. The best interview of President Obama...ever.
  227. Galifianakis interviews Obama
  228. 2014 election cycle begins
  229. Malaysian Plane
  230. Next President to Get New Car
  231. Christie Shuts Down Tesla
  232. House to Sue Obama
  233. A Tailspin of Culture
  234. People Don't Believe Either Christie or Clinton
  235. The Ambiguously Gay Senator
  236. California gun parts store refuses to turn over customer list to federal officials
  237. Kindergatner spends day at wrong school
  238. Rand Paul?? Ahead in Poll for 2016 GOP Nomination
  239. The Lightsaber Control Act
  240. Stupid Things MSNBC News People Say
  241. Stupid Things News People Say
  242. Happy Birthday Republican Party
  243. Michelle Obama in China
  244. The Mighty Semi-Colon and Birth Control
  245. Hawaiian Prostitutes
  246. Priest recieves death threats after preaching about 2nd Amend and giving away a AR-15
  247. Weiner!
  248. Friggin' christians
  249. Alaskans Want to Rejoin Russia
  250. Obama Administration Stiffling Job Growth